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Regulations of Beijing Municipality on Mental Health [Effective]
北京市精神卫生条例 [现行有效]
Announcement of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Beijing Municipality
(No. 53)
The Regulations of Beijing Municipality on Mental Health, adopted at the 33rd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th People's Congress of Beijing Municipality on December 8, 2006, is hereby promulgated and shall come into effect on May 1, 2007.
Standing Committee of the 12th Municipal People's Congress of Beijing
December 8, 2006
Regulations of Beijing Municipality on Mental Health
(Adopted at the 33rd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th People's Congress of Beijing Municipality on December 8, 2006)


 目 录
 第一章 总则
 第二章 精神健康促进与精神疾病预防
 第三章 精神疾病的诊断与治疗
 第四章 精神疾病的康复
 第五章 精神疾病患者的权益保障
 第六章 法律责任
 第七章 附则

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, by taking into account the particular situations of this Municipality, for the purpose of strengthening the work on mental health, raising the mental health level of citizens, safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of patients of mental diseases and promoting social harmony and stability.
   第一条 为了加强精神卫生工作,提高公民的精神健康水平,保障精神疾病患者的合法权益,促进社会的和谐稳定,根据有关法律、法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。
Article 2 These Regulations apply to the promotion of mental health and the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of mental diseases and other mental health service as well as related administrative activities within the administrative area of this Municipality.
   第二条 本条例适用于本市行政区域内的精神健康促进和精神疾病的预防、诊断、治疗、康复等精神卫生服务以及相关的行政管理活动。
Article 3 The work on mental health of this Municipality shall follow the principle of territorial jurisdiction and stick to the guidelines of prevention first, combination of prevention with treatment, focused intervention, extensive coverage and administration by law, and a working mechanism featuring government leadership, department cooperation and social participation shall be established.
   第三条 本市精神卫生工作遵循属地管理原则,坚持预防为主、防治结合、重点干预、广泛覆盖、依法管理的方针,建立政府领导、部门合作、社会参与的工作机制。
Article 4 The work on mental health is an important component part in the construction of the public health system of this Municipality and shall be incorporated into the plan for national economic and social development.
This Municipality shall, based on the level of economic and social development and the need of the work on mental health, set up a safeguard system for the funds for the work on mental health, improve the networks of mental health service and push forward the development of mental health undertakings.
   第四条 精神卫生工作是本市公共卫生体系建设的重要组成部分,应当纳入国民经济和社会发展规划。
Article 5 The municipal, district and county people's governments shall organize and direct in a unified manner the work on mental health within their respective administrative areas.
The municipal, district and county administrative departments for public health are the competent departments for the work on mental health, which shall be responsible for organizing the formulation and implementation of plans for the work on mental health and exercising supervision over and administration of the work on mental health.
The administrative departments for civil affairs, public security, finance, personnel, education, development and reform, judicial administration, industry and commerce, and labor and social security, sub-district offices, as well as town and township people's governments, shall bring success to related work on mental health within their respective functions and duties.
Trade unions, communist youth leagues, women's federations, disabled persons' federations, senior citizens' work committees and other social organizations, residents committees and villagers committees shall, according to the provisions of these Regulations, render assistance to bring success to the work on mental health.
   第五条 市和区、县人民政府统一组织领导本行政区域内的精神卫生工作。
Article 6 The lawful rights and interests of patients of mental diseases are protected by law.
It is prohibited to discriminate against and insult patients of mental diseases and their family members; it is also prohibited to maltreat or abandon patients of mental diseases.
   第六条 精神疾病患者的合法权益受法律保护。
Article 7 The lawful rights and interests of mental health professionals are protected by law.
The whole society shall respect and understand mental health professionals. No unit or individual shall interfere in the normal professional activities of mental health institutions and their professionals.
The people's governments at various levels of this Municipality and their departments concerned shall take measures to strengthen the occupational protection of mental health professionals.
   第七条 精神卫生从业人员的合法权益受法律保护。
Article 8 This Municipality encourages units and individuals to care for and help patients of mental diseases and their families and to support the development of the mental health undertakings in various forms including provision of financial support and voluntary service.
This Municipality shall commend or award the units and individuals that have made outstanding contributions in the work on mental health.
   第八条 本市鼓励单位和个人关心、帮助精神疾病患者及其家庭,以提供资助、志愿服务等多种形式支持精神卫生事业的发展。

第二章 精神健康促进与精神疾病预防

Article 9 This Municipality shall set up a mental disease prevention and control system with mental disease prevention and control institutions as the main body, medical institutions as the backbone, communities as the basis and families as the backing. The specific measures shall be otherwise formulated by the municipal administrative department for public health.
   第九条 本市建立以精神疾病预防控制机构为主体、医疗机构为骨干、社区为基础、家庭为依托的精神疾病预防控制体系。具体办法由市卫生行政部门另行制定。
Article 10 This Municipality shall set up a mental disease information reporting system.
The municipal administrative department for public health shall set up a system for classified reporting and administration of mental disease information.
A medical institution shall, in accordance with the requirements laid down by the municipal administrative department for public health for contents, procedures, time limit and manner, report the information about patients diagnosed with mental diseases to the mental disease prevention and control institution in the district or county where it is located, which shall verify the information and report it to the municipal mental disease prevention and control institution.
   第十条 本市建立精神疾病信息报告制度。
Article 11 A district or county mental disease prevention and control institution shall keep records of patients of severe mental diseases and inform relevant community health service institutions, sub-district offices, and town and township people's governments of the information about these patients. Sub-district offices and town and township people's governments shall be kept informed of the information about the patients of severe mental diseases within their respective jurisdictions and shall set up a mechanism for communicating the information about these patients with mental disease prevention and control institutions.
A district or county mental disease prevention and control institution shall pay regular visits to patients of severe mental diseases. A residents committee or villagers committee shall provide assistance in such regular visits and, in light of the state of illness of these patients, provide assistance in their treatment.
   第十一条 区、县精神疾病预防控制机构应当对重性精神疾病患者建立档案,并将重性精神疾病患者信息通报社区卫生服务机构和街道办事处、乡镇人民政府。街道办事处、乡镇人民政府应当及时了解本辖区重性精神疾病患者的情况,并与精神疾病预防控制机构建立患者信息沟通机制。
Article 12 The municipal, district and county people's governments shall include psychological crisis intervention after weighty disasters into the public emergency preparedness plan. The administrative departments for public health shall organize professional training on psychological crisis intervention.
The municipal, district and county people's governments and their departments concerned shall, in the course of coping with weighty disasters, organize and carry out psychological crisis intervention to reduce the incidence rate of mental diseases after weighty disasters.
   第十二条 市和区、县人民政府应当将重大灾害的心理危机干预工作列入突发公共事件的应急预案。卫生行政部门应当组织开展心理危机干预的业务培训。
Article 13 The municipal, district and county administrative departments for public health shall organize and carry out mental health education to popularize the knowledge about mental health, raise the mental health level of citizens and prevent mental diseases.
The municipal, district and county administrative departments for public health shall strengthen on-the-job training of mental health professionals to improve their professional competence and working capacity, strengthen the training and education of non-mental health professionals in medical institutions to improve their ability to identify mental diseases, and provide technical support for the administrative departments for public security, judicial administration, civil affairs and education and relevant social organizations in carrying out training on the knowledge about mental health.
   第十三条 市和区、县卫生行政部门应当组织开展精神健康教育工作,普及精神卫生知识,提高公民的精神健康水平,预防精神疾病的发生。
Article 14 The administrative departments for education and public health shall carry out training on the knowledge about mental health among teachers to improve their ability to promote the mental health of students. The schools shall provide necessary conditions for teachers to receive the training on the knowledge about mental health.
The schools shall include mental health education in their teaching plans and, in light of the characteristics of students in different ages, carry out mental health education, consultation and tutorship to create a studying environment favorable for students' mental health and to promote students' physical and psychological health. Higher education institutions and middle and primary schools where conditions permit shall be manned with professionals to provide psychological consultation service for students.
   第十四条 教育、卫生行政部门应当对教师进行精神卫生知识培训,提高其促进学生精神健康的能力。学校应当为教师接受精神卫生知识培训提供必要条件。
Article 15 The departments for public security and judicial administration shall create conditions to strengthen training on the knowledge about mental health among supervisory staff in detention centers, rehabilitation-through-labor centers and prisons.
Detention centers, rehabilitation-through-labor centers and prisons shall strengthen publicity of and education on the knowledge about mental health among those who are under supervision and control and, in light of different types of such persons, provide psychological consultation service for them.
   第十五条 公安、司法行政等部门应当创造条件,加强对看守所、劳动教养场所、监狱内监管工作人员精神卫生知识的培训。
Article 16 The administrative departments for science and technology shall strengthen financial input and encourage and support scientific research institutes, higher education institutions, and medical and health institutions to carry out basic research and clinical research on mental health and improve the scientific and technological level of the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of mental diseases.
   第十六条 科技行政部门应当加强经费投入,鼓励和支持科研院所、高等学校和医疗卫生机构开展精神卫生的基础研究和临床研究,提高精神疾病预防、诊断、治疗和康复的科学技术水平。
Article 17 Sub-district offices and town and township people's governments shall publicize the knowledge about mental health and guide residents committees and villagers committees in organizing healthy and beneficial activities to create a living environment favorable for the physical and psychological health of the people.
   第十七条 街道办事处、乡镇人民政府应当宣传精神卫生知识,指导居民委员会、村民委员会组织居民开展健康有益的活动,营造有利于居民身心健康的生活环境。

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