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Notice by the General Office of the State Council on Forwarding the Guiding Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance on Standardizing the Implementation of the New Mechanism for Public-Private Partnership [Effective]
国务院办公厅转发国家发展改革委、财政部《关于规范实施政府和社会资本合作新机制的指导意见》的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the General Office of the State Council of Forwarding the Guiding Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance on Standardizing the Implementation of the New Mechanism for Public-Private Partnership 


(Letter No. 115 [2023] of the General Office of the State Council) (国办函〔2023〕115号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; and all ministries and commissions of the State Council and all institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
The Guiding Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance on Standardizing the Implementation of the New Mechanism for Public-Private Partnership, with consent of the State Council, are hereby forwarded for your diligent implementation. 国家发展改革委、财政部《关于规范实施政府和社会资本合作新机制的指导意见》已经国务院同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。
General Office of the State Council 国务院办公厅
November 3, 2023 2023年11月3日
Guiding Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance on Standardizing the Implementation of the New Mechanism for Public-Private Partnership 关于规范实施政府和社会资本合作新机制的指导意见
(National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Finance) (国家发展改革委 财政部)
Over the nearly 10 years since the implementation of Public-Private Partnership (PPP), it has improved public services and stimulated effective investment to a certain extent, but there are also some problems that need to be resolved in practice. For the purposes of implementing the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, further deepening the reform of the infrastructure investment and financing system, and effectively stimulating the vitality of private investment, the following Guiding Opinions are hereby put forward on the standardized implementation of the new mechanism for PPP (referred to as the “new mechanism”). 政府和社会资本合作(PPP)实施近十年来,一定程度上起到了改善公共服务、拉动有效投资的作用,但在实践中也出现了一些亟待解决的问题。为贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,进一步深化基础设施投融资体制改革,切实激发民间投资活力,现就规范实施政府和社会资本合作新机制(简称新机制)提出如下指导意见。
I. Accurately grasping the overall requirements of the new mechanism 一、准确把握新机制的总体要求
Under guidance of the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era, the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress shall be comprehensively implemented, the general work tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability shall be insisted on, the new development concept shall be implemented in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner, a new development pattern shall be built in an accelerated manner, joint efforts shall be made to promote the high-quality development, development and security shall be planned in an overall manner, the new mechanism for PPP shall be properly implemented, the role of the market mechanism shall be fully maximized, the space of private investment shall be expanded, new hidden debts of local governments shall be resolutely curbed, the construction and operation of infrastructure and public utility projects shall be improved, and standardized development and transparent operation shall be ensured. 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻党的二十大精神,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,加快构建新发展格局,着力推动高质量发展,统筹发展和安全,规范实施政府和社会资本合作新机制,充分发挥市场机制作用,拓宽民间投资空间,坚决遏制新增地方政府隐性债务,提高基础设施和公用事业项目建设运营水平,确保规范发展、阳光运行。
1. Focusing on user-pay projects. PPP projects shall focus on user-pay projects and specify the fee channels and methods. Operating income of projects may cover the construction investment and operating costs, there shall be a certain return on investment, and no additional responsibilities for local future fiscal expenditures shall be added due to adoption of the PPP model. The government may, under the premise of strictly preventing new hidden debts of local governments and complying with the laws, regulations and relevant policies, and under the principle of equal treatment without discrimination, provide government investment support for user-pay projects during the construction period; and government payment may only subsidize operations, rather than construction costs, according to the regulations. In addition, financial funds shall not be used to cover project construction and operating costs by any means, such as feasibility gap subsidies, promised minimum return rates, availability fees, etc.   (一)聚焦使用者付费项目。政府和社会资本合作项目应聚焦使用者付费项目,明确收费渠道和方式,项目经营收入能够覆盖建设投资和运营成本、具备一定投资回报,不因采用政府和社会资本合作模式额外新增地方财政未来支出责任。政府可在严防新增地方政府隐性债务、符合法律法规和有关政策规定要求的前提下,按照一视同仁的原则,在项目建设期对使用者付费项目给予政府投资支持;政府付费只能按规定补贴运营、不能补贴建设成本。除此之外,不得通过可行性缺口补助、承诺保底收益率、可用性付费等任何方式,使用财政资金弥补项目建设和运营成本。
2. Using the franchise model for all projects. PPP shall be implemented by the franchise model. According to the actual situation of the project, specific implementation methods such as build-operate-transfer (BOT), transfer-operate-transfer (TOT), rebuild-operate-transfer (ROT), build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT), and design-build-finance-operate-transfer (DBFOT) shall be adopted reasonably, and the ownership of assets during construction and operation shall be clearly stipulated in the contract to clearly define the rights, responsibilities and interests of all parties.   (二)全部采取特许经营模式。政府和社会资本合作应全部采取特许经营模式实施,根据项目实际情况,合理采用建设—运营—移交(BOT)、转让—运营—移交(TOT)、改建—运营—移交(ROT)、建设—拥有—运营—移交(BOOT)、设计—建设—融资—运营—移交(DBFOT)等具体实施方式,并在合同中明确约定建设和运营期间的资产权属,清晰界定各方权责利关系。
3. Reasonably grasping key fields. PPP shall be limited to projects with operational income, mainly including transportation projects, such as roads, railways, civil aviation infrastructure and transportation hubs, projects of logistics hubs and logistics parks, urban water supply, gas supply, heat supply, parking lots and other municipal projects, ecological protection and environmental governance projects such as urban sewage and garbage collection, treatment and resource utilization, water conservancy projects with power generation functions, social projects such as sports and tourism public services, new infrastructure projects such as smart cities, smart transportation, and smart agriculture, urban renewal, renovation of comprehensive transportation hubs, and other projects that organically combine revitalization and expansion.   (三)合理把握重点领域。政府和社会资本合作应限定于有经营性收益的项目,主要包括公路、铁路、民航基础设施和交通枢纽等交通项目,物流枢纽、物流园区项目,城镇供水、供气、供热、停车场等市政项目,城镇污水垃圾收集处理及资源化利用等生态保护和环境治理项目,具有发电功能的水利项目,体育、旅游公共服务等社会项目,智慧城市、智慧交通、智慧农业等新型基础设施项目,城市更新、综合交通枢纽改造等盘活存量和改扩建有机结合的项目。
4. Preferentially selecting private enterprises to participate. The original intention and returning to the source shall be insisted on, private enterprises shall be encouraged to participate in the new construction (including reconstruction and expansion) projects of PPP to the maximum extent, and the List of New Franchise Construction (Including Reconstruction and Expansion) Projects for Which Private Enterprises' Participation is Supported (2023) (hereinafter referred to as the “List,” see annex) shall be developed and dynamically adjusted. Projects with high marketization degree and weak public attribute shall be wholly owned or controlled by private enterprises; for projects concerning the national economy and people's livelihood and with strong public attribute, the equity ratio of private enterprises shall not be less than 35% in principle; and for a handful of projects involving national security, strong public attribute and natural monopoly attribute, conditions shall be actively created for private enterprises to participate and private enterprises shall be supported in participating. Private enterprises may be actively encouraged to participate in PPP projects outside the fields listed in the List. The participation of foreign-funded enterprises in PPP projects shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant requirements for administration of foreign investment and with reference to the aforesaid provisions.   (四)优先选择民营企业参与。要坚持初衷、回归本源,最大程度鼓励民营企业参与政府和社会资本合作新建(含改扩建)项目,制定《支持民营企业参与的特许经营新建(含改扩建)项目清单(2023年版)》(以下简称清单,见附件)并动态调整。市场化程度较高、公共属性较弱的项目,应由民营企业独资或控股;关系国计民生、公共属性较强的项目,民营企业股权占比原则上不低于35%;少数涉及国家安全、公共属性强且具有自然垄断属性的项目,应积极创造条件、支持民营企业参与。对清单所列领域以外的政府和社会资本合作项目,可积极鼓励民营企业参与。外商投资企业参与政府和社会资本合作项目按照外商投资管理有关要求并参照上述规定执行。
5. Specifying the division of management responsibilities. The National Development and Reform Commission shall take the lead in effectively promoting the franchise model and effectively strengthen policy guidance. Local people's governments at all levels shall effectively assume primary responsibilities and promote franchise projects within the scope of the government's power at the same level in a standardized manner. Local people's governments at all levels may, in accordance with the laws and regulations, authorize relevant industry departments and public institutions to serve as franchise project implementation institutions (hereinafter referred to as “project implementation institutions”) to be responsible for the preparation of franchise plans, the selection of franchisees, the signing of franchise agreements, the supervision over implementation of projects, and the transfer and receipt upon expiration of cooperation. Local development and reform departments at all levels shall maximize the comprehensive coordination role, strictly control the relevant contents of the project franchise plan, and perform the duties of project approval, verification or recordation in accordance with the laws and regulations. Financial departments at all levels shall strictly implement the budget management system, strengthen the management of local government debts, intensify financial supervision, and strictly implement the financial disciplines.   (五)明确管理责任分工。国家发展改革委要牵头做好特许经营模式推进工作,切实加强政策指导。地方各级人民政府要切实负起主体责任,规范推进本级政府事权范围内的特许经营项目。地方各级人民政府可依法依规授权有关行业主管部门、事业单位等,作为特许经营项目实施机构(以下简称项目实施机构),负责特许经营方案编制、特许经营者选择、特许经营协议签订、项目实施监管、合作期满移交接收等工作。地方各级发展改革部门要发挥综合协调作用,严格把关项目特许经营方案等有关内容,依法依规履行项目审批、核准或备案职责。各级财政部门要严格执行预算管理制度,加强地方政府债务管理,加大财会监督力度,严肃财经纪律。
6. Prudently advancing the implementation of the new mechanism. The intensity and pace of work shall be effectively grasped. The projects for which the bidding and procurement procedures have not completed before the liquidation and verification of PPP projects in February 2023, as well as the newly implemented PPP projects shall be implemented in accordance with the new mechanism stipulated in these Guiding Opinions. The Notice by the General Office of the State Council of Forwarding the Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the People's Bank of China for Promoting the Public-Private Partnership Model in the Public Service Fields (No. 42 [2015], General Office of the State Council) issued in May 2015 shall no longer be implemented.   (六)稳妥推进新机制实施。把握好工作力度、节奏,2023年2月政府和社会资本合作项目清理核查前未完成招标采购程序的项目,以及后续新实施的政府和社会资本合作项目,均应按照本指导意见规定的新机制执行,不再执行2015年5月印发的《国务院办公厅转发财政部发展改革委人民银行关于在公共服务领域推广政府和社会资本合作模式指导意见的通知》(国办发〔2015〕42号)。
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