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Guarding State Secrets Law of the People's Republic of China (2010 Revision) [Revised]
中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法(2010修订) [已被修订]

Order of the President of the People's Republic of China
The Guarding State SecretsLaw of the People's Republic of China, as amended and adopted at the 14th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 29, 2010, is hereby issued, with effect from October 1, 2010.
Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic of China
April 29, 2010
Guarding State Secrets Law of the People's Republic of China
(Adopted at the 3rd Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on September 5, 1988 and amended at the 14th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 29, 2010)


中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
(1988年9月5日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议通过 2010年4月29日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议修订)
Chapter I General Provisions
 第一章 总则
Chapter II Scope and Classification Levels of State Secrets
 第二章 国家秘密的范围和密级
Chapter III Secrecy Rules
 第三章 保密制度
Chapter IV Supervision and Administration
 第四章 监督管理
Chapter V Legal Liability
 第五章 法律责任
Chapter VI Supplemental Provisions

 第六章 附则
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 This Law is formulated to guard state secrets, protect the national security and interests and guarantee the smooth implementation of reform, opening up and socialist construction.
   第一条 为了保守国家秘密,维护国家安全和利益,保障改革开放和社会主义建设事业的顺利进行,制定本法。
Article 2 State secrets refer to matters which relate to the national security and interests as determined under statutory procedures and to which access is vested in a limited scope of persons during a given period of time.
   第二条 国家秘密是关系国家安全和利益,依照法定程序确定,在一定时间内只限一定范围的人员知悉的事项。
Article 3 State secrets shall be protected by law.
All state organs, armed forces, political parties, social organizations, enterprises, public institutions and citizens shall have the obligation of guarding state secrets.
Any conduct endangering the safety of state secrets must be subject to legal liability.
   第三条 国家秘密受法律保护。
Article 4 The work of guarding state secrets (hereinafter referred to as the “secrecy work”) shall be carried out under the guideline of “actively preventing leakage, giving prominence to key matters and managing state secrets according to law”, so that state secrets are kept safe while information resources are reasonably utilized.
Matters that shall be disclosed as required by laws and administrative regulations shall be disclosed according to law.
   第四条 保守国家秘密的工作(以下简称保密工作),实行积极防范、突出重点、依法管理的方针,既确保国家秘密安全,又便利信息资源合理利用。
Article 5 The state secrecy administrative department shall be responsible for the secrecy work throughout the country. The local secrecy administrative departments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the secrecy work within their respective administrative regions.
   第五条 国家保密行政管理部门主管全国的保密工作。县级以上地方各级保密行政管理部门主管本行政区域的保密工作。
Article 6 A state organ or an entity involved in any state secret (hereinafter referred to as “organ or entity”) shall administer the secrecy work of the organ or entity.
A central state organ shall, within its functions, administer or guide the secrecy work within its system.
   第六条 国家机关和涉及国家秘密的单位(以下简称机关、单位)管理本机关和本单位的保密工作。
Article 7 An organ or entity shall apply a responsibility system for its secrecy work, establish complete secrecy management rules, improve its secrecy measures, carry out publicity and education on secrecy, and strengthen secrecy inspection.
   第七条 机关、单位应当实行保密工作责任制,健全保密管理制度,完善保密防护措施,开展保密宣传教育,加强保密检查。
Article 8 The state shall reward entities or individuals which have made extraordinary contributions to guarding or protecting state secrets as well as improving secrecy techniques, measures, etc.

   第八条 国家对在保守、保护国家秘密以及改进保密技术、措施等方面成绩显著的单位或者个人给予奖励。
Chapter II Scope and Classification Levels of State Secrets

第二章 国家秘密的范围和密级

Article 9 The following matters which relate to the national security and interests and the leakage of which may damage the national security and interests in the field of politics, economy, national defense, foreign affairs, etc. shall be determined as state secrets:
   第九条 下列涉及国家安全和利益的事项,泄露后可能损害国家在政治、经济、国防、外交等领域的安全和利益的,应当确定为国家秘密:
1. Classified matters involved in the key policy decisions on state affairs;
2. Classified matters involved in the national defense construction and armed force activities;
3. Classified matters involved in the diplomatic and foreign affair activities and classified matters involved in the state's international obligation of secrecy;
4. Classified matters involved in the national economic and social development;
5. Classified matters involved in science and technology;
6. Classified matters involved in the activities of maintaining national security and investigating criminal offences; and
7. Others classified matters as determined by the state secrecy administrative department.
A political party's classified matters which conform to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be state secrets.
Article 10 State secrets shall be classified into three levels: top-secret, secret and confidential.
State secrets at the top-secret level are the most important state secrets, the leakage of which would cause extraordinarily serious damage to the national security and interests; state secrets at the secret level are important state secrets, the leakage of which would cause serious damage to the national security and interests; state secrets at the confidential level are ordinary state secrets, the leakage of which would cause damage to the national security and interests.
   第十条 国家秘密的密级分为绝密、机密、秘密三级。
Article 11 The specific scope of state secrets and scope of each classification level shall be determined by the state secrecy administrative department respectively with the foreign affairs department, the public security department, the national security department and other relevant central organs.
The scope of state secrets in the military field and the scope of each classification level shall be determined by the Central Military Commission.
Provisions on the specific scope of state secrets and scope of each classification level shall be published within a certain range and adjusted in light of changes of situations.
   第十一条 国家秘密及其密级的具体范围,由国家保密行政管理部门分别会同外交、公安、国家安全和其他中央有关机关规定。
Article 12 The person in charge of an organ or entity or any person designated by him shall be the state secret decider responsible for the determination, change and declassification of state secrets of the organ or entity.
To determine, change or declassify a state secret of an organ or entity, the handling person shall put forward a specific proposal subject to the examination and approval of the state secret decider.
   第十二条 机关、单位负责人及其指定的人员为定密责任人,负责本机关、本单位的国家秘密确定、变更和解除工作。
Article 13 The classification levels of state secrets shall be determined within the powers to determine state secrets.
Central state organs, provincial organs and organs or entities authorized by them shall have the powers to determine state secrets at the top-secret level, the secret level and the confidential level. Organs of districted cities and autonomous prefectures and organs or entities authorized by them shall have the powers to determine state secrets at the secret level and the confidential level. The specific powers to determine state secrets and scope of authorization shall be prescribed by the state secrecy administrative department.
Where an organ or entity executes a state secrete determined by its superior and needs to classify the state secret, it shall follow the classification level of the executed state secret. Where an organ or entity considers that the determination of classification level of a state secret which arises in the organ or entity is within the powers of its superior, it shall take secrecy measures in advance and report it immediately to the superior for determination. If it has no superior, it shall immediately apply to the competent business department or secrecy administrative department which has the corresponding determination powers.
The public security and national security organs shall, within their respective scopes of work, determine the classification levels of state secrets within the prescribed powers.
   第十三条 确定国家秘密的密级,应当遵守定密权限。
Article 14 An organ or entity shall determine the classification level of a state secret arising in the organ or entity pursuant to the provisions on the specific scope of state secrets and scopes of classification levels, as well as the secrecy period and access scope.
   第十四条 机关、单位对所产生的国家秘密事项,应当按照国家秘密及其密级的具体范围的规定确定密级,同时确定保密期限和知悉范围。
Article 15 The secrecy period of a state secret shall be a necessary period of time set according to the nature and characteristics of the matter and the needs for maintaining the national security and interests. Where it is impossible to determine the secrecy period, the conditions for declassification shall be determined.
   第十五条 国家秘密的保密期限,应当根据事项的性质和特点,按照维护国家安全和利益的需要,限定在必要的期限内;不能确定期限的,应当确定解密的条件。

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