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Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a Unified National Market [Effective]
中共中央、国务院关于加快建设全国统一大市场的意见 [现行有效]
Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a Unified National Market 


(March 25, 2022) (2022年3月25日)

Constructing a unified national market is the basic support for and inherent requirement of establishing a new development pattern. For the purpose of accelerating the construction of a unified national market from an overall and strategic perspective, the following opinions are hereby offered. 建设全国统一大市场是构建新发展格局的基础支撑和内在要求。为从全局和战略高度加快建设全国统一大市场,现提出如下意见。
I. General requirements 一、总体要求
1. Guiding ideology. We must follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress and all the Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, and champion the great founding spirit of the CPC. We will adhere to the general work guideline of seeking progress while maintaining stability, fully and faithfully implement the new development philosophy, accelerate efforts to foster a new development pattern, and deepen the reform and opening up across the board. We need to pursue innovation-driven development to promote high-quality development. We will advance the supply-side structural reform as our main task, endeavor to meet the fundamental goal of satisfying the people's growing desire for a better life, and ensure both development and security. We will give full play to the guiding, regulating, and guaranteeing role of the rule of law, work faster to establish systems and rules for the unified national market, put an end to local protectionism and market segmentation, and address key difficulties blocking flows in the economy, so as to promote the smooth flow of commodity factors and resources on a larger scale, and speed up efforts to construct a unified national market which is highly efficient, well-regulated, conducive to fair competition, and fully open. Across-the-board efforts will be made to push the China's market to evolve from being big to becoming powerful, so as to provide strong support for the construction of a high-standard market system and a high-level socialist market economic system.   (一)指导思想。以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届历次全会精神,弘扬伟大建党精神,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,加快构建新发展格局,全面深化改革开放,坚持创新驱动发展,推动高质量发展,坚持以供给侧结构性改革为主线,以满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要为根本目的,统筹发展和安全,充分发挥法治的引领、规范、保障作用,加快建立全国统一的市场制度规则,打破地方保护和市场分割,打通制约经济循环的关键堵点,促进商品要素资源在更大范围内畅通流动,加快建设高效规范、公平竞争、充分开放的全国统一大市场,全面推动我国市场由大到强转变,为建设高标准市场体系、构建高水平社会主义市场经济体制提供坚强支撑。
2. Working principles   (二)工作原则
—Focusing on domestic demand while keeping unimpeded flow. With demand created and steered by high-quality supply, we will further sooth all links including production, distribution, circulation, and consumption, improve the operating efficiency of the market, further consolidate and expand the advantages of the market in resources, and make the building of an ultra-large domestic market a sustainable historical process. --立足内需,畅通循环。以高质量供给创造和引领需求,使生产、分配、流通、消费各环节更加畅通,提高市场运行效率,进一步巩固和扩展市场资源优势,使建设超大规模的国内市场成为一个可持续的历史过程。
—Improving systems by both establishing new rules and breaking old ones. With a view to improving relevant systems, phased goals and requirements will be specified, and solid progress will be made with regard to construction of a unified market; meanwhile, with the problem-oriented approach in mind, we will strive to solve prominent conflicts and problems, move faster to do away with various regulations and practices that hinder the functioning of a unified market and fair competition, and remove various closed small markets and small self-circulation. --立破并举,完善制度。从制度建设着眼,明确阶段性目标要求,压茬推进统一市场建设,同时坚持问题导向,着力解决突出矛盾和问题,加快清理废除妨碍统一市场和公平竞争的各种规定和做法,破除各种封闭小市场、自我小循环。
—Making the market efficient and the government promising. Adhering to the market-oriented and law-based principles, we will fully leverage the decisive role of the market in allocating resources, give better play to the role of the government, reinforce the foundational role of competition policies, accelerate the transformation of government functions, fully leverage the super large Chinese market, enable demand to better steer and optimize supply and supply to better serve the expansion of demand, and use the unified market to gather resources, promote growth, stimulate innovation, optimize the division of labor, and promote competition. --有效市场,有为政府。坚持市场化、法治化原则,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用,更好发挥政府作用,强化竞争政策基础地位,加快转变政府职能,用足用好超大规模市场优势,让需求更好地引领优化供给,让供给更好地服务扩大需求,以统一大市场集聚资源、推动增长、激励创新、优化分工、促进竞争。
—Forging ahead steadily through systematic coordination. We will continue to improve the unity of policies, the consistency of rules, and the coordination of implementation, scientifically grasp the market scale, structure, organization, space, and environment, and the steps and progress in establishing mechanisms, continue to delegate powers while improving regulation and give equal importance to delegating powers and improving regulation, increase the efficiency of government regulation, enhance the capability to dynamically maintain market stability and economic security in an open environment, and expand the influence and driving role of the unified market in an orderly manner. --系统协同,稳妥推进。不断提高政策的统一性、规则的一致性、执行的协同性,科学把握市场规模、结构、组织、空间、环境和机制建设的步骤与进度,坚持放管结合、放管并重,提升政府监管效能,增强在开放环境中动态维护市场稳定、经济安全的能力,有序扩大统一大市场的影响力和辐射力。
3. Main goals   (三)主要目标
—Continuing to promote the efficient and unimpeded circulation of the domestic market and its expansion. We will give play to the advantages of the market in promoting competition and deepening the division of labor, among others, and further smooth the channels for improving market efficiency, increasing labor productivity, boosting resident income, developing market players, raising supply quality, and optimizing and upgrading demand. We will endeavor to develop an unimpeded and efficient domestic circulation with supply and demand boosting each other, with production and sales progressing together, expand market scale and capacity, continue to cultivate and develop a strong domestic market, and maintain and enhance strong appeal for global enterprises and resources. --持续推动国内市场高效畅通和规模拓展。发挥市场促进竞争、深化分工等优势,进一步打通市场效率提升、劳动生产率提高、居民收入增加、市场主体壮大、供给质量提升、需求优化升级之间的通道,努力形成供需互促、产销并进、畅通高效的国内大循环,扩大市场规模容量,不断培育发展强大国内市场,保持和增强对全球企业、资源的强大吸引力。
—Working faster to foster a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable business environment. In response to the needs of market players, we will endeavor to streamline administration, stick to law-based government administration, exercise fair and impartial regulation, continue to improve services, and move faster to create a market-oriented, law-based, international business environment. We will leverage the comparative strengths of each region, and create a good ecosystem for various market players to invest and start businesses according to local conditions. --加快营造稳定公平透明可预期的营商环境。以市场主体需求为导向,力行简政之道,坚持依法行政,公平公正监管,持续优化服务,加快打造市场化法治化国际化营商环境。充分发挥各地区比较优势,因地制宜为各类市场主体投资兴业营造良好生态。
—Further reducing market transaction costs. We will exert the scale effect and agglomeration effect of the market, strengthen and improve anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition law enforcement and justice, and remove systems and mechanisms that impede the market-oriented allocation of various production factors and the circulation of goods and services, so as to reduce institutional transaction costs. We will promote the establishment of a modern circulation system to reduce circulation costs in the whole society. --进一步降低市场交易成本。发挥市场的规模效应和集聚效应,加强和改进反垄断反不正当竞争执法司法,破除妨碍各种生产要素市场化配置和商品服务流通的体制机制障碍,降低制度性交易成本。促进现代流通体系建设,降低全社会流通成本。
—Boosting sci-tech innovation and industrial upgrading. We will press home the advantages of the ultra-large market in enriching application scenarios and amplifying innovation benefits, guide the effective allocation of innovation resources through market demand, boost the orderly flow and rational allocation of innovation factors, and enhance systems and mechanisms for promoting the market-oriented application of independent innovation results, to support sci-tech innovation and the development of emerging industries. --促进科技创新和产业升级。发挥超大规模市场具有丰富应用场景和放大创新收益的优势,通过市场需求引导创新资源有效配置,促进创新要素有序流动和合理配置,完善促进自主创新成果市场化应用的体制机制,支撑科技创新和新兴产业发展。
—Cultivating new advantages for participating in international competition and cooperation. With the support of the domestic circulation and unified market, we will effectively use global factors and market resources to enable the domestic market to better connect with the international market. We will press forward with opening up based on rules and related institutions, increase China's influence in the global industrial chain, supply chain, and innovation chain, and improve China's voice in international economic governance. --培育参与国际竞争合作新优势。以国内大循环和统一大市场为支撑,有效利用全球要素和市场资源,使国内市场与国际市场更好联通。推动制度型开放,增强在全球产业链供应链创新链中的影响力,提升在国际经济治理中的话语权。
II. Strengthening the unity of rules for the underlying market system 二、强化市场基础制度规则统一
4. Improving a unified property rights protection system. We will improve the institutional system for equal protection of property rights in diverse forms of ownership in accordance with the law. We will improve a unified and well-regulated law enforcement and judicial system for cases involving disputes over property rights in a bid to enhance the coordination of law enforcement and judicial authorities, further regulate the rules and procedures for compulsory measures involving property rights in the field of law enforcement, further clarify and unify the standards for administrative law enforcement and judicial adjudication, improve the mechanism for two-way connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and protect the property rights of enterprises and their personal and property safety in accordance with the law. We will promote the innovation in the intellectual property litigation system by improving the system for cross-regional jurisdiction of intellectual property courts, and remaining unimpeded the mechanism for coordination of litigation with arbitration and mediation in respect of intellectual property cases.   (四)完善统一的产权保护制度。完善依法平等保护各种所有制经济产权的制度体系。健全统一规范的涉产权纠纷案件执法司法体系,强化执法司法部门协同,进一步规范执法领域涉产权强制措施规则和程序,进一步明确和统一行政执法、司法裁判标准,健全行政执法与刑事司法双向衔接机制,依法保护企业产权及企业家人身财产安全。推动知识产权诉讼制度创新,完善知识产权法院跨区域管辖制度,畅通知识产权诉讼与仲裁、调解的对接机制。
5. Implementing a unified market access system. We will strictly implement the "one national list" management model, and strictly prohibit all regions and authorities from separately issuing negative lists in the nature of market access, so as to maintain the unity, seriousness, and authority of the market access negative list system. We will explore the improvement of market access efficiency assessment indicators, and steadily assess market access efficiency. We will carry out the registration of market players in accordance with the law, and establish a unified national standard for registration data and an industry database of words for independent reporting of enterprise names, to gradually achieve unified expression of business scope registration. We will draw up a national general list of qualifications, and unify and standardize evaluation procedures and management measures, to improve the effectiveness of nationwide mutual recognition and mutual use.   (五)实行统一的市场准入制度。严格落实“全国一张清单”管理模式,严禁各地区各部门自行发布具有市场准入性质的负面清单,维护市场准入负面清单制度的统一性、严肃性、权威性。研究完善市场准入效能评估指标,稳步开展市场准入效能评估。依法开展市场主体登记注册工作,建立全国统一的登记注册数据标准和企业名称自主申报行业字词库,逐步实现经营范围登记的统一表述。制定全国通用性资格清单,统一规范评价程序及管理办法,提升全国互通互认互用效力。
6. Maintaining a unified and fair competition system. All market players, regardless of their type, must be treated as equals. We will improve the institutional framework and policy implementation mechanism for fair competition, establish a mechanism for coordination and guarantee of fair competition policies and industrial policies, and improve the methods for implementation of industrial policies. We will improve the system of anti-monopoly laws and rules by moving faster to amend the Anti-monopoly Law and the Anti-unfair Competition Law, improving the fair competition review system, exploring examination rules specific to key fields and industries, improving the review mechanism, unifying review standards, standardizing review procedures, and improving review efficiency.   (六)维护统一的公平竞争制度。坚持对各类市场主体一视同仁、平等对待。健全公平竞争制度框架和政策实施机制,建立公平竞争政策与产业政策协调保障机制,优化完善产业政策实施方式。健全反垄断法律规则体系,加快推动修改反垄断法反不正当竞争法,完善公平竞争审查制度,研究重点领域和行业性审查规则,健全审查机制,统一审查标准,规范审查程序,提高审查效能。
7. Improving a unified social credit system. We will compile and issue a national basic catalog of public credit information, improve credit information standards, establish a mechanism for sharing and integrating public credit information and financial information, and create a credit information network, which covers all credit subjects, all types of credit information, and all regions of the country. We will establish and improve a new credit-based regulatory mechanism by comprehensively promoting the creditability commitment system, establishing a system for comprehensive evaluation of enterprise credit standing, optimizing the allocation of regulatory resources based on credit risk, and compiling and issuing a basic national list of disciplinary measures for dishonesty in accordance with laws and regulations. We will improve the mechanism for incentives for integrity and punishment for dishonesty, and combine the punishment for dishonesty with the fight against corruption. We will improve the credit repair mechanism, and accelerate the legislation on social credit.   (七)健全统一的社会信用制度。编制出台全国公共信用信息基础目录,完善信用信息标准,建立公共信用信息同金融信息共享整合机制,形成覆盖全部信用主体、所有信用信息类别、全国所有区域的信用信息网络。建立健全以信用为基础的新型监管机制,全面推广信用承诺制度,建立企业信用状况综合评价体系,以信用风险为导向优化配置监管资源,依法依规编制出台全国失信惩戒措施基础清单。健全守信激励和失信惩戒机制,将失信惩戒和惩治腐败相结合。完善信用修复机制。加快推进社会信用立法。
III. Advancing the high-standard connectivity of market facilities 三、推进市场设施高标准联通
8. Building a modern circulation network. We will optimize the layout of commercial and trade circulation infrastructure, and accelerate digital construction by promoting online and offline integrated development, and fostering more new platforms, forms of business, and new models of commercial and trade circulation. We will promote the construction of the national logistics hub network, vigorously develop multimodal transportation, and promote the standardized palletized-transport mode. We will vigorously develop third-party logistics, support the construction of third-party digital logistics delivery platforms, promote innovation in science and technology and business models in the third-party logistics industry, and cultivate a group of digital platform enterprises and supply chain enterprises with global influence, to press ahead with the reduction in costs and increase in efficiency of logistics in the whole society. We will strengthen the construction of the emergency logistics system so as to enhance the aseismic design and prevention and disaster tolerance capacity of transportation facilities and logistics sites, among others, in areas facing high risks of disaster, and actively prevent the risk of shortage of important products such as food and energy. We will improve the comprehensive national three-dimensional transportation network, and advance the construction of multi-level integrated transportation hubs, to promote the integrated development of transportation facilities across regions. We will establish and improve secure and efficient infrastructure networks for telecommunications and energy, among others, featuring urban-rural integration and regional connectivity.   (八)建设现代流通网络。优化商贸流通基础设施布局,加快数字化建设,推动线上线下融合发展,形成更多商贸流通新平台新业态新模式。推动国家物流枢纽网络建设,大力发展多式联运,推广标准化托盘带板运输模式。大力发展第三方物流,支持数字化第三方物流交付平台建设,推动第三方物流产业科技和商业模式创新,培育一批有全球影响力的数字化平台企业和供应链企业,促进全社会物流降本增效。加强应急物流体系建设,提升灾害高风险区域交通运输设施、物流站点等设防水平和承灾能力,积极防范粮食、能源等重要产品供应短缺风险。完善国家综合立体交通网,推进多层次一体化综合交通枢纽建设,推动交通运输设施跨区域一体化发展。建立健全城乡融合、区域联通、安全高效的电信、能源等基础设施网络。
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