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Order of the State Council (No. 564) The Regulation on the Administration of security services, which was adopted at the 82nd executive meeting of the State Council on September 28, 2009, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of January 1, 2010. Premier Wen Jiabao October 13, 2009 Regulation on the Administration of Security Services
| | 国务院令 (第564号) 《保安服务管理条例》已经2009年9月28日国务院第82次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2010年1月1日起施行。 总理 温家宝 二○○九年十月十三日 保安服务管理条例
Chapter I General Provisions
| | 第一章 总 则
Article 1 This Regulation is formulated to regulate the security services, strengthen the administration of entities and security guards engaging in the security services, protect the personal and property safety and maintain the public security.
| | 第一条 为了规范保安服务活动,加强对从事保安服务的单位和保安员的管理,保护人身安全和财产安全,维护社会治安,制定本条例。
Article 2 The term “security services” as mentioned in this Regulation refers to:
| | 第二条 本条例所称保安服务是指:
1. the doorman, patrol, guard, escorting, body guard, security inspection, and security technology protection, security risk assessment and other services which a security service company offers to its client entities by assigning security guards under the security and guarding service contracts;
| | (一)保安服务公司根据保安服务合同,派出保安员为客户单位提供的门卫、巡逻、守护、押运、随身护卫、安全检查以及安全技术防范、安全风险评估等服务;
2. the internal watchman, patrol, guard and other security protection work undertaken by those persons employed by government organs, social organizations, enterprises and public institutions;
| | (二)机关、团体、企业、事业单位招用人员从事的本单位门卫、巡逻、守护等安全防范工作;
3. the guard, patrol, maintenance of order and other services conducted by persons employed by realty service enterprises within the realty management area. The government organs, social organizations, enterprises, public institutions and realty service enterprises as mentioned in subparagraphs 2 and 3 of the preceding paragraph are generally referred to as the entities employing security guards by themselves.
| | (三)物业服务企业招用人员在物业管理区域内开展的门卫、巡逻、秩序维护等服务。 前款第(二)项、第(三)项中的机关、团体、企业、事业单位和物业服务企业,统称自行招用保安员的单位。
Article 3 The public security department of the State Council shall be responsible for supervising and administering the security services throughout the country. The public security organs of the people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible for supervising and administering the security services within their respective administrative areas. The associations of the security services industry shall, under the guidance of the public security organs, carry out self-disciplinary activities for the security services industry.
| | 第三条 国务院公安部门负责全国保安服务活动的监督管理工作。县级以上地方人民政府公安机关负责本行政区域内保安服务活动的监督管理工作。 保安服务行业协会在公安机关的指导下,依法开展保安服务行业自律活动。
Article 4 The security companies and entities employing security guards by themselves (hereinafter referred to as the security guard employers) shall establish a sound security services management system, post accountability system and security guard management system to intensify the management, education and training of security guards and improve the security guards' level of occupational ethics, eligibilities and awareness of responsibilities.
| | 第四条 保安服务公司和自行招用保安员的单位(以下统称保安从业单位)应当建立健全保安服务管理制度、岗位责任制度和保安员管理制度,加强对保安员的管理、教育和培训,提高保安员的职业道德水平、业务素质和责任意识。
Article 5 A security guard employer shall guarantee the security guards' lawful rights and interests in such aspects as social insurance, employment, labor protection, pay and fringe benefits, and education and training according to law.
| | 第五条 保安从业单位应当依法保障保安员在社会保险、劳动用工、劳动保护、工资福利、教育培训等方面的合法权益。
Article 6 The security services shall be civil and lawful and shall not impair the public interests or the lawful rights and interests of others. A security guard who engages in security services shall be protected by law.
| | 第六条 保安服务活动应当文明、合法,不得损害社会公共利益或者侵犯他人合法权益。 保安员依法从事保安服务活动,受法律保护。
Article 7 The public security organs and other relevant departments shall commend and give awards to those security guard employers and security guards who made outstanding contributions to the protection of public security and the people's life and property safety and to the prevention and curbing of violations and crimes.
| | 第七条 对在保护公共财产和人民群众生命财产安全、预防和制止违法犯罪活动中有突出贡献的保安从业单位和保安员,公安机关和其他有关部门应当给予表彰、奖励。
Chapter II Security Companies
| | 第二章 保安服务公司
Article 8 A security service company shall satisfy the following requirements:
| | 第八条 保安服务公司应当具备下列条件:
1. It has at least 1 million yuan of registered capital;
| | (一)有不低于人民币100万元的注册资本;
2. Its candidate legal representative and major managers shall have the professional knowledge and work experience for the relevant positions and have no such bad records as having been subject to criminal punishment, labor reeducation, rehabilitation or compulsory isolated drug treatment, or having been dismissed by a government organ or public institution or state-owned enterprise, or having been dismissed from the army;
| | (二)拟任的保安服务公司法定代表人和主要管理人员应当具备任职所需的专业知识和有关业务工作经验,无被刑事处罚、劳动教养、收容教育、强制隔离戒毒或者被开除公职、开除军籍等不良记录;
3. It has professional technicians commensurate with its security services, among them, those for whom any law or administrative regulation prescribes qualification requirements shall have obtained the corresponding qualifications;
| | (三)有与所提供的保安服务相适应的专业技术人员,其中法律、行政法规有资格要求的专业技术人员,应当取得相应的资格;
4. It has a premise and facilities and equipment necessary for the provision of security services; and
| | (四)有住所和提供保安服务所需的设施、装备;
5. It has a sound organizational structure and security services management system, post accountability system and security guard management system.
| | (五)有健全的组织机构和保安服务管理制度、岗位责任制度、保安员管理制度。
Article 9 To apply for establishing a security service company, the applicant shall submit to the pubic security organ of the local people's government of the districted city an application, and materials which can certify that it meets the requirements as prescribed in Article 8 of this Regulation. The public security organ that accepts the application materials shall examine the application materials within 15 days after receiving them and submit the examination opinions to the public security organ of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where it is located. The public security organ of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall make a decision within 15 days after receiving the said examination opinions; if the applicant satisfies the relevant requirements, it shall issue to it a security and guarding service license; if it does not meet the relevant requirements, it shall notify it in writing and make an explanation.
| | 第九条 申请设立保安服务公司,应当向所在地设区的市级人民政府公安机关提交申请书以及能够证明其符合本条例第八条规定条件的材料。 受理的公安机关应当自收到申请材料之日起15日内进行审核,并将审核意见报所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府公安机关。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府公安机关应当自收到审核意见之日起15日内作出决定,对符合条件的,核发保安服务许可证;对不符合条件的,书面通知申请人并说明理由。
Article 10 A security service company to engage in the armed escorting services shall conform to the requirements of the public security department of the State Council for the planning and distribution of armed escorting services, meet the requirements as prescribed in Article 8 of this Regulation and satisfy the following conditions in addition:
| | 第十条 从事武装守护押运服务的保安服务公司,应当符合国务院公安部门对武装守护押运服务的规划、布局要求,具备本条例第八条规定的条件,并符合下列条件:
1. having at least 10 million yuan of registered capital;
| | (一)有不低于人民币1000万元的注册资本;
2. being a wholly state-owned company or having state-owned capital which accounts for at least 51% of the total amount of its registered capital;
| | (二)国有独资或者国有资本占注册资本总额的51%以上;
3. having escorting security guards who meet the requirements as prescribed in the Regulation on the Management of Use of Firearms by Full-time Escorting Security Guards; and
| | (三)有符合《专职守护押运人员枪支使用管理条例》规定条件的守护押运人员;
4. having the designated transport vehicles and communication and alarming devices which conform to the national standards or industrial standards.
| | (四)有符合国家标准或者行业标准的专用运输车辆以及通信、报警设备。
Article 11 To apply for establishing a security service company to engage in the armed escorting services, an applicant shall submit to the pubic security organ of the local districted municipal people's government an application, and the materials which can certify that it meets the requirements as prescribed in Articles 8 and 10 of this Regulation. Where a security service company applies for launching the armed escorting business, it is not required to resubmit the materials which can certify that it meets the requirements as prescribed in Articles 8. The public security organ that accepts the application materials shall examine the application materials within 15 days after receiving them and submit the examination opinions to the public security organ of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where it is located. The public security organ of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall make a decision within 15 days after receiving the said examination opinions; if the applicant satisfies the relevant requirements, it shall issue to the applicant a security and guarding service license for the armed escorting business or add an indication of armed escorting business to its security and guarding service license; if it does not meet the relevant requirements, it shall notify it in writing and make an explanation.
| | 第十一条 申请设立从事武装守护押运服务的保安服务公司,应当向所在地设区的市级人民政府公安机关提交申请书以及能够证明其符合本条例第八条、第十条规定条件的材料。保安服务公司申请增设武装守护押运业务的,无需再次提交证明其符合本条例第八条规定条件的材料。 受理的公安机关应当自收到申请材料之日起15日内进行审核,并将审核意见报所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府公安机关。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府公安机关应当自收到审核意见之日起15日内作出决定,对符合条件的,核发从事武装守护押运业务的保安服务许可证或者在已有的保安服务许可证上增注武装守护押运服务;对不符合条件的,书面通知申请人并说明理由。
Article 12 A applicant who has obtained a security and guarding service license shall handle the industrial and commercial registration with the department for the administration of industry and commerce upon the strength of its security and guarding service license. If it fails to do so within 6 months after the obtainment of the security and guarding service license, the said security and guarding service license shall be invalidated. To establish a branch, a security service company shall go through the filing formalities in the public security organ of the people's government of districted city where the branch is located. When making the filing, it shall provide the security services license and the industrial and commercial license of the head office, and the basic information about the legal representative of the head office, the person-in-charge of the branch and the security guards. If a security service company is to change its legal representative, it shall be subject to the examination and approval of the original approval public security organ, and, upon the strength of the examination and approval document, go through the registration modification formalities in the department for the administration of industry and commerce.
| | 第十二条 取得保安服务许可证的申请人,凭保安服务许可证到工商行政管理机关办理工商登记。取得保安服务许可证后超过6个月未办理工商登记的,取得的保安服务许可证失效。 保安服务公司设立分公司的,应当向分公司所在地设区的市级人民政府公安机关备案。备案应当提供总公司的保安服务许可证和工商营业执照,总公司法定代表人、分公司负责人和保安员的基本情况。 保安服务公司的法定代表人变更的,应当经原审批公安机关审核,持审核文件到工商行政管理机关办理变更登记。
Chapter III Entities Employing Security Guards by Themselves
| | 第三章 自行招用保安员的单位
Article 13 An entity employing security guards by itself shall have the legal person status, have security guards who meet the requirements prescribed by this Regulation, and have sound security service management system, post accountability system and security guard management system. An entertainment venue shall, under the Regulation on the Administration of Entertainment Venues, employ security guards from a security service company, and shall not directly employ or engage security guards by itself.
| | 第十三条 自行招用保安员的单位应当具有法人资格,有符合本条例规定条件的保安员,有健全的保安服务管理制度、岗位责任制度和保安员管理制度。 娱乐场所应当依照《娱乐场所管理条例》的规定,从保安服务公司聘用保安员,不得自行招用保安员。
Article 14 An entity employing security guards by itself shall, within 30 days after the start of security services, go through the filing formalities in the public security organ of the people's government of the local districted city. It shall furnish the following materials:
| | 第十四条 自行招用保安员的单位,应当自开始保安服务之日起30日内向所在地设区的市级人民政府公安机关备案,备案应当提供下列材料:
1. a certificate on the legal person status;
| | (一)法人资格证明;
2. the basic information about the legal representative (chief person in charge), the divisional person in charge and the security guards;
| | (二)法定代表人(主要负责人)、分管负责人和保安员的基本情况;
3. basic information about the security and guarding service area; and
| | (三)保安服务区域的基本情况;
4. information about the establishment of security and guarding service management system, post accountability system and security guard management system. Where an entity employing security guards by itself does not employ security guards to provide it with security services any longer, it shall, within 30 days from the date of termination of the security services, cancel the filing of service in the original public security organ.
| | (四)建立保安服务管理制度、岗位责任制度、保安员管理制度的情况。 自行招用保安员的单位不再招用保安员进行保安服务的,应当自停止保安服务之日起30日内到备案的公安机关撤销备案。
Article 15 No entity employing security guards by itself may offer security services outside the entity or the realty management area.
| | 第十五条 自行招用保安员的单位不得在本单位以外或者物业管理区域以外提供保安服务。
Chapter IV Security Guards
| | 第四章 保安员
Article 16 A Chinese citizen who attains the age of 18, is healthy, has good conduct and an education background of junior high school or higher may apply for a security guard certificate for the provision of security services. An applicant shall be issued a security guard certificate after he passes the examination and review and has his fingerprints and other human biological information taken and kept by the public security organ of the people's government of the districted city. ...... | | 第十六条 年满18周岁,身体健康,品行良好,具有初中以上学历的中国公民可以申领保安员证,从事保安服务工作。申请人经设区的市级人民政府公安机关考试、审查合格并留存指纹等人体生物信息的,发给保安员证。 ...... |
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