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Measures for the Administration of Holder Exploration and Exploitation Information of Mining Right Holders | | 矿业权人勘查开采信息管理办法 |
(Issued by Order No. 3 of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China on May 16, 2024, deliberated and adopted at the 2th executive meeting of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China on May 9, 2024, and to take effect on July 1, 2024) | | (2024年5月16日中华人民共和国自然资源部令第13号公布 经2024年5月9日自然资源部第2次部务会议审议通过 自2024年7月1日起施行) |
Article 1 For the purposes of standardizing the interim and ex post regulation of exploration and exploitation activities, promoting the integrity and self-discipline of mining rights holders, and creating a market environment for fair competition, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Mineral Resources Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on Optimizing the Business Environment, and other laws and regulations. | | 第一条 为了规范矿业权人勘查开采活动事中事后监管,促进矿业权人诚信自律,营造公平竞争的市场环境,根据《中华人民共和国矿产资源法》《优化营商环境条例》等法律、法规,制定本办法。 |
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to such activities as entering, publicity, verification and use of mining right holders' exploration and exploitation information. | | 第二条 矿业权人勘查开采信息填报、公示、核查、使用等活动,适用本办法。 |
Article 3 Mining right holders' exploration and exploitation information shall be managed under the principle of inclusiveness and prudence, and the legitimate rights and interests of the mining right holders shall be protected. | | 第三条 矿业权人勘查开采信息管理应当坚持包容审慎的原则,保护矿业权人合法权益。 |
Article 4 The Ministry of Natural Resources is responsible for the administration of the mining right holders' exploration and exploitation information across the country, and organize the construction of the national management system for mining right holders' exploration and exploitation information. | | 第四条 自然资源部负责全国矿业权人勘查开采信息管理工作,组织建设全国矿业权人勘查开采信息管理系统。 |
The competent departments of natural resources of the local people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for the administration of mining right holders' exploration and exploitation information in their respective administrative regions. | | 县级以上地方人民政府自然资源主管部门负责本行政区域内矿业权人勘查开采信息管理工作。 |
Article 5 Under the principle of “who produces, who enters the information,” mining right holders' exploration and exploitation information shall be entered by mining right holders and the competent departments of natural resources of the people's governments at or above the county level in the national management system for mining right holders' exploration and exploitation information, and be publicized to the public in accordance with the provisions of these Measures. | | 第五条 矿业权人勘查开采信息按照“谁产生,谁填报”的原则,由矿业权人和县级以上人民政府自然资源主管部门在全国矿业权人勘查开采信息管理系统中负责填报,并依照本办法规定向社会公示。 |
Article 6 The following information shall be entered by the exploration right holder: | | 第六条 下列信息由探矿权人负责填报: |
(1) The name and address of the entity undertaking the exploration work. | | (一)承担勘查工作的单位名称、地址等情况; |
(2) The annual amount of funds invested in exploration, the number of major physical workloads completed, such as exploration projects and sample analysis, and whether reports on exploration results have been prepared. | | (二)年度勘查投入资金数额、探矿工程、样品分析等主要实物工作量完成数量,以及是否编制勘查成果报告等情况; |
(3) The types and phase of exploration, and whether comprehensive exploration evaluation of associated minerals has been carried out. | | (三)勘查矿种、勘查阶段,以及是否对共伴生矿产进行综合勘查评价等情况; |
(4) Whether the left well and cavern are filled in a timely manner after the completion of the exploration operation. | | (四)勘查作业完毕后是否及时封填遗留井硐情况; |
(5) Payment of relevant fees in accordance with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations on the administration of mineral resources. | | (五)按照矿产资源管理法律法规等有关规定缴纳相关费用情况; |
(6) The performance of obligations for submitting geological data. | | (六)地质资料汇交义务履行情况; |
(7) The performance of other exploration obligations prescribed by laws and regulations. | | (七)法律法规规定的其他勘查义务履行情况。 |
Article 7 The following information is entered by the exploitation right holder: | | 第七条 下列信息由采矿权人负责填报: |
(1) The status of the mine, the mineral species actually exploited and utilized, and whether the annual report on mine reserves is prepared, the basic statement of reserves statistics is submitted, the comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, the ecological restoration of the mine and other basic information. | | (一)矿山状态,实际开采利用矿种,以及是否编制矿山储量年度报告、报送储量统计基础表、综合利用矿产资源、开展矿山生态修复等基本情况; |
(2) The mining recovery rate, mineral processing recovery rate, comprehensive utilization rate, amount of ores exploited, tailings, and utilization of waste rock and associated minerals. | | (二)矿山开采回采率、选矿回收率、综合利用率、矿石采出量,尾矿、废石以及共伴生矿产等利用情况; |
(3) Payment of relevant fees in accordance with the relevant provisions of laws and regulations on the administration of mineral resources. | | (三)按照矿产资源管理法律法规等有关规定缴纳相关费用情况; |
(4) The performance of obligations for submitting geological data. | | (四)地质资料汇交义务履行情况; |
(5) The performance of other exploitation obligations prescribed by laws and regulations. | | (五)法律法规规定的其他开采义务履行情况。 |
Article 8 The competent departments of natural resources of the people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for entering the following information: | | 第八条 下列信息由县级以上人民政府自然资源主管部门负责填报: |
(1) The information on the registration of new establishment, renewal, alteration (transfer), retention and cancellation of mining rights. | | (一)矿业权新立、延续、变更(转让)、保留、注销等登记信息; |
(2) The review (recordation) of mineral resources exploration implementation plans, development and utilization plans, mine geological environment protection and land reclamation plans and staged acceptance information. | | (二)矿产资源勘查实施方案、开发利用方案、矿山地质环境保护与土地复垦方案审查(备案)情况以及阶段验收信息; |
(3) The review and recordation of mineral resources reserves. | | (三)矿产资源储量评审备案情况; |
(4) The information on the administrative penalties imposed upon mining right holders for violating laws and regulations on the administration of mineral resources. | | (四)矿业权人因违反矿产资源管理法律法规,受到行政处罚的信息; |
(5) Other information related to the exploration and exploitation status of mining right holders. | | (五)其他有关矿业权人勘查开采状况的信息。 |
Article 9 Mining right holders shall enter the exploration and exploitation information of the previous year before March 31 of each year; however, except under the circumstance that the period from the date of establishing the mining rights in the previous year to the latest entering date does not exceed six months. | | 第九条 矿业权人应当于每年3月31日前填报上一年度的勘查开采信息;但是,上一年度设立的矿业权至最迟填报日不满六个月的除外。 |
The competent departments of natural resources of the people's governments at or above the county level shall enter the exploration and exploitation information within 30 days from the date of information generation. | | 县级以上人民政府自然资源主管部门应当于勘查开采信息产生之日起三十日内填报。 |
Article 10 Mining right holders' exploration and exploitation information shall be entered and publicized in accordance with the provisions of the laws and administrative regulations on the protection of state secrets, commercial secrets, personal privacy and personal information. | | 第十条 矿业权人勘查开采信息填报、公示,应当遵守有关保护国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私、个人信息等法律、行政法规的规定。 |
Article 11 The competent departments of natural resources of the people's governments at or above the provincial level may, in accordance with the regulatory requirements of “dual random and public disclosure,” randomly select a certain proportion of exploration projects and mines, develop verification plans and organize verification of the publicity of mining right holders' exploration and exploitation information. | | 第十一条 省级以上人民政府自然资源主管部门可以按照“双随机、一公开”监管要求,随机抽取一定比例的勘查项目和矿山,制定核查方案并组织实施矿业权人勘查开采信息公示情况核查工作。 |
Article 12 The competent departments of natural resources of the people's governments at or above the county level shall form a verification team to verify the published information of mining right holders. Where an inspector has any interest in the information under verification, she or she shall be disqualified in accordance with the law. | | 第十二条 县级以上人民政府自然资源主管部门开展矿业权人公示信息核查应当组成核查组。核查人员与被核查对象存在利害关系的,应当依法回避。 |
The competent departments of natural resources of the people's governments at or above the county level may authorize professional institutions to carry out the relevant work of on-site verification. | | 县级以上人民政府自然资源主管部门可以委托专业机构开展实地核查相关工作。 |
Article 13 Where the competent departments of natural resources of the people's governments at or above the county level find in the verification process that any mining right holder has failed to enter the exploration and exploitation information in accordance with the provisions, they shall notify them in writing and put forward rectification requirements; and where any mining right holder is found to have violated the provisions of any law or regulation on the administration of mineral resources, they shall be held legally liable according to the law. | | 第十三条 县级以上人民政府自然资源主管部门在核查过程中发现矿业权人未按照规定填报勘查开采信息的,应当对其进行书面告知,并提出整改要求;发现矿业权人违反矿产资源管理法律法规规定的,应当依法追究法律责任。 |
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