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Outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要 [现行有效]


(Approved by the 4th session of the 12th National People's Congress on March 16, 2016) (2016年3月16日第十二届全国人民代表大会第四次会议批准)

Chapter 1 The Development Environment 第一章 发展环境
Chapter 2 The Guiding Thinking 第二章 指导思想
Chapter 3 Major Objectives 第三章 主要目标
Chapter 4 The Development Philosophy 第四章 发展理念
Chapter 5 The Main Thread of Development 第五章 发展主线
Chapter 6 Ensure Innovation in Science and Technology Takes a Leading Role 第六章 强化科技创新引领作用
Chapter 7 Encourage Public Startups and Innovations 第七章 深入推进大众创业万众创新
Chapter 8 Establish Innovation Promoting Institutions and Mechanisms 第八章 构建激励创新的体制机制
Chapter 9 Prioritize Human Resource Development 第九章 实施人才优先发展战略

第三篇 构建发展新体制


Chapter 10 Open Up New Space for Drivers of Development 第十章 拓展发展动力新空间

Chapter 11 Uphold and Improve China's Basic Economic System 第十一章 坚持和完善基本经济制度

Chapter 12 Establish a Modern Property Rights System 第十二章 建立现代产权制度
Chapter 13 Improve the Modern Market System 第十三章 健全现代市场体系
Chapter 14 Deepen Reform of the Administrative System 第十四章 深化行政管理体制改革
Chapter 15 Accelerate Reform of the Fiscal and Tax Systems 第十五章 加快财税体制改革
Chapter 16 Accelerate Financial Reform 第十六章 加快金融体制改革
Chapter 17 Innovate and Improve Macroeconomic Regulation 第十七章 创新和完善宏观调控
Chapter 18 Strengthen Capacity for Ensuring Safety of Agricultural Products 第十八章 增强农产品安全保障能力
Chapter 19 Establish a Modern Agricultural Operations System 第十九章 构建现代农业经营体系
Chapter 20 Improve Technology and Equipment and Increase Information Technology Application in Agriculture 第二十章 提高农业技术装备和信息化水平
Chapter 21 Improve Systems for Providing Support and Protection for Agriculture 第二十一章 完善农业支持保护制度
Chapter 22 Develop China into a Manufacturing Powerhouse 第二十二章 实施制造强国战略
Chapter 23 Develop Strategic Emerging Industries 第二十三章 支持战略性新兴产业发展
Chapter 24 Increase Quality and Efficiency within the Service Sector 第二十四章 加快推动服务业优质高效发展
Chapter 25 Build Ubiquitous, Efficient Information Networks 第二十五章 构建泛在高效的信息网络
Chapter 26 Develop Modern Internet Industries 第二十六章 发展现代互联网产业体系
Chapter 27 Implement the National Big Data Strategy 第二十七章 实施国家大数据战略
Chapter 28 Strengthen Information Security 第二十八章 强化信息安全保障
Chapter 29 Develop Better Modern Comprehensive Transportation Systems 第二十九章 完善现代综合交通运输体系
Chapter 30 Build a Modern Energy System 第三十章 建设现代能源体系
Chapter 31 Strengthen Water Security 第三十一章 强化水安全保障
Chapter 32 Promote Urban Residency for People with Rural Household Registration Living in Urban Areas 第三十二章 加快农业转移人口市民化
Chapter 33 Improve the Distribution and Layout of Urban Areas 第三十三章 优化城镇化布局和形态
Chapter 34 Develop Harmonious and Pleasant Cities 第三十四章 建设和谐宜居城市
Chapter 35 Improve the Housing Supply System 第三十五章 健全住房供应体系
Chapter 36 Promote Coordinated Urban and Rural Development 第三十六章 推动城乡协调发展
Chapter 37 Implement the Master Strategy for Regional Development 第三十七章 深入实施区域发展总体战略
Chapter 38 Promote the Integration of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei 第三十八章 推动京津冀协同发展
Chapter 39 Develop the Yangtze Economic Belt 第三十九章 推进长江经济带发展
Chapter 40 Support the Development of Special Regions 第四十章 扶持特殊类型地区发展
Chapter 41 Widen Space for the Blue Economy 第四十一章 拓展蓝色经济空间
Chapter 42 Accelerate the Development of Functional Zones 第四十二章 加快建设主体功能区
Chapter 43 Promote Economical and Intensive Resource Use 第四十三章 推进资源节约集约利用
Chapter 44 Step Up Comprehensive Environmental Governance 第四十四章 加大环境综合治理力度
Chapter 45 Intensify Ecological Conservation and Restoration 第四十五章 加强生态保护修复
Chapter 46 Respond to Global Climate Change 第四十六章 积极应对全球气候变化
Chapter 47 Improve Mechanisms for Ensuring Ecological Security 第四十七章 健全生态安全保障机制
Chapter 48 Develop Green and Environmentally Friendly Industries 第四十八章 发展绿色环保产业
Chapter 49 Improve the Strategy for Opening Up 第四十九章 完善对外开放战略布局
Chapter 50 Improve the New System of Opening Up 第五十章 健全对外开放新体制
Chapter 51 Move Forward with the Belt and Road Initiative 第五十一章 推进“一带一路”建设
Chapter 52 Participate in Global Economic Governance 第五十二章 积极参与全球经济治理
Chapter 53 Assume International Responsibilities and Obligations 第五十三章 积极承担国际责任和义务
Chapter 54 Support Long-Term Prosperity, Stability, and Development in Hong Kong and Macao 第五十四章 支持香港澳门长期繁荣稳定发展
Chapter 55 Promote Peaceful Cross-Straits Relations and China's Reunification 第五十五章 推进两岸关系和平发展和祖国统一进程
Chapter 56 Take Targeted Poverty Reduction Measures 第五十六章 推进精准扶贫精准脱贫
Chapter 57 Support Accelerated Development of Poor Areas 第五十七章 支持贫困地区加快发展
Chapter 58 Improve Poverty Reduction Systems 第五十八章 完善脱贫攻坚支撑体系
Chapter 59 Modernize Education 第五十九章 推进教育现代化
Chapter 60 Promote a Healthy China 第六十章 推进健康中国建设
Chapter 61 Provide More Public Services 第六十一章 增加公共服务供给
Chapter 62 Give High Priority to Employment 第六十二章 实施就业优先战略
Chapter 63 Bridge the Income Gap 第六十三章 缩小收入差距
Chapter 64 Carry Out Social Security Reform 第六十四章 改革完善社会保障制度
Chapter 65 Respond to Population Aging 第六十五章 积极应对人口老龄化
Chapter 66 Safeguard the Basic Rights and Interests of Women, Minors, and Persons with Disabilities 第六十六章 保障妇女未成年人和残疾人基本权益
Chapter 67 Strengthen Civic Development 第六十七章 提升国民文明素质
Chapter 68 Provide More Cultural Products and Services 第六十八章 丰富文化产品和服务
Chapter 69 Further Open Up the Cultural Sector 第六十九章 提高文化开放水平
Chapter 70 Improve the Social Governance System 第七十章 完善社会治理体系
Chapter 71 Improve the Social Credibility System 第七十一章 完善社会信用体系
Chapter 72 Improve Public Security Systems 第七十二章 健全公共安全体系
Chapter 73 Develop the National Security System 第七十三章 建立国家安全体系
Chapter 74 Develop Socialist Democracy 第七十四章 发展社会主义民主政治
Chapter 75 Build a Rule of Law China 第七十五章 全面推进法治中国建设
Chapter 76 Strengthen Party Conduct, Government Integrity, and the Fight against Corruption 第七十六章 加强党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争
Chapter 77 Pursue Comprehensive Development of Defense and the Armed Forces 第七十七章 全面推进国防和军队建设
Chapter 78 Integrate Military and Civilian Development 第七十八章 推进军民深度融合发展
Chapter 79 Make Use of the Party's Role as the Core Leadership 第七十九章 发挥党的领导核心作用
Chapter 80 Ensure that Everyone Works Together on Implementation 第八十章 形成规划实施合力
Formulated on the basis of the Recommendations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) for the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China (2016–2020), the 13th Five-Year Plan sets forth China's strategic intentions and defines its major objectives, tasks, and measures for economic and social development. This plan is to serve as a guide to action for market entities, an important basis for government in performing its duties, and a common vision to be shared among the people of China. 中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年(2016-2020年)规划纲要,根据《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》编制,主要阐明国家战略意图,明确经济社会发展宏伟目标、主要任务和重大举措,是市场主体的行为导向,是政府履行职责的重要依据,是全国各族人民的共同愿景。

第一篇 指导思想、主要目标和发展理念

The period covered by the 13th Five-Year Plan will be decisive for finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We must implement the strategic plans and policies of the CPC Central Committee, achieve an accurate understanding of profound changes in domestic and international environments and circumstances faced by China in its development efforts, proactively adapt to, understand, and guide the new normal in economic development, and comprehensively advance innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development so as to ensure that a moderately prosperous society is established in all respects. “十三五”时期是全面建成小康社会决胜阶段。必须认真贯彻党中央战略决策和部署,准确把握国内外发展环境和条件的深刻变化,积极适应把握引领经济发展新常态,全面推进创新发展、协调发展、绿色发展、开放发展、共享发展,确保全面建成小康社会。
Chapter 1 The Development Environment 

第一章 发展环境

The period covered by the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011–2015) was an extraordinary time for China's development. In the face of a complex international environment and challenging domestic tasks related to carrying out reform, pursuing development, and ensuring stability, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council united with and led the people of China in exerting themselves and pushing forward with a pioneering spirit. As a result, significant economic and social achievements were made, and the main tasks and targets set out in the 12th Five-Year Plan were fulfilled. “十二五”时期是我国发展很不平凡的五年。面对错综复杂的国际环境和艰巨繁重的国内改革发展稳定任务,党中央、国务院团结带领全国各族人民顽强拼搏、开拓创新,经济社会发展取得显著成就,胜利完成“十二五”规划确定的主要目标和任务。
Responding proactively to the aftermath of the global financial crisis and other major risks and challenges, and working to adapt to the new normal in economic development, we continued to improve and develop new methods of macroeconomic regulation, and helped bring about an improved economic structure, a shift in the drivers of growth, and faster transformation of the growth model. China's economy sustained rapid growth, enabling the country to comfortably maintain its position as the world's second-largest economy and increase its per capita gross domestic product (GDP) to 49,351 yuan (US$7,924) in 2015. Major progress was achieved in economic structural adjustment. Agriculture grew steadily. The value-added of the tertiary industry accounted for a larger share of GDP than that of the secondary industry. Consumer spending continued to rise. Disparity between rural and urban areas and between regions has been narrowing. By 2015 permanent urban residents accounted for 56.1% of the total population. Infrastructure improved markedly in all respects. The development of high-tech industries and strategic emerging industries picked up speed. A number of world-class advances were achieved in science and technology. The public service system has been basically established and coverage has continued to expand. Education levels rose remarkably. Public health saw a noticeable improvement. Job creation was sustained. The number of people affected by poverty was reduced by a significant margin. Standards of living and quality of life continued to improve. Further progress has been made in ecological improvement. Functional zoning has been gradually refined, major pollutant emissions have been continuously reduced, and energy conservation and environmental protection have been significantly strengthened. Great energy has been channeled into deepening every area of reform. The economic system has continued to improve, people's democracy has continued to expand, and China has embarked on a new leg of the journey toward more law-based governance. Significant progress has been achieved in China's all-around diplomacy, and the country's international standing has seen a notable improvement. As China opens wider to the rest of the world, it has become the world's largest trader in goods and a major outward investor. The RMB has been included in the IMF's Special Drawing Rights basket. The Chinese Dream of the rejuvenation of the nation and the core socialist values have gained a firm place in people's hearts. China's soft power has continued to become stronger. Notable achievements have been made in military reform with Chinese characteristics, and new steps have been taken to strengthen and revitalize the armed forces. A new phase has begun in the all-around strengthening of Party self-governance, and significant headway has been made in improving Party conduct and building a clean government. New heights have been reached in China's economic strength, scientific and technological capabilities, defense capabilities, and international influence. 积极应对国际金融危机持续影响等一系列重大风险挑战,适应经济发展新常态,不断创新和完善宏观调控,推动形成经济结构优化、发展动力转换、发展方式转变加快的良好态势。经济保持持续较快发展,经济总量稳居世界第二位,人均国内生产总值增至49351元(折合7924美元)。经济结构调整取得重大进展,农业稳定增长,第三产业增加值占国内生产总值比重超过第二产业,居民消费率不断提高,城乡区域差距趋于缩小,常住人口城镇化率达到56.1%,基础设施水平全面跃升,高技术产业、战略性新兴产业加快发展,一批重大科技成果达到世界先进水平。公共服务体系基本建立、覆盖面持续扩大,教育水平明显提升,全民健康状况明显改善,新增就业持续增加,贫困人口大幅减少,人民生活水平和质量进一步提高。生态文明建设取得新进展,主体功能区制度逐步健全,主要污染物排放持续减少,节能环保水平明显提升。全面深化改革有力推进,经济体制继续完善,人民民主不断扩大,依法治国开启新征程。全方位外交取得重大进展,国际地位显著提高,对外开放不断深入,成为全球第一货物贸易大国和主要对外投资大国,人民币纳入国际货币基金组织特别提款权货币篮子。中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦和社会主义核心价值观深入人心,国家文化软实力不断增强。中国特色军事变革成就显著,强军兴军迈出新步伐。全面从严治党开创新局面,党风廉政建设成效显著。我国经济实力、科技实力、国防实力、国际影响力又上了一个大台阶。
Of particular importance, since the 18th National Party Congress, the Central Committee headed by General Secretary Xi Jinping has remained firmly committed to upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, has been bold in putting ideas into practice and adept at making innovations, and has developed a deeper understanding of the laws related to Communist Party governance and the development of socialism and human society. In so doing, it has developed new concepts and strategies for the governance of China, which will serve as theoretical guidance and a guide to action as we deepen reform and opening up and accelerate socialist modernization under the new historical conditions. 尤为重要的是,党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央毫不动摇坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,勇于实践、善于创新,深化对共产党执政规律、社会主义建设规律、人类社会发展规律的认识,形成一系列治国理政新理念新思想新战略,为在新的历史条件下深化改革开放、加快推进社会主义现代化提供了科学理论指导和行动指南。

The period covered by the 13th Five-Year Plan will present even more complex domestic and international environments for China's development.On the international front, peace and development remain the main themes of our times. Global multipolarization, economic globalization, cultural diversification, and the development of information societies are all deepening trends. The shocks of the global financial crisis and its profound impact will continue to be felt for a considerable time to come, and the world economy is experiencing anemic growth and zigzag recovery in the midst of extensive adjustments. The growth prospects and macro policy orientations of the major economies are mixed, financial markets around the world are unstable, commodity prices are fluctuating significantly, global trade has been sluggish, trade protectionism is gaining ground, and emerging economies are confronted by much greater risks and difficulties. New revolutions are almost upon us in technology and industry, and major adjustments are taking place in the international energy landscape. The global governance system is undergoing far-reaching changes. Developing countries are continuing to gain collective strength, gradually evening out the global balance of power. International investment and trade rules are undergoing restructuring at a faster pace, and the multilateral trading system is facing the challenge of regional high- standard free trade regimes. Geopolitical competition is growing fiercer in some regions, traditional and non-traditional security threats have become intertwined, and international relations are more complicated than ever. With factors causing instability and uncertainty in China's external environment growing markedly, greater risks and challenges will be faced in our country's development. “十三五”时期,国内外发展环境更加错综复杂。从国际看,和平与发展的时代主题没有变,世界多极化、经济全球化、文化多样化、社会信息化深入发展。国际金融危机冲击和深层次影响在相当长时期依然存在,世界经济在深度调整中曲折复苏、增长乏力。主要经济体走势和宏观政策取向分化,金融市场动荡不稳,大宗商品价格大幅波动,全球贸易持续低迷,贸易保护主义强化,新兴经济体困难和风险明显加大。新一轮科技革命和产业变革蓄势待发,国际能源格局发生重大调整。全球治理体系深刻变革,发展中国家群体力量继续增强,国际力量对比逐步趋向平衡,国际投资贸易规则体系加快重构,多边贸易体制受到区域性高标准自由贸易体制挑战。局部地区地缘博弈更加激烈,传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁交织,国际关系复杂程度前所未有。外部环境不稳定不确定因素明显增多,我国发展面临的风险挑战加大。
On the domestic front, the fundamentals for long-term economic growth have not changed, and economic development prospects are as broad as ever. However, the need has become more pressing to improve the quality and efficiency of growth and transform and upgrade the economy. As the economy is experiencing a new normal of growth, there is a clearer trend toward a more advanced form of growth, improved divisions of labor, and a more rational structure. With the structure of consumption being more rapidly upgraded, broad market space, a strong material foundation, a complete industrial structure, an ample supply of funds, and abundant human capital, along with the cumulative effects of innovation that are beginning to show, our overall strengths are still notable. A new style of industrialization, information technology adoption, urbanization, and agricultural modernization are experiencing deeper development, new drivers of growth are in the making, and new areas, poles, and belts of growth are becoming stronger. All-around efforts to deepen reform and make progress in the law-based governance of the country are unleashing new dynamism and bringing new vitality. At the same time, we must be soberly aware that China's development model is inefficient; uneven, uncoordinated, and unsustainable development continues to be a prominent problem; the change of pace in economic growth, structural adjustments, and the transformation of the drivers of growth present interwoven problems; and we face a host of challenges, such as ensuring steady growth, carrying out structural adjustments, guarding against risks, and bringing benefit to the people. Weak effective demand exists alongside insufficient effective supply; structural problems are becoming more evident; traditional comparative strengths are growing less effective; the capacity for innovation is not strong enough; downward pressure on the economy is growing; imbalances between government revenue and expenditures have become more marked, and latent risks are mounting in the financial sector. The foundations of agriculture are still weak, overcapacity is a serious problem in certain sectors, commodity housing inventory is high, corporate profits are sliding, and debt continues to grow. Development is uneven between rural and urban areas and between regions, spatial development is inefficient, resource constraints grow increasingly tight, and the continuing trend toward further ecological and environmental degradation is yet to be fundamentally reversed. The provision of basic public services remains inadequate, income gaps are wide, population aging is accelerating, and the task of eradicating poverty is formidable. Major workplace accidents occur frequently, factors that affect social stability are growing, there is room for improvement in the overall caliber of the population and the level of civility in society, the level of rule of law has yet to be raised, and it is becoming tougher to ensure social harmony and stability. 从国内看,经济长期向好的基本面没有改变,发展前景依然广阔,但提质增效、转型升级的要求更加紧迫。经济发展进入新常态,向形态更高级、分工更优化、结构更合理阶段演化的趋势更加明显。消费升级加快,市场空间广阔,物质基础雄厚,产业体系完备,资金供给充裕,人力资本丰富,创新累积效应正在显现,综合优势依然显著。新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化深入发展,新的增长动力正在孕育形成,新的增长点、增长极、增长带不断成长壮大。全面深化改革和全面推进依法治国正释放新的动力、激发新的活力。同时,必须清醒认识到,发展方式粗放,不平衡、不协调、不可持续问题仍然突出,经济增速换挡、结构调整阵痛、动能转换困难相互交织,面临稳增长、调结构、防风险、惠民生等多重挑战。有效需求乏力和有效供给不足并存,结构性矛盾更加凸显,传统比较优势减弱,创新能力不强,经济下行压力加大,财政收支矛盾更加突出,金融风险隐患增大。农业基础依然薄弱,部分行业产能过剩严重,商品房库存过高,企业效益下滑,债务水平持续上升。城乡区域发展不平衡,空间开发粗放低效,资源约束趋紧,生态环境恶化趋势尚未得到根本扭转。基本公共服务供给仍然不足,收入差距较大,人口老龄化加快,消除贫困任务艰巨。重大安全事故频发,影响社会稳定因素增多,国民文明素质和社会文明程度有待提高,法治建设有待加强,维护社会和谐稳定难度加大。
All things considered, it becomes evident that China remains in an important period of strategic opportunity for achieving significant development, while it also faces grave challenges posed by multiple problems and increasing risks and dangers. In response, we will develop a proper understanding of the deep changes in the implications of and conditions presented by this period. We will become more mindful of the difficulties ahead, develop a stronger sense of responsibility, and prepare ourselves for worst-case scenarios. We will respect both objective laws and China's national context, and work proactively to adapt to, understand, and guide the new normal. We will follow the principles of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics, release and develop productive forces, continue in the direction of reform to develop the socialist market economy, mobilize the initiative of all sides, develop a firmer sense of confidence, face difficulties head-on, and continue to focus our strength on running our own affairs well. We will strive to make breakthroughs in making structural improvements, bolstering the drivers of growth, tackling problems, and strengthening areas of weakness; transform the growth model; improve the quality and efficiency of development; take care to avoid falling into the middle income trap; and constantly open up new horizons for development. 综合判断,我国发展仍处于可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期,也面临诸多矛盾叠加、风险隐患增多的严峻挑战。必须准确把握战略机遇期内涵和条件的深刻变化,增强忧患意识、责任意识,强化底线思维,尊重规律与国情,积极适应把握引领新常态,坚持中国特色社会主义政治经济学的重要原则,坚持解放和发展社会生产力、坚持社会主义市场经济改革方向、坚持调动各方面积极性,坚定信心,迎难而上,继续集中力量办好自己的事情,着力在优化结构、增强动力、化解矛盾、补齐短板上取得突破,切实转变发展方式,提高发展质量和效益,努力跨越“中等收入陷阱”,不断开拓发展新境界。
Chapter 2 The Guiding Thinking 

第二章 指导思想

We will hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics; fully implement the guiding principles from the CPC's 18th National Congress, and from the third, fourth, and fifth plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee; follow the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development; and put into practice the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping's major addresses. We will remain dedicated to the strategy of finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, deepening all areas of reform, fully advancing the law-based governance of China, and strengthening every element of Party self-governance; continue to give top priority to development; and embrace and put into effect the philosophy of innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development. We will make it our central task to improve the quality and efficiency of development and make supply-side structural reform the main thread of our work. We will expand effective supply and meet effective demand, and move faster to create systems, mechanisms, and growth models that can guide the new normal in economic development. We will maintain strategic focus, seek progress while working to keep performance stable, and coordinate efforts to achieve economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress and make headway in Party building so as to ensure the completion of the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects within the set time frame, and to put in place firmer foundations for achieving the second of the Two Centenary Goals1 and the Chinese Dream of rejuvenating the nation. 高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,全面贯彻党的十八大和十八届三中、四中、五中全会精神,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,坚持全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党的战略布局,坚持发展是第一要务,牢固树立和贯彻落实创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,以提高发展质量和效益为中心,以供给侧结构性改革为主线,扩大有效供给,满足有效需求,加快形成引领经济发展新常态的体制机制和发展方式,保持战略定力,坚持稳中求进,统筹推进经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设和党的建设,确保如期全面建成小康社会,为实现第二个百年奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦奠定更加坚实的基础。
To that end, we must honor the following principles: 必须遵循以下原则:
--Uphold the principal position of the people. The people are the basic force behind development, and realizing, safeguarding, and developing the fundamental interests of the largest possible majority of people is the fundamental purpose of development. We must remain dedicated to a people- centered notion of development, make improving wellbeing and promoting people's well-rounded development the starting point and ultimate goal of development, develop people's democracy, safeguard social equity and justice, protect people's rights to equal participation and equal development, and give full rein to their enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity. --坚持人民主体地位。人民是推动发展的根本力量,实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民根本利益是发展的根本目的。必须坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,把增进人民福祉、促进人的全面发展作为发展的出发点和落脚点,发展人民民主,维护社会公平正义,保障人民平等参与、平等发展权利,充分调动人民积极性、主动性、创造性。
--Remain committed to an appropriate development approach. Development is of paramount importance but must be carried out in an appropriate way. China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time to come; the basic national context and main social problems also remain unchanged. This must be kept in mind when planning for development. We need to continue to treat economic development as central, remain cognizant of the realities of China's situation, grasp any new characteristics of development, step up structural reform, and speed up transformation of the growth model to achieve higher quality, more efficient, more equitable, and more sustainable development. --坚持科学发展。发展是硬道理,发展必须是科学发展。我国仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,基本国情和社会主要矛盾没有变,这是谋划发展的基本依据。必须坚持以经济建设为中心,从实际出发,把握发展新特征,加大结构性改革力度,加快转变经济发展方式,实现更高质量、更有效率、更加公平、更可持续的发展。
--Continue to deepen reform. Reform is a powerful force for development. In line with the chief objectives of improving and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernizing the country's governance system and capacity for governance, we need to improve the systems by which the market plays the decisive role in resource allocation and the government plays a more effective role. Placing particular emphasis on economic structural reform, we need to work more quickly to improve institutions and mechanisms in every area and remove all systemic barriers to effective development so as to provide sustained impetus for development. --坚持深化改革。改革是发展的强大动力。必须按照完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的总目标,健全使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用的制度体系,以经济体制改革为重点,加快完善各方面体制机制,破除一切不利于科学发展的体制机制障碍,为发展提供持续动力。
--Maintain commitment to the law-based governance of China. The rule of law is a reliable guarantee for development. We need to maintain our resolve in continuing on the path toward socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics; work faster to establish a Chinese-style socialist rule of law system; build a socialist rule of law country; make progress in ensuring that a well-conceived approach is applied to developing legislation, the law is strictly enforced, justice is administered impartially, and everyone abides by the law; and move more quickly to build a rule of law economy and a rule of law society, bringing economic and social development in line with the rule of law. --坚持依法治国。法治是发展的可靠保障。必须坚定不移走中国特色社会主义法治道路,加快建设中国特色社会主义法治体系,建设社会主义法治国家,推进科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法,加快建设法治经济和法治社会,把经济社会发展纳入法治轨道。
--Keep in mind both the domestic and international situations. All-around opening up is imperative to development. We need to carry out development with the door open. While focusing on domestic issues and making full use of domestic resource-related strengths and market and institutional advantages, we should also keep in mind the connectivity between the domestic and the world economies and respond proactively to changes in the external environment so as to make better use of both domestic and international markets and resources, and ensure benefit and development for all. --坚持统筹国内国际两个大局。全方位对外开放是发展的必然要求。必须坚持打开国门搞建设,既立足国内,充分运用我国资源、市场、制度等优势,又重视国内国际经济联动效应,积极应对外部环境变化,更好利用两个市场、两种资源,推动互利共赢、共同发展。
--Uphold leadership by the CPC. The Party's leadership is the greatest strength of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and provides the fundamental political guarantee for sustained, healthy economic and social development. We need to implement the requirements related to comprehensively strengthening Party self-governance, continuously strengthen the Party's creativity, cohesiveness, and dynamism, and continuously improve its capacity for and performance in governance so as to ensure the best course of navigation for our country's development as it presses ahead through the waves. --坚持党的领导。党的领导是中国特色社会主义制度的最大优势,是实现经济社会持续健康发展的根本政治保证。必须贯彻全面从严治党要求,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力、战斗力,不断提高党的执政能力和执政水平,确保我国发展航船沿着正确航道破浪前进。
Chapter 3 Major Objectives 

第三章 主要目标

In line with the new goals for finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the major objectives for economic and social development for the next five years are as follows: 按照全面建成小康社会新的目标要求,今后五年经济社会发展的主要目标是:
--Maintain a medium-high rate of growth. While working to achieve more balanced, inclusive, and sustainable development, we need to ensure that China's 2010 GDP and per capita personal income double by 2020, that major economic indicators are balanced, and that the quality and efficiency of development is significantly improved. Production will move toward the medium-high end, significant progress will be made in modernizing agriculture, information technology will be further integrated into industrialization, advanced manufacturing and strategic emerging industries will develop more rapidly, new industries and new forms of business will keep growing, and the service sector will come to account for a greater proportion of GDP. --经济保持中高速增长。在提高发展平衡性、包容性、可持续性基础上,到2020年国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番,主要经济指标平衡协调,发展质量和效益明显提高。产业迈向中高端水平,农业现代化进展明显,工业化和信息化融合发展水平进一步提高,先进制造业和战略性新兴产业加快发展,新产业新业态不断成长,服务业比重进一步提高。
--Achieve significant results in innovation-driven development. We will pursue innovation-driven development, ensure that business startups and innovation flourish, and see that total factor productivity is markedly improved. Science and technology will become more deeply embedded in the economy, the ingredients needed for innovation will be allocated to greater effect, major breakthroughs will be made in core technologies in key sectors, and China's capacity for innovation will see an all-around improvement. Fulfillment of these goals will help China become a talent-rich country of innovation. --创新驱动发展成效显著。创新驱动发展战略深入实施,创业创新蓬勃发展,全要素生产率明显提高。科技与经济深度融合,创新要素配置更加高效,重点领域和关键环节核心技术取得重大突破,自主创新能力全面增强,迈进创新型国家和人才强国行列。
--Further coordinate development. The contribution of consumption to economic growth will continue to grow, and investment efficiency and corporate performance will be significantly improved. The quality of urbanization will improve notably, and the proportion of those living in urban areas granted urban residency will increase more quickly. A new pattern of coordinated development among regions will begin to take shape, and the layout of development spaces will be improved. China will continue to be opened up more deeply and broadly to the outside world, and it will also continue to improve its ability to allocate resources globally. We will constantly refine our mix of imports and exports, and will maintain a basic balance in international payments. --发展协调性明显增强。消费对经济增长贡献继续加大,投资效率和企业效率明显上升。城镇化质量明显改善,户籍人口城镇化率加快提高。区域协调发展新格局基本形成,发展空间布局得到优化。对外开放深度广度不断提高,全球配置资源能力进一步增强,进出口结构不断优化,国际收支基本平衡。
--Improve standards of living and quality of life. Public service systems related to employment, education, culture, sports, social security, healthcare, and housing will be improved, with access to basic public services becoming increasingly equitable. Important progress will be made in modernizing education, and the average number of years of education completed by the working-age population will be significantly increased. The economy will operate near full employment, the income gap will be narrowed, and the proportion of middle-income earners will be increased. All rural residents falling below China's current poverty line will be able to lift themselves out of poverty, all poor counties will be able to rid themselves of poverty, and poverty alleviation will be achieved in all regions. --人民生活水平和质量普遍提高。就业、教育、文化体育、社保、医疗、住房等公共服务体系更加健全,基本公共服务均等化水平稳步提高。教育现代化取得重要进展,劳动年龄人口受教育年限明显增加。就业比较充分,收入差距缩小,中等收入人口比重上升。我国现行标准下农村贫困人口实现脱贫,贫困县全部摘帽,解决区域性整体贫困。
--Improve the overall caliber of the population and the level of civility in society.The Chinese Dream and the core socialist values will gain a firmer place in people's hearts. We will broadly advocate patriotism, collectivism, and socialism. People should work to improve themselves, cultivate a sense of virtue, act with honesty, and help each other out. We will work toward a significant improvement in the intellectual, moral, scientific, cultural, and health standards of our citizens. Awareness of the rule of law will continue to be strengthened throughout society. We will build up the basic framework of the public cultural service system, and see that the cultural sector becomes a pillar of the economy. We will continue to expand the influence of Chinese culture. --国民素质和社会文明程度显著提高。中国梦和社会主义核心价值观更加深入人心,爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想广泛弘扬,向上向善、诚信互助的社会风尚更加浓厚,国民思想道德素质、科学文化素质、健康素质明显提高,全社会法治意识不断增强。公共文化服务体系基本建成,文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业。中华文化影响持续扩大。
--Achieve an overal limprovement in the quality of the environment and ecosystems. Our modes of production and ways of life will become more eco- friendly and low-carbon. We will extract and use energy and resources with much greater efficiency. Aggregate energy and water consumption, the total amount of land used for construction, and aggregate carbon emissions will be effectively controlled, and aggregate emissions of major pollutants will be significantly reduced. We will basically complete functional zoning and the building of protective barriers for eco-security. --生态环境质量总体改善。生产方式和生活方式绿色、低碳水平上升。能源资源开发利用效率大幅提高,能源和水资源消耗、建设用地、碳排放总量得到有效控制,主要污染物排放总量大幅减少。主体功能区布局和生态安全屏障基本形成。
--Ensure all institutions become more mature and better established. We will make major progress in modernizing China's governance system and capacity for governance, with frameworks for basic institutions being established in all areas. We will improve people's democracy, basically complete the establishment of a rule of law government, and achieve a marked improvement in the credibility of the judiciary. Human rights will be protected and property rights will be safeguarded. The new systems needed for an open economy will have basically taken shape. We will improve the Chinese-style modern military system and further institutionalize Party building. --各方面制度更加成熟更加定型。国家治理体系和治理能力现代化取得重大进展,各领域基础性制度体系基本形成。人民民主更加健全,法治政府基本建成,司法公信力明显提高。人权得到切实保障,产权得到有效保护。开放型经济新体制基本形成。中国特色现代军事体系更加完善。党的建设制度化水平显著提高。

Chapter 4 The Development Philosophy 

第四章 发展理念

In order to achieve the objectives for the 13th Five-Year Plan period, resolve difficulties encountered during development, and cultivate strengths for further development, we need to firmly establish and put into practice a new philosophy of innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development. 实现发展目标,破解发展难题,厚植发展优势,必须牢固树立和贯彻落实创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念。
Innovation: thep rimary driving force for development. Innovation must be placed at the heart of China's development and advanced in every field, from theory to institutions, science, technology, and culture. Innovation should permeate the work of the Party and the country and become an inherent part of society. 创新是引领发展的第一动力。必须把创新摆在国家发展全局的核心位置,不断推进理论创新、制度创新、科技创新、文化创新等各方面创新,让创新贯穿党和国家一切工作,让创新在全社会蔚然成风。
Coordination: an integral quality of sustained and healthy development.
While keeping firmly in mind the overall strategy for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, we need to properly handle relationships between major areas of development, focusing on advancing coordinated development between rural and urban areas, between different regions, and between economic and social development, and advancing the synchronized development of a new style of industrialization, information technology adoption, urbanization, and agricultural modernization. While increasing China's hard power, we need also to improve its soft power, striving constantly to make development more comprehensive.
Green: both a necessary condition for ensuring lasting development and an important way in which people can work to pursue a better life. We need to uphold the fundamental state policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment as we pursue sustainable development, and keep to a civilized development path that ensures increased levels of production, better living standards, and sound ecosystems. We will move faster to build a resource-conserving, environmentally friendly society and bring about a new model of modernization whereby humankind develops in harmony with nature. We will move forward with building a Beautiful China and make new contributions toward ensuring global eco- security. 绿色是永续发展的必要条件和人民对美好生活追求的重要体现。必须坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,坚持可持续发展,坚定走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路,加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,形成人与自然和谐发展现代化建设新格局,推进美丽中国建设,为全球生态安全作出新贡献。
Opening up: vital for China's prosperity and development. In adapting to China's ever-deepening integration into the world economy, we will pursue a mutually beneficial strategy of opening up, coordinate the role of domestic and foreign demand in stimulating growth, balance imports and exports, stress the importance of both bringing in and going global, and work simultaneously to attract foreign investment, technology, and talent. We will achieve a higher level of openness within our economy, participate actively in global economic governance and the global supply of public goods, seek a greater say in the institutions for global economic governance, and look to build more international communities of interests. 开放是国家繁荣发展的必由之路。必须顺应我国经济深度融入世界经济的趋势,奉行互利共赢的开放战略,坚持内外需协调、进出口平衡、引进来和走出去并重、引资和引技引智并举,发展更高层次的开放型经济,积极参与全球经济治理和公共产品供给,提高我国在全球经济治理中的制度性话语权,构建广泛的利益共同体。
Sharing: the essence of Chinese-style socialism. We must ensure that development is for the people, that it is reliant on the people, and that its fruits are shared by the people. We will improve our institutions to enable the people to have a greater sense of benefit as they contribute to development and share in its fruits, thus strengthening the impetus for development, increasing unity among the people, and helping them move steadily toward common prosperity. 共享是中国特色社会主义的本质要求。必须坚持发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享,作出更有效的制度安排,使全体人民在共建共享发展中有更多获得感,增强发展动力,增进人民团结,朝着共同富裕方向稳步前进。
The pursuit of innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development represents a profound change in China's development effort. This new development philosophy constitutes a joint body of parts internally linked together and an embodiment of our country's thinking, direction, and the focus of its efforts related to development during the 13th Five-Year Plan period and beyond; it must permeate all areas of economic and social development over the coming five years. 坚持创新发展、协调发展、绿色发展、开放发展、共享发展,是关系我国发展全局的一场深刻变革。创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念是具有内在联系的集合体,是“十三五”乃至更长时期我国发展思路、发展方向、发展着力点的集中体现,必须贯穿于“十三五”经济社会发展的各领域各环节。
Chapter 5 The Main Thread of Development 

第五章 发展主线

To put the new development philosophy into practice and adapt to, understand, and guide the new normal in economic development, at the same time as working to achieve an appropriate expansion of aggregate demand, we must also strive to carry out supply-side structural reform so that our supply is able to satisfy the people's ever-growing, constantly upgrading, and increasingly individualized material, cultural, ecological, and environmental needs. We must use reform to push forward with structural adjustment; intensify market-oriented reform in key sectors; make adjustments to distorted policies and institutions; improve the market environment and mechanisms to encourage fair competition and survival of the fittest; do everything possible to boost vitality at the micro level; improve factor allocation; move forward in industrial structural upgrading; expand effective supply and medium- and high-end supply; make the structure of supply more adaptive and flexible; and improve total factor productivity. Aiming at improving the quality and efficiency of the supply system, we must ensure that macro-level policy maintains economic stability, industrial policy is targeted, micro-level policy injects dynamism into the economy, reform policy delivers results, and social policy sees that basic needs are met; address overcapacity, reduce inventory, deleverage, lower costs, and bolster areas of weakness; accelerate the cultivation of new drivers of growth; transform and upgrade traditional comparative strengths; fortify the foundations of the real economy; and improve the overall level of productive forces. 贯彻落实新发展理念、适应把握引领经济发展新常态,必须在适度扩大总需求的同时,着力推进供给侧结构性改革,使供给能力满足广大人民日益增长、不断升级和个性化的物质文化和生态环境需要。必须用改革的办法推进结构调整,加大重点领域关键环节市场化改革力度,调整各类扭曲的政策和制度安排,完善公平竞争、优胜劣汰的市场环境和机制,最大限度激发微观活力,优化要素配置,推动产业结构升级,扩大有效和中高端供给,增强供给结构适应性和灵活性,提高全要素生产率。必须以提高供给体系的质量和效率为目标,实施宏观政策要稳、产业政策要准、微观政策要活、改革政策要实、社会政策要托底的政策支柱,去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板,加快培育新的发展动能,改造提升传统比较优势,夯实实体经济根基,推动社会生产力水平整体改善。

第二篇 实施创新驱动发展战略

With innovation as the basis from which to pursue development, we will give a central role to innovation in science and technology and a supporting role to the development of talent, closely integrating scientific and technological innovation with business startups and innovation by the general public in order to achieve leading-edge development that relies more on innovation as its driver and offers greater incentives for first innovators. 把发展基点放在创新上,以科技创新为核心,以人才发展为支撑,推动科技创新与大众创业万众创新有机结合,塑造更多依靠创新驱动、更多发挥先发优势的引领型发展。
Chapter 6  Ensure Innovation in Science and Technology Takes a Leading Role 

第六章 强化科技创新引领作用

We will see that scientific and technological innovation leads the way in all areas of innovation. We will strengthen basic research, bolster primary innovation, innovation based on the integration of existing technologies, and innovation based on import and assimilation, and improve China's own capacity for innovation, so as to provide an inexhaustible driving force for economic and social development. 发挥科技创新在全面创新中的引领作用,加强基础研究,强化原始创新、集成创新和引进消化吸收再创新,着力增强自主创新能力,为经济社会发展提供持久动力。
Section 1  Breakthroughs in Strategic and Frontier Fields 

第一节 推动战略前沿领域创新突破

Our work will be strategy-driven and frontier-oriented, will support basic research and research on key general-purpose technologies which have a bearing on overall development, and will attach greater importance to primary and disruptive innovation. We will stay focused on our objectives, give high priority to key areas, expedite the implementation of existing national science and technology programs, and launch a number of new science and technology programs. We will move faster to make breakthroughs in core technologies in fields such as next generation information and communications, new energy, new materials, aeronautics and astronautics, biomedicine, and smart manufacturing. We will strengthen the development of strategic high technologies in deep sea, deep Earth, deep space, deep blue (i.e. information technology), and other fields. We will design programs aimed at finding systematic technological solutions to addressing bottlenecks in modern agriculture, urbanization, environmental governance, health care, elderly care, and public services. We will strengthen basic and frontier scientific research on the evolution of the universe, the structure of matter, the origin of life, the brain and cognition, and so on. We will actively propose and take the lead in organizing international Big Science programs and projects and establish cooperative platforms for international innovation. 坚持战略和前沿导向,集中支持事关发展全局的基础研究和共性关键技术研究,更加重视原始创新和颠覆性技术创新。聚焦目标、突出重点,加快实施已有国家重大科技专项,部署启动一批新的重大科技项目。加快突破新一代信息通信、新能源、新材料、航空航天、生物医药、智能制造等领域核心技术。加强深海、深地、深空、深蓝等领域的战略高技术部署。围绕现代农业、城镇化、环境治理、健康养老、公共服务等领域的瓶颈制约,制定系统性技术解决方案。强化宇宙演化、物质结构、生命起源、脑与认知等基础前沿科学研究。积极提出并牵头组织国际大科学计划和大科学工程,建设若干国际创新合作平台。
Section 2  A Better System for Organizing Innovation 

第二节 优化创新组织体系

We will make clear the functions and roles of different types of entities involved in innovation and establish an innovation network that integrates the efforts of government, enterprises, universities, research institutes, and end-users. We will strengthen the position of enterprises as principal entities for innovation as well as the leading role of enterprises in innovation, encourage them to conduct basic and frontier research, implement the 100 Most Innovative Enterprises initiative, develop innovative and internationally competitive enterprises, and support the growth of small and medium high-tech enterprises. We will integrate the development of science and education, encourage institutions of higher learning, vocational colleges, and research institutes to participate fully in the development of a national innovation system, and support high-quality universities and research institutes in building comprehensive, interdisciplinary research teams. When it comes to developing major key programs, we will leverage the strengths of the new system of nationwide support under the market economy. We will put into effect national technological innovation programs, establish industry associations for technological innovation, develop new types of market- oriented research institutes, and give impetus to collaborative innovation across fields and industries. 明确各类创新主体功能定位,构建政产学研用一体的创新网络。强化企业创新主体地位和主导作用,鼓励企业开展基础性前沿性创新研究,深入实施创新企业百强工程,形成一批有国际竞争力的创新型领军企业,支持科技型中小企业发展。推进科教融合发展,促进高等学校、职业院校和科研院所全面参与国家创新体系建设,支持一批高水平大学和科研院所组建跨学科、综合交叉的科研团队。在重大关键项目上发挥市场经济条件下新型举国体制优势。实施国家技术创新工程,构建产业技术创新联盟,发展市场导向的新型研发机构,推动跨领域跨行业协同创新。
Section 3 Infrastructure for Innovation 

第三节 提升创新基础能力

With our sights set on the world's cutting edge of science and technology, we will be guided by China's national objectives and strategic needs in developing top- quality national laboratories. We will work faster to develop national science and technology infrastructure for research on energy, the life sciences, Earth system science and environmental science, materials science, particle physics and nuclear physics, space and astronomy, and engineering technology, and for research in certain interdisciplinary fields of study, and make use of existing advanced facilities to develop comprehensive national science centers. Enterprises, universities, and research institutes will be entrusted with building national technological innovation centers and we will support the development of corporate technology centers. We will give impetus to the open sharing of research infrastructure and innovation resources by institutions of higher learning and research institutes. 瞄准国际科技前沿,以国家目标和战略需求为导向,布局一批高水平国家实验室。加快能源、生命、地球系统与环境、材料、粒子物理和核物理、空间和天文、工程技术等科学领域和部分多学科交叉领域国家重大科技基础设施建设,依托现有先进设施组建综合性国家科学中心。依托企业、高校、科研院所建设一批国家技术创新中心,支持企业技术中心建设。推动高校、科研院所开放科研基础设施和创新资源。
Section 4  Regional Innovation Centers 

第四节 打造区域创新高地

We will guide the flow and grouping together of innovative factors and create trans-regional innovation networks. We will use major cities with strong concentrations of institutions of higher learning and research institutes, national innovation demonstration areas, and national high- tech industry development parks to develop innovative provinces, cities, and regional innovation centers that can greatly facilitate the development of their surrounding areas. Systematic steps will be taken to carry out pilot reforms for comprehensive innovation. We will support Beijing and Shanghai in developing internationally influential centers of scientific and technological innovation. 引导创新要素聚集流动,构建跨区域创新网络。充分发挥高校和科研院所密集的中心城市、国家自主创新示范区、国家高新技术产业开发区作用,形成一批带动力强的创新型省份、城市和区域创新中心。系统推进全面创新改革试验。支持北京、上海建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心。
Chapter 7 Encourage Public Startups and Innovations 

第七章 深入推进大众创业万众创新

We will integrate efforts to see that more people start businesses and make innovations in all areas of development and encourage different types of entities to develop new technologies, products, forms of business, and models, creating new drivers of development. 把大众创业万众创新融入发展各领域各环节,鼓励各类主体开发新技术、新产品、新业态、新模式,打造发展新引擎。
Section 1 Public Service Platforms 

第一节 建设创业创新公共服务平台

We will put into effect an action plan to see that more people start businesses and make innovations, encourage the development of low-cost, convenient, and open service platforms for the public as well as micro, small, and medium enterprises, and create a number of business startup and innovation demonstration centers and cities. We will channel greater energy into integrating information resources and make patent information resources and research centers openly accessible to businesses. We will encourage large enterprises to establish technology transfer and service platforms, providing technological support to those who are starting up in business. We will improve services for fostering business startups and develop open service providers combining business startup services with venture capital investment and online with offline services. We will make better use of government venture capital guide funds. 实施“双创”行动计划,鼓励发展面向大众、服务中小微企业的低成本、便利化、开放式服务平台,打造一批“双创”示范基地和城市。加强信息资源整合,向企业开放专利信息资源和科研基地。鼓励大型企业建立技术转移和服务平台,向创业者提供技术支撑服务。完善创业培育服务,打造创业服务与创业投资结合、线上与线下结合的开放式服务载体。更好发挥政府创业投资引导基金作用。
Section 2 Crowd Innovation, Sourcing, Support, and Funding 

第二节 全面推进众创众包众扶众筹

We will make use of the internet to help business startups and innovators become better connected to market resources and more responsive to public demand. We will advance crowd innovation based on specialized spaces and online platforms as well as within enterprises, and improve innovation resource sharing. We will promote research crowdsourcing, development crowdsourcing, and creativity crowdsourcing as well as the crowdsourcing of manufacturing operations and maintenance services, knowledge, content, and consumer services to give impetus to public participation in the division of labor in online production and distribution. We will promote the development of public crowd support, shared crowd support, and mutual crowd support. We will improve supervision and oversight systems to ensure the well- regulated development of rewards crowdfunding, equity crowdfunding, and online lending. 依托互联网拓宽市场资源、社会需求与创业创新对接通道。推进专业空间、网络平台和企业内部众创,加强创新资源共享。推广研发创意、制造运维、知识内容和生活服务众包,推动大众参与线上生产流通分工。发展公众众扶、分享众扶和互助众扶。完善监管制度,规范发展实物众筹、股权众筹和网络借贷。
Chapter 8 Establish Innovation Promoting Institutions and Mechanisms 

第八章 构建激励创新的体制机制

We will remove institutional barriers to innovation and the commercialization of the results of innovation, improve relevant policies, and develop systems and mechanisms that help to unleash creativity, ensure efficient application of the outcomes of innovation, and fully reward innovation. 破除束缚创新和成果转化的制度障碍,优化创新政策供给,形成创新活力竞相迸发、创新成果高效转化、创新价值充分体现的体制机制。
Section 1 Reform of the Science and Technology Management System 

第一节 深化科技管理体制改革

In honoring the nature of scientific research, we will bring about a shift in the role of government away from research and development management toward the provision of innovation services. We will reform the management system for research expenditures, deepen reform of the management of central government funded science and technology programs, and improve the mechanisms for formulating and executing science and technology programs and projects. We will establish a unified science and technology management platform and improve mechanisms for managing science and technology reports, carrying out innovation surveys, and releasing and sharing resources. We will improve the consultation system for national decisions on science and technology and strengthen the say of entrepreneurs in the country's decision-making systems related to innovation. We will ensure that enterprises play the leading role in market-oriented science and technology programs. Greater autonomy will be given to institutions of higher learning and research institutes, performance evaluation mechanisms that take medium- and long-term objectives into consideration will be put into effect, and more importance will be attached to the quality, originality, and contribution of research. We will empower leaders of innovation by seeing that they have more human, financial, and material resources at their disposal and more power to make decisions related to technology roadmaps. We will support exploratory work and allow for innovation over which consensus has not yet formed. We will deepen reform related to intellectual property rights and strengthen their judicial protection. 尊重科学研究规律,推动政府职能从研发管理向创新服务转变。改革科研经费管理制度,深化中央财政科技计划管理改革,完善计划项目生成机制和实施机制。建立统一的科技管理平台,健全科技报告、创新调查、资源开放共享机制。完善国家科技决策咨询制度,增强企业家在国家创新决策体系中的话语权。市场导向的科技项目主要由企业牵头。扩大高校和科研院所自主权,实行中长期目标导向的考核评价机制,更加注重研究质量、原创价值和实际贡献。赋予创新领军人才更大人财物支配权、技术路线决策权。支持自主探索,包容非共识创新。深化知识产权领域改革,强化知识产权司法保护。
Section 2 Mechanisms for Commercializing Science and Technology Advances and Sharing Profit 

第二节 完善科技成果转化和收益分配机制

We will implement a plan to improve the commercialization of science and technology advances, fully delegate the rights to dispose, use, and profit from the results of innovation, ensure that researchers enjoy a greater share of the proceeds from the commercialization of their research achievements, and support them in working part- time or full-time toward the application of their scientific and technological results. We will establish financing models that cover the entire process of scientific and technological innovation from the experimental research stage to mid-stage trials and right through to production, and promote the assetization and industrial application of scientific and technological advances. We will adopt profit distribution policies oriented toward strengthening the value ascribed to knowledge, and we will strengthen stock-, stock option-, and dividend-based incentives for innovators. 实施科技成果转化行动,全面下放创新成果处置权、使用权和收益权,提高科研人员成果转化收益分享比例,支持科研人员兼职和离岗转化科技成果。建立从实验研究、中试到生产的全过程科技创新融资模式,促进科技成果资本化产业化。实行以增加知识价值为导向的分配政策,加强对创新人才的股权、期权、分红激励。
Section 3 An Inclusive System of Policy Support for Innovation 

第三节 构建普惠性创新支持政策体系

We will work to create a competitive market environment that incentivizes innovation; straighten out institutions, regulations, and industry standards that hold back innovation; expedite legislation in areas where innovation is weak; and strengthen oversight over compliance with industrial technology policies and standards. Government science and technology investment will be increased, with the focus on supporting basic and frontier research, public benefit-related research, and research related to key general-purpose technologies. To encourage businesses to increase their investment in research and development, we will implement additional tax deductions for their expenditures on research and development, expand the coverage of policies for the accelerated depreciation of fixed assets, and increase initial government purchasing and commissioning of innovative products. We will strengthen financial support for innovation and channel great energy into developing venture capital. We will give full play to the role of entrepreneurs, allow for the challenge that innovation poses toward entrenched interests, and protect entrepreneurs' property rights and proceeds from innovation in accordance with the law. 营造激励创新的市场竞争环境,清理妨碍创新的制度规定和行业标准,加快创新薄弱环节和领域立法,强化产业技术政策和标准的执行监管。增加财政科技投入,重点支持基础前沿、社会公益和共性关键技术研究。落实企业研发费用加计扣除和扩大固定资产加速折旧实施范围政策,强化对创新产品的首购、订购支持,激励企业增加研发投入。强化金融支持,大力发展风险投资。更好发挥企业家作用,包容创新对传统利益格局的挑战,依法保护企业家财产权和创新收益。
Chapter 9 Prioritize Human Resource Development 

第九章 实施人才优先发展战略

We will treat talented people as the number one support for development, move faster to make innovations in the systems and policies for human resource development, create an internationally competitive personnel system, improve the caliber and structure of human resources, and work faster to make China one of the most talent competitive countries in the world. 把人才作为支撑发展的第一资源,加快推进人才发展体制和政策创新,构建有国际竞争力的人才制度优势,提高人才质量,优化人才结构,加快建设人才强国。
Section 1 Toward a Vast Pool of Talent 

第一节 建设规模宏大的人才队伍

We will carry out strategic adjustments to the structure of skilled personnel, orienting our efforts particularly toward cultivating highly educated, professionally competent, cutting-edge, and urgently needed talent, and launch major talent development initiatives to identify, foster, and bring together science strategists, leading talent in the field of science and technology, talent working in the social sciences, outstanding entrepreneurs, and highly skilled personnel. We will train Party and government workers who have political integrity, professional competence, good managerial skills, and the ability to adopt an international perspective. We need to be adept at discovering, supporting, and giving full rein to the potential of outstanding young talent. We will promote reform of the models for cultivating innovative students at institutions of higher learning and guide efforts to closely link the talent cultivation chain with industry chains and innovation chains. 推动人才结构战略性调整,突出“高精尖缺”导向,实施重大人才工程,着力发现、培养、集聚战略科学家、科技领军人才、社科人才、企业家人才和高技能人才队伍。培养一批讲政治、懂专业、善管理、有国际视野的党政人才。善于发现、重点支持、放手使用青年优秀人才。改革院校创新型人才培养模式,引导推动人才培养链与产业链、创新链有机衔接。
Section 2 Optimized Allocation of Talent 

第二节 促进人才优化配置

We will establish sound mechanisms for the free movement of talent, improve horizontal and vertical social mobility, and encourage the orderly, free movement of talent between different kinds of organizations and between different regions. We will improve policies on wages, medical care, professional titles, old-age pensions, and other incentives to encourage the flow of talent toward community-level organizations, the central and western regions, and border and remote areas facing hardships. We will advance talent exchanges and pairing talent support between the eastern coastal region on the one hand and the central and western regions and the northeast and other old industrial regions on the other, and continue the talent training initiative whereby cities in the east provide pairing support to cities in the west. 建立健全人才流动机制,提高社会横向和纵向流动性,促进人才在不同性质单位和不同地域间有序自由流动。完善工资、医疗待遇、职称评定、养老保障等激励政策,激励人才向基层一线、中西部、艰苦边远地区流动。开展东部沿海地区与中西部地区、东北等老工业基地人才交流和对口支援,继续实施东部城市对口支持西部地区人才培训工程。
Section 3 A Favorable Environment for the Development of Talent 

第三节 营造良好的人才发展环境

We will improve assessment, incentive, and service systems for skilled personnel, and foster a society in which all members are able to tap into their potential and talented young people are able to excel. We will use government investment to encourage efforts to develop and bring in new human resources. We will improve personnel assessment standards, making them performance and contribution oriented. We will work to ensure that outstanding individuals can participate in the division of profit on the basis of their knowledge, skills, management expertise, and other elements essential for innovation to take place and be rewarded according to their market value. We will strengthen both material and intellectual incentives for talented personnel and encourage in them a spirit of dedication. We will help to foster a society in which professionalism commands respect and foster a spirit of craftsmanship for the new era. We will adopt more proactive, more open, and more effective policies to bring in overseas talent, improve the permanent residence system for foreign nationals, and relax the criteria for highly skilled foreign nationals to gain permanent residency. We will move faster to provide more efficient and convenient entry, exit, and residence services for skilled foreign nationals coming to work in China. We will work to increase the number of international students in China, optimize the international student mix, and improve the mechanisms for supporting their training. We will cultivate outstanding talent and recommend them to international organizations, improve relevant supporting policies, and ensure that barriers are removed for them to return and take up positions in China. 完善人才评价激励机制和服务保障体系,营造有利于人人皆可成才和青年人才脱颖而出的社会环境。发挥政府投入引导作用,鼓励人才资源开发和人才引进。完善业绩和贡献导向的人才评价标准。保障人才以知识、技能、管理等创新要素参与利益分配,以市场价值回报人才价值,强化对人才的物质和精神激励,鼓励人才弘扬奉献精神。营造崇尚专业的社会氛围,大力弘扬新时期工匠精神。实施更积极、更开放、更有效的人才引进政策,完善外国人永久居留制度,放宽技术技能型人才取得永久居留权的条件。加快完善高效便捷的海外人才来华工作、出入境、居留管理服务。扩大来华留学规模,优化留学生结构,完善培养支持机制。培养推荐优秀人才到国际组织任职,完善配套政策,畅通回国任职通道。

Chapter 10 Open Up New Space for Drivers of Development 

第十章 拓展发展动力新空间

To strengthen new drivers of growth, we will follow the lead of market demand, make innovations in supply, improve the quality and efficiency of supply, stimulate and unleash effective demand, and create a highly efficient cycle of positive interplay between consumption and investment and of coordinated progress in demand and supply upgrading. 坚持需求引领、供给创新,提高供给质量和效率,激活和释放有效需求,形成消费与投资良性互动、需求升级与供给升级协调共进的高效循环,增强发展新动能。
Section 1 The Upgrade in the Structure of Consumption 

第一节 促进消费升级

To adapt to the more rapid upgrade in the structure of consumption, we will work to improve the environment in which the potential of consumption is unleashed, better satisfy and create consumer demand through improved and innovative supply, and constantly strengthen the fundamental role that consumption plays in fueling economic growth. We will channel great energy into expanding consumer spending by increasing consumer buying power, improving consumer expectations, and tapping rural potential for consumption. We will focus on expanding consumption of services to stimulate an upgrade in the structure of consumption, support new forms of consumption including information consumption, green consumption, fashion consumption, and quality consumption, and work steadily to promote spending on housing, automobiles, fitness, and elderly care. We will help develop new models of consumption, such as the integration of online and offline consumption. We will see that the quality of consumer goods is improved, strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests, and give full play to the role of consumer associations in order to create convenient, worry-free environments for consumption. We will actively work to encourage those who are used to shopping overseas to buy domestic products. We will improve the distribution of duty-free shops across major tourist destination cities and develop international consumption centers. 适应消费加快升级,以消费环境改善释放消费潜力,以供给改善和创新更好满足、创造消费需求,不断增强消费拉动经济的基础作用。增强消费能力,改善大众消费预期,挖掘农村消费潜力,着力扩大居民消费。以扩大服务消费为重点带动消费结构升级,支持信息、绿色、时尚、品质等新型消费,稳步促进住房、汽车和健康养老等大宗消费。推动线上线下融合等消费新模式发展。实施消费品质量提升工程,强化消费者权益保护,充分发挥消费者协会作用,营造放心便利的消费环境。积极引导海外消费回流。以重要旅游目的地城市为依托,优化免税店布局,培育发展国际消费中心。
Section 2 Expanded Effective Investment 

第二节 扩大有效投资

We will expand effective investment in response to effective demand, optimize supply structures, increase the return on investment, and see that investment plays a key role in sustaining growth and making structural adjustments. We will see that the principal role of nongovernmental investment is given more effective impetus, help to create free, fair investment and business environments to encourage the private and corporate sectors to invest and stimulate private capital and unlock its potential. We will give full play to the leveraging role of government investment by increasing investment in public goods and services, investment in human capital, and investment in upgrading the supply structure, strengthening weak areas in the building of a moderately prosperous society, coordinating development between rural and urban areas and between different regions, and bolstering sustainable development. We will launch investment programs that are of overall, strategic, and fundamental importance. 围绕有效需求扩大有效投资,优化供给结构,提高投资效率,发挥投资对稳增长、调结构的关键作用。更好发挥社会投资主力军作用,营造宽松公平的投资经营环境,鼓励民间资本和企业投资,激发民间资本活力和潜能。充分发挥政府投资的杠杆撬动作用,加大对公共产品和公共服务的投资力度,加大人力资本投资,增加有利于供给结构升级、弥补小康短板、城乡区域协调、增强发展后劲的投资,启动实施一批全局性、战略性、基础性重大投资工程。
Section 3 New Export Strengths 

第三节 培育出口新优势

In light of changes in international demand, we will speed up the shift in the way we develop foreign trade, optimize the trade mix, and ensure exports better stimulate growth. We will move faster to make our export-intensive industries more internationally competitive in terms of their technology, standards, brand names, quality, and services; encourage the export of high-end equipment; and increase the use of high technology and the value-added of our exports. We will expand the export of services, improve after-sale maintenance and repair services, and coordinate the development of onshore and offshore outsourcing. We will increase support to the exports of micro, small, and medium enterprises. 适应国际市场需求变化,加快转变外贸发展方式,优化贸易结构,发挥出口对增长的促进作用。加快培育以技术、标准、品牌、质量、服务为核心的对外经济新优势,推动高端装备出口,提高出口产品科技含量和附加值。扩大服务出口,健全售后保养维修等服务体系,促进在岸、离岸服务外包协调发展。加大对中小微企业出口支持力度。

第三篇 构建发展新体制

Giving play to the leading role of economic reform, we will achieve a proper balance in the relationship between government and market, make breakthroughs in the reform of key areas, and create new systems and mechanisms conducive to guiding the new normal in economic development. 发挥经济体制改革牵引作用,正确处理政府和市场关系,在重点领域和关键环节改革上取得突破性进展,形成有利于引领经济发展新常态的体制机制。
Chapter 11  Uphold and Improve China's Basic Economic System 

第十一章 坚持和完善基本经济制度

We will ensure that public ownership is dominant and that economic entities under diverse forms of ownership develop side by side. We will remain dedicated to strengthening and developing the public sector of the economy while also encouraging, supporting, and guiding the development of the non-public sector. We will exercise oversight over economic entities under all forms of ownership in accordance with the law. 坚持公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展。毫不动摇巩固和发展公有制经济,毫不动摇鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展。依法监管各种所有制经济。
Section 1  Reform of State-Owned Enterprises 

第一节 大力推进国有企业改革

We will remain firmly committed to ensuring that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) grow stronger, better, and bigger and work to see that a number of such enterprises develop their capacity for innovation and become internationally competitive, thereby injecting greater life into the state-owned sector, helping it exercise a greater level of influence and control over the economy, increasing its resilience against risk, and enabling it to contribute more effectively to accomplishing national strategic objectives. The main aims of commercial SOEs will be to vitalize the state-owned sector, improve the efficacy of state capital, and maintain or increase the value of state-owned assets. To achieve these aims, they should engage in lawful and autonomous production and business operations under the principle of the survival of the fittest. The main aims of public-benefit SOEs will be to ensure people's wellbeing, serve society, and provide public goods and services. To achieve these aims, they should give greater play to market forces, introduce market mechanisms, and improve their assessments of cost control, product and service quality, performance, and capacity. We will move faster to ensure that SOEs introduce corporate and shareholding systems and improve their modern corporate structures and corporate governance. We will see that SOEs implement systems for employing management professionals and improve their differentiated salary systems and incentives for innovation. We will move more quickly to relieve SOEs of their traditional obligations to perform social functions and resolve other longstanding issues. We will also channel energy into reforming and developing state farms on reclaimed land. 坚定不移把国有企业做强做优做大,培育一批具有自主创新能力和国际竞争力的国有骨干企业,增强国有经济活力、控制力、影响力、抗风险能力,更好服务于国家战略目标。商业类国有企业以增强国有经济活力、放大国有资本功能、实现国有资产保值增值为主要目标,依法独立自主开展生产经营活动,实现优胜劣汰、有序进退。公益类国有企业以保障民生、服务社会、提供公共产品和服务为主要目标,引入市场机制,加强成本控制、产品服务质量、运营效率和保障能力考核。加快国有企业公司制股份制改革,完善现代企业制度、公司法人治理结构。建立国有企业职业经理人制度,完善差异化薪酬制度和创新激励。加快剥离企业办社会职能和解决历史遗留问题。着力推进农垦改革发展。
Section 2  The Management System for State-Owned Assets 

第二节 完善各类国有资产管理体制

We will tighten oversight over state-owned assets, focusing particularly on state capital, increase returns on state capital, and guard against the loss of state-owned assets. We will establish state capital investment and management companies through reorganization, allocate and utilize state capital more efficiently, and create effective platforms for its flow, reorganization, and structural redistribution. We will improve mechanisms for ensuring the rational flow of state capital, make strategic adjustments to its distribution, and encourage more state capital investment in industries and sectors vital to national security and the economy. We will establish lists of the regulatory powers and obligations of state-asset investors, make steady progress in bringing state- owned productive assets under unified oversight and supervision, and establish a budgetary management system for state capital operations across multiple levels covering all SOEs. Audits of all SOE state capital and of the performance of the economic responsibilities of all SOE leaders will be conducted. 以管资本为主加强国有资产监管,提高资本回报,防止国有资产流失。改组组建国有资本投资、运营公司,提高国有资本配置和运行效率,形成国有资本流动重组、布局调整的有效平台。健全国有资本合理流动机制,推进国有资本布局战略性调整,引导国有资本更多投向关系国家安全、国民经济命脉的重要行业和关键领域。建立国有资产出资人监管权力清单和责任清单,稳步推进经营性国有资产集中统一监管,建立覆盖全部国有企业、分级管理的国有资本经营预算管理制度。对国有企业国有资本和企业领导人员履行经济责任情况实行审计全覆盖。
Section 3  A Mixed-Ownership Economy 

第三节 积极稳妥发展混合所有制经济

We will support cross-ownership holdings and integration between state-owned, collective, non-public, and other types of capital. We will carry out reforms to diversify the shareholders of public sector enterprises. We will take steady steps in encouraging SOEs to develop mixed ownership and will begin the piloting and demonstration of reforms to introduce mixed ownership. We will involve non-state capital in the reform of SOEs and encourage the development of mixed-ownership enterprises in which the non-public sector holds a controlling share. We will encourage diverse forms of state capital participation in non-state-owned enterprises. 支持国有资本、集体资本、非公有资本等交叉持股、相互融合。推进公有制经济之间股权多元化改革。稳妥推动国有企业发展混合所有制经济,开展混合所有制改革试点示范。引入非国有资本参与国有企业改革,鼓励发展非公有资本控股的混合所有制企业。鼓励国有资本以多种方式入股非国有企业。
Section 4  Support for the Non-Public Sector 

第四节 支持非公有制经济发展

We will better stimulate the dynamism and creativity of the non- public sector by ensuring it enjoys equal rights and opportunities and is subject to equal regulations. We will abolish all unreasonable regulations within the non-public sector, remove all hidden barriers to its development, and ensure that it has equal access to factors of production, participates in market competition on an equal footing, receives equal legal protection, and performs its social responsibilities alongside other sectors. We will encourage private enterprises to enter more sectors in accordance with the law. 坚持权利平等、机会平等、规则平等,更好激发非公有制经济活力和创造力。废除对非公有制经济各种形式的不合理规定,消除各种隐性壁垒,保证依法平等使用生产要素、公平参与市场竞争、同等受到法律保护、共同履行社会责任。鼓励民营企业依法进入更多领域。
Chapter 12 Establish a Modern Property Rights System 

第十二章 建立现代产权制度

We will improve the modern system of property rights, ensuring clear ownership, well-defined rights and obligations, strict protection, and smooth transactions. We will increase the level of rule of law in the protection of property rights and protect the rights and interests of entities under all forms of ownership in accordance with the law. We will define the property rights of enterprises in accordance with the law and regulations, safeguard the right to profit from state capital investments as well as the decision-making rights of enterprises, and improve the property rights trading system for state-owned assets, ensuring that rules, processes, and outcomes are transparent. We will improve the functions of rural collective property rights and complete, in all rural areas nationwide, the determination, registration, and certification of contracted land rights, rural home land rights, rural housing property rights, and rights for collectively owned land designated for construction. We will improve methods for verifying membership of collective economic organizations and for realizing the ownership rights of the assets of collective entities, allowing the productive assets of collective economic organizations to be converted into shares and allotted to individual members. We will ensure that transfers of rural property rights are carried out in accordance with regulations, and will improve decision-making procedures for the disposition of the assets of rural collective organizations. We will implement an integrated registration system for immovable property across the board. We will accelerate the establishment of a property rights system for natural resource assets, determine the holders of such rights, and make innovations in the ways in which such rights can be realized. We will protect the rights and interests of owners of natural resource assets and ensure that returns generated from these assets are shared fairly. We will deepen reform of the mining rights system. We will establish sound systems and platforms for trading rights and interests related to ecological conservation and environmental protection. We will enforce a stringent regime for the protection of intellectual property rights, improve the system of ownership of intellectual property rights to better incentivize innovation, and develop a trading and service platform for intellectual property rights, so as to turn China into a country strong on intellectual property rights. 健全归属清晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转顺畅的现代产权制度。推进产权保护法治化,依法保护各种所有制经济权益。依法合规界定企业财产权归属,保障国有资本收益权和企业自主经营权,健全规则、过程、结果公开的国有资产产权交易制度。完善农村集体产权权能,全面完成农村承包经营地、宅基地、农房、集体建设用地确权登记颁证。完善集体经济组织成员认定办法和集体经济资产所有权实现形式,将经营性资产折股量化到本集体经济组织成员。规范农村产权流转交易,完善农村集体资产处置决策程序。全面落实不动产统一登记制度。加快构建自然资源资产产权制度,确定产权主体,创新产权实现形式。保护自然资源资产所有者权益,公平分享自然资源资产收益。深化矿业权制度改革。建立健全生态环境性权益交易制度和平台。实施严格的知识产权保护制度,完善有利于激励创新的知识产权归属制度,建设知识产权运营交易和服务平台,建设知识产权强国。
Chapter 13 Improve the Modern Market System 

第十三章 健全现代市场体系

We will accelerate the development of a unified and open market system that ensures orderly competition, establish mechanisms for ensuring fair competition, overcome regional segmentation, break up industry monopolies, and remove market barriers in order to promote the free and orderly flow and equitable exchange of goods and factors of production. 加快形成统一开放、竞争有序的市场体系,建立公平竞争保障机制,打破地域分割和行业垄断,着力清除市场壁垒,促进商品和要素自由有序流动、平等交换。
Section 1 The Market for Factors of Production 

第一节 健全要素市场体系

We will work faster to establish a unified rural-urban market for land designated for construction purposes. On the basis that land is developed in accordance with state plans, used in compliance with the regulatory framework, and secured in accordance with the law, we will ensure that rural collectively owned land designated for business- related construction enters the market on an equal footing with and is subject to the same rights and prices as similarly designated state-owned land. We will improve the system for requisitioning collectively owned land, narrow the scope of land requisition, establish standard requisition procedures, and improve mechanisms for safeguarding the rights and interests of those whose land is requisitioned. We will launch trials to make rural land for private housing eligible for use as collateral to secure financing, to allow for appropriate transfers of such land, and to allow such land to be given up voluntarily for compensation. We will improve systems for the market-based allocation of land designated for industrial purposes. We will coordinate human resource markets as a whole and implement an equal employment system. We will step up the development of technology exchange platforms, improve regulations concerning technology trading markets, and encourage the development of technology intermediary service organizations. 加快建立城乡统一的建设用地市场,在符合规划、用途管制和依法取得前提下,推进农村集体经营性建设用地与国有建设用地同等入市、同权同价。健全集体土地征收制度,缩小征地范围,规范征收程序,完善被征地农民权益保障机制。开展宅基地融资抵押、适度流转、自愿有偿退出试点。完善工业用地市场化配置制度。统筹人力资源市场,实行平等就业制度。加强各类技术交易平台建设,健全技术市场交易规则,鼓励技术中介服务机构发展。
Section 2  Reform of Pricing Mechanisms 

第二节 推进价格形成机制改革

We will reduce government intervention in pricing, lift all price controls over goods and services in competitive industries, and lift price controls over competitive areas within the power, petroleum, natural gas, transportation, and telecommunications industries. We will improve medical service pricing. We will improve water pricing mechanisms. We will improve tiered pricing for household electricity consumption and introduce, across the board, tiered pricing for household water and natural gas consumption. We will refine the mechanisms for determining commodity price-linked subsidies. We will establish a sound mechanism for coordinating government investment and price adjustments for public utilities and public-benefit services. We will ensure that pricing complies with standardized procedures, that cost oversight and review are strengthened, and that costs are more transparent. 减少政府对价格形成的干预,全面放开竞争性领域商品和服务价格,放开电力、石油、天然气、交通运输、电信等领域竞争性环节价格。理顺医疗服务价格。完善水价形成机制。完善居民阶梯电价,全面推行居民阶梯水价、气价。健全物价补贴联动机制。建立健全公用事业和公益性服务政府投入与价格调整相协调机制。规范定价程序,加强成本监审,推进成本公开。
Section 3  Fair Competition 

第三节 维护公平竞争

We will abolish all regulations and practices that impede the promotion of a unified market and fair competition. We will refine policies to promote competition, improve market competition regulations, and implement a review system for fair competition. We will relax restrictions on market access and improve mechanisms for exiting the market. We will improve the anti-monopoly and market regulatory law enforcement systems, ensuring they are unified and standardized, consist of well- defined powers and obligations, are fair and efficient, and are based on the rule of law. We will enforce strict compulsory standards for product quality, workplace safety, energy consumption, and environmental impact. We will establish sound codes of conduct and regulatory methods for market entities. We will improve public oversight mechanisms and further open up channels for submitting complaints and reporting bad practices. Oversight will be strengthened over internet transactions. We will crack down on the production and sale of counterfeit products. 清理废除妨碍统一市场和公平竞争的各种规定和做法。健全竞争政策,完善市场竞争规则,实施公平竞争审查制度。放宽市场准入,健全市场退出机制。健全统一规范、权责明确、公正高效、法治保障的市场监管和反垄断执法体系。严格产品质量、安全生产、能源消耗、环境损害的强制性标准,建立健全市场主体行为规则和监管办法。健全社会化监管机制,畅通投诉举报渠道。强化互联网交易监管。严厉打击制假售假行为。
Chapter 14 Deepen Reform of the Administrative System 

第十四章 深化行政管理体制改革

We will accelerate the transformation of government functions, continue to streamline administration and delegate more powers, improve regulation, and provide better services, so as to refine government performance and stimulate market vitality and social creativity. 加快政府职能转变,持续推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务,提高行政效能,激发市场活力和社会创造力。
Section 1  Streamlined Administration and Increased Delegation of Powers 

第一节 深入推进简政放权

We will establish a sound management model based on catalogs of powers and obligations and a negative list, and delineate the boundaries between the powers and obligations of government, market, and society. We will deepen reform of the government review and approval system, reducing to the greatest possible extent government intervention in enterprises as well as the scope of the government pre- approval system. We will strengthen targeting and coordination in streamlining administration and delegating powers. We will deepen reform of the business system and work to provide quick and convenient services. We will deepen the reform of public institutions that perform administrative functions by devoting great effort to separating government administration from the management of such institutions. 建立健全权力清单、责任清单、负面清单管理模式,划定政府与市场、社会的权责边界。深化行政审批制度改革,最大限度减少政府对企业经营的干预,最大限度缩减政府审批范围。增强简政放权的针对性、协同性。深化商事制度改革,提供便捷便利服务。深化承担行政职能事业单位改革,大力推进政事分开。
Section 2 Government Oversight 

第二节 提高政府监管效能

We will adapt our concept of oversight toward strengthening operational and post-operational business oversight. We will formulate sound and effective rules, procedures, and standards for market oversight, better define responsibilities related to oversight, and promote oversight modernization. We will innovate oversight mechanisms and methods, move forward with coordinated law enforcement and oversight using big data, and employ market, credit, and legal measures to coordinate oversight. We will introduce, across the board, oversight based on inspections of randomly selected entities by randomly selected inspectors and the public release of results. We will ensure that public oversight is strengthened. 转变监管理念,加强事中事后监管。制定科学有效的市场监管规则、流程和标准,健全监管责任制,推进监管现代化。创新监管机制和监管方式,推进综合执法和大数据监管,运用市场、信用、法治等手段协同监管。全面实行随机抽取检查对象、随机抽取执法人员、检查结果公开。强化社会监督。
Section 3  Improvement of Government Services 

第三节 优化政府服务

We will innovate the way government services are provided, ensuring that both government and public services are open, transparent, effective, convenient, fair, and easy-to-access. We will work faster to standardize government approval, and improve work processes and service standards for services provided directly to enterprises and the general public. We will strengthen coordination between government offices. We will popularize the use of the “Internet +” government services model and increase government transparency across the board. 创新政府服务方式,提供公开透明、高效便捷、公平可及的政务服务和公共服务。加快推进行政审批标准化建设,优化直接面向企业和群众服务项目的办事流程和服务标准。加强部门间业务协同。推广“互联网+政务服务”,全面推进政务公开。
Chapter 15 Accelerate Reform of the Fiscal and Tax Systems 

第十五章 加快财税体制改革

We will deepen reforms to create sound and modern fiscal and tax systems, focusing on key issues including delineating the powers and spending obligations of the central and local governments, improving local taxation systems, strengthening local development capacity, and reducing burdens on enterprises. 围绕解决中央地方事权和支出责任划分、完善地方税体系、增强地方发展能力、减轻企业负担等关键性问题,深化财税体制改革,建立健全现代财税制度。
Section 1  Reasonable and Orderly Division of Financial Resources 

第一节 确立合理有序的财力格局

We will create a system in which the powers of governments are commensurate with their respective spending obligations, and make appropriate adjustments to strengthen the powers and increase the spending obligations of the central government. In view of the tax system reform as well as the nature of different types of taxes, we will further adjust the distribution of revenue between the central and local governments and improve methods of sharing VAT revenue. We will improve the system of transfer payments from the central to local governments, standardize the general transfer payment system, refine methods for allocating funds, and increase the transparency of transfer payments. We will improve the distribution of financial resources from the provincial level down. 建立事权和支出责任相适应的制度,适度加强中央事权和支出责任。结合税制改革,考虑税种属性,进一步理顺中央和地方收入划分,完善增值税划分办法。完善中央对地方转移支付制度,规范一般性转移支付制度,完善资金分配办法,提高财政转移支付透明度。健全省以下财力分配机制。
Section 2  A Comprehensive, Well-Regulated, and Transparent Budget System 

第二节 建立全面规范公开透明的预算制度

We will put in place a sound mechanism to ensure that the compilation, execution, and oversight of budgets complement as well as constitute a check on each other. We will improve the government budget system, increase the level of coordination between government-managed fund budgets, state capital operations budgets, and general public budgets, and refine the budget system for social security funds. We will implement a mechanism for balancing budgets across fiscal years and put in place medium-term fiscal planning to achieve greater coordination between budgets and plans for economic and social development. We will implement performance-based budget management nationwide. We will establish a system for reporting government assets, deepen reform of the government debt management system, and put in place standardized mechanisms for managing government debt and providing early warning against risks. We will establish a system for comprehensive government financial reporting based on accrual accounting and a management system for the target balance of the treasury general account. We will extend the scope and increase the level of detail of budgets made publicly available. 建立健全预算编制、执行、监督相互制约、相互协调机制。完善政府预算体系,加大政府性基金预算、国有资本经营预算与一般公共预算的统筹力度,完善社会保险基金预算编制制度。实施跨年度预算平衡机制和中期财政规划管理,加强与经济社会发展规划计划的衔接。全面推进预算绩效管理。建立政府资产报告制度,深化政府债务管理制度改革,建立规范的政府债务管理及风险预警机制。建立权责发生制政府综合财务报告制度和财政库底目标余额管理制度。扩大预算公开范围,细化公开内容。
Section 3 Tax and Fee Systems 

第三节 改革和完善税费制度

Given the need to optimize the tax system, keep the tax incidence stable at the macro level, and ensure taxes are administered in accordance with the law, we must fully implement the principle of law-based taxation; establish a modern tax system which is composed of well-conceived tax categories, is better structured, legally sound, well-regulated, and fair, and which allows for efficient administration; and gradually increase the proportion of direct tax. We will complete across the board the reform to replace business tax with VAT and establish a standardized consumption-based VAT system. We will improve the excise tax system. We will impose ad valorem tax on resources and steadily extend the scope of resources covered by the tax. We will review and regulate relevant administrative charges and government- managed funds. We will introduce an environmental protection tax. We will improve local tax systems and move forward with legislation to introduce a real estate tax. We will improve the system of customs duties. We will move faster with reform related to non-tax revenue management to establish a system for non-tax revenue management that is sound, standardized, and transparent and has a legal basis. We will deepen reform of the system for the administration of national and local taxes, refine methods of tax administration, and improve the efficiency of tax administration. Electronic invoices will be introduced. 按照优化税制结构、稳定宏观税负、推进依法治税的要求全面落实税收法定原则,建立税种科学、结构优化、法律健全、规范公平、征管高效的现代税收制度,逐步提高直接税比重。全面完成营业税改增值税改革,建立规范的消费型增值税制度。完善消费税制度。实施资源税从价计征改革,逐步扩大征税范围。清理规范相关行政事业性收费和政府性基金。开征环境保护税。完善地方税体系,推进房地产税立法。完善关税制度。加快推进非税收入管理改革,建立科学规范、依法有据、公开透明的非税收入管理制度。深化国税、地税征管体制改革,完善税收征管方式,提高税收征管效能。推行电子发票。
Section 4  Mechanisms for Sustainable Financial Development 

第四节 完善财政可持续发展机制

We will optimize the government spending mix, revise unsustainable spending policies, adjust expenditures which are ineffectual or inefficient, and recover duplicate or misallocated expenditures. We will link the management of treasury funds with the allocation of transfer payment funds. With the aim of ensuring fiscal sustainability, we will develop new forms of government spending, guide the involvement of private capital in the provision of public goods, keep government spending at a reasonable level, and ensure government deficits and debt are kept within a manageable range. 优化财政支出结构,修正不可持续的支出政策,调整无效和低效支出,腾退重复和错位支出。建立库款管理与转移支付资金调度挂钩机制。创新财政支出方式,引导社会资本参与公共产品提供,使财政支出保持在合理水平,将财政赤字和政府债务控制在可承受范围内,确保财政的可持续性。
Chapter 16 Accelerate Financial Reform 

第十六章 加快金融体制改革

We will improve financial institutions and market systems, promote the healthy development of capital markets, improve monetary policy mechanisms, deepen reform of the financial regulatory system, and refine our modern financial systems, thereby improving the efficiency of the financial sector in serving the real economy as well as the financial sector 's ability to support the transformation of China's economy, and effectively guarding against and defusing financial risks. 完善金融机构和市场体系,促进资本市场健康发展,健全货币政策机制,深化金融监管体制改革,健全现代金融体系,提高金融服务实体经济效率和支持经济转型的能力,有效防范和化解金融风险。
Section 1  The System of Financial Institutions 

第一节 丰富金融机构体系

We will improve the system of financial institutions, ensuring an appropriate division of roles and complementarity between commercial, development, policy- backed, and cooperative financing. We will foster a system of multilevel and differentiated banking institutions that offers extensive coverage, expand the amount of private capital entering the banking sector, and develop inclusive finance and a variety of forms of micro, small, and medium financial organizations. We will develop well- regulated internet-based financing. We will promote the prudent development of comprehensive operations by financial institutions. We will see that private financing becomes more transparent and regulate the development of microfinance and financing guarantee institutions. We will ensure that the quality of the management and services of financial institutions is improved. 健全商业性金融、开发性金融、政策性金融、合作性金融分工合理、相互补充的金融机构体系。构建多层次、广覆盖、有差异的银行机构体系,扩大民间资本进入银行业,发展普惠金融和多业态中小微金融组织。规范发展互联网金融。稳妥推进金融机构开展综合经营。推动民间融资阳光化,规范小额贷款、融资担保机构等发展。提高金融机构管理水平和服务质量。
Section 2  The Financial Market System 

第二节 健全金融市场体系

We will develop open, transparent, and sound capital markets, and increase the proportion of direct financing to reduce leverage ratios. We will create the conditions for switching to a registration system for initial public offerings, develop a multilevel equity financing market, deepen reform of ChiNext and the New Third Board, ensure regional equity markets develop in line with regulations, and establish sound mechanisms for stocks to be delisted or transferred between market boards. We will improve the bond registration system and bond market infrastructure, and move faster to achieve connectivity between bond markets. We will develop financial services that meet the needs for innovation, encourage prudent bond product innovation, promote high-yield bonds and hybrid securities as methods of financing, and channel great energy into developing financial leasing services. We will improve mechanisms for determining interest rates and foreign exchange rates and make better use of the treasury yield curve as a benchmark for pricing. We will give impetus to the development of markets for interbank borrowing, repurchase agreements, negotiable instruments, foreign exchange, and gold. We will promote active and prudent innovation in the futures market and markets for other derivatives. We will move faster in developing the insurance and reinsurance markets and explore the possibility of establishing mechanisms for trading insurance assets. We will establish secure and efficient financial infrastructure and implement the national treasury project. 积极培育公开透明、健康发展的资本市场,提高直接融资比重,降低杠杆率。创造条件实施股票发行注册制,发展多层次股权融资市场,深化创业板、新三板改革,规范发展区域性股权市场,建立健全转板机制和退出机制。完善债券发行注册制和债券市场基础设施,加快债券市场互联互通。开发符合创新需求的金融服务,稳妥推进债券产品创新,推进高收益债券及股债相结合的融资方式,大力发展融资租赁服务。健全利率、汇率市场决定机制,更好发挥国债收益率曲线定价基准作用。推动同业拆借、回购、票据、外汇、黄金等市场发展。积极稳妥推进期货等衍生品市场创新。加快发展保险再保险市场,探索建立保险资产交易机制。建立安全高效的金融基础设施,实施国家金库工程。
Section 3  Reform of the Framework for Financial Regulation 

第三节 改革金融监管框架

We will strengthen the system of macroprudential regulation for the financial sector, step up planning and coordination, reform and improve the financial regulatory framework to see that it is better adapted to developments in modern financial markets clarify regulatory functions and responsibilities for guarding against and treating risks, and establish a financial management system that coordinates monetary policy and prudential regulation. We will coordinate regulation of systemically important financial institutions, financial holding companies, and key financial infrastructure, integrate comprehensive financial sector statistics, and strengthen comprehensive and functional regulation. We will improve central and local financial management systems. We will improve regulatory rules to ensure they are suited to the Chinese context and in accord with international standards, and establish frameworks for functional regulation targeted at each type of investment and financing behavior and for conduct oversight that genuinely protects the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers, so as to achieve oversight that covers every aspect of financial risks. We will improve the management system for state- owned financial capital. We will strengthen the management of foreign exchange reserves and optimize their use. We will make effective use of and develop tools for financial risk management, and improve mechanisms for monitoring, early warning, stress testing, risk assessment and management, and market stability, so as to prevent the occurrence of systemic and regional financial risks. 加强金融宏观审慎管理制度建设,加强统筹协调,改革并完善适应现代金融市场发展的金融监管框架,明确监管职责和风险防范处置责任,构建货币政策与审慎管理相协调的金融管理体制。统筹监管系统重要性金融机构、金融控股公司和重要金融基础设施,统筹金融业综合统计,强化综合监管和功能监管。完善中央与地方金融管理体制。健全符合我国国情和国际标准的监管规则,建立针对各类投融资行为的功能监管和切实保护金融消费者合法权益的行为监管框架,实现金融风险监管全覆盖。完善国有金融资本管理制度。加强外汇储备经营管理,优化外汇储备运用。有效运用和发展金融风险管理工具,健全监测预警、压力测试、评估处置和市场稳定机制,防止发生系统性、区域性金融风险。

Chapter 17 Innovate and Improve Macroeconomic Regulation 

第十七章 创新和完善宏观调控

We will improve the macroeconomic regulation system, develop new methods of macroeconomic regulation, and strengthen the coordination of macroeconomic policies. We will work harder to create jobs, keep prices stable, make structural adjustments, raise efficiency, guard against and control risk, protect the environment, and guide market behavior and public expectations, thereby fostering a stable macroeconomic environment for structural reform. 健全宏观调控体系,创新宏观调控方式,增强宏观政策协同性,更加注重扩大就业、稳定物价、调整结构、提高效益、防控风险、保护环境,更加注重引导市场行为和社会预期,为结构性改革营造稳定的宏观经济环境。
Section 1 Role of Plans and Strategies in Providing Guidance 

第一节 强化规划战略导向作用

We will exercise macroeconomic regulation based on long- and medium-term national development plans and objectives and total supply and demand. We will ensure that national development strategies and plans work to guide and constrain behavior, and that all macroeconomic regulation policies are in line with and serve the needs of development. We will improve our system of policies, ensuring fiscal and monetary policies play a leading role while industrial, regional, investment, consumption, and pricing policies play a supplementary role. We will strengthen coordination between fiscal and monetary policies. 依据国家中长期发展规划目标和总供求格局实施宏观调控。发挥国家发展战略和规划的引导约束作用,各类宏观调控政策要服从服务于发展全局需要。完善以财政政策、货币政策为主,产业政策、区域政策、投资政策、消费政策、价格政策协调配合的政策体系,增强财政货币政策协调性。
Section 2  Regulatory Methods and Diversification of Policy Tools 

第二节 改进调控方式和丰富政策工具

Our work to balance total supply and demand and make structural improvements will continue, and the fundamental focus and policy orientation of macroeconomic regulation will be to keep the economy performing within an appropriate range and to improve its quality and performance. On the basis of range- based regulation, we will place greater weight on targeted and well-timed regulation, taking well- targeted regulatory measures to carry out appropriately timed pre-emptive adjustment and fine-tuning. We will maintain policy stability, improve communication with the market, and see that policy predictability and transparency are increased. We will ensure that fiscal policies better support targeted regulation. We will improve the operational targets, regulatory framework, and transmission mechanisms of monetary policies, establish mechanisms for target interest rates and interest rate corridors, and shift our focus from quantitative to price-based monetary policies. 坚持总量平衡、优化结构,把保持经济运行在合理区间、提高质量效益作为宏观调控的基本要求和政策取向,在区间调控的基础上加强定向调控、相机调控,采取精准调控措施,适时预调微调。稳定政策基调,改善与市场的沟通,增强可预期性和透明度。更好发挥财政政策对定向调控的支持作用。完善货币政策操作目标、调控框架和传导机制,构建目标利率和利率走廊机制,推动货币政策由数量型为主向价格型为主转变。
Section 3  Policy- and Decision-Making Mechanisms 

第三节 完善政策制定和决策机制

We will strengthen economic monitoring, forecasting, and early warning mechanisms, and improve our ability to analyze and assess international and domestic situations. We will strengthen research on major issues, build up policy reserves, and improve our mechanisms for policy analysis, evaluation, and adjustment. We will establish a sound mechanism for coordinating major regulatory policies so that they work together effectively. We will establish a modern statistical survey system, promote innovation in the systems, mechanisms, and methods used for statistical surveys, and encourage the application of internet, statistical cloud, and Big Data technologies to collect more timely, comprehensive, and accurate information on economic performance. We will accelerate work on legislation related to macroeconomic regulation. 加强经济监测预测预警,提高国际国内形势分析研判水平。强化重大问题研究和政策储备,完善政策分析评估及调整机制。建立健全重大调控政策统筹协调机制,有效形成调控合力。建立现代统计调查体系,推进统计调查制度、机制、方法创新,注重运用互联网、统计云、大数据技术,提高经济运行信息及时性、全面性和准确性。加快推进宏观调控立法工作。
Section 4  Investment and Financing Systems 

第四节 深化投融资体制改革

We will establish a system of lists of powers and responsibilities for the management of enterprise investment projects and better ensure that enterprises have decision-making powers over their investments. We will further streamline investment approval procedures; reduce, combine, and regulate items required for development projects when applying for government approval; improve online platforms for reviewing, approving, and monitoring projects; and put in place a system to allow the different steps of the approval process for enterprise investment projects to be completed in tandem. We will further lift market access restrictions on sectors such as infrastructure and public utilities, and use public- private partnership models such as franchise operations and government procurement of services to encourage the involvement of nongovernmental capital through investment, construction, and operations in these sectors. We will improve the way government funds are invested and ensure that national industrial investment funds play a better role in encouraging other types of investment. 建立企业投资项目管理权力清单、责任清单制度,更好落实企业投资自主权。进一步精简投资审批,减少、整合和规范报建审批事项,完善在线审批监管平台,建立企业投资项目并联核准制度。进一步放宽基础设施、公用事业等领域的市场准入限制,采取特许经营、政府购买服务等政府和社会合作模式,鼓励社会资本参与投资建设运营。完善财政资金投资模式,更好发挥产业投资引导基金撬动作用。

第四篇 推进农业现代化

Agriculture is the foundation on which we can finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieve modernization. The agricultural growth model must be transformed at a faster pace, industrial, production, and business operation systems that work for modern agriculture must be established, and the quality, returns, and competitiveness of agriculture must be strengthened to allow China to embark on a path of agricultural modernization which ensures high yields and safe products, conserves resources, and is environmentally friendly. 农业是全面建成小康社会和实现现代化的基础,必须加快转变农业发展方式,着力构建现代农业产业体系、生产体系、经营体系,提高农业质量效益和竞争力,走产出高效、产品安全、资源节约、环境友好的农业现代化道路。
Chapter 18 Strengthen Capacity for Ensuring Safety of Agricultural Products 

第十八章 增强农产品安全保障能力

We will make sure we achieve basic self-sufficiency in cereal grains and absolute food security, make agricultural structural adjustments and improvements, raise our production capacity for agricultural products while also improving quality and safety, and see that a better structured, more effective supply of agricultural products takes shape. 确保谷物基本自给、口粮绝对安全,调整优化农业结构,提高农产品综合生产能力和质量安全水平,形成结构更加合理、保障更加有力的农产品有效供给。
Section 1  Safeguards for Grain Production 

第一节 提高粮食生产能力保障水平

We will continue to apply the strictest possible protection system for farmland and will designate permanent basic cropland throughout the country. We will put in place a food crop production strategy that is based on farmland management and the application of technology, and with the focus on major growing areas of grain crop and other staple agricultural products, we will make a large-scale push to see the building of farmland irrigation systems and water conservancy infrastructure, the restoration of rural land, the improvement of low- and medium-yield cropland, and the development of high-quality farmland. We will improve the system for ensuring that cultivated land taken over for nonagricultural use is replaced with land of an equivalent amount and quality, explore the possibility of formulating measures for national coordination in offsetting farmland that has been used for major construction projects, and ensure that the stripping and reuse of topsoil are practiced nationwide on all cultivated land put to nonagricultural use. We will establish grain crop production functional zones and protected areas for the production of major agricultural products to ensure that the acreage of land devoted to growing grain crops such as rice and wheat remains basically stable. We will improve the mechanism for subsidizing major grain crop production areas. We will intensify efforts to realize green, high-yield, and efficient grain crop production. 坚持最严格的耕地保护制度,全面划定永久基本农田。实施藏粮于地、藏粮于技战略,以粮食等大宗农产品主产区为重点,大规模推进农田水利、土地整治、中低产田改造和高标准农田建设。完善耕地占补平衡制度,研究探索重大建设项目国家统筹补充耕地办法,全面推进建设占用耕地耕作层剥离再利用。建立粮食生产功能区和重要农产品生产保护区,确保稻谷、小麦等口粮种植面积基本稳定。健全粮食主产区利益补偿机制。深入推进粮食绿色高产高效创建。
Section 2  Agricultural Structural Adjustments 

第二节 加快推进农业结构调整

We will promote the coordination of food, cash, and fodder crop production, step up integrated development of the farming, forestry, livestock, and fishing industries, and integrate planting, breeding, and processing. We will actively guide adjustments to the production mix of agricultural products and support superior producing areas in developing production centers for cotton, oilseed, sugar crops, soybeans, forestry seedlings, and fruit. Taking into consideration the scale of planting and breeding operations and resource and environmental carrying capacities, we will promote models that swap food crop for fodder crop cultivation and integrate planting and breeding operations, and develop the farming area-based livestock industry. We will develop modern grass industries and herbivorous livestock industries region by region. We will ensure that livestock, poultry, and aquaculture farming are further standardized and brought up to scale. We will ensure that the dairy industry produces safe, quality products. We will improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of horticultural products. We will develop economic forests and under-forest economies that take advantage of local strengths. We will improve the geographical layout of the production of specialty agricultural products. We will accelerate the development of demonstration areas for modern agriculture. 推动粮经饲统筹、农林牧渔结合、种养加一体发展。积极引导调整农业种植结构,支持优势产区加强棉花、油料、糖料、大豆、林果等生产基地建设。统筹考虑种养规模和资源环境承载力,推广粮改饲和种养结合模式,发展农区畜牧业。分区域推进现代草业和草食畜牧业发展。提高畜禽、水产标准化规模化养殖水平。促进奶业优质安全发展。实施园艺产品提质增效工程。发展特色经济林和林下经济。优化特色农产品生产布局。加快现代农业示范区建设。
Section 3  Integrated Development of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Industries in Rural Areas 

第三节 推进农村一二三产业融合发展

We will promote the development of agricultural production and value chains, create different types of linkages between the interests of different entities, and foster entities that integrate primary, secondary, and tertiary industry operations as well as help develop new kinds of such operations in order to open up more channels through which rural residents can increase their incomes and benefit more from the resultant value-added. We will promote the development of processing industries and services for agricultural production. We will see that agriculture takes on more functions, promote close cooperation between agriculture on the one hand and leisure, tourism, education, culture, and health on the other, and develop new forms of agricultural business such as agri-tourism, agricultural experiences, and creative agriculture. We will accelerate the development of modern urban agriculture. We will put rural resources and factors of production to better use so as to increase the property income of rural residents. 推进农业产业链和价值链建设,建立多形式利益联结机制,培育融合主体、创新融合方式,拓宽农民增收渠道,更多分享增值收益。积极发展农产品加工业和农业生产性服务业。拓展农业多种功能,推进农业与旅游休闲、教育文化、健康养生等深度融合,发展观光农业、体验农业、创意农业等新业态。加快发展都市现代农业。激活农村要素资源,增加农民财产性收入。
Section 4  Agricultural Product Quality and Safety 

第四节 确保农产品质量安全

We will move faster to improve agricultural standards and ensure they are met in all agricultural production. We will strengthen quality and safety oversight over agricultural products and inputs, strengthen safety management at production sites, implement a certification system for product oversight both before products leave production sites and on entrance into markets, and establish interconnected, shared agricultural product quality and safety information platforms allowing for full traceability at every stage, thereby forming a stronger quality and safety oversight system that covers the entire journey of agricultural products from farm to table. We will strengthen work on addressing excess residues of pesticides and livestock medicines. We will enforce strict standards for the control of additives in edible agricultural products. We will move forward with the national initiative to develop counties with advanced capabilities for ensuring agricultural product quality and safety. We will strengthen our ability to prevent and control animal and plant diseases and increase oversight over the quality and safety of agricultural imports. We will develop brands of quality agricultural products and support brand marketing. 加快完善农业标准,全面推行农业标准化生产。加强农产品质量安全和农业投入品监管,强化产地安全管理,实行产地准出和市场准入制度,建立全程可追溯、互联共享的农产品质量安全信息平台,健全从农田到餐桌的农产品质量安全全过程监管体系。强化农药和兽药残留超标治理。严格食用农产品添加剂控制标准。开展国家农产品质量安全县创建行动。加强动植物疫病防控能力建设,强化进口农产品质量安全监管。创建优质农产品品牌,支持品牌化营销。
Section 5  Sustainable Agricultural Development 

第五节 促进农业可持续发展

We will work hard to develop eco-friendly agriculture. We will carry out the initiative to achieve zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and promote fertilizer use based on the results of soil tests as well as the targeted and effective use of pesticides nationwide. We will implement a demonstration project for circular agriculture through integrated planting and breeding, and promote the recovery of resources and safe disposal of waste materials from planting and breeding industries. We will take comprehensive measures to prevent and control agricultural pollution from non-point sources. We will protect and improve the quality of cultivated land, promote deep planting and plowing to improve cropland in major agricultural product production areas, and strengthen the protection of chernozem soil in northeast China. We will pilot crop rotation and fallow systems focusing on cones of depression, heavy metal contaminated areas, and areas suffering serious ecological degradation. Large- scale, high- efficiency, and water-saving irrigation will be introduced in all key irrigation areas. Dry farming will be encouraged in more areas. Special action plans for promoting water conservation will be implemented in the drainage basins of Yarkand, Hotan, and other rivers in southern Xinjiang and in seriously water-deprived areas such as the Hexi Corridor of Gansu and Baicheng in Jilin. We will strengthen development of the meteorological service system for agriculture. We will establish pilot demonstration zones for sustainable agricultural development. 大力发展生态友好型农业。实施化肥农药使用量零增长行动,全面推广测土配方施肥、农药精准高效施用。实施种养结合循环农业示范工程,推动种养业废弃物资源化利用、无害化处理。开展农业面源污染综合防治。开展耕地质量保护与提升行动,推进农产品主产区深耕深松整地,加强东北黑土地保护。重点在地下水漏斗区、重金属污染区、生态严重退化地区,探索实行耕地轮作休耕制度试点。在重点灌区全面开展规模化高效节水灌溉行动。推广旱作农业。在南疆叶尔羌河、和田河等流域,以及甘肃河西走廊、吉林白城等严重缺水区域,实施专项节水行动计划。加强气象为农服务体系建设。创建农业可持续发展试验示范区。
Section 6  International Cooperation in Agriculture 

第六节 开展农业国际合作

We will improve mechanisms for regulating trade in agricultural products, optimize the mix of sources of imports, expand exports of competitive agricultural products while ensuring domestic supply, and appropriately increase imports of agricultural products that are in short supply at home. We will actively pursue agricultural cooperation and development overseas, establish large-scale offshore centers for farm product production, processing, storage, and transportation, and cultivate internationally competitive multinational agricultural companies. We will broaden the areas of international agricultural cooperation and support bilateral and multilateral cooperation in agricultural technology. 健全农产品贸易调控机制,优化进口来源地布局,在确保供给安全条件下,扩大优势农产品出口,适度增加国内紧缺农产品进口。积极开展境外农业合作开发,建立规模化海外生产加工储运基地,培育有国际竞争力的农业跨国公司。拓展农业国际合作领域,支持开展多双边农业技术合作。
Chapter 19 Establish a Modern Agricultural Operations System 

第十九章 构建现代农业经营体系

Guided by the need to develop different forms of appropriately scaled agricultural operations, we will create new methods for organizing agricultural operations and establish a modern system of agricultural operations that is based on rural household operations, held together by cooperation and association, and supported by society-wide services, thereby increasing the overall returns of agriculture. 以发展多种形式适度规模经营为引领,创新农业经营组织方式,构建以农户家庭经营为基础、合作与联合为纽带、社会化服务为支撑的现代农业经营体系,提高农业综合效益。
Section 1  Appropriately Scaled Agricultural Operations 

第一节 发展适度规模经营

We will keep rural land contract relationships stable, improve the measures for separating land ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights, promote the orderly transfer of land management rights in accordance with the law, and develop appropriately scaled agricultural operations through means such as third party cultivation, joint cultivation of combined land, land trusteeship, and joint-stock cooperation. 稳定农村土地承包关系,完善土地所有权、承包权、经营权分置办法,依法推进土地经营权有序流转,通过代耕代种、联耕联种、土地托管、股份合作等方式,推动实现多种形式的农业适度规模经营。
Section 2  New Types of Agribusiness 

第二节 培育新型农业经营主体

We will make policies more conducive to the growth of new types of agribusiness, support the development of large family farming businesses and family farms, guide and promote the well-regulated development of farmers' cooperatives, support the growth of enterprises that are leaders in agricultural industrialization, cultivate a new type of professional farmer, and nurture competent modern agricultural operators. We will encourage and support industrial and commercial capital investment in modern agriculture and promote the development of agricultural-commercial alliances and other emerging business models. 健全有利于新型农业经营主体成长的政策体系,扶持发展种养大户和家庭农场,引导和促进农民合作社规范发展,培育壮大农业产业化龙头企业,大力培养新型职业农民,打造高素质现代农业生产经营者队伍。鼓励和支持工商资本投资现代农业,促进农商联盟等新型经营模式发展。
Section 3  The System of Society-Wide Services for Agriculture 

第三节 健全农业社会化服务体系

We will implement a program to support society-wide services for agriculture, and develop commercial service organizations. We will support the provision of public- benefit agricultural services by research institutions, industry associations, leading enterprises, and qualified commercial service organizations, and support different types of new agricultural service entities in offering professional services on a large scale. We will give impetus to trials for making innovations in society-wide services at every stage of the agricultural production process, and actively promote various forms of services such as cooperative, trusteeship-based, and order-based services. We will strengthen the development of distribution facilities and markets for agricultural products, work to improve rural logistics and comprehensive service networks, encourage the development of e-commerce in rural areas, and implement projects to encourage the development of precooling in specialty agricultural product producing areas and express delivery services in rural areas. We will deepen the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives. We will make innovations in society- wide agricultural service mechanisms. 实施农业社会化服务支撑工程,培育壮大经营性服务组织。支持科研机构、行业协会、龙头企业和具有资质的经营性服务组织从事农业公益性服务,支持多种类型的新型农业服务主体开展专业化、规模化服务。推进农业生产全程社会化服务创新试点,积极推广合作式、托管式、订单式等服务形式。加强农产品流通设施和市场建设,完善农村配送和综合服务网络,鼓励发展农村电商,实施特色农产品产区预冷工程和“快递下乡”工程。深化供销合作社综合改革。创新农业社会化服务机制。
Chapter 20 Improve Technology and Equipment and Increase Information Technology Application in Agriculture 

第二十章 提高农业技术装备和信息化水平

With the aim of raising agricultural productivity, we will improve systems for promoting innovation in and the application of modern agricultural science and technology, accelerate agricultural mechanization, strengthen the integration of information technology into agriculture, and develop intelligent agriculture. 健全现代农业科技创新推广体系,加快推进农业机械化,加强农业与信息技术融合,发展智慧农业,提高农业生产力水平。
Section 1  Agricultural Technology and Equipment 

第一节 提升农业技术装备水平

We will strengthen innovation in agricultural science and technology and accelerate work on developing bio-breeding, agricultural machinery and equipment, and eco-friendly methods for increasing production. We will promote the use of high- yield, high-quality crop breeds suited to mechanized agriculture as well as standardized and localized models of high-yield and high-performance cultivation, and we will improve the conditions for making innovations in major agricultural laboratories. We will develop the modern seed industry, tackle key scientific and technological issues to make progress in the development of superior seed varieties, implement a new action plan for upgrading crop varieties, develop national seed breeding and production centers, and help the growth of leading seed enterprises using integrated cultivation- breeding-promotion operations. We will promote complete mechanization of the production process of major crops as well as the integration of agricultural machinery and methods. We will improve and invigorate networks for the promotion of agricultural technology at the community level. 加强农业科技自主创新,加快生物育种、农机装备、绿色增产等技术攻关,推广高产优质适宜机械化品种和区域性标准化高产高效栽培模式,改善农业重点实验室创新条件。发展现代种业,开展良种重大科技攻关,实施新一轮品种更新换代行动计划,建设国家级育制种基地,培育壮大育繁推一体化的种业龙头企业。推进主要作物生产全程机械化,促进农机农艺融合。健全和激活基层农业技术推广网络。
Section 2  Information Technology Adoption in Agriculture 

第二节 推进农业信息化建设

We will promote the integration of information technology into agricultural production management, operations management, market distribution, and fields related to resources and the environment. We will help spread the Internet of Things into agriculture by carrying out an experimental project to promote its use in certain regions, thereby promoting the development of intelligent agriculture and precision agriculture. We will promote the use of big data in agriculture and strengthen the overall capabilities of agricultural information services. We will encourage internet enterprises to establish agricultural service platforms that bring together the processes of production and marketing, and accelerate the development of agriculture-related e- commerce. 推动信息技术与农业生产管理、经营管理、市场流通、资源环境等融合。实施农业物联网区域试验工程,推进农业物联网应用,提高农业智能化和精准化水平。推进农业大数据应用,增强农业综合信息服务能力。鼓励互联网企业建立产销衔接的农业服务平台,加快发展涉农电子商务。
Chapter 21 Improve Systems for Providing Support and Protection for Agriculture 

第二十一章 完善农业支持保护制度

With an emphasis on ensuring the supply of major agricultural products, promoting increases in rural incomes, and achieving sustainable agricultural development, we will improve policy support aimed at strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers, and raising rural living standards and raise our level of support and protection for agriculture. 以保障主要农产品供给、促进农民增收、实现农业可持续发展为重点,完善强农惠农富农政策,提高农业支持保护效能。
Section 1  Increased Investment in Agriculture 

第一节 持续增加农业投入

We will establish a mechanism for steadily increasing investment in agriculture and rural areas. In the area of agricultural investment, we will improve the government spending mix, create new ways of investing and operating government funds, promote the integration of investment projects, and improve the efficacy of subsidy policies. We will progressively increase the range and scale of green box subsidies while adjusting and improving amber box policies. The subsidies for food crop production, for promoting superior grain crop varieties, and for supporting the purchase of agricultural supplies will be combined into a single agricultural support and protection subsidy. We will improve subsidy policies for the purchase of agricultural machinery and tools, and give priority to grain crop producers, new types of agribusinesses, and major agricultural production areas in the allocation of these subsidies. We will establish a system of protection and compensation for arable land. 建立农业农村投入稳定增长机制。优化财政支农支出结构,创新涉农资金投入方式和运行机制,推进整合统筹,提高农业补贴政策效能。逐步扩大“绿箱”补贴规模和范围,调整改进“黄箱”政策。将农业“三项补贴”合并为农业支持保护补贴,完善农机具购置补贴政策,向种粮农民、新型经营主体、主产区倾斜。建立耕地保护补偿制度。
Section 2  Pricing, Purchasing, and Stockpiling Systems for Agricultural Products 

第二节 完善农产品价格和收储制度

We will ensure equal emphasis is placed on both carrying out market- oriented reforms and protecting the interests of farmers, and improve the system for regulating the market for agricultural products and the market system itself. We will continue to implement and improve the minimum purchase price policy for rice and wheat, and deepen reform of the program for guaranteeing base prices for cotton and soybeans. We will explore the possibility of trialing base price insurance for agricultural products. We will actively and prudently carry out reform of the price-setting mechanism and the purchasing and stockpiling systems for corn, and establish a system for subsidizing corn producers. We will implement a project to ensure security of the purchase, stockpiling, and supply of grain crops, research and determine the optimum scale of reserves of grain crops and other important agricultural products, reform and improve the grain crop reserve management system as well as mechanisms for grain crop regulation and adjustment, and guide a diverse range of market entities—such as distribution and processing businesses—in participating in the purchase and stockpiling of agricultural products. We will move forward with the development of intelligent storage facilities for grain crops and work to conserve grain crops and reduce waste. 坚持市场化改革取向和保护农民利益并重,完善农产品市场调控制度和市场体系。继续实施并完善稻谷、小麦最低收购价政策。深化棉花、大豆目标价格改革。探索开展农产品目标价格保险试点。积极稳妥推进玉米价格形成机制和收储制度改革,建立玉米生产者补贴制度。实施粮食收储供应安全保障工程,科学确定粮食等重要农产品储备规模,改革完善粮食储备管理体制和吞吐调节机制,引导流通、加工企业等多元化市场主体参与农产品收储。推进智慧粮库建设和节粮减损。
Section 3 Innovations in Rural Financial Services 

第三节 创新农村金融服务

We will ensure all types of financial institutions support agriculture, and develop inclusive financing in rural areas. We will improve systems for supporting agricultural development and for the construction of rural infrastructure using development and policy-backed financing. We will carry out reform of rural credit cooperatives and strengthen the service functions of provincial-level unions of such cooperatives. We will actively develop diverse forms of rural financial institutions such as village banks. We will steadily carry out trials to allow farmers' cooperatives to use internal funds to provide financial services to their members. We will establish a sound policy-backed credit guaranty system for agriculture. We will improve the agricultural insurance system, steadily increase trials of the “insurance +futures” model, expand the scope of insurance coverage, raise insurance benefits, and improve the risk-spreading mechanisms of agricultural insurance against the risks posed by major disasters. 发挥各类金融机构支农作用,发展农村普惠金融。完善开发性金融、政策性金融支持农业发展和农村基础设施建设的制度。推进农村信用社改革,增强省级联社服务功能。积极发展村镇银行等多形式农村金融机构。稳妥开展农民合作社内部资金互助试点。建立健全农业政策性信贷担保体系。完善农业保险制度,稳步扩大“保险+期货”试点,扩大保险覆盖面,提高保障水平,完善农业保险大灾风险分散机制。


第五篇 优化现代产业体系

With a focus on carrying out deep structural adjustment and revitalizing the real economy, we will move ahead with supply- side structural reforms, foster new industries while upgrading traditional ones, and move faster to put in place a new modern industrial system that has strong innovative capabilities, provides quality services, is based on close collaboration, and is environmentally friendly. 围绕结构深度调整、振兴实体经济,推进供给侧结构性改革,培育壮大新兴产业,改造提升传统产业,加快构建创新能力强、品质服务优、协作紧密、环境友好的现代产业新体系。
Chapter 22 Develop China into a Manufacturing Powerhouse 

第二十二章 实施制造强国战略

We will implement the Made in China 2025 action plan. With an emphasis on strengthening the innovative capacity and basic capabilities of manufacturing, we will work to deepen the integration of information technology and manufacturing technology and promote the development of high-end, smart, green, and service- orientated manufacturing so as to foster a new competitive edge in manufacturing. 深入实施《中国制造2025》,以提高制造业创新能力和基础能力为重点,推进信息技术与制造技术深度融合,促进制造业朝高端、智能、绿色、服务方向发展,培育制造业竞争新优势。
Section 1  Stronger Industrial Foundations 

第一节 全面提升工业基础能力

We will strengthen the foundations of industry by working to break through bottlenecks in four areas: key basic materials, core basic spare parts and components, advanced fundamental techniques, and basic industrial technologies. We will guide cooperation between whole- equipment manufacturing enterprises on the one hand and enterprises, institutions of higher learning, and research institutes engaged in these four areas on the other. We will support collaborative innovation and joint research efforts by participants throughout the whole production chain in order to systematically solve key engineering and manufacturing problems relevant to the four areas. We will strengthen the development of standards, measurement, certification and accreditation, and inspection and testing systems related to fundamental industrial areas. We will build manufacturing innovation centers and support the development of industrial design centers. We will set up a national industrial design institute. 实施工业强基工程,重点突破关键基础材料、核心基础零部件(元器件)、先进基础工艺、产业技术基础等“四基”瓶颈。引导整机企业与“四基”企业、高校、科研院所产需对接。支持全产业链协同创新和联合攻关,系统解决“四基”工程化和产业化关键问题。强化基础领域标准、计量、认证认可、检验检测体系建设。实施制造业创新中心建设工程,支持工业设计中心建设。设立国家工业设计研究院。
Section 2  New Manufacturing Development 

第二节 加快发展新型制造业

We will implement the high-end equipment innovation and development project to significantly increase our design and systems integration capabilities. We will carry out a smart manufacturing initiative aimed at accelerating the development of technologies and equipment crucial for smart manufacturing and strengthening industrial foundations such as smart manufacturing standards, industrial electronic devices, and core support software. We will intensify facilities construction, technological verification, and the demonstration and promotion of the industrial internet, and make substantial breakthroughs in promoting Made in China + the internet. We will cultivate and promote new types of smart manufacturing and encourage a move toward flexible, intelligent, and lean modes of production. We will encourage the establishment of smart manufacturing alliances. We will create a green manufacturing system through green manufacturing projects and green product lifecycle management. To promote the transformation of manufacturing from production to both production and the provision of services, we will encourage manufacturing enterprises to extend their service chains and add value to their services. We will help manufacturing clusters transform and upgrade, establish demonstration centers for new industrialization, and cultivate advanced manufacturing centers. 实施高端装备创新发展工程,明显提升自主设计水平和系统集成能力。实施智能制造工程,加快发展智能制造关键技术装备,强化智能制造标准、工业电子设备、核心支撑软件等基础。加强工业互联网设施建设、技术验证和示范推广,推动“中国制造+互联网”取得实质性突破。培育推广新型智能制造模式,推动生产方式向柔性、智能、精细化转变。鼓励建立智能制造产业联盟。实施绿色制造工程,推进产品全生命周期绿色管理,构建绿色制造体系。推动制造业由生产型向生产服务型转变,引导制造企业延伸服务链条、促进服务增值。推进制造业集聚区改造提升,建设一批新型工业化产业示范基地,培育若干先进制造业中心。
Section 3 Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Industries 

第三节 推动传统产业改造升级

We will transform and upgrade major manufacturing technologies and improve policies to support enterprises in emulating world-wide models in terms of techniques, processes, equipment, energy efficiency, and environmental protection, thereby helping key manufacturing sectors move into the medium-high end. We will improve the supply of consumer goods. We will encourage mergers and acquisitions of enterprises so as to put in place a highly concentrated, specialized, and cooperative industrial structure with a core of conglomerate companies. We will support the development of specialized small and medium enterprises. 实施制造业重大技术改造升级工程,完善政策体系,支持企业瞄准国际同行业标杆全面提高产品技术、工艺装备、能效环保等水平,实现重点领域向中高端的群体性突破。开展改善消费品供给专项行动。鼓励企业并购,形成以大企业集团为核心,集中度高、分工细化、协作高效的产业组织形态。支持专业化中小企业发展。
Section 4  Quality and Brand Development 

第四节 加强质量品牌建设

In order to make China a country strong on quality, we will work to see that enterprise quality management is strengthened, the quality of products is improved and brands are elevated, key generic technology problems affecting product quality improvement are addressed, legal protections for trademarks and brands are strengthened, and a number of competitive, well- known brands are created. We will establish a release and oversight system for the declaration of product and service standards by enterprises, and support enterprises in improving their online quality inspection and control capabilities as well as their product lifecycle quality tracking capabilities. We will improve quality assurance and regulation systems and strengthen national-level quality inspection and evaluation centers as well as public service platforms for quality inspection and testing certification. We will introduce a punitive compensation system for producers who fail to meet product quality standards. 实施质量强国战略,全面强化企业质量管理,开展质量品牌提升行动,解决一批影响产品质量提升的关键共性技术问题,加强商标品牌法律保护,打造一批有竞争力的知名品牌。建立企业产品和服务标准自我声明公开和监督制度,支持企业提高质量在线检测控制和产品全生命周期质量追溯能力。完善质量监管体系,加强国家级检测与评定中心、检验检测认证公共服务平台建设。建立商品质量惩罚性赔偿制度。
Section 5  An Active and Prudent Approach to Overcapacity 

第五节 积极稳妥化解产能过剩

We will strengthen policy guidance to ensure market clearing is achieved through the comprehensive use of market mechanisms, economic and legal measures, and if necessary, administrative measures. We will establish a mechanism to address overcapacity by ensuring compliance with standards for the production process, technology, energy consumption, environmental protection, quality, and safety, and will tighten industry regulations and market entry management in order to shut down outdated production facilities. We will set up a fund to provide rewards and subsidies for structural adjustments in industrial enterprises; move more quickly to address overcapacity in industries such as steel and coal through mergers, reorganizations, debt restructurings, bankruptcy liquidations, and better asset utilization; actively and prudently handle the winding up of enterprises in an organized way on the basis of classification; and ensure that employees laid off from such enterprises are properly resettled. 综合运用市场机制、经济手段、法治办法和必要的行政手段,加大政策引导力度,实现市场出清。建立以工艺、技术、能耗、环保、质量、安全等为约束条件的推进机制,强化行业规范和准入管理,坚决淘汰落后产能。设立工业企业结构调整专项奖补资金,通过兼并重组、债务重组、破产清算、盘活资产,加快钢铁、煤炭等行业过剩产能退出,分类有序、积极稳妥处置退出企业,妥善做好人员安置等工作。

Section 6  Lower Business Costs in the Real Economy 

第六节 降低实体经济企业成本

We will cut business costs in the real economy. To lower government- imposed transaction costs, we will further streamline administration and delegate more powers, streamline and standardize intermediary services for government approval prior to applying for a business license, and overhaul and regulate charges for intermediary services. We will help businesses reduce labor costs by determining appropriate minimum wage levels, streamlining and consolidating the old-age insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, maternity insurance, and housing provident fund schemes, and reducing, as appropriate, the ratio of enterprise contributions to these schemes. We will reduce taxes and fees for enterprises by lowering the proportion of their VAT and turnover taxes, reviewing and standardizing enterprise support funds, and canceling unreasonable charges. To lower enterprise financial costs, we will maintain proper liquidity and interest rates, create new direct financing products suitable to the needs of enterprises, and establish a national financing guaranty fund. We will reduce the energy costs of enterprises by better linking domestic and international energy prices as well as domestic coal and electricity prices. We will reduce enterprise logistics costs by improving logistics organization and management and standardizing road tolls. We will encourage and guide enterprises in conducting innovative management, improving techniques and processes, and conserving energy and materials.

Chapter 23 Develop Strategic Emerging Industries 

第二十三章 支持战略性新兴产业发展

By targeting cutting-edge technologies, adhering to industrial development trends, focusing on key areas, and optimizing the integration of policies, we will create space for the growth of emerging industries and see that they gain a competitive advantage in the future. We will work to ensure that the value- added of strategic emerging industries reaches 15% of China's GDP. 瞄准技术前沿,把握产业变革方向,围绕重点领域,优化政策组合,拓展新兴产业增长空间,抢占未来竞争制高点,使战略性新兴产业增加值占国内生产总值比重达到15%。
Section 1  Emerging Industries' Bigger Role in Bolstering the Economy 

第一节 提升新兴产业支撑作用

We will support the development of next generation information technology, new-energy vehicles, biotechnology, green and low-carbon technology, high-end equipment and materials, and digital creative industries. In fostering new areas of economic growth, we will spur innovation and industrial application in emerging, cutting-edge fields such as advanced semi-conductivity, robotics, additive manufacturing, intelligent systems, next generation aviation equipment, comprehensive service systems for space technologies, smart transportation, precision medicine, systems for high-efficiency energy storage and distributed energy, smart materials, efficient energy conservation, environmental protection, virtual reality, and interactive movies and television. 支持新一代信息技术、新能源汽车、生物技术、绿色低碳、高端装备与材料、数字创意等领域的产业发展壮大。大力推进先进半导体、机器人、增材制造、智能系统、新一代航空装备、空间技术综合服务系统、智能交通、精准医疗、高效储能与分布式能源系统、智能材料、高效节能环保、虚拟现实与互动影视等新兴前沿领域创新和产业化,形成一批新增长点。
Section 2 Strategic Industries 

第二节 培育发展战略性产业

In bringing about a future-oriented industry structure, we will foster strategic industries in the fields of aerospace, oceanography, information networks, the life sciences, and nuclear technology. In order to cultivate strengths for future development, we will develop new types of air and underwater vehicles, next generation operating platforms, and integrated aerospace observation systems, develop quantum communication and a safe and ubiquitous Internet of Things, and accelerate the development of synthetic biology and regenerative medical techniques as well as next generation nuclear power equipment, small nuclear power systems, and civil nuclear analytical and imaging techniques. 加强前瞻布局,在空天海洋、信息网络、生命科学、核技术等领域,培育一批战略性产业。大力发展新型飞行器及航行器、新一代作业平台和空天一体化观测系统,着力构建量子通信和泛在安全物联网,加快发展合成生物和再生医学技术,加速开发新一代核电装备和小型核动力系统、民用核分析与成像,打造未来发展新优势。
Section 3  A New Developmental Pattern for Emerging Industries 

第三节 构建新兴产业发展新格局

We will support the development of industrial innovation centers and new technology promotion centers as well as the efforts of cities rich in innovation resources to lead the innovation-driven development of emerging industries. We will help ensure rapid development of the production and innovation chains of emerging industries to accelerate industry clustering according to their specific characteristics. We will put in place a plan to build a global innovation-driven development network for emerging industries, encourage Chinese enterprises to allocate innovation resources globally, and support the establishment of overseas research and development centers. 支持产业创新中心、新技术推广应用中心建设,支持创新资源密集度高的城市发展成为新兴产业创新发展策源地。推动新兴产业链创新链快速发展,加速形成特色新兴产业集群。实施新兴产业全球创新发展网络计划,鼓励企业全球配置创新资源,支持建立一批海外研发中心。
Section 4  A Better Environment for Developing Emerging Industries 

第四节 完善新兴产业发展环境

We will ensure that industrial policies guide development and promote competition, and will put in place market access requirements, regulatory rules, and standards systems conducive to the development of new technologies, new products, and new forms and models of businesses. We will encourage the procurement of innovative products and services both in major infrastructure projects and in projects concerning people's wellbeing. We will set up a national strategic industry development fund and ensure that the National Venture Capital Guide Fund for Emerging Industries fully plays its role, giving primary support to innovative enterprises in emerging industries that are still in an early stage of development. 发挥产业政策导向和促进竞争功能,构建有利于新技术、新产品、新业态、新模式发展的准入条件、监管规则和标准体系。鼓励民生和基础设施重大工程采用创新产品和服务。设立国家战略性产业发展基金,充分发挥新兴产业创业投资引导基金作用,重点支持新兴产业领域初创期创新型企业。

Chapter 24 Increase Quality and Efficiency within the Service Sector 

第二十四章 加快推动服务业优质高效发展

We will accelerate the development of modern services, further open them to foreign competition, and improve their development environment, so as to help producer services move both toward specialization and higher up the value chain, and help consumer services become more refined and increase in quality. 开展加快发展现代服务业行动,扩大服务业对外开放,优化服务业发展环境,推动生产性服务业向专业化和价值链高端延伸、生活性服务业向精细和高品质转变。
Section 1 Specialization in Producer Services 

第一节 促进生产性服务业专业化

With the aim of upgrading industries and increasing efficiency, we will promote the development of industrial design and innovation, engineering and commercial consulting, legal and accounting services, modern insurance, credit ratings, after-sales services, inspection and testing certification, human resource services, and other industries. We will deepen reform of the commodity distribution system, thereby making commodity distribution more IT-based, procedure-based, and intensive and helping traditional commercial industries move more quickly toward utilizing modern distribution methods. We will strengthen the construction of logistics infrastructure, and develop third party, green, and cold chain logistics as well as rural and urban delivery services. We will promote innovation in high-tech services. We will guide producers in moving faster to see that services are separated from production and outsourced. We will bring China's producer service standards more in line with international standards so as to increase their international competitiveness. 以产业升级和提高效率为导向,发展工业设计和创意、工程咨询、商务咨询、法律会计、现代保险、信用评级、售后服务、检验检测认证、人力资源服务等产业。深化流通体制改革,促进流通信息化、标准化、集约化,推动传统商业加速向现代流通转型升级。加强物流基础设施建设,大力发展第三方物流和绿色物流、冷链物流、城乡配送。实施高技术服务业创新工程。引导生产企业加快服务环节专业化分离和外包。建立与国际接轨的生产性服务业标准体系,提高国际化水平。
Section 2  Better Consumer Services 

第二节 提高生活性服务业品质

We will accelerate the development of service sectors such as education and training, health and elderly care, culture and entertainment, and sports and fitness. We will develop the tourism industry by improving its quality and efficiency, accelerating the work to make Hainan an international hotspot for tourism, and supporting the development of ecotourism, cultural tourism, leisure tourism, and mountain tourism. We will promote the development of domestic services, working to ensure they become more specialized, scaled-up, and online-based. We will encourage integration in the consumer service sector and the growth of customized services to meet personalized demands. We will support service sector workers in taking part in occupational training and skill appraisal examinations in order to increase their levels of professionalization and specialization. We will put in place an action plan to ensure quality consumer services, spread the use of identifiers of quality service commitments along with systems for their management, and foster well-known service brands. 加快教育培训、健康养老、文化娱乐、体育健身等领域发展。大力发展旅游业,深入实施旅游业提质增效工程,加快海南国际旅游岛建设,支持发展生态旅游、文化旅游、休闲旅游、山地旅游等。积极发展家庭服务业,促进专业化、规模化和网络化发展。推动生活性服务业融合发展,鼓励发展针对个性化需求的定制服务。支持从业人员参加职业培训和技能鉴定考核,推进从业者职业化、专业化。实施生活性服务业放心行动计划,推广优质服务承诺标识与管理制度,培育知名服务品牌。
Section 3  Better Institutions and Policies for Service Sector Development 

第三节 完善服务业发展体制和政策

We will ensure that nongovernmental capital has greater market access, accelerate the opening of competitive operations in industries such as power, civil aviation, railway, petroleum, natural gas, postal services, and urban utilities, further open the banking, education, medical service, culture, internet, commerce, and logistics sectors, and carry out comprehensive trials to further open up the service sector. We will eliminate all types of discriminatory regulations and improve policies to ensure that all types of nongovernmental capital are able to participate on an equal footing in the development of sectors such as medical services, education, childcare and early childhood education, elderly care, and sports. We will expand the scope of government service procurement and promote competition-based procurement of third party services. 面向社会资本扩大市场准入,加快开放电力、民航、铁路、石油、天然气、邮政、市政公用等行业的竞争性业务,扩大金融、教育、医疗、文化、互联网、商贸物流等领域开放,开展服务业扩大开放综合试点。清理各类歧视性规定,完善各类社会资本公平参与医疗、教育、托幼、养老、体育等领域发展的政策。扩大政府购买服务范围,推动竞争性购买第三方服务。

第六篇 拓展网络经济空间

We will ensure a thorough understanding of developmental trends in information technology, implement the national cyber development strategy, accelerate the development of digital technology, deepen the integration of information technology into economic and social development, and accelerate the expansion of the information economy. 牢牢把握信息技术变革趋势,实施网络强国战略,加快建设数字中国,推动信息技术与经济社会发展深度融合,加快推动信息经济发展壮大。
Chapter 25 Build Ubiquitous, Efficient Information Networks 

第二十五章 构建泛在高效的信息网络

We will accelerate the construction of high-speed, mobile, secure, and ubiquitous next generation information infrastructure and spread the use of information network technology in order to bring about a cyberspace where all things are interconnected, humans and machines engage in interaction, and terrestrial and space-based facilities are integrated. 加快构建高速、移动、安全、泛在的新一代信息基础设施,推进信息网络技术广泛运用,形成万物互联、人机交互、天地一体的网络空间。
Section 1  New Generation High-Speed Fiber-Optic Networks 

第一节 完善新一代高速光纤网络

We will establish backbone networks for modern communications and strengthen capabilities with respect to high-speed transmission, flexible scheduling, and intelligent adapters. We will move faster in deploying fiber optic broadband access: for urban areas, we will ensure optical network coverage, provide gigabit and higher network access services, and see that home broadband subscribers in large and medium cities have flexibility in choosing services in excess of 100 Mbps, while for rural areas, we will work to make sure that 98% of administrative villages are linked up to fiber- optic networks, 100 Mbps or higher access service capabilities are available in areas where conditions permit, and more than half of rural home broadband subscribers have flexibility in choosing services in excess of 50 Mbps. We will establish open international communications facilities, refine the distribution of international communication networks, and improve cross-border land and submarine cable infrastructure. We will develop an online Silk Road with the Arab countries and others and accelerate the development of the China-ASEAN Information Harbor. 构建现代化通信骨干网络,提升高速传送、灵活调度和智能适配能力。推进宽带接入光纤化进程,城镇地区实现光网覆盖,提供1000兆比特每秒以上接入服务能力,大中城市家庭用户带宽实现100兆比特以上灵活选择;98%的行政村实现光纤通达,有条件地区提供100兆比特每秒以上接入服务能力,半数以上农村家庭用户带宽实现50兆比特以上灵活选择。建立畅通的国际通信设施,优化国际通信网络布局,完善跨境陆海缆基础设施。建设中国-阿拉伯国家等网上丝绸之路,加快建设中国-东盟信息港。
Section 2  An Advanced and Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband Network 

第二节 构建先进泛在的无线宽带网

We will intensify efforts to spread the availability of high-speed wireless broadband. We will accelerate the development of 4G networks, see that such networks achieve full and robust coverage of towns, townships, and densely populated administrative villages, and expand the availability of free high- speed wireless local area network connectivity in popular public spaces in urban areas. We will accelerate the extension of internet networks to remote mountainous areas, pastoral areas, and island reefs. We will improve the allocation of the country's spectrum resources, strengthen management over the radio-frequency spectrum, and safeguard security and order with respect to radio waves. We will make appropriate plans for utilizing satellite frequencies and orbital resources. We will accelerate the development of the internet in space and work to achieve interconnectivity between terrestrial and space-based facilities. 深入普及高速无线宽带。加快第四代移动通信(4G)网络建设,实现乡镇及人口密集的行政村全面深度覆盖,在城镇热点公共区域推广免费高速无线局域网(WLAN)接入。加快边远山区、牧区及岛礁等网络覆盖。优化国家频谱资源配置,加强无线电频谱管理,维护安全有序的电波秩序。合理规划利用卫星频率和轨道资源。加快空间互联网部署,实现空间与地面设施互联互通。
Section 3  New Information Network Technology 

第三节 加快信息网络新技术开发应用

We will drive forward research in key technologies for 5G mobile networks and ultra-wideband applications, and develop commercial applications of 5G technology. We will adopt a forward-thinking approach in planning for the next generation internet and move to upgrade to IPv6 across the board. We will formulate plans for future cyber frameworks, cyber technology systems, and cybersecurity systems. We will focus on making breakthroughs in key big data and cloud computing technologies, independently controllable operating systems, high-end industrial software and large management software, and artificial intelligence technologies for emerging areas. 积极推进第五代移动通信(5G)和超宽带关键技术研究,启动5G商用。超前布局下一代互联网,全面向互联网协议第6版(IPv6)演进升级。布局未来网络架构、技术体系和安全保障体系。重点突破大数据和云计算关键技术、自主可控操作系统、高端工业和大型管理软件、新兴领域人工智能技术。
Section 4  Broadband Internet Speed and Rates 

第四节 推进宽带网络提速降费

We will open up competitive areas in basic telecommunication fields to private capital so that infrastructure can be jointly developed and shared among diverse forms of market entities and services are better able to compete with each other. We will step up efforts to offer telecommunications, radio and television, and internet services over a single broadband connection. We will strengthen universal service responsibilities and improve mechanisms toward this end. We will boost broadband speeds, lower rates for internet service, simplify the structure of charges for telecommunications services, and make telecommunications services more cost-effective. We will improve the internet architecture, access technologies, and billing standards. We will strengthen oversight over internet pricing practices. 开放民间资本进入基础电信领域竞争性业务,形成基础设施共建共享、业务服务相互竞争的市场格局。深入推进“三网融合”。强化普遍服务责任,完善普遍服务机制。开展网络提速降费行动,简化电信资费结构,提高电信业务性价比。完善优化互联网架构及接入技术、计费标准。加强网络资费行为监管。
Chapter 26 Develop Modern Internet Industries 

第二十六章 发展现代互联网产业体系

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