Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Major Issues Pertaining to Deepening Reform of the Cultural System and Promoting the Great Development and Flouring of Social Culture
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- Area of Law:Culture
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Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Major Issues Pertaining to Deepening Reform of the Cultural System and Promoting the Great Development and Flouring of Social Culture (Passed at the Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth CPC Central Committee on October 18, 2011) At its Sixth Plenary Session, the Seventeenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) comprehensively analyzed the current situation and tasks and concluded that reviewing the rich praxis and valuable experience we have acquired in our country's cultural reform and development, making arrangements to deepen reform of the cultural system, promoting the great development and flourishing of socialist culture, and further boosting a new upsurge in building socialist culture is of great and far-reaching significance for winning new victories in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, initiating a new phase in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Central Committee made the following decision.
| | 中共中央关于深化文化体制改革推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定 (2011年10月18日中国共产党第十七届中央委员会第六次全体会议通过) 中国共产党第十七届中央委员会第六次全体会议全面分析形势和任务,认为总结我国文化改革发展的丰富实践和宝贵经验,研究部署深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,进一步兴起社会主义文化建设新高潮,对夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面、实现中华民族伟大复兴具有重大而深远的意义。全会作出如下决定。
I. Fully Recognize the Importance and Urgency of Promoting Cultural Reform and Development, and Promote the Great Development and Flourishing of Socialist Culture More Purposefully and Actively Culture is the lifeblood of a nation and is the spiritual home of its people. In the course of developing Chinese civilization over more than five thousand years, the people of all the country's ethnic groups united closely together and made unremitting efforts to improve themselves, and together created a vast and rich ancient culture, which provided a powerful spiritual force for the development and growth of the Chinese nation and made a major, indelible contribution to the progress of human civilization. Since the CPC was established, it has faithfully drawn upon and carried forward China's outstanding traditional culture as well as actively advocated and developed the country's advanced culture. Our Party has always attached great importance to using culture to guide progress and coalesce forces in struggle, and to unite with and lead the people of all ethnic groups to propel the cause of the Party and the people forward by means of a new intellectual and cultural awakening, new theoretical innovations and new cultural developments. Cultural work has played a major and irreplaceable role in the periods of revolution, construction and reform. Since the adoption of the reform and opening up policy, especially since the Sixteenth National Party Congress, our Party has consistently given cultural development an important strategic place in the Party and country's overall work, adhered to giving equal emphasis to both material progress and cultural and ethical progress, integrated the rule of law with rule by virtue, promoted the development of cultural programs and cultural industries, spurred cultural development to ever more successes, and pursued a path of cultural development with Chinese characteristics. We have adhered to emancipating our minds, seeking truth from facts and keeping up with the times; constantly adapted Marxism to China's conditions, the times and the masses; created and developed a socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics; and provided scientific theoretical guidance for opening up and expanding the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and for establishing and improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. We have firmly pressed ahead in building a system of core socialist values, and armed the whole Party and educated the people with the newest achievements in adapting Marxism to China's conditions. We have used the common ideals of socialism with Chinese characteristics to consolidate our strengths, used the national spirit with patriotism at its core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation at its core to arouse a fighting spirit, used the socialist conception of honor and disgrace to guide social mores, and thereby strengthened the common ideological and moral foundation upon which the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups work in unity. We have adhered to the orientation of serving the people and socialism as well as the principle of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, fostered the creative spirit of the masses and people working in the field of culture, promoted the production of large numbers of outstanding cultural products, and enriched people's intellectual and cultural lives. We have firmly pushed forward reform of the cultural system, articulated new cultural development concepts, liberated and developed cultural productive forces, given impetus to the all-around flourishing of cultural programs and the sound development of cultural industries, substantially improved guarantees regarding the people's basic cultural rights and interests, and greatly elevated the position and role of culture in economic and social development. We have constantly developed multi-level cultural exchanges with other countries in a broad range of areas, drawn upon and assimilated outstanding cultural achievements of other countries, implemented the strategy of taking Chinese culture global, constantly increased the international influence of Chinese culture, and displayed to the world China's new face of reform and opening up and the Chinese people's enterprising spirit. The reform and development of our country's culture has significantly raised the ideological and moral standards as well as scientific and cultural levels of the entire nation, promoted all-around personal development, remarkably increased China's cultural soft power, and provided a powerful motivation for adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. The world is currently going through a period of great development, momentous globalization are intensifying, science and technology are changing rapidly, the frequency of ideological and cultural exchanges with the consequent blending of and respects and of deepening reform and opening up and accelerating the transformation of the pattern of economic development. Culture is increasingly becoming an important source of the nation's cohesiveness and innovativeness, an important factor in competition in overall national strength, and an important pillar of economic and social development, and having a rich intellectual and cultural life is increasingly becoming an ardent hope of our country's people. Our country is and for a long time will remain in the primary stage of socialism, and the disparity between the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people and our backward social production is still the principal problem in society. To complete the building of a moderately prosperous society that brings greater benefits to all of our more than one billion citizens, we need to enable them not only to live a life of material abundance but also to enjoy a healthy and rich cultural life. We must grasp and make good use of this important period of strategic opportunities to develop our country. While upholding economic development as our central task, we need to consciously make enriching and developing Chinese culture an integral part of the notion that development is the absolute principle and the Party's number one task in exercising power and rejuvenating the country, and make it a basic requirement for thoroughly implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development. We need to further coordinate cultural, economic, political, social and ecological development; do a better job of satisfying the non-material demands of the people, enriching people's spiritual world and strengthening their moral fiber; and provide strong ideological guarantees, powerful psychological motivation, effective public opinion support and good cultural conditions for continuing to emancipate our minds, persevering in reform and opening up, giving impetus to scientific development and promoting social harmony. China's cultural sphere is presently undergoing broad and profound changes, and we possess favorable conditions for actuating the great development and flourishing of culture, but also face a series of new situations and problems. Our cultural development is not entirely in accord with our economic and social development and the ever-growing intellectual and cultural needs of the people. The following are the most prominent conflicts and problems: A number of localities and organizations do not sufficiently realize the importance, necessity and urgency of cultural development, and there is a desperate need to enhance the role of culture in making the entire nation more civilized. In some areas people do not behave ethically and they lack integrity, and the outlook on life and sense of values of some people are warped, which means there is a more urgent need to use the system of core socialist values to guide trends of thought in society, and it is a very difficult task to strengthen the common ideological and moral foundation upon which the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups work in unity. Our ability to guide public opinion needs to be improved, and Internet development and supervision urgently need to be strengthened and reformed. There are insufficient influential outstanding works, and our ability to guide the creation and production of cultural products needs to be strengthened. The public cultural service system needs to be improved, and cultural development in urban and rural areas and between regions is uneven. The scale of cultural industries is small and development of cultural productive forces has not yet been fundamentally resolved. Our ability to take Chinese culture needs to be increased. Finally, we urgently need an infusion of more talent in the field of culture. We must quickly resolve these conflicts and problems to move forward with cultural reform and development. The whole Party must fully understand that advanced socialist culture is the ideological and spiritual banner of Marxist parties, and that cultural development is an important constituent part of the overall cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Without the positive guidance of culture, without the people having a rich spiritual world and without fully utilizing the spiritual strength of the whole nation, no nation can stand tall among the other nations of the world. Material poverty is not socialism, nor is spiritual emptiness. Without the flourishing and development of socialist culture there can be no socialist modernization. Deepening reform of the cultural system and giving impetus to the great development and flourishing of socialist culture at this new starting point in history have a direct bearing on achieving the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, and achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We need to correctly grasp the new requirements for our country's economic and social development, the new trends in the development of contemporary culture, and the new hopes the people of all our ethnic groups have for their intellectual and cultural life. We need to increase our sense of responsibility and sense of urgency, emancipate our minds, alter our mindset, grasp opportunities, make the most of situations, and do all we can to create a new phase in developing socialist culture in the course of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and taking the path of scientific development.
| | 一、充分认识推进文化改革发展的重要性和紧迫性,更加自觉、更加主动地推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣 文化是民族的血脉,是人民的精神家园。在我国五千多年文明发展历程中,各族人民紧密团结、自强不息,共同创造出源远流长、博大精深的中华文化,为中华民族发展壮大提供了强大精神力量,为人类文明进步作出了不可磨灭的重大贡献。 中国共产党从成立之日起,就既是中华优秀传统文化的忠实传承者和弘扬者,又是中国先进文化的积极倡导者和发展者。我们党历来高度重视运用文化引领前进方向、凝聚奋斗力量,团结带领全国各族人民不断以思想文化新觉醒、理论创造新成果、文化建设新成就推动党和人民事业向前发展,文化工作在革命、建设、改革各个历史时期都发挥了不可替代的重大作用。 改革开放特别是党的十六大以来,我们党始终把文化建设放在党和国家全局工作重要战略地位,坚持物质文明和精神文明两手抓,实行依法治国和以德治国相结合,促进文化事业和文化产业同发展,推动文化建设不断取得新成就,走出了中国特色社会主义文化发展道路。我们坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,不断推进马克思主义中国化时代化大众化,形成和发展了中国特色社会主义理论体系,为开辟和拓展中国特色社会主义道路、确立和完善中国特色社会主义制度提供了科学理论指导;坚持推进社会主义核心价值体系建设,用马克思主义中国化最新成果武装全党、教育人民,用中国特色社会主义共同理想凝聚力量,用以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神鼓舞斗志,用社会主义荣辱观引领风尚,巩固了全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的共同思想道德基础;坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向和百花齐放、百家争鸣的方针,发扬广大人民群众和文化工作者的创造精神,推动优秀文化产品大量涌现,丰富了人民精神文化生活;坚持推进文化体制改革,创新文化发展理念,解放和发展文化生产力,推动文化事业全面繁荣、文化产业健康发展,大幅度提高了人民基本文化权益保障水平,大幅度提高了文化在经济社会发展中的地位和作用;坚持发展多层次、宽领域对外文化交流格局,借鉴吸收人类优秀文明成果,实施文化走出去战略,不断增强中华文化国际影响力,向世界展示了我国改革开放的崭新形象和我国人民昂扬向上的精神风貌。我国文化改革发展,显著提高了全民族思想道德素质和科学文化素质、促进了人的全面发展,显著增强了国家文化软实力,为坚持和发展中国特色社会主义提供了强大精神力量。 当今世界正处在大发展大变革大调整时期,世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,科学技术日新月异,各种思想文化交流交融交锋更加频繁,文化在综合国力竞争中的地位和作用更加凸显,维护国家文化安全任务更加艰巨,增强国家文化软实力、中华文化国际影响力要求更加紧迫。当代中国进入了全面建设小康社会的关键时期和深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期,文化越来越成为民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉、越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素、越来越成为经济社会发展的重要支撑,丰富精神文化生活越来越成为我国人民的热切愿望。我国仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾仍然是社会主要矛盾。全面建成惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会,既要让人民过上殷实富足的物质生活,又要让人民享有健康丰富的文化生活。我们必须抓住和用好我国发展的重要战略机遇期,在坚持以经济建设为中心的同时,自觉把文化繁荣发展作为坚持发展是硬道理、发展是党执政兴国第一要务的重要内容,作为深入贯彻落实科学发展观的一个基本要求,进一步推动文化建设与经济建设、政治建设、社会建设以及生态文明建设协调发展,更好满足人民精神需求、丰富人民精神世界、增强人民精神力量,为继续解放思想、坚持改革开放、推动科学发展、促进社会和谐提供坚强思想保证、强大精神动力、有力舆论支持、良好文化条件。 我国文化领域正在发生广泛而深刻的变革,推动文化大发展大繁荣既具备许多有利条件,也面临一系列新情况新问题。我国文化发展同经济社会发展和人民日益增长的精神文化需求还不完全适应,突出矛盾和问题主要是:一些地方和单位对文化建设重要性、必要性、紧迫性认识不够,文化在推动全民族文明素质提高中的作用亟待加强;一些领域道德失范、诚信缺失,一些社会成员人生观、价值观扭曲,用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮更为紧迫,巩固全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的共同思想道德基础任务繁重;舆论引导能力需要提高,网络建设和管理亟待加强和改进;有影响的精品力作还不够多,文化产品创作生产引导力度需要加大;公共文化服务体系不健全,城乡、区域文化发展不平衡;文化产业规模不大、结构不合理,束缚文化生产力发展的体制机制问题尚未根本解决;文化走出去较为薄弱,中华文化国际影响力需要进一步增强;文化人才队伍建设急需加强。推进文化改革发展,必须抓紧解决这些矛盾和问题。 全党必须深刻认识到,社会主义先进文化是马克思主义政党思想精神上的旗帜,文化建设是中国特色社会主义事业总体布局的重要组成部分。没有文化的积极引领,没有人民精神世界的极大丰富,没有全民族精神力量的充分发挥,一个国家、一个民族不可能屹立于世界民族之林。物质贫乏不是社会主义,精神空虚也不是社会主义。没有社会主义文化繁荣发展,就没有社会主义现代化。在新的历史起点上深化文化体制改革、推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,关系实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标,关系坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,关系实现中华民族伟大复兴。我们要准确把握我国经济社会发展新要求,准确把握当今时代文化发展新趋势,准确把握各族人民精神文化生活新期待,增强责任感和紧迫感,解放思想,转变观念,抓住机遇,乘势而上,在全面建设小康社会进程中、在科学发展道路上奋力开创社会主义文化建设新局面。
II. Adhere to the Socialist Cultural Development Path with Chinese Characteristics and Strive to Build a Country with a Strong Socialist Culture To adhere to the socialist cultural development path with Chinese characteristics, deepen reform of the cultural system, and promote the great development and flourishing of socialist culture, we must comprehensively implement the guiding principles of the Seventeenth National Party Congress; hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics; take Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as our guide; thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development; and adhere to the orientation toward advanced socialist culture. We must also take scientific development as our theme, take developing a system of core socialist values as our fundamental task, take satisfying the people's intellectual and cultural needs as our starting and end point, and take reform and innovation as our motive force. We must develop a national, scientific and popular socialist culture geared to the needs of modernization, the world and the future. We must cultivate a high degree of cultural self-awareness and self-confidence, raise the cultural level of the whole nation, increase the country's cultural soft power, advance and enrich Chinese culture, and strive to build a country with a strong socialist culture. To build a country with a strong socialist culture, we need to focus on implanting advanced socialist culture deeper in people's hearts, and press ahead with comprehensively fostering socialist cultural and ethical progress and material progress. We need to constantly fostering socialist cultural and ethical progress and material progress. we need to constantly bring about new situations in which the cultural creative vitality of the whole nation continuously bursts forth, the cultural life of society is richer and more varied, people's basic cultural rights and interests are better protected and people's intellectual and moral standards and their scientific and cultural levels are comprehensively raised. In this way we will build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation and make greater contributions to the progress of human civilization. In light of the new requirements for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the goals for cultural reform and development for 2020 are as follows: to further promote the development of a system of core socialist values, further cultivate a fine ideological and moral atmosphere and significantly improve the quality of our citizens; to create a greater abundance of cultural products suited to the people's needs, and produce a constant stream of outstanding cultural products; to facilitate the all-around flourishing of cultural programs, basically establish a public cultural service system that covers the whole of society, and strive to equalize basic public cultural services; to make cultural industries a pillar of the national economy, significantly increase their overall strength and international competitiveness, and form an overall pattern in cultural industries in which publicly owned enterprises are dominant and enterprises under all forms of ownership develop side by side; to make the cultural management system and operating mechanisms for producing cultural products full of vitality and highly efficient, and further improve the situation of cultural opening up in which our national culture is given priority but we import beneficial cultural products from abroad and take Chinese culture abroad; to develop and strengthen a contingent of high-quality cultural talent, and strengthen human resource guarantees for culture to prosper and develop. The whole Party and country need to work together to achieve these goals, constantly raise the scientific level of cultural development, and build a firm foundation for developing China into a country with a strong socialist culture. To achieve these goals, we must adhere to the following important principles: - Continue to take Marxism as our guide; adapt Marxism to China's conditions, the times and the masses; use the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics to arm our thinking, guide our praxis and give impetus to our work; and make sure cultural reform and development stay on the correct path. - Adhere to the orientation toward advanced socialist culture, serve the people and socialism, let a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, integrate carrying on traditions and making innovations, emphasize the theme while advocating diversity, arm the people with scientific theory, guide them with correct public opinion, mold them with a noble spirit, use outstanding works to encourage them, and cultivate throughout society a spirit of aspiring to make progress and a healthy and civilized lifestyle. - Continue to put people first; be rooted in reality, life and the masses; let the people play the main role in developing culture; uphold the principle that cultural development is for the people, by the people and benefits the people; promote all-around personal development; and cultivate socialist citizens with high ideals, moral integrity, a good education and a strong sense of discipline. - Continue to put social benefits first, organically integrate social and economic benefits, abide by the natural laws of cultural development; adapt to the requirements for the development of a socialist market economy; strengthen the legal system pertaining to culture; place equal emphasis on getting culture to flourish and on country's cultural security. - Continue reform and opening up, strive to make innovations in cultural systems and mechanisms, use reforms to stimulate the development and flourishing of culture, constantly liberate and develop cultural productive forces, raise the level of cultural openness, give impetus to taking Chinese culture global, actively assimilate the outstanding cultural achievements of other countries and effectively safeguard out country's cultural security.
| | 二、坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,努力建设社会主义文化强国 坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,深化文化体制改革,推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,必须全面贯彻党的十七大精神,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,坚持社会主义先进文化前进方向,以科学发展为主题,以建设社会主义核心价值体系为根本任务,以满足人民精神文化需求为出发点和落脚点,以改革创新为动力,发展面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的,民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化,培养高度的文化自觉和文化自信,提高全民族文明素质,增强国家文化软实力,弘扬中华文化,努力建设社会主义文化强国。 建设社会主义文化强国,就是要着力推动社会主义先进文化更加深入人心,推动社会主义精神文明和物质文明全面发展,不断开创全民族文化创造活力持续迸发、社会文化生活更加丰富多彩、人民基本文化权益得到更好保障、人民思想道德素质和科学文化素质全面提高的新局面,建设中华民族共有精神家园,为人类文明进步作出更大贡献。 按照实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标新要求,到二○二○年,文化改革发展奋斗目标是:社会主义核心价值体系建设深入推进,良好思想道德风尚进一步弘扬,公民素质明显提高;适应人民需要的文化产品更加丰富,精品力作不断涌现;文化事业全面繁荣,覆盖全社会的公共文化服务体系基本建立,努力实现基本公共文化服务均等化;文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业,整体实力和国际竞争力显著增强,公有制为主体、多种所有制共同发展的文化产业格局全面形成;文化管理体制和文化产品生产经营机制充满活力、富有效率,以民族文化为主体、吸收外来有益文化、推动中华文化走向世界的文化开放格局进一步完善;高素质文化人才队伍发展壮大,文化繁荣发展的人才保障更加有力。全党全国要为实现这些目标共同努力,不断提高文化建设科学化水平,为把我国建设成为社会主义文化强国打下坚实基础。 实现上述奋斗目标,必须遵循以下重要方针。 --坚持以马克思主义为指导,推进马克思主义中国化时代化大众化,用中国特色社会主义理论体系武装头脑、指导实践、推动工作,确保文化改革发展沿着正确道路前进。 --坚持社会主义先进文化前进方向,坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务,坚持百花齐放、百家争鸣,坚持继承和创新相统一,弘扬主旋律、提倡多样化,以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人,在全社会形成积极向上的精神追求和健康文明的生活方式。 --坚持以人为本,贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,发挥人民在文化建设中的主体作用,坚持文化发展为了人民、文化发展依靠人民、文化发展成果由人民共享,促进人的全面发展,培育有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义公民。 --坚持把社会效益放在首位,坚持社会效益和经济效益有机统一,遵循文化发展规律,适应社会主义市场经济发展要求,加强文化法制建设,一手抓繁荣、一手抓管理,推动文化事业和文化产业全面协调可持续发展。 --坚持改革开放,着力推进文化体制机制创新,以改革促发展、促繁荣,不断解放和发展文化生产力,提高文化开放水平,推动中华文化走向世界,积极吸收各国优秀文明成果,切实维护国家文化安全。
III. Develop the System of Core Socialist Values and Strengthen the Ideological and Ethical Foundation for the Whole Party and the People of All Ethnic Groups to Unite in Struggle The system of core socialist values is the soul of national rejuvenation and the essence of advanced socialist culture, and it determines the orientation for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must strengthen education and guidance to increase consensus in society, while being innovative with our methods and improving institutional guarantees. We must incorporate the system of core socialist values into the entire course of national education, cultural and ethical development, and Party building; all areas of reform, opening up and socialist modernization; and the whole process of creating, producing and disseminating intellectual and cultural products. We must continue to use the system of core socialist values to guide trends of thought in society, and create throughout the Party and society a unified guiding thought, common ideals and convictions, strong moral fiber and basic ethical standards.
| | 三、推进社会主义核心价值体系建设,巩固全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的共同思想道德基础 社会主义核心价值体系是兴国之魂,是社会主义先进文化的精髓,决定着中国特色社会主义发展方向。必须强化教育引导,增进社会共识,创新方式方法,健全制度保障,把社会主义核心价值体系融入国民教育、精神文明建设和党的建设全过程,贯穿改革开放和社会主义现代化建设各领域,体现到精神文化产品创作生产传播各方面,坚持用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮,在全党全社会形成统一指导思想、共同理想信念、强大精神力量、基本道德规范。
1. Uphold the guiding position of Marxism. Marxism lays bare the natural law of the development of human society and firmly safeguards and develops the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, and it is a scientific theory that guides people in making social progress and creating a happy life. We must unwaveringly adhere to the basic tenets of Marxism; fully take into account the realities of China, the characteristics of the times and the wishes of the people; and use developments in Marxism to guide new praxis. We need to tirelessly use the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics to arm the whole Party and educate the people; promote the deepening and broadening of the study and praxis of the Scientific Outlook on Development; guide Party members and cadres to thoroughly study and implement the Party's basic theory, line, program and experiences; study the classic works of Marxism; and systematically grasp the Marxist stand, viewpoint and method. We need to scientifically analyze new changes in the world, national and Party situations; thoroughly investigate and solve new problems that arise in reform, opening up and socialist modernization; constantly deepen our understanding of the natural laws governing the governance of the Communist Party and the development of socialism and human society; constantly raise the successes achieved by the people under the leadership of the Party to the level of theory; and constantly imbue contemporary Chinese Marxism with distinctive characteristics derived from praxis, the Chinese nation and the present age. We need to energetically build the CPC into a study-oriented Marxist party, with leading bodies and leading cadres as the focal point, raising Party members' ideological and political level as the foundation, and building study-oriented Party organizations as the fulcrum. We need to thoroughly carry out the National Project to Study and Develop Marxist Theory; implement the plan for spreading the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics; improve the systems of key academic disciplines and teaching materials; promote the injection of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics into teaching materials, academic courses and people's minds; and strengthen and improve ideological and political education in schools.
| | (一)坚持马克思主义指导地位。马克思主义深刻揭示了人类社会发展规律,坚定维护和发展最广大人民根本利益,是指引人民推动社会进步、创造美好生活的科学理论。要毫不动摇地坚持马克思主义基本原理,紧密结合中国实际、时代特征、人民愿望,用发展着的马克思主义指导新的实践。坚持不懈用中国特色社会主义理论体系武装全党、教育人民,推动学习实践科学发展观向深度和广度拓展,引导党员、干部深入学习贯彻党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领、基本经验,学习马克思主义经典著作,系统掌握马克思主义立场、观点、方法。科学分析世情、国情、党情新变化,深入研究解决改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新课题,不断深化对共产党执政规律、社会主义建设规律、人类社会发展规律的认识,不断把党带领人民创造的成功经验上升为理论,不断赋予当代中国马克思主义鲜明的实践特色、民族特色、时代特色。坚持以领导班子和领导干部为重点,以提高思想政治素养为根本,以建设学习型党组织为抓手,大力推进马克思主义学习型政党建设。深入推进马克思主义理论研究和建设工程,实施中国特色社会主义理论体系普及计划,加强重点学科体系和教材体系建设,推动中国特色社会主义理论体系进教材、进课堂、进头脑,加强和改进学校思想政治教育。
2. Strengthen the common ideals of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the basic orientation of development and progress in contemporary China, and it is distilled embodiment of the fundamental interests and common hopes of the overwhelming majority of the people. We need to thoroughly carry out education in ideals and convictions; and guide cadres and the masses to fully realize the historical inevitability and superiority of the CPC's leadership and the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and realize that the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the road we must take to achieve socialist modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and to create happy lives for the people. We need cadres and the masses to willingly align their ideals with the common ideals of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and unite and gather together as many people as possible under the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics. On the basis of the successful praxis of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the ideological realities of cadres and the masses, we need to come up with persuasive answers for hot issues and difficult problems in society by integrating theory and practice, and then guide cadres and the masses to clearly distinguish truth from falsehood and clarify their muddied understanding on important ideological and theoretical issues, so as to effectively block the influence of all kinds of mistaken and decadent ideology. We need to thoroughly carry out education in current affairs and state policies, national conditions, revolutionary traditions, reform and opening up, and national defense, and organize the study of China's modern and contemporary history, especially the history of the Party leading the people in revolution, construction and reform, in order to reinforce cadres and the masses' faith and conviction in socialism with Chinese characteristics.
| | (二)坚定中国特色社会主义共同理想。中国特色社会主义是当代中国发展进步的根本方向,集中体现了最广大人民根本利益和共同愿望。要深入开展理想信念教育,引导干部群众深刻认识中国共产党领导和中国特色社会主义制度的历史必然性和优越性,深刻认识中国特色社会主义道路既是实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟大复兴的必由之路,也是创造人民美好生活的必由之路,自觉把个人理想融入中国特色社会主义共同理想之中,最大限度把广大人民团结和凝聚在中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜之下。紧密结合中国特色社会主义成功实践,联系干部群众思想实际,针对社会热点难点问题,从理论和实践结合上作出有说服力的回答,引导干部群众在重大思想理论问题上划清是非界限、澄清模糊认识,有力抵制各种错误和腐朽思想影响。深入开展形势政策教育、国情教育、革命传统教育、改革开放教育、国防教育,组织学习中国近现代史特别是党领导人民进行革命、建设、改革的历史,坚定广大干部群众对中国特色社会主义的信心和信念。
3. Foster a national spirit with patriotism at its core and a spirit of the times with reform and innovation at its core. Patriotism is the deepest intellectual tradition of the Chinese nation, and it is the thing most able to arouse Chinese sons and daughters to unite in struggle. Reform and innovation are the most distinctive characteristics of contemporary China, and they are the things most capable of encouraging Chinese sons and daughters to forge ahead. We need to carry out education in national spirit on a broad scale; put great effort into fostering ideologies of patriotism, collectivism and socialism; strengthen people's sense of national pride, self-confidence and self-esteem; encourage people to turn their patriotic fervor into practical action to revitalize the country; and view it as the greatest honor to love the motherland and contribute all their strength to developing the motherland and as the greatest disgrace to harm the motherland's interests and dignity. We need to carry out education in the spirit of the times on a broad scale, guide cadres and the masses to always maintain a spirit of progressing with the times and blazing new trails, never be self-satisfied or become rigid or stagnant, and give impetus to the sustained development of our cause by constantly emancipating their minds. We need to energetically foster thinking and a spirit that are beneficial to making the country prosperous and strong and revitalizing the nation and to the people's wellbeing and social harmony, and foster the fine traditions of arduous struggle, the honor of honest labor, and being industrious and thrifty. We need to strengthen education in ethnic solidarity and progress, increase people's sense of identity with the great motherland and the Chinese nation, and encourage people of all ethnic groups to struggle, prosper and develop together. We need to strengthen the development of patriotic education centers, make good use of tourism resources related to the early history of the CPC, and use them as important course materials for promoting a national spirit and a spirit of the times.
| | (三)弘扬以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神。爱国主义是中华民族最深厚的思想传统,最能感召中华儿女团结奋斗;改革创新是当代中国最鲜明的时代特征,最能激励中华儿女锐意进取。要广泛开展民族精神教育,大力弘扬爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,增强民族自尊心、自信心、自豪感,激励人民把爱国热情化作振兴中华的实际行动,以热爱祖国和贡献自己全部力量建设祖国为最大光荣、以损害祖国利益和尊严为最大耻辱。广泛开展时代精神教育,引导干部群众始终保持与时俱进、开拓创新的精神状态,永不自满、永不僵化、永不停滞,以思想不断解放推动事业持续发展。大力弘扬一切有利于国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福、社会和谐的思想和精神,大力发扬艰苦奋斗、劳动光荣、勤俭节约的优良传统。加强民族团结进步教育,增进对伟大祖国和中华民族的认同,促进各民族共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展。加强爱国主义教育基地建设,用好红色旅游资源,使之成为弘扬培育民族精神和时代精神的重要课堂。
4. Establish and act on a socialist conception of honor and disagree. The socialist conception of honor and disgrace embodies the fundamental requirements of socialist ethics. We need to thoroughly carry out publicity and education in the socialist conception of honor and disgrace; foster traditional Chinese ethics; carry forward the project of developing civil ethics; strengthen education in social ethics, business ethics, family virtue and individual morality; identify and honor people with outstanding ethics; learn from advanced individuals and publicize their examples; guide the people to strengthen their moral discernment and their sense of moral honor; get people to willingly carry out their legal duties and social and family responsibilities; and establish throughout society the fine customs of recognizing honor and disgrace, emphasizing integrity, making a contribution, and promoting harmony. We need to intensify mass activities that foster cultural and ethical progress; extensively develop volunteer service; expand all kinds of activities related to ethical practice; advocate moral standards pertaining to patriotism, professional ethics, integrity and friendship; and establish interpersonal relationships based on sexual equality, respecting the old and loving the young, helping the poor and the needy, assisting the weak and the disabled, and being courteous and tolerant. We need to comprehensively strengthen the system of moral education in schools; build an education network in which schools, the family and society cooperate closely; and mobilize all sectors of society to work together for the ideological and moral education of young people. We need to extensively carry out activities to emulate Lei Feng, and adopt measures to make such activities ongoing. We need to increase activities to improve the conduct of people working in government and industry; carry out education and take corrective measures to deal with prominent ethical problems; firmly oppose money worship, hedonism and ultra-individualism; and firmly correct unhealthy trends such as using one's power for personal gain, practicing fraud or deception, abandoning honor in the pursuit of profits and harming others to benefit oneself. We need to give prominence to strengthening integrity; put great effort into fostering integrity in government, business and society and in judicial proceedings; promptly establish a sound credit rating system that covers all of society; increase punishments for breaking one's promise; and develop throughout society the atmosphere that keeping one's promises is honorable and breaking one's promises is disgraceful. We need to strengthen publicity and education in the legal system; foster a socialist spirit of the rule of law; establish a socialist conception of the rule of law; raise the people's legal understanding; get everyone to study, respect, abide by and use the law; and safeguard social equality and justice and the authority of the law. We need to strengthen humanistic solicitude and psychological counseling, and cultivate in society the mentality of self-respect, self-confidence, being rational and calm, and aspiring to make progress. We need to foster a scientific spirit, popularize scientific knowledge, and advocate freeing oneself from old backward customs and opposing feudalism and superstition. We need to vigorously carry out education in combating corruption and promoting incorruptibility, and promote a culture of clean government. ...... | | (四)树立和践行社会主义荣辱观。社会主义荣辱观体现了社会主义道德的根本要求。要深入开展社会主义荣辱观宣传教育,弘扬中华传统美德,推进公民道德建设工程,加强社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德、个人品德教育,评选表彰道德模范,学习宣传先进典型,引导人民增强道德判断力和道德荣誉感,自觉履行法定义务、社会责任、家庭责任,在全社会形成知荣辱、讲正气、作奉献、促和谐的良好风尚。深化群众性精神文明创建活动,广泛开展志愿服务,拓展各类道德实践活动,倡导爱国、敬业、诚信、友善等道德规范,形成男女平等、尊老爱幼、扶贫济困、扶弱助残、礼让宽容的人际关系。全面加强学校德育体系建设,构建学校、家庭、社会紧密协作的教育网络,动员社会各方面共同做好青少年思想道德教育工作。深入开展学雷锋活动,采取措施推动学习活动常态化。深化政风、行风建设,开展道德领域突出问题专项教育和治理,坚决反对拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义,坚决纠正以权谋私、造假欺诈、见利忘义、损人利己的歪风邪气。把诚信建设摆在突出位置,大力推进政务诚信、商务诚信、社会诚信和司法公信建设,抓紧建立健全覆盖全社会的征信系统,加大对失信行为惩戒力度,在全社会广泛形成守信光荣、失信可耻的氛围。加强法制宣传教育,弘扬社会主义法治精神,树立社会主义法治理念,提高全民法律素质,推动人人学法尊法守法用法,维护法律权威和社会公平正义。加强人文关怀和心理疏导,培育自尊自信、理性平和、积极向上的社会心态。弘扬科学精神,普及科学知识,倡导移风易俗、抵制封建迷信。深入开展反腐倡廉教育,推进廉政文化建设。 ...... |
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