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Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases of Jeopardizing Food Safety(2021) [Effective]
最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理危害食品安全刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释(2021) [现行有效]
Announcement of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China and the Supreme People's Procuratorate of the People's Republic of China 


The Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases of Jeopardizing Food Safety, as adopted at the 1,856th session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 13, 2021, and the 84th session of the Thirteenth Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on December 29, 2021, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on January 1, 2022. 《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理危害食品安全刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》已于2021年12月13日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1856次会议、2021年12月29日由最高人民检察院第十三届检察委员会第八十四次会议通过,现予公布,自2022年1月1日起施行。
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院
December 30, 2021 2021年12月30日
Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases of Jeopardizing Food Safety 最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理危害食品安全刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释
(Adopted at the 1,856th session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 13, 2021, and the 84th session of the Thirteenth Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on December 29, 2021; effective on January 1, 2022; No. 24 [2021] of the Supreme People's Court) (2021年12月13日最高人民法院审判委员会第1856次会议、2021年12月29日最高人民检察院第十三届检察委员会第八十四次会议通过,自2022年1月1日起施行 法释〔2021〕24号)
For the purposes of punishing crimes of jeopardizing food safety and protecting the physical health and life safety of the people, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China and the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, several issues concerning the application of law in the handling of criminal cases of jeopardizing food safety are hereby interpreted as follows: 为依法惩治危害食品安全犯罪,保障人民群众身体健康、生命安全,根据《中华人民共和国刑法》《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》的有关规定,对办理此类刑事案件适用法律的若干问题解释如下:
Article 1 Under any of the following circumstances, the production or sale of food in non-conformity with food safety standards shall be determined to be “sufficient to cause a serious food poisoning accident or any other serious food-borne disease” under Article 143 of the Criminal Law:   第一条 生产、销售不符合食品安全标准的食品,具有下列情形之一的,应当认定为刑法一百四十三条规定的“足以造成严重食物中毒事故或者其他严重食源性疾病”:
(1) The quantity of pathogenic microorganisms, pesticide residuals, veterinary drug residuals, biological toxins, heavy metals, or other pollutants, or any other substance seriously harmful to human health contained in the food significantly exceeds the limit prescribed in the relevant standards. (一)含有严重超出标准限量的致病性微生物、农药残留、兽药残留、生物毒素、重金属等污染物质以及其他严重危害人体健康的物质的;
(2) The offender produces or sells the meat of poultry, livestock, or terrestrial or aquatic animals which have died from a disease or any unknown cause or have failed to pass the inspection and quarantine or the products thereof. (二)属于病死、死因不明或者检验检疫不合格的畜、禽、兽、水产动物肉类及其制品的;
(3) The state expressly prohibits the production or sale of the food as necessary for disease prevention and control and other special purposes. (三)属于国家为防控疾病等特殊需要明令禁止生产、销售的;
(4) The nutritional components of formula foods for special medical use and main and supplementary foods specially designed for infants and young children seriously fall short of food safety standards. (四)特殊医学用途配方食品、专供婴幼儿的主辅食品营养成分严重不符合食品安全标准的;
(5) It is otherwise sufficient to cause a serious food poisoning accident or any other serious food-borne disease. (五)其他足以造成严重食物中毒事故或者严重食源性疾病的情形。
Article 2 Under any of the following circumstances, the production or sale of food in non-conformity with food safety standards shall be determined to “have caused any serious harm to human health” under Article 143 of the Criminal Law:   第二条 生产、销售不符合食品安全标准的食品,具有下列情形之一的,应当认定为刑法一百四十三条规定的“对人体健康造成严重危害”:
(1) Causing any minor or more serious injury. (一)造成轻伤以上伤害的;
(2) Causing any mild or moderate disability. (二)造成轻度残疾或者中度残疾的;
(3) Causing any organ tissue damage which results in general dysfunction or serious dysfunction. (三)造成器官组织损伤导致一般功能障碍或者严重功能障碍的;
(4) Causing a serious food poisoning or any other serious food-borne disease to ten or more persons. (四)造成十人以上严重食物中毒或者其他严重食源性疾病的;
(5) Causing otherwise any serious harm to human health. (五)其他对人体健康造成严重危害的情形。
Article 3 Under any of the following circumstances, the production or sale of food in non-conformity with food safety standards shall be determined to be with “any other serious circumstance” under Article 143 of the Criminal Laws:   第三条 生产、销售不符合食品安全标准的食品,具有下列情形之一的,应当认定为刑法一百四十三条规定的“其他严重情节”:
(1) The production or sales in value are 200,000 yuan or more. (一)生产、销售金额二十万元以上的;
(2) The production or sales in value are 100,000 yuan or more but less than 200,000 yuan, but the quantity of food in non-conformity with food safety standards is larger or the production or sale of the food lasts six months or longer. (二)生产、销售金额十万元以上不满二十万元,不符合食品安全标准的食品数量较大或者生产、销售持续时间六个月以上的;
(3) The production or sales in value are 100,000 yuan or more but less than 200,000 yuan, and the food is formula food for special medical use or main or complementary food for infants and young children. (三)生产、销售金额十万元以上不满二十万元,属于特殊医学用途配方食品、专供婴幼儿的主辅食品的;
(4) The production or sales in value are 100,000 yuan or more but less than 200,000 yuan, and sales are made to minors or the elderly at primary and secondary schools, child care institutions, kindergartens, elderly care institutions, or the surrounding areas. (四)生产、销售金额十万元以上不满二十万元,且在中小学校园、托幼机构、养老机构及周边面向未成年人、老年人销售的;
(5) The production or sales in value are 100,000 yuan or more but less than 200,000 yuan, and a criminal penalty has been received for the crime of jeopardizing food safety, or an administrative penalty was received for the illegal act of jeopardizing food safety in last two years. (五)生产、销售金额十万元以上不满二十万元,曾因危害食品安全犯罪受过刑事处罚或者二年内因危害食品安全违法行为受过行政处罚的;
(6) Other serious circumstances. (六)其他情节严重的情形。
Article 4 Under any of the following circumstances, the production or sale of food in non-conformity with food safety standards shall be determined to have “any particularly serious consequences” under Article 143 of the Criminal Law:   第四条 生产、销售不符合食品安全标准的食品,具有下列情形之一的,应当认定为刑法一百四十三条规定的“后果特别严重”:
(1) Causing the death of a person. (一)致人死亡的;
(2) Causing any severe disability. (二)造成重度残疾以上的;
(3) Causing severe injuries, moderate disabilities, or serious dysfunction resulting from organ tissue damage to three or more persons. (三)造成三人以上重伤、中度残疾或者器官组织损伤导致严重功能障碍的;
(4) Causing minor injuries to ten or more persons or mild disabilities or general dysfunction resulting from organ tissue damage to five or more persons. (四)造成十人以上轻伤、五人以上轻度残疾或者器官组织损伤导致一般功能障碍的;
(5) Causing a serious food poisoning or any other serious food-borne disease to 30 or more persons. (五)造成三十人以上严重食物中毒或者其他严重食源性疾病的;
(6) Other particularly serious consequences. (六)其他特别严重的后果。
Article 5 Where, in the process of production, sale, transportation, or storage of food, among others, there is any abuse of food additives beyond the limit or scope prescribed in the food safety standards, sufficient to cause a serious food poisoning accident or any other serious food-borne disease, the offender shall be convicted of and punished for the crime of producing or selling food in non-conformity with food safety standards under Article 143 of the Criminal Law.   第五条 在食品生产、销售、运输、贮存等过程中,违反食品安全标准,超限量或者超范围滥用食品添加剂,足以造成严重食物中毒事故或者其他严重食源性疾病的,依照刑法一百四十三条的规定以生产、销售不符合安全标准的食品罪定罪处罚。
Where, in stages such as the planting, breeding, sale, transportation and storage of edible agricultural products, there is any abuse of additives, pesticides and veterinary drugs, among others, beyond the limit or scope prescribed in the food safety standards, sufficient to cause a serious food poisoning accident or any other serious food-borne disease, the offender shall be convicted and punished according to the provision of the preceding paragraph. 在食用农产品种植、养殖、销售、运输、贮存等过程中,违反食品安全标准,超限量或者超范围滥用添加剂、农药、兽药等,足以造成严重食物中毒事故或者其他严重食源性疾病的,适用前款的规定定罪处罚。
Article 6 Under any of the circumstances set out in Article 2 of this Interpretation, the production or sale of toxic or harmful food shall be determined to “have caused any serious harm to human health” under Article 144 of the Criminal Law.   第六条 生产、销售有毒、有害食品,具有本解释第二条规定情形之一的,应当认定为刑法一百四十四条规定的“对人体健康造成严重危害”。
Article 7 Under any of the following circumstances, the production or sale of toxic or harmful food shall be determined to be with “any other serious circumstance” under Article 144 of the Criminal Law:   第七条 生产、销售有毒、有害食品,具有下列情形之一的,应当认定为刑法一百四十四条规定的“其他严重情节”:
(1) The production or sales in value are 200,000 yuan or more but less than 500,000 yuan. (一)生产、销售金额二十万元以上不满五十万元的;
(2) The production or sales in value are 100,000 yuan or more but less than 200,000 yuan, and the quantity of toxic or harmful food is relatively large, or the production or sale of the food lasts six months or longer. (二)生产、销售金额十万元以上不满二十万元,有毒、有害食品数量较大或者生产、销售持续时间六个月以上的;
(3) The production or sales in value are 100,000 yuan or more but less than 200,000 yuan, and the food is formula food for special medical use, or main or complementary food for infants and young children. (三)生产、销售金额十万元以上不满二十万元,属于特殊医学用途配方食品、专供婴幼儿的主辅食品的;
(4) The production or sales in value are 100,000 yuan or more but less than 200,000 yuan, and sales are made to minors or the elderly at primary and secondary schools, child care institutions, kindergartens, elderly care institutions, or the surrounding areas. (四)生产、销售金额十万元以上不满二十万元,且在中小学校园、托幼机构、养老机构及周边面向未成年人、老年人销售的;
(5) The production or sales in value are 100,000 yuan or more but less than 200,000 yuan, and a criminal penalty was received for the crime of jeopardizing food safety, or an administrative penalty was received for the illegal act of jeopardizing food safety in last two years. (五)生产、销售金额十万元以上不满二十万元,曾因危害食品安全犯罪受过刑事处罚或者二年内因危害食品安全违法行为受过行政处罚的;
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