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Order of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (No.39) The Measures for the Administration of the Publication of Audio-Visual Programs through the Internet or Other Information Network, which were adopted at the executive meeting on June 15, 2004, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of October 11, 2004. Director General Xu Guangchun July 6, 2004 Measures for the Administration of the Publication of Audio-Visual Programs through the Internet or Other Information Network
| | 国家广播电影电视总局令 (第39号) 《互联网等信息网络传播视听节目管理办法》经2004年6月15日局务会议通过,现予发布,自2004年10月11日起施行。 局长 徐光春 二00四年七月六日
Chapter I General Provisions
| | 第一章 总则
Article 1 The present Measures are formulated for the purpose of regulating the order of publication of audio-visual programs through the internet and other information network, strengthening supervision and administration, and promoting the development of socialist culture and ethics.
| | 第一条 为规范互联网等信息网络传播视听节目秩序,加强监督管理,促进社会主义精神文明建设,制定本办法。
Article 2 The present Measures shall be applicable to such activities as the undertaking of the opening, broadcasting (including broadcasting upon request, relaying or making live broadcasts), integrating, transmitting, or downloading audio-visual program services through such information network as mobile communications network, immovable communications network, microwave communications network, Community Antenna Television (CATV), satellite or other urban area network, wide area network and local area network, etc., whose receiving terminal shall be computers, televisions, mobile phones, and various electronic equipment. The "audio-visual programs (including audio-visual products of film and television type)" as mentioned in the present Measures shall refer to the audio-visual frequency programs consisting of movable pictures or sounds that can be listened to continuously, which are shot and recorded by making use of video cameras, vidicons, recorders and other audio-visual frequency equipment for producing programs.
| | 第二条 本办法适用于以互联网协议(IP)作为主要技术形态,以计算机、电视机、手机等各类电子设备为接收终端,通过移动通信网、固定通信网、微波通信网、有线电视网、卫星或其他城域网、广域网、局域网等信息网络,从事开办、播放(含点播、转播、直播)、集成、传输、下载视听节目服务等活动。 本办法所称视听节目(包括影视类音像制品),是指利用摄影机、摄像机、录音机和其它视音频摄制设备拍摄、录制的,由可连续运动的图像或可连续收听的声音组成的视音频节目。
Article 3 The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (hereinafter referred to as the SARFT) shall be responsible for the administration of the publication of audio-visual programs through the internet and other information network (hereinafter referred to as the publication of audio-visual programs through information network) throughout the country. The local administrative department of radio and television at or above the county level shall be responsible for the administration of the publication of audio-visual programs through the internet and other information network within their own jurisdiction.
| | 第三条 国家广播电影电视总局(以下简称广电总局)负责全国互联网等信息网络传播视听节目(以下简称信息网络传播视听节目)的管理工作。 县级以上地方广播电视行政部门负责本辖区内互联网等信息网络传播视听节目的管理工作。
Article 4 The state applies license system to the business of publication audio-visual programs through information network.
| | 第四条 国家对从事信息网络传播视听节目业务实行许可制度。
Article 5 The state encourages the radio stations and television stations at or above the prefecture or city level to publish audio-visual programs through the internet.
| | 第五条 国家鼓励地(市)级以上广播电台、电视台通过国际互联网传播视听节目。
Chapter II Business Licensing
| | 第二章 业务许可
Article 6 The License for Publication of Audio-Visual Programs through Information Network shall be obtained for undertaking the business of publication of audio-visual programs through information network. The License for Publication of Audio-Visual Programs through Information Network shall be checked and issued by the SARFT through classification in light of the categories of business of publication of audio-visual programs through information network, receiving terminals, transmission networks, and other items, etc.. The categories of business shall include: publication of self-produced programs, relaying programs and provision of integrated operation service for programs, etc.. The receiving terminals shall include: computers, television sets, mobile phones, and other various electronic equipments. The transmission network shall include: mobile communications network, immovable communications network, microwave communications network, CATV network, satellite or other urban area network, wide area network and local area network, etc..
| | 第六条 从事信息网络传播视听节目业务,应取得《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》。 《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》由广电总局按照信息网络传播视听节目的业务类别、接收终端、传输网络等项目分类核发。 业务类别分为播放自办节目、转播节目和提供节目集成运营服务等。 接收终端分为计算机、电视机、手机及其它各类电子设备。 传输网络分为移动通信网、固定通信网、微波通信网、有线电视网、卫星或其他城域网、广域网、局域网等。
Article 7 No solely foreign-owned, Sino-foreign joint venture or Sino-foreign cooperative institution may undertake business of publication of audio-visual programs through information network. The radio stations, television stations established upon the approval of the SARFT or websites that have the qualification of publication of news through the internet according to law may apply for operate the business of publication of audio-visual programs of the news category through information network, no other institution or individual may operate business of publication of audio-visual programs of the news category through information network. The radio stations, television stations, radio, film and television groups (head stations) established at or above the level of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the cities under separate state planning upon the approval of the SARFT may apply for undertaking integrated operation service by itself or through establishing an institution for publication of audio-visual programs through information network, which has the television as the receiving terminal. No other institution or individual may operate such kinds of business.
| | 第七条 外商独资、中外合资、中外合作机构,不得从事信息网络传播视听节目业务。 经广电总局批准设立的广播电台、电视台或依法享有互联网新闻发布资格的网站可以申请开办信息网络传播新闻类视听节目业务,其他机构和个人不得开办信息网络传播新闻类视听节目业务。 经广电总局批准设立的省、自治区、直辖市及省会市、计划单列市级以上广播电台、电视台、广播影视集团(总台),可以申请自行或设立机构从事以电视机作为接收终端的信息网络传播视听节目集成运营服务。其他机构和个人不得开办此类业务。
Article 8 The following conditions shall be met when applying for the License for Publication of Audio-Visual Programs through Information Network: 1. Complying with the general plan and overall arrangement for the publication of audio-visual programs through information network as determined by the SARFT; 2. Complying with the industry criteria and technical standards as prescribed by the state; 3. Having self-owned capital, equipment, places and necessary professionals adapted to the business scale; 4. Having the resources of audio-visual programs accommodated to the business scale and complying with the state provisions; 5. Having the service credit, technical capacity and network resources accommodated to the business scale; 6. Having perfect system for the examination of the contents of the programs, and publication management system; 7. Having feasible program monitoring plans; and 8. Other conditions as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.
| | 第八条 申请《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》,应当具备下列条件: (一)符合广电总局确定的信息网络传播视听节目的总体规划和布局; (二)符合国家规定的行业规范和技术标准; (三)有与业务规模相适应的自有资金、设备、场所及必要的专业人员; (四)拥有与业务规模相适应并符合国家规定的视听节目资源; (五)拥有与业务规模相适应的服务信誉、技术能力和网络资源; (六)有健全的节目内容审查制度、播出管理制度; (七)有可行的节目监控方案; (八)其他法律、行政法规规定的条件。
Article 9 The following materials shall be submitted when applying for the License for Publication of Audio-Visual Programs through Information Network: ...... | | 第九条 申请《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》,须提交以下材料: ...... |
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