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Regulations on the Administration of Movies (2001) [Effective]
电影管理条例(2001) [现行有效]
Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
(No. 342)
The “Regulations on the Administration of Movies”, which were adopted at the 50th executive meeting of the State Council on December 12, 2001, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on February 1, 2002.
Premier: Zhu Rongji
December 25, 2001
Regulations on the Administration of Movies



总理 朱镕基
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Regulations are enacted with a view to strengthen the administration of the movie industry, promote the film industry, and satisfy the people's needs in their cultural lives, promoting the creation of material advocating socialist and spiritual civilization.
   第一条 为了加强对电影行业的管理,发展和繁荣电影事业,满足人民群众文化生活需要,促进社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设,制定本条例。
Article 2 These Regulations shall apply to such activities as the production, import, export, distribution and projection, etc. of the films inside the territory of the People's Republic of China including feature films, documentary films, science and education films, animations, and special topic films.
   第二条 本条例适用于中华人民共和国境内的故事片、纪录片、科教片、美术片、专题片等电影片的制片、进口、出口、发行和放映等活动。
Article 3 People engaged in the activities of production, import, export, distribution and projection, etc. of films shall abide by the Constitution and relevant laws and regulations, and shall adhere to the orientation of serving the people and serving socialism.
   第三条 从事电影片的制片、进口、出口、发行和放映等活动,应当遵守宪法和有关法律、法规,坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向。
Article 4 The administrative department for radio, movies and television under the State Council shall be in charge of the movie affairs nationwide.
The administrative department for movies under the local people's government at the county level or above shall be responsible for the administration of movies within its own jurisdiction in accordance with these Regulations.
   第四条 国务院广播电影电视行政部门主管全国电影工作。
Article 5 The State shall apply a licensing system with respect to the production, import, export, distribution, and projection of movies and public projection of films. No entity or individual shall, without permission, be engaged in the activities of production, import, distribution or projection of films, nor shall it/he import, export, distribute or project the films for which the license has not been obtained.
The licenses or approval documents distributed in accordance with these Regulations shall not be leased, lent, sold, or transferred in any other form.
   第五条 国家对电影摄制、进口、出口、发行、放映和电影片公映实行许可制度。未经许可,任何单位和个人不得从事电影片的摄制、进口、发行、放映活动,不得进口、出口、发行、放映未取得许可证的电影片。
Article 6 A national social organization in movie industry shall, in accordance with its articles of association, practice self-disciplined management under the direction of the administrative department for radio, movie and television under the State Council.
   第六条 全国性电影行业的社会团体按照其章程,在国务院广播电影电视行政部门指导下,实行自律管理。
Article 7 The State rewards the entities and individuals who make prominent contributions to the development of the film industry.
   第七条 国家对为电影事业发展做出显著贡献的单位和个人,给予奖励。
Chapter II Production of Films

第二章 电影制片

Article 8 In order to establish a film production entity, the applicant shall meet the following conditions:
   第八条 设立电影制片单位,应当具备下列条件:
(1) having the name and articles of association of the film production entity;
(2) having the controlling entity and the competent organ of which the administrative department for radio, movie and television under the State Council is aware;
(3) having a well-defined scope of business;
(4) having an organization adapted to the needs of its scope of business and a staff of professionals;
(5) having funds, premises and equipment adapted to the needs of its scope of business;
(6) other conditions provided for in laws and administrative regulations.
The approval on the establishment of a film production entity shall not only be in accordance with the conditions enumerated in the preceding paragraph, but also conforming to the programming enacted by the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council on the total number, distribution and structure of the film production entities.
Article 9 The application for the establishment of a film production entity shall be examined and consented to by the administrative department for film under the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the applicant is located before submitted to the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council for examination and approval.
The application shall clearly state the following:
   第九条 申请设立电影制片单位,由所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府电影行政部门审核同意后,报国务院广播电影电视行政部门审批。
(1) the name, address and economic nature of the film production entity;
(2) the name, address and nature of the controlling entity of and the competent organ of the film production entity;
(3) the name, address and qualification certifying documents of the legal representative of the film production entity;
(4) the sources and amount of funds of the film production entity.
Article 10 The administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council shall, within 90 days of receipt of the application for the establishment of a film production entity, make a decision on approving or not approving the application and shall notify the applicant. If the application is approved, a “License for Producing Movies” shall be issued by the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council to the applicant, who shall go through the registration formalities and obtain the business license in accordance with the law in the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council with the “License for Producing Movies”; if the application is not approved, the reason thereof shall be stated.
   第十条 国务院广播电影电视行政部门应当自收到设立电影制片单位的申请书之日起90日内,作出批准或者不批准的决定,并通知申请人。批准的,由国务院广播电影电视行政部门发给《摄制电影许可证》,申请人持《摄制电影许可证》到国务院工商行政管理部门办理登记手续,依法领取营业执照;不批准的,应当说明理由。
Article 11 A film production entity shall enjoy the civil rights and bear the civil liabilities in accordance with the law with the total property it owns.
   第十一条 电影制片单位以其全部法人财产,依法享有民事权利,承担民事责任。
Article 12 Where a film production entity is to be modified or terminated, it shall report to the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council for approval, and shall go through the modification registration or cancellation registration in accordance with the law in the administrative department for industry and commerce that handled the original registration.
   第十二条 电影制片单位变更、终止,应当报国务院广播电影电视行政部门批准,并依法到原登记的工商行政管理部门办理变更登记或者注销登记。
Article 13 A film production entity may be engaged in the following activities:
   第十三条 电影制片单位可以从事下列活动:
(1) producing films;
(2) making duplicates of the films it produces, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State,;
(3) distributing all through the country the films it produces and permits for public projection as well as the duplicates of such films, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State,;
(4) exporting the films it produces and permits for public projection as well as the duplicates of such films in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State,.
Article 14 Film production entities shall establish and improve management systems and ensure the quality of films.
   第十四条 电影制片单位应当建立、健全管理制度,保证电影片的质量。
Article 15 A film production entity shall have the copyright in accordance with the law over the films it has produced.
   第十五条 电影制片单位对其摄制的电影片,依法享有著作权。
Article 16 An entity other than film production entities that intends to be independently engaged in the business of producing movies shall report to the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council for approval, and shall go through the corresponding registration formalities in the administrative department for industry and commerce with the approval documents.
An entity other than film production entities that is approved to produce films shall obtain a one-off “License for Producing A Film” in advance from the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council, and shall enjoy rights and bear obligations with reference to a film production entity. The specific measures shall be enacted by the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council.
   第十六条 电影制片单位以外的单位独立从事电影摄制业务,须报经国务院广播电影电视行政部门批准,并持批准文件到工商行政管理部门办理相应的登记手续。
Article 17 The State encourages enterprises, public institutions and other social organizations as well as individuals to participate in the production of films in the forms of financial aid and investment. The specific measures shall be enacted by the administrative department for radio, movie and television under the State Council.
   第十七条 国家鼓励企业、事业单位和其他社会组织以及个人以资助、投资的形式参与摄制电影片。具体办法由国务院广播电影电视行政部门制定。
Article 18 A film production entity may, upon approval by the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council, cooperate with an overseas film producer to produce films; no other entity or individual shall cooperate with an overseas film producer to produce films.
A film production entity and an entity holding the “License for Producing A Film” may, upon approval by the administrative department for radio, movie and television under the State Council, be engaged in the activity of producing films outside the territory of China.
No overseas organization or individual may be independently engaged in the activity of producing films inside the territory of the People's Republic of China.
   第十八条 电影制片单位经国务院广播电影电视行政部门批准,可以与境外电影制片者合作摄制电影片;其他单位和个人不得与境外电影制片者合作摄制电影片。
Article 19 With respect to the production of films through Chinese-foreign cooperation, the Chinese cooperator shall propose an application for project initiation in advance to the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council. The administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council shall, after soliciting opinions from the relevant departments, issue a one-off “License for Producing Films through Chinese-foreign Cooperation” to the applicant who is examined to be qualified. The applicant shall, after obtaining the “License for Producing Films through Chinese-foreign Cooperation”, conclude a contract on the production of films through Chinese-foreign cooperation in accordance with the provisions of the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council.
   第十九条 中外合作摄制电影片,应当由中方合作者事先向国务院广播电影电视行政部门提出立项申请。国务院广播电影电视行政部门征求有关部门的意见后,经审查符合规定的,发给申请人一次性《中外合作摄制电影片许可证》。申请人取得《中外合作摄制电影片许可证》后,应当按照国务院广播电影电视行政部门的规定签订中外合作摄制电影片合同。
Article 20 Where any equipment, apparatus, film or artifact needs to be imported for the production of a film through Chinese-foreign cooperation, the Chinese cooperator shall go through the import or temporary import formalities with customs with the approval documents by the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council.
   第二十条 中外合作摄制电影片需要进口设备、器材、胶片、道具的,中方合作者应当持国务院广播电影电视行政部门的批准文件到海关办理进口或者临时进口手续。
Article 21 An overseas film producer who produces a film inside the territory of the People's Republic of China by cooperating with a Chinese cooperator or by any other means shall abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, and shall respect the customs and habits of the Chinese nationality.
   第二十一条 境外电影制片者同中方合作者合作或者以其他形式在中华人民共和国境内摄制电影片,应当遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法规,尊重中华民族的风俗、习惯。
Article 22 The development and later-stage production of the photographic plate and sample film of a movie shall be completed inside the territory of the People's Republic of China. Where such activities have to be completed outside the territory due to particular technical requirements, the party concerned shall apply by a single item and report to the administrative department for radio, movie and television under the State Council for approval, and shall then carry out such activities according to the requirements clearly stated in the approval documents.
   第二十二条 电影底片、样片的冲洗及后期制作,应当在中华人民共和国境内完成。有特殊技术要求确需在境外完成的,应当单项申请,报经国务院广播电影电视行政部门批准后,按照批准文件载明的要求执行。
Article 23 A film laboratory shall not process the photographic plate or sample film of a movie produced by an entity that has not obtained the “License for Producing Movies” or the “License for Producing A Film”, nor shall it process the film copies for which the “License for Public Projection of Films” has not been obtained.
A film laboratory that is entrusted to process the photographic plate and sample film of an overseas movie or film copy shall be approved by the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council in advance, and shall go through the relevant import formalities in accordance with the law in the customs with the approval documents. The processed photographic plates, sample films and film copies must be totally transported to the outside of the territory.
   第二十三条 电影洗印单位不得洗印加工未取得《摄制电影许可证》或者《摄制电影片许可证(单片)》的单位摄制的电影底片、样片,不得洗印加工未取得《电影片公映许可证》的电影片拷贝。
Chapter III Examination of Movies

第三章 电影审查

Article 24 The State applies a movie examination system.
Films which have not been examined and adopted by the movie examination institution of the administrative department for radio, film and television under the State Council (hereinafter referred to as “the movie examination institution”) shall not be distributed, projected, imported or exported.
The import of special topic films for reference in science research or teaching and the import by China Film Archive of archival films shall be in accordance with Article 32 of these Regulations.
   第二十四条 国家实行电影审查制度。
Article 25 The following contents are prohibited from being recorded in a film:
   第二十五条 电影片禁止载有下列内容:
(1) that which defies the basic principles determined in the Constitution;
(2) that which endangers the unity of the nation, sovereignty or territorial integrity;
(3) that which divulges secrets of the State, endangers national security or damages the honor or benefits of the State;
(4) that which incites the nation hatred or discrimination, undermines the solidarity of the nations, or infringes upon national customs and habits;

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