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Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Issues Concerning Applicable Laws to the Trial of Patent Controversies [Revised]
最高人民法院关于审理专利纠纷案件适用法律问题的若干规定 [已被修订]
Announcement of the Supreme People's Court
Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Issues Concerning Applicable Laws to the Trial of Patent Controversies has been adopted at the 1180th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on June 19, 2001, and is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of July 1, 2001.

June 22, 2001
Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Issues Concerning Applicable Laws to the Trial of Patent Controversies
[Adopted at the 1180th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on June 19, 2001 No.21 (2001) Judicial Interpretation]
With a view to trying patent controversies correctly, the following provisions are formulated according to the provisions of General Principles of Civil Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as General Principles of Civil Law), Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Patent Law), Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and of other laws:



(2001年6月19日最高人民法院审判委员会 第1180次会议通过 法释〔2001〕21号)
Article 1 The people's courts shall accept the following patent controversies:
   第一条 人民法院受理下列专利纠纷案件:
1. controversies over the right to apply for a patent;
2. controversies over the ownership of patent right;
3. controversies over the contract for assignment of patent right and of the right to apply for a patent;
4. controversies over infringement of patent right;
5. controversies over counterfeiting the patent of others;
6. controversies over the exploiting fees after the application for the patent for invention is promulgated and before the patent right is granted;
7. controversies over the award, remuneration for the inventor, designer of job-related inventions-creations;
8. controversies over application for stopping an infringement or for property reservation before the action begins;
9. controversies over the qualification of the investor and the designer;
10. cases of protest against the decision of the patent reexamination board to sustain the decision about rejecting the application for a review;
11. cases of protest against the decision of the patent reexamination board on the request for the declaration of invalidation of the patent right;
12. cases of protest against the decision of the administrative department of patent under the State Council to enforce the compulsory permission;
13. cases of protest against the ruling of the administrative department of patent under the State Council to enforce the exploiting fee of a compulsory permission;
14. cases of protest against the decision of administrative review of the administrative department of patent under the State Council;
15. cases of protest against the administrative decision of the departments in charge of patent; and
16. other patent controversies.
Article 2 The first instance case of patent controversy shall be under the jurisdiction of the intermediate people's courts of the places where the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government are located, and of the intermediate people's courts appointed by the Supreme People's Court.
   第二条 专利纠纷第一审案件,由各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府所在地的中级人民法院和最高人民法院指定的中级人民法院管辖。
Article 3. Where any party concerned refuses to accept the decision of review on the request for the cancellation of the patent right for utility model or design, made by the patent reexamination board after July 1, 2001, and files an action to the people's court, the people's court shall not accept such action.
   第三条 当事人对专利复审委员会于2001年7月1日以后作出的关于实用新型、外观设计专利权撤销请求复审决定不服向人民法院起诉的,人民法院不予受理。
Article 4 Where any party concerned refuses to accept the decision of review on sustaining the rejection of application for the patent for utility model or design, made by the patent reexamination board after July 1, 2001, or any party concerned refuses to accept the decision on the request for the declaration of invalidation of the patent for utility model or design, and files an action to the people's court, the people's court shall accept such action.
   第四条 当事人对专利复审委员会于2001年7月1日以后作出的关于维持驳回实用新型、外观设计专利申请的复审决定,或者关于实用新型、外观设计专利权无效宣告请求的决定不服向人民法院起诉的,人民法院应当受理。
Article 5 An action filed because of the infringement of patent right shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court of the place where the infringing act is committed or of the place of domicile of the defendant.
The place of an infringing act shall include the place where any of the following acts is committed: the act of manufacturing, using, promising to sell, selling or importing the products that are under the accusation of having infringed upon the patent right for invention or utility model; the act of using the patented process, and the act of using, promising to sell, selling or importing the products that are directly obtained on the basis of that process; the act of manufacturing, selling, importing the products of patented design; the act of counterfeiting the patent of others. And the place where the result of any of the infringing act mentioned above took place shall also be included.
   第五条 因侵犯专利权行为提起的诉讼,由侵权行为地或者被告住所地人民法院管辖。
Article 6 Where the plaintiff files an action only against the manufacturer of the infringing products and not against the seller, and the place of manufacturing of the infringing products is not the same one as the place of selling, the people's court of the place of manufacturing shall have the jurisdiction; where the manufacturer and the seller are sued as the joint defendants, the people's court of the place of selling shall have the jurisdiction.
Where the seller is the subsidiary agency of the manufacturer, and the plaintiff files the action at the place of selling against the acts of manufacturing and selling of the manufacturer of the infringing products, the people's court of the place of selling shall have the jurisdiction.
   第六条 原告仅对侵权产品制造者提起诉讼,未起诉销售者,侵权产品制造地与销售地不一致的,制造地人民法院有管辖权;以制造者与销售者为共同被告起诉的,销售地人民法院有管辖权。
Article 7 For any infringement action filed by the plaintiff according to the patent application submitted before Jan. 1, 1993 and according to the patent right for process invention granted based on that application, the jurisdiction shall be determined by referring to the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of these Provisions.
The people's court shall, according to law, apply the provisions that the patent right for process invention shall not extend to the products during the trial on merits of the cases mentioned in the above paragraph.
   第七条 原告根据1993年1月1日以前提出的专利申请和根据该申请授予的方法发明专利权提起的侵权诉讼,参照本规定第五条、第六条的规定确定管辖。
Article 8 The plaintiff who files an action of the infringement of the patent right for utility model shall, when filing the action, provide the searching report made by the administrative department of patent under the State Council.
   第八条 提起侵犯实用新型专利权诉讼的原告,应当在起诉时出具由国务院专利行政部门作出的检索报告。

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