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Regulation of Beijing Municipality on the Promotion of Digital Economy [Effective]
北京市数字经济促进条例 [现行有效]
Announcement of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Beijing Municipality 


(No. 89 of the Fifteenth People's Congress) (〔十五届〕第89号)

The Regulation of Beijing Municipality on the Promotion of Digital Economy, as adopted at the 45th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fifteenth People's Congress of Beijing Municipality on November 25, 2022, is hereby issued and shall come into force on January 1, 2023. 《北京市数字经济促进条例》已由北京市第十五届人民代表大会常务委员会第四十五次会议于2022年11月25日通过,现予公布,自2023年1月1日起施行。
Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Beijing Municipality 北京市人民代表大会常务委员会
November 25, 2022 2022年11月25日
Regulation of Beijing Municipality on the Promotion of Digital Economy 北京市数字经济促进条例
(Adopted at the 45th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fifteenth People's Congress of Beijing Municipality on November 25, 2022) (2022年11月25日北京市第十五届人民代表大会常务委员会第四十五次会议通过)
Table of Contents 目   录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Digital Infrastructure 第二章 数字基础设施
Chapter III Data Resources 第三章 数据资源
Chapter IV Data Industrialization 第四章 数字产业化
Chapter V Industrial Digitalization 第五章 产业数字化
Chapter VI Construction of a Smart City 第六章 智慧城市建设
Chapter VII Digital Economy Security 第七章 数字经济安全
Chapter VIII Guarantee Measures 第八章 保障措施
Chapter IX Supplemental Provisions 第九章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is developed in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations and in light of the actual circumstances of this Municipality for the purposes of strengthening the construction of digital infrastructure, cultivating the market of data elements, promoting digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, improving the governance of the digital economy, promoting the development of the digital economy, and building a global benchmark city for the digital economy.   第一条 为了加强数字基础设施建设,培育数据要素市场,推进数字产业化和产业数字化,完善数字经济治理,促进数字经济发展,建设全球数字经济标杆城市,根据有关法律、行政法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。
Article 2 This Regulation shall apply to the activities related to the promotion of the digital economy within the administrative region of this Municipality.   第二条 本市行政区域内数字经济促进相关活动适用本条例。
For the purposes of this Regulation, “digital economy” means a new economic form that promotes greater unity of fairness and efficiency with data resources as key elements, modern information networks as the major carrier, the integrated application of information and communication technologies and digital transformation of all elements as important driving forces. 本条例所称数字经济,是指以数据资源为关键要素,以现代信息网络为主要载体,以信息通信技术融合应用、全要素数字化转型为重要推动力,促进公平与效率更加统一的新经济形态。
Article 3 Promoting the development of the digital economy is an important strategy of this Municipality. The development of the digital economy shall be promoted under the principles of innovation-driven, integrated development, inclusive sharing, security and orderliness, and coordination and co-governance.   第三条 促进数字经济发展是本市的重要战略。促进数字经济发展应当遵循创新驱动、融合发展、普惠共享、安全有序、协同共治的原则。
Article 4 The people's governments of the municipality and districts shall strengthen their leadership over the promotion of the digital economy, establish and improve the promotion coordination mechanism, include the development of the digital economy in national economic and social development programs and plans, conduct research and formulate promotion measures and organize their implementation, and resolve major issues in the promotion of the digital economy.   第四条 市、区人民政府应当加强对数字经济促进工作的领导,建立健全推进协调机制,将数字经济发展纳入国民经济和社会发展规划和计划,研究制定促进措施并组织实施,解决数字经济促进工作中的重大问题。
Article 5 The municipal department of economy and information technology shall be responsible for specifically organizing, coordinating, and guiding the promotion of the digital economy citywide, drafting relevant promotion plans, promoting the implementation of relevant promotion measures, and advancing the implementation of major engineering projects. The district department of economy and information technology shall be responsible for promoting digital economy within its administrative region.   第五条 市经济和信息化部门负责具体组织协调指导全市数字经济促进工作,拟订相关促进规划,推动落实相关促进措施,推进实施重大工程项目;区经济和信息化部门负责本行政区域数字经济促进工作。
The departments of development and reform, education, science and technology, public security, civil affairs, finance, human resources and social security, urban management, agriculture and rural affairs, commerce, culture and tourism, health, market regulation, radio and television, sports, statistics, financial regulation, government services, intellectual property rights (IPR), cyberspace affairs, and talent work, among others, shall effectively promote digital economy in their respective fields according to their division of duties. 发展改革、教育、科技、公安、民政、财政、人力资源和社会保障、城市管理、农业农村、商务、文化和旅游、卫生健康、市场监管、广播电视、体育、统计、金融监管、政务服务、知识产权、网信、人才工作等部门按照职责分工,做好各自领域的数字经济促进工作。
Article 6 The municipal department of economy and information technology shall, in conjunction with the market regulatory and other relevant departments, promote the development of the system of local standards for the digital economy, establish and improve local standards for key technologies, data governance, security compliance, and public data management, and guide and support the adoption of advanced digital economy standards.   第六条 市经济和信息化部门会同市场监管等有关部门推进数字经济地方标准体系建设,建立健全关键技术、数据治理和安全合规、公共数据管理等领域的地方标准;指导和支持采用先进的数字经济标准。
Industry associations, industry alliances, and leading enterprises shall be encouraged to participate in the formulation of international standards, national standards, industry standards, and local standards for the digital economy, and independently formulate group standards and enterprise standards for the digital economy. 鼓励行业协会、产业联盟和龙头企业参与制定数字经济国际标准、国家标准、行业标准和地方标准,自主制定数字经济团体标准和企业标准。
Article 7 The municipal statistics department shall, in conjunction with the department of economy and information technology, improve the statistical measurement and evaluation system for the digital economy, evaluate the digital economy, and on a periodical basis, release to the public the main statistical results, monitoring results, and comprehensive evaluation indicators.   第七条 市统计部门会同经济和信息化部门完善数字经济统计测度和评价体系,开展数字经济评价,定期向社会公布主要统计结果、监测结果和综合评价指数。
Article 8 This Municipality shall provide good services for the digital development of entities in Beijing and encourage them to take their advantages to participate in the construction of the digital economy in Beijing; promote the integrated development of the digital economy in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and further cooperation in such aspects as technological innovation, infrastructure construction, data flow, promotion and application, and industrial development.   第八条 本市为在京单位数字化发展做好服务,鼓励其利用自身优势参与本市数字经济建设;推进京津冀区域数字经济融合发展,在技术创新、基础设施建设、数据流动、推广应用、产业发展等方面深化合作。
Chapter II Digital Infrastructure 

第二章 数字基础设施

Article 9 The people's governments of the municipality and districts and their relevant departments shall, under the principles of overall planning, reasonable layout, intensive, efficient, green, and low-carbon development, accelerate the construction of digital infrastructure such as information network infrastructure, computing infrastructure, and new technology infrastructure, promote the digital transformation of traditional infrastructure, promote the construction of new urban infrastructure, and include digital infrastructure construction in national economic and social development programs and plans as well as territorial space plans. The relevant departments shall provide guarantee in such aspects as energy, land, municipal administration, and transportation.   第九条 市、区人民政府及其有关部门应当按照统筹规划、合理布局、集约高效、绿色低碳的原则,加快建设信息网络基础设施、算力基础设施、新技术基础设施等数字基础设施,推进传统基础设施的数字化改造,推动新型城市基础设施建设,并将数字基础设施建设纳入国民经济和社会发展规划和计划、国土空间规划。相关部门做好能源、土地、市政、交通等方面的保障工作。
Article 10 The construction of information network infrastructure shall focus on supporting new generation high-speed fixed broadband and mobile communication networks, satellite Internet, and quantum communication, among others, and form a high-speed, ubiquitous, secure, and controllable network service system with a space-ground integrated network and cloud network convergence.   第十条 信息网络基础设施建设应当重点支持新一代高速固定宽带和移动通信网络、卫星互联网、量子通信等,形成高速泛在、天地一体、云网融合、安全可控的网络服务体系。
The information network infrastructure shall be designed, constructed, checked, accepted, and put into use simultaneously with the main projects of the newly built, rebuilt, or expanded residential and commercial buildings. An information network infrastructure operator shall enjoy the right to fair access to the market, and shall not conduct the acts of monopoly and unfair competition; and users shall have the right to independently select telecom business operators. 新建、改建、扩建住宅区和商业楼宇,信息网络基础设施应当与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时验收并投入使用。信息网络基础设施运营企业享有公平进入市场的权利,不得实施垄断和不正当竞争行为;用户有权自主选择电信业务经营企业。
The construction of information network infrastructure pipelines shall be planned in a unified manner, space resources such as urban roads and rail transit shall be rationally utilized, the impact on urban road traffic shall be reduced and mitigated, and fair and inclusive network access services shall be provided to information network infrastructure operators. 信息网络基础设施管道建设应当统一规划,合理利用城市道路、轨道交通等空间资源,减少和降低对城市道路交通的影响,为信息网络基础设施运营企业提供公平普惠的网络接入服务。
Article 11 The construction of sensory Internet of Things shall support the deployment of low-cost, low-power-consumption, high-precision, safe and reliable intelligent sensors, and the coverage of the Internet of Things in such fields as industrial manufacturing, agricultural production, public services, and emergency management shall be enhanced.   第十一条 感知物联网建设应当支持部署低成本、低功耗、高精度、安全可靠的智能化传感器,提高工业制造、农业生产、公共服务、应急管理等领域的物联网覆盖水平。
The construction of infrastructure of Intelligent Vehicle Infrastructure Cooperative Systems shall be supported, the digital reconstruction and construction of road infrastructure and traffic signs and marks shall be promoted, and the capability of road side equipment to integrate with road traffic management and control facilities shall be enhanced. 支持建设车路协同基础设施,推进道路基础设施、交通标志标识的数字化改造和建设,提高路侧单元与道路交通管控设施的融合接入能力。
Article 12 For the construction of computing infrastructure, urban intelligent computing clusters shall be built under the principles of green, low-carbon, intensive, and efficient development, and surrounding cities shall be coordinated to jointly develop the national hub nodes in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in the national integrated computing network. The overall planning on computing, intelligent scheduling, and diversified supply shall be reinforced, the edge computing capacity for specific scenarios shall be enhanced, and ecological integrated development featuring the integration of data, computing, algorithms, and development platforms shall be promoted.   第十二条 算力基础设施建设应当按照绿色低碳、集约高效的原则,建设城市智能计算集群,协同周边城市共同建设全国一体化算力网络京津冀国家枢纽节点,强化算力统筹、智能调度和多样化供给,提升面向特定场景的边缘计算能力,促进数据、算力、算法和开发平台一体化的生态融合发展。
New data centers shall be supported in implementing total volume control, gradient layout, and regional coordination, and existing data centers shall be optimized, adjusted, subject to technical transformation, and upgraded. 支持对新建数据中心实施总量控制、梯度布局、区域协同,对存量数据中心实施优化调整、技改升级。
Article 13 Artificial intelligence, block chain, big data, privacy computing, and urban space operating systems, among others, shall be promoted in a coordinated manner in the construction of new technology infrastructure. The construction of common platforms with common algorithms, underlying technologies, and open source software and hardware, among others, shall be supported.   第十三条 新技术基础设施建设应当统筹推进人工智能、区块链、大数据、隐私计算、城市空间操作系统等。支持建设通用算法、底层技术、软硬件开源等共性平台。
Project operators shall provide open and sharing services to the public for new technology infrastructure established mainly by using fiscal funds under the premise of ensuring security and standardization. 对主要使用财政资金形成的新技术基础设施,项目运营单位应当在保障安全规范的前提下,向社会提供开放共享服务。
Article 14 Except as otherwise prescribed by any law or administrative regulation, various forms such as government investment, cooperation between the government and enterprises, and franchised operation may be adopted for the construction of digital infrastructure. Various eligible market participants and social capital shall have the right to equally participate in investment, construction, and operation.   第十四条 除法律、行政法规另有规定外,数字基础设施建设可以采取政府投资、政企合作、特许经营等多种方式;符合条件的各类市场主体和社会资本,有权平等参与投资、建设和运营。
Chapter III Data Resources 

第三章 数据资源

Article 15 This Municipality shall strengthen the security protection, development, and utilization of data resources, promote the open sharing of public data, accelerate the cultivation of the data element market, promote the orderly flow of data elements, enhance the efficiency of the allocation of data elements, and explore the establishment of a data element income distribution mechanism.   第十五条 本市加强数据资源安全保护和开发利用,促进公共数据开放共享,加快数据要素市场培育,推动数据要素有序流动,提高数据要素配置效率,探索建立数据要素收益分配机制。
Article 16 Public data resources shall be subject to unified catalogue management. The municipal department of economy and information technology shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments, formulate the standards for the compilation of public data catalogues, and relevant public institutions shall, in accordance with the standards and relevant administrative provisions, compile the public data catalogues of their respective industries and departments, and collect data to the municipal big data platform as required. Public institutions shall ensure that data are collected in a legal, accurate, complete, and timely manner, and shall explore the establishment of new data catalogue management modes.   第十六条 公共数据资源实行统一的目录管理。市经济和信息化部门应当会同有关部门制定公共数据目录编制规范,有关公共机构依照规范及有关管理规定,编制本行业、本部门公共数据目录,并按照要求向市级大数据平台汇聚数据。公共机构应当确保汇聚数据的合法、准确、完整、及时,并探索建立新型数据目录管理方式。
For the purposes of this Regulation, “public institutions” include state organs at all levels of this Municipality and organizations legally authorized by laws to have the function of managing public affairs. For the purposes of this Regulation, “public data” means various types of data processed by public institutions in the performance of duties and provision of public services. 本条例所称公共机构,包括本市各级国家机关、经依法授权具有管理公共事务职能的组织。本条例所称公共数据,是指公共机构在履行职责和提供公共服务过程中处理的各类数据。
Article 17 The municipal people's government shall establish the municipal public data sharing mechanism to promote the interconnection of public data and related business systems.   第十七条 市人民政府建立全市公共数据共享机制,推动公共数据和相关业务系统互联互通。
The municipal big data center shall be specifically responsible for the collection, cleaning, sharing, opening, application, and assessment of public data, and promote the collection of non-public data by such methods as centralized procurement, data exchange, and interface transfer, construct and maintain the municipal big data platform and public data opening platform, and natural persons, legal persons, credit, spatial geography, electronic certificates and licenses, electronic seals, and other basic databases, and enhance inter-departmental, cross-regional, and cross-level data support capacity. 市大数据中心具体负责公共数据的汇聚、清洗、共享、开放、应用和评估,通过集中采购、数据交换、接口调用等方式,推进非公共数据的汇聚,建设维护市级大数据平台、公共数据开放平台以及自然人、法人、信用、空间地理、电子证照、电子印章等基础数据库,提升跨部门、跨区域和跨层级的数据支撑能力。
The people's governments of districts may, in accordance with the unified plan of the city, establish big data centers in their respective regions and include public data resources in unified management. 区人民政府可以按照全市统一规划,建设本区域大数据中心,将公共数据资源纳入统一管理。
Article 18 The municipal department of economy and information technology, people's governments of districts, and other relevant public institutions shall, under the principles of demand orientation, classification and grading, security and controllability, efficiency and convenience, formulate and publish the annual list or plan for public data opening, and unconditionally or conditionally open public data to the society. Entities and individuals may have access to public data through the public data opening platform.   第十八条 市经济和信息化部门、区人民政府等有关公共机构应当按照需求导向、分类分级、安全可控、高效便捷的原则,制定并公布年度公共数据开放清单或者计划,采取无条件开放、有条件开放等方式向社会开放公共数据。单位和个人可以通过公共数据开放平台获取公共数据。
Entities and individuals shall be encouraged to open non-public data in accordance with the law and promote data integration and innovation. 鼓励单位和个人依法开放非公共数据,促进数据融合创新。
Article 19 This Municipality shall set up special areas for public data in such fields as finance, medical care, transport, and space, and promote the conditional opening and social application of public data. The municipal people's government may conduct the authorized operation of the special areas for public data.   第十九条 本市设立金融、医疗、交通、空间等领域的公共数据专区,推动公共数据有条件开放和社会化应用。市人民政府可以开展公共数据专区授权运营。
...... 市人民政府及其有关部门可以探索设立公共数据特定区域,建立适应数字经济特征的新型监管方式。

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