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Order of the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (No.8 [2008]) The Administrative Measures for the Paid Use of Plastic Bags at Commodity Retailing Places, which were deliberated and adopted at the fifth executive meeting of the Ministry of Commerce on April 16th, 2008 and have been consented to by the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of June 1st, 2008. Minister of Commerce : Chen Deming Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission: Zhang Ping Director-General of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce: Zhou Bohua May 15th, 2008 Administrative Measures for the Paid Use of Plastic Bags at Commodity Retailing Places
| | 商务部、国家发展和改革委员会、国家工商行政管理总局令 (2008年第8号) 《商品零售场所塑料购物袋有偿使用管理办法》已经2008年4月16日商务部第五次部务会议审议通过,并经发展改革委、国家工商总局同意,现予公布,自2008年6月1日起施行。 商务部部长 陈德铭 发展改革委主任 张 平 工商总局局长 周伯华 二〇〇八年五月十五日 商品零售场所塑料购物袋有偿使用管理办法
Article 1 These Measures are formulated for the purpose of saving resources, protecting the ecological environment and guiding consumers to reduce the use of plastic bags.
| | 第一条 为节约资源、保护生态环境,引导消费者减少使用塑料购物袋,制订本办法。
Article 2 The term of “commodity retailing places” as mentioned in these Measures refers to various kinds of supermarkets, shops and trade markets where retailing services are provided for consumers. The term “plastic bags” as mentioned in these Measures refers to the plastic bags with the function of carrying things that are provided by commodity retailing places and used to hold the commodities purchased by consumers, excluding the plastic prepackages provided by commodity retailing places for health and food safety and used for holding bulk fresh food, cooked food and wheaten food, etc. The material quality and technical requirements of plastic bags shall be governed by the relevant state standards.
| | 第二条 本办法所称商品零售场所是指向消费者提供零售服务的各类超市、商场、集贸市场。 本办法所称塑料购物袋是指由商品零售场所提供的,用于装盛消费者所购商品,具有提携功能的塑料袋。但不包括商品零售场所基于卫生及食品安全目的,用于装盛散装生鲜食品、熟食、面食等商品的塑料预包装袋。 塑料购物袋的材质及技术要求由国家相关标准予以规范。
Article 3 Commodity retailing places shall provide paid plastic bags for consumers pursuant to these Measures.
| | 第三条 商品零售场所应当依据本办法向消费者有偿提供塑料购物袋。
Article 4 The competent department of commerce, the competent department of price and the administrative department for industry and commerce shall, within their respective scope of duties and functions, supervise and administer the business operations conducted by commodity retailing places in the process of the paid use of plastic bags in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
| | 第四条 商务主管部门、价格主管部门、工商行政管理部门依照有关法律法规,在各自职责范围内对商品零售场所塑料购物袋有偿使用过程中的经营行为进行监督管理。
Article 5 Commodity retailing places shall sell plastic bags at a marked price according to law.
| | 第五条 商品零售场所对塑料购物袋应当依法明码标价。
Article 6 A commodity retailing place may determine the price of plastic bags independently, but any of the following behaviors shall be prohibited:
| | 第六条 商品零售场所可自主制定塑料购物袋价格,但不得有下列行为:
1. selling plastic bags at a price lower than the cost;
| | (一)低于经营成本销售塑料购物袋;
2. selling plastic bags without marking a price thereon or without marking the required information or in the required way;
| | (二)不标明价格或不按规定的内容方式标明价格销售塑料购物袋;
3. selling plastic bags to consumers in violation of the marked price by discounting or other way; or ...... | | (三)采取打折或其他方式不按标示的价格向消费者销售塑料购物袋;
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