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Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China (No.381) The Measures for the Administration of Relief for Vagrants and Beggars without Assured Living Sources in Cities, which were adopted at the 12th executive meeting of the State Council on June 18, 2003, are hereby promulgated and shall be implemented as of the day of promulgation. Wen Jiabao, Premier June 20, 2003 Measures for the Administration of Relief for Vagrants and Beggars without Assured Living Sources in Cities
| | 中华人民共和国国务院令 (第381号) 《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》已经2003年6月18日国务院第12次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2003年8月1日起施行。 总理 温家宝 二00三年六月二十日 城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法
Article 1 The present Measures are enacted in order to provide relief to the vagrants and beggars without assured living sources in cities (hereinafter referred to as the vagrants and beggars), to guarantee their basic living rights and interests, and to perfect the public relief system.
| | 第一条 为了对在城市生活无着的流浪、乞讨人员(以下简称流浪乞讨人员)实行救助,保障其基本生活权益,完善社会救助制度,制定本办法。
Article 2 The people's government of the cities at the county level and above shall set up relief stations for vagrants and beggars where necessary. The relief provided to vagrants and beggars by the relief stations is a temporary public relief measure.
| | 第二条 县级以上城市人民政府应当根据需要设立流浪乞讨人员救助站。救助站对流浪乞讨人员的救助是一项临时性社会救助措施。
Article 3 The people's government of the cities at the county level and above shall take active measures to relieve vagrants and beggars in good time, and shall include the fund needed for the relief work in their financial budgets to guarantee such fund. The state encourages and supports public organizations and individuals to relieve vagrants and beggars.
| | 第三条 县级以上城市人民政府应当采取积极措施及时救助流浪乞讨人员,并应当将救助工作所需经费列入财政预算,予以保障。 国家鼓励、支持社会组织和个人救助流浪乞讨人员。
Article 4 The departments of civil affairs of the people's governments at the county level and above shall be responsible for the work of relief for vagrants and beggars, and shall direct and supervise the relief stations. The departments of public security, public health, communications, railways, and city administration shall take care of the relevant work within the scope of their respective duties.
| | 第四条 县级以上人民政府民政部门负责流浪乞讨人员的救助工作,并对救助站进行指导、监督。 公安、卫生、交通、铁道、城管等部门应当在各自的职责范围内做好相关工作。
Article 5 The functionary of public security organs and other relevant administrative departments shall, if finding any vagrant or beggar in the performance of duties, inform that vagrant or beggar to seek relief from a relief station; and shall guide and escort that vagrant or beggar to the relief station if he/she is disabled, minor, old, or has any otherwise difficulty in action.
| | 第五条 公安机关和其他有关行政机关的工作人员在执行职务时发现流浪乞讨人员的,应当告知其向救助站求助;对其中的残疾人、未成年人、老年人和行动不便的其他人员,还应当引导、护送到救助站。
Article 6 A vagrant or beggar seeking relief from a relief station shall faithfully provide the basic information about himself/herself, such as the name, etc., register the articles he/she carries with the relief station, and raise the request for relief with the relief station. ...... | | 第六条 向救助站求助的流浪乞讨人员,应当如实提供本人的姓名等基本情况并将随身携带物品在救助站登记,向救助站提出求助需求。 ...... |
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