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Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Judicial Interpretation Work (2021 Amendment) [Effective]
最高人民法院关于司法解释工作的规定(2021修正) [现行有效]

Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Judicial Interpretation Work



(Adopted at the 1408th executive meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 11, 2006 and effective as of April 1, 2007; amended in accordance with the Decision of the Supreme People's Court to Amend the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Judicial Interpretation Work adopted at the 1841th executive meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on June 8, 2021 and effective as of June 16, 2021) (2006年12月11日最高人民法院审判委员会第1408次会议通过自2007年4月1日起施行。根据2021年6月8日最高人民法院审判委员会第1841次会议通过的《最高人民法院关于修改〈最高人民法院关于司法解释工作的规定〉的决定》修正该决定自2021年6月16日起施行)
I . General Provisions 


Article 1 In order to further regulate and perfect the judicial interpretation work, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Organization of the People's Courts , the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision by the Standing Committees of People's Congresses at Various Levels, Resolution of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Strengthening the Legal Interpretation Work and other relevant provisions.   第一条 为进一步规范和完善司法解释工作,根据《中华人民共和国人民法院组织法》、《中华人民共和国各级人民代表大会常务委员会监督法》和《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于加强法律解释工作的决议》等有关规定,制定本规定。
Article 2 The power to make judicial interpretations on the specific issues concerning the application of law in the trial work of the people's courts shall remain with the Supreme People's Court.   第二条 人民法院在审判工作中具体应用法律的问题,由最高人民法院作出司法解释。
Article 3 Judicial interpretations shall be formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and legislative spirit and on the basis of the actual demands of trial work.   第三条 司法解释应当根据法律和有关立法精神,结合审判工作实际需要制定。
Article 4 The judicial interpretations issued by the Supreme People's Court shall have been deliberated and adopted by the judicial committee.   第四条 最高人民法院发布的司法解释,应当经审判委员会讨论通过。
Article 5 The judicial interpretations issued by the Supreme People's Court shall have full legal force.   第五条 最高人民法院发布的司法解释,具有法律效力。
Article 6 Judicial interpretations may be developed in five forms, namely, ‘interpretation,' ‘provisions,' ‘rules,' ‘official reply' and ‘decision'.   第六条 司法解释的形式分为“解释”、“规定”、“规则”、“批复”和“决定”五种。
Judicial interpretations on the specific application of a certain law in the trial work or the application of law in the trial of the cases of a certain category or a certain kind of problems shall be made in the form of “interpretation”. 对在审判工作中如何具体应用某一法律或者对某一类案件、某一类问题如何应用法律制定的司法解释,采用“解释”的形式。
Judicial interpretations on the formulation of the norms or opinions which are necessary for the trial work on the basis of legislation spirit shall be made in the form of “provision”. 根据立法精神对审判工作中需要制定的规范、意见等司法解释,采用“规定”的形式。
The judicial interpretations regulating the trial and enforcement activities, among others, of people's courts may be developed in the form of ‘rules' . 对规范人民法院审判执行活动等方面的司法解释,可以采用“规则”的形式。
Judicial interpretations on the requests for instructions on the specific application of law in the trial work by the higher people's courts or the Military Court of the PLA shall be made in the form of “Reply”. 对高级人民法院、解放军军事法院就审判工作中具体应用法律问题的请示制定的司法解释,采用“批复”的形式。
The amendment or abolishment of judicial interpretations shall be made in the form of “decision”. 修改或者废止司法解释,采用“决定”的形式。
Article 7 In case the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate make judicial interpretations on a joint basis, the work shall be handled in accordance with the laws and regulations and on the basis of the consensus of both parties.   第七条 最高人民法院与最高人民检察院共同制定司法解释的工作,应当按照法律规定和双方协商一致的意见办理。
Article 8 The research office of the Supreme People's Court shall be uniformly responsible for the project initiation, examination and approval and coordination of judicial interpretations.   第八条 司法解释立项、审核、协调等工作由最高人民法院研究室统一负责。
II . Project Initiation 


Article 9 To formulate judicial interpretations, a project shall be initiated for it.   第九条 制定司法解释,应当立项。
Article 10 Judicial interpretations to be formulated by the Supreme People's Court shall be initiated under the following circumstances:   第十条 最高人民法院制定司法解释的立项来源:
(1) The judicial committee of the Supreme People's Court requests to formulate judicial interpretations; (一)最高人民法院审判委员会提出制定司法解释的要求;
(2) Any trial department of the Supreme People's Court proposes a suggestion on formulating judicial interpretations; (二)最高人民法院各审判业务部门提出制定司法解释的建议;
(3) Any higher people's court or military court of the PLA proposes a suggestion on formulating judicial interpretations or requests for instructions on a certain issue concerning the application of law; (三)各高级人民法院、解放军军事法院提出制定司法解释的建议或者对法律应用问题的请示;

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