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Order of the President of the People's Republic of China (No.68) The Anti-Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted at the 29th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on August 30, 2007, is hereby promulgated, and shall be effective as of August 1, 2008. President of the People's Republic of China: Hu Jintao August 30, 2007 Anti-Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China (Adopted at the 29th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on August 30, 2007)
| | 中華人民共和國主席令 (第六十八號) 《中華人民共和國反壟斷法》已由中華人民共和國第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十九次會議于2007年8月30日通過,現予公布,自2008年8月1日起施行。 中華人民共和國主席 胡錦濤 2007年8月30日 中華人民共和國反壟斷法 (2007年8月30日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第二十九次會議通過)
Table of Contents
| | 目錄
Chapter I General Provisions
| | 第一章 總則
Chapter II Monopoly Agreements
| | 第二章 壟斷協議
Chapter III Abuse of Dominant Market Position
| | 第三章 濫用市場支配地位
Chapter IV Concentration of Business Operators
| | 第四章 經營者集中
Chapter V Abuse of Administrative Power to Eliminate or Restrict Competition
| | 第五章 濫用行政權力排除、限制競爭
Chapter VI Investigation into Suspicious Monopolistic Conducts
| | 第六章 對涉嫌壟斷行為的調查
Chapter VII Legal Liabilities
| | 第七章 法律責任
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
| | 第八章 附則
Chapter I General Provisions
| | 第一章 總則
Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of preventing and curbing monopolistic conducts, protecting fair market competition, enhancing economic efficiency, maintaining the consumer interests and the public interests, and promoting the healthy development of socialist market economy.
| | 第一條 為了預防和制止壟斷行為,保護市場公平競爭,提高經濟運行效率,維護消費者利益和社會公共利益,促進社會主義市場經濟健康發展,制定本法。
Article 2 This Law shall apply to the monopolistic conducts in economic activities within the territory of the People's Republic of China. This Law shall apply to the monopolistic conducts outside the territory of the People's Republic of China that has the effect of eliminating or restricting competition on the domestic market of China.
| | 第二條 中華人民共和國境內經濟活動中的壟斷行為,適用本法;中華人民共和國境外的壟斷行為,對境內市場競爭產生排除、限制影響的,適用本法。
Article 3 The term “monopolistic conducts” as mentioned in this Law includes:
| | 第三條 本法規定的壟斷行為包括:
1. Monopoly agreements reached between business operators;
| | (一)經營者達成壟斷協議;
2. Abuse of dominant market position by business operators; and
| | (二)經營者濫用市場支配地位;
3. Concentration of business operators that may have the effect of eliminating or restricting competition.
| | (三)具有或者可能具有排除、限制競爭效果的經營者集中。
Article 4 The State shall make and implement competition rules suitable for the socialist market economy, perfect the macro control, and improve a united, open, competitive and well-ordered market system.
| | 第四條 國家制定和實施與社會主義市場經濟相適應的競爭規則,完善宏觀調控,健全統一、開放、競爭、有序的市場體系。
Article 5 Business operators may, through fair competition and voluntary association, get together according to law, to expand the scale of their business operations and enhance their market competitiveness.
| | 第五條 經營者可以通過公平競爭、自願聯合,依法實施集中,擴大經營規模,提高市場競爭能力。
Article 6 No business operator with dominant market position may abuse its dominant position to eliminate or restrict competition.
| | 第六條 具有市場支配地位的經營者,不得濫用市場支配地位,排除、限制競爭。
Article 7 With respect to the industries controlled by the State-owned economy and concerning the lifeline of national economy and national security or the industries lawfully enjoying exclusive production and sales, the State shall protect these lawful business operations conducted by the business operators therein, and shall supervise and control these business operations and the prices of these commodities and services provided by these business operators, so as to protect the consumer interests and facilitate technological advancements. The business operators mentioned in the previous paragraph shall operate according to law, be honest, faithful and strictly self-disciplined, and accept public supervision, and shall not harm the consumer interests by taking advantage of their controlling or exclusive dealing position.
| | 第七條 國有經濟占控制地位的關系國民經濟命脈和國家安全的行業以及依法實行專營專賣的行業,國家對其經營者的合法經營活動予以保護,並對經營者的經營行為及其商品和服務的價格依法實施監管和調控,維護消費者利益,促進技術進步。 前款規定行業的經營者應當依法經營,誠實守信,嚴格自律,接受社會公眾的監督,不得利用其控制地位或者專營專賣地位損害消費者利益。
Article 8 No administrative organ or organization empowered by a law or administrative regulation to administer public affairs may abuse its administrative powers to eliminate or restrict competition.
| | 第八條 行政機關和法律、法規授權的具有管理公共事務職能的組織不得濫用行政權力,排除、限制競爭。
Article 9 The State Council shall establish an Anti-monopoly Commission, which is responsible for organizing, coordinating and guiding the anti-monopoly work and performs the following functions:
| | 第九條 國務院設立反壟斷委員會,負責組織、協調、指導反壟斷工作,履行下列職責:
1. Studying and drafting relevant competition policies;
| | (一)研究擬訂有關競爭政策;
2. Organizing the investigation and assessment of overall competition situations, and releasing an assessment report;
| | (二)組織調查、評估市場總體競爭狀況,發布評估報告;
3. Formulating and releasing anti-monopoly guidelines;
| | (三)制定、發布反壟斷指南;
4. Coordinating the anti-monopoly administrative law enforcement; and
| | (四)協調反壟斷行政執法工作;
5. Other functions assigned by the State Council. The composition and working rules of the Anti-monopoly Committee shall be established by the State Council.
| | (五)國務院規定的其他職責。 國務院反壟斷委員會的組成和工作規則由國務院規定。
Article 10 The anti-monopoly law enforcement agency designated by the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council) shall be responsible for the anti-monopoly law enforcement work. The Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council may, as required by the work, empower corresponding agencies in the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government to be responsible for the anti-monopoly law enforcement work according to this Law.
| | 第十條 國務院規定的承擔反壟斷執法職責的機構(以下統稱國務院反壟斷執法機構)依照本法規定,負責反壟斷執法工作。 國務院反壟斷執法機構根據工作需要,可以授權省、自治區、直轄市人民政府相應的機構,依照本法規定負責有關反壟斷執法工作。
Article 11 A trade association shall strengthen the self-discipline within the industry, lead the business operators in the industry toward lawful competition, and maintain the market competition order.
| | 第十一條 行業協會應當加強行業自律,引導本行業的經營者依法競爭,維護市場競爭秩序。
Article 12 The term “business operator” as mentioned in this Law refers to a natural person, legal person, or any other organization that engages in the production or business of commodities or provides services. The term “relevant market” as mentioned in this Law refers to the commodity scope or territorial scope within which the business operators compete against each other during a certain period of time for specific commodities or services (hereinafter referred to as “commodities”).
| | 第十二條 本法所稱經營者,是指從事商品生產、經營或者提供服務的自然人、法人和其他組織。 本法所稱相關市場,是指經營者在一定時期內就特定商品或者服務(以下統稱商品)進行競爭的商品範圍和地域範圍。
Chapter II Monopoly Agreement
| | 第二章 壟斷協議
Article 13 The competing business operators are prohibited from reaching any of the following monopoly agreements with each other:
| | 第十三條 禁止具有競爭關系的經營者達成下列壟斷協議:
1. Fixing or changing the price of commodities;
| | (一)固定或者變更商品價格;
2. Restricting the production quantity or sales volume of commodities;
| | (二)限制商品的生產數量或者銷售數量;
3. Dividing the sales market or the raw material supply market;
| | (三)分割銷售市場或者原材料采購市場;
4. Restricting the purchase of new technology or new facilities or the development of new technology or new products;
| | (四)限制購買新技術、新設備或者限制開發新技術、新產品;
5. Jointly boycotting transactions; or
| | (五)聯合抵制交易;
6. Other monopoly agreements as determined by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council. The term “monopoly agreements” as mentioned in this Law refers to the agreements, decisions or other concerted behaviors that may eliminate or restrict competition.
| | (六)國務院反壟斷執法機構認定的其他壟斷協議。 本法所稱壟斷協議,是指排除、限制競爭的協議、決定或者其他協同行為。
Article 14 Business operators are prohibited from reaching any of the following monopoly agreements with their trading parties:
| | 第十四條 禁止經營者與交易相對人達成下列壟斷協議:
1. Fixing the price of commodities for resale to a third party;
| | (一)固定向第三人轉售商品的價格;
2. Restricting the minimum price of commodities for resale to a third party; or
| | (二)限定向第三人轉售商品的最低價格;
3. Other monopoly agreements as determined by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council.
| | (三)國務院反壟斷執法機構認定的其他壟斷協議。
Article 15 Where the business operators can prove that a monopoly agreement reached by them falls under any of the following circumstances, the monopoly agreement shall be exempt from Articles 13 and 14 of this Law:
| | 第十五條 經營者能夠證明所達成的協議屬于下列情形之一的,不適用本法第十三條、第十四條的規定:
1. For the purpose of improving technologies, researching, and developing new products;
| | (一)為改進技術、研究開發新產品的;
2. For the purpose of upgrading product quality, reducing costs, improving efficiency, unifying product specifications or standards, or carrying out professional labor division;
| | (二)為提高產品質量、降低成本、增進效率,統一產品規格、標准或者實行專業化分工的;
3. For the purpose of enhancing operational efficiency and reinforcing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized business operators;
| | (三)為提高中小經營者經營效率,增強中小經營者競爭力的;
4. For the purpose of realizing public interests such as conserving energy, protecting the environment and providing disaster relief, etc.;
| | (四)為實現節約能源、保護環境、救災救助等社會公共利益的;
5. For the purpose of mitigating the severe decrease of sales volume or obviously excessive production during economic recessions;
| | (五)因經濟不景氣,為緩解銷售量嚴重下降或者生產明顯過剩的;
6. For the purpose of protecting the justifiable interests of the foreign trade or foreign economic cooperation; or
| | (六)為保障對外貿易和對外經濟合作中的正當利益的;
7. Other circumstances prescribed by the law or the State Council. Where a monopoly agreement falls under any of the circumstances prescribed in Items 1-5 and is exempt from Articles 13 and 14 of this Law, the business operators shall also prove that the reached such an agreement shall not substantially restrict competition in the relevant market and can enable the consumers to share the benefits from the agreement.
| | (七)法律和國務院規定的其他情形。 屬于前款第一項至第五項情形,不適用本法第十三條、第十四條規定的,經營者還應當證明所達成的協議不會嚴重限制相關市場的競爭,並且能夠使消費者分享由此產生的利益。
Article 16 No trade association may organize the business operators in its own industry to implement the monopolistic conducts as prohibited by this Chapter.
| | 第十六條 行業協會不得組織本行業的經營者從事本章禁止的壟斷行為。
Chapter III Abuse of Dominant Market Position
| | 第三章 濫用市場支配地位
Article 17 Business operators with a dominant market position are prohibited from committing any of the following acts of abusing the dominant market position:
| | 第十七條 禁止具有市場支配地位的經營者從事下列濫用市場支配地位的行為:
1. Selling products at unfairly high prices or buying products at unfairly low prices;
| | (一)以不公平的高價銷售商品或者以不公平的低價購買商品;
2. Selling products at prices below cost without any justifiable causes;
| | (二)沒有正當理由,以低于成本的價格銷售商品;
3. Refusing to trade with a trading party without any justifiable causes;
| | (三)沒有正當理由,拒絕與交易相對人進行交易;
4. Restricting their trading party so that it may conduct deals exclusively with themselves or with the designated business operators without any justifiable causes;
| | (四)沒有正當理由,限定交易相對人只能與其進行交易或者只能與其指定的經營者進行交易;
5. Implementing tie-in sales or imposing other unreasonable trading conditions at the time of trading without any justifiable causes (“tie-in sale” refers to an unfair sale practice in which a business operator bundles other undesirable commodities with a hot-sale commodity 每 noted by the translator for clarification.);
| | (五)沒有正當理由搭售商品,或者在交易時附加其他不合理的交易條件;
6. Applying discriminatory treatments on trading prices or other trading conditions to their trading parties with equal standing without any justifiable causes; or
| | (六)沒有正當理由,對條件相同的交易相對人在交易價格等交易條件上實行差別待遇;
7. Other forms of abusing the dominant market position as determined by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council. The term “dominant market position” as mentioned in this Law refers to a market position held by business operators that have the ability to control the price or quantity of commodities or other trading conditions in the relevant market or block or affect the entry of other business operators into the relevant market.
| | (七)國務院反壟斷執法機構認定的其他濫用市場支配地位的行為。 本法所稱市場支配地位,是指經營者在相關市場內具有能夠控制商品價格、數量或者其他交易條件,或者能夠阻礙、影響其他經營者進入相關市場能力的市場地位。
Article 18 The dominant market position of a business operator shall be determined according to the following factors:
| | 第十八條 認定經營者具有市場支配地位,應當依據下列因素:
1. The market share of the business operator and its competitive status in the relevant market;
| | (一)該經營者在相關市場的市場份額,以及相關市場的競爭狀況;
2. The ability of the business operator to control the sales market or the raw material supply market;
| | (二)該經營者控制銷售市場或者原材料采購市場的能力;
3. The financial and technological conditions of the business operator;
| | (三)該經營者的財力和技術條件;
4. The extent of reliance on the business operator by other business operators in the transactions;
| | (四)其他經營者對該經營者在交易上的依賴程度;
5. The degree of difficulty for other business operators to enter the relevant market; and
| | (五)其他經營者進入相關市場的難易程度;
6. Other factors relevant to the determination of the dominant market position of the business operator.
| | (六)與認定該經營者市場支配地位有關的其他因素。
Article 19 Under any of the following circumstances, a business operator may be presumed to have a dominant market position:
| | 第十九條 有下列情形之一的,可以推定經營者具有市場支配地位:
1. The market share of one business operator accounts for 1/2 or more in the relevant market;
| | (一)一個經營者在相關市場的市場份額達到二分之一的;
2. The joint market share of two business operators accounts for 2/3 or more in the relevant market; or
| | (二)兩個經營者在相關市場的市場份額合計達到三分之二的;
3. The joint market share of three business operators accounts for 3/4 or more in the relevant market. Under the circumstance prescribed in Item 2 or 3 of the previous paragraph, if any of the business operators has a market share of less than 1/10, that business operator shall not be considered to have a dominant market position. A business operator that has been presumed to have a dominant market position shall not be considered as having a dominant market position if the operator can provide opposite evidence.
| | (三)三個經營者在相關市場的市場份額合計達到四分之三的。 有前款第二項、第三項規定的情形,其中有的經營者市場份額不足十分之一的,不應當推定該經營者具有市場支配地位。 被推定具有市場支配地位的經營者,有證據證明不具有市場支配地位的,不應當認定其具有市場支配地位。
Chapter IV Concentration of Business Operators
| | 第四章 經營者集中
Article 20 The “concentration of business operators” refers to any of the following circumstances:
| | 第二十條 經營者集中是指下列情形:
1. Merger of business operators;
| | (一)經營者合並;
2. A business operator acquires control over other business operators by acquiring their equities or assets; or
| | (二)經營者通過取得股權或者資產的方式取得對其他經營者的控制權;
3. A business operator acquires control over other business operators or is able to exert a decisive influence on other business operators by contract or any other means.
| | (三)經營者通過合同等方式取得對其他經營者的控制權或者能夠對其他經營者施加決定性影響。
Article 21 Business operators shall declare in advance the concentration reaching the threshold of declaration prescribed by the State Council to the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency, and otherwise, they shall not implement the concentration.
| | 第二十一條 經營者集中達到國務院規定的申報標准的,經營者應當事先向國務院反壟斷執法機構申報,未申報的不得實施集中。
Article 22 Under any of the following circumstances, business operators may not need to file a concentration declaration to the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council:
| | 第二十二條 經營者集中有下列情形之一的,可以不向國務院反壟斷執法機構申報:
1. Among all business operators involved in the concentration, one business operator possesses 50% or more of the voting shares or assets of every other business operator; or
| | (一)參與集中的一個經營者擁有其他每個經營者百分之五十以上有表決權的股份或者資產的;
2. A business operator not involved in the concentration possesses 50% or more of the voting shares or assets of every business operator that is involved in the concentration.
| | (二)參與集中的每個經營者百分之五十以上有表決權的股份或者資產被同一個未參與集中的經營者擁有的。
Article 23 When making a concentration declaration to the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council, the business operators shall submit the following documents and materials:
| | 第二十三條 經營者向國務院反壟斷執法機構申報集中,應當提交下列文件、資料:
1. The Declaration Form;
| | (一)申報書;
2. Explanations of the concentration effects on the relevant market competition situations;
| | (二)集中對相關市場競爭狀況影響的說明;
3. Concentration agreements;
| | (三)集中協議;
4. The financial and accounting reports for the previous fiscal year of the business operators involved in the concentration, which should be audited by an accounting firm; and
| | (四)參與集中的經營者經會計師事務所審計的上一會計年度財務會計報告;
5. Other documents and materials required by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council. The declaration form shall contain the names of the business operators involved in the concentration, their domiciles, business scopes, the date on which the concentration is to be implemented, and other matters prescribed by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council.
| | (五)國務院反壟斷執法機構規定的其他文件、資料。 申報書應當載明參與集中的經營者的名稱、住所、經營範圍、預定實施集中的日期和國務院反壟斷執法機構規定的其他事項。
Article 24 Where the documents or materials submitted by the business operators are not complete, the business operators concerned shall supplement the relevant documents or materials within the time limit prescribed by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council. Otherwise, the declaration shall be deemed as not being filed.
| | 第二十四條 經營者提交的文件、資料不完備的,應當在國務院反壟斷執法機構規定的期限內補交文件、資料。經營者逾期未補交文件、資料的,視為未申報。
Article 25 The Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council shall, within 30 days upon receipt of the documents and materials submitted by the business operators pursuant to Article 23 of this Law, conduct a preliminary examination of the declared concentration of business operators, make a decision on whether to conduct further examination, and notify the business operators of that decision in written form. The business operators shall not implement the concentration until the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council makes such a decision. Where the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council makes a decision that no further examination shall be conducted or where the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency fails to make a decision within the time limit, the business operators may implement the concentration.
| | 第二十五條 國務院反壟斷執法機構應當自收到經營者提交的符合本法第二十三條規定的文件、資料之日起三十日內,對申報的經營者集中進行初步審查,作出是否實施進一步審查的決定,並書面通知經營者。國務院反壟斷執法機構作出決定前,經營者不得實施集中。 國務院反壟斷執法機構作出不實施進一步審查的決定或者逾期未作出決定的,經營者可以實施集中。
Article 26 Where the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council decides to conduct further examination, it shall, within 90 days from the date of decision, complete the examination, make a decision on whether to prohibit the concentration, and notify the business operators of the decision in written form. If the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council decides to prohibit the concentration, it shall explain the reasons. The business operators shall refrain from implementing the concentration within the period of examination. Under any of the following circumstances, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council may, after notifying the business operators concerned in written form, extend the time limit of examination as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, with the extension being no more than 60 days:
| | 第二十六條 國務院反壟斷執法機構決定實施進一步審查的,應當自決定之日起九十日內審查完畢,作出是否禁止經營者集中的決定,並書面通知經營者。作出禁止經營者集中的決定,應當說明理由。審查期間,經營者不得實施集中。 有下列情形之一的,國務院反壟斷執法機構經書面通知經營者,可以延長前款規定的審查期限,但最長不得超過六十日:
1. The business operators agree to extend the time limit of examination;
| | (一)經營者同意延長審查期限的;
2. The documents or materials submitted by business operators are inaccurate and need further verification; or
| | (二)經營者提交的文件、資料不准確,需要進一步核實的;
3. The relevant circumstances have significantly changed after the declaration by the business operators. Where the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council fails to make a decision within the time limit, business operators may implement the concentration.
| | (三)經營者申報後有關情況發生重大變化的。 國務院反壟斷執法機構逾期未作出決定的,經營者可以實施集中。
Article 27 The following factors shall be taken into account in the examination of the concentration of business operators:
| | 第二十七條 審查經營者集中,應當考慮下列因素:
1. The involved business operators' market share in the relevant market and their controlling power over that market;
| | (一)參與集中的經營者在相關市場的市場份額及其對市場的控制力;
2. The degree of market concentration in the relevant market;
| | (二)相關市場的市場集中度;
3. The impact of the concentration of business operators on the market access and technological advancements;
| | (三)經營者集中對市場進入、技術進步的影響;
4. The impact of the concentration of business operators on the consumers and other business operators;
| | (四)經營者集中對消費者和其他有關經營者的影響;
5. The impact of the concentration of business operators on the national economic development; and
| | (五)經營者集中對國民經濟發展的影響;
6. Other factors that may affect the market competition and shall be considered as deemed by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council.
| | (六)國務院反壟斷執法機構認為應當考慮的影響市場競爭的其他因素。
Article 28 Where the concentration of business operators will or may eliminate or restrict competition, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council shall make a decision to prohibit the concentration. However, if the business operators can prove either that the favorable impact of the concentration on competition obviously exceeds the adverse impact, or that the concentration meets the public interests, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council may decide not to prohibit the concentration.
| | 第二十八條 經營者集中具有或者可能具有排除、限制競爭效果的,國務院反壟斷執法機構應當作出禁止經營者集中的決定。但是,經營者能夠證明該集中對競爭產生的有利影響明顯大于不利影響,或者符合社會公共利益的,國務院反壟斷執法機構可以作出對經營者集中不予禁止的決定。
Article 29 Where the concentration of business operators is not prohibited, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council may decide to attach restrictive conditions for reducing the adverse impact of such concentration on competition.
| | 第二十九條 對不予禁止的經營者集中,國務院反壟斷執法機構可以決定附加減少集中對競爭產生不利影響的限制性條件。
Article 30 The Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council shall timely publicize a decision on prohibiting the concentration of business operators or a decision on attaching restrictive conditions to the concentration of business operators.
| | 第三十條 國務院反壟斷執法機構應當將禁止經營者集中的決定或者對經營者集中附加限制性條件的決定,及時向社會公布。
Article 31 Where a foreign investor participates in the concentration of business operators by merging or acquiring a domestic enterprise or by any other means and the national security is involved, besides the examination on the concentration of business operators according to this Law, the examination on the national security shall also be conducted according to the relevant provisions of the State.
| | 第三十一條 對外資並購境內企業或者以其他方式參與經營者集中,涉及國家安全的,除依照本法規定進行經營者集中審查外,還應當按照國家有關規定進行國家安全審查。
Chapter V Abuse of Administrative Power to Eliminate or Restrict Competition
| | 第五章 濫用行政權力排除、限制競爭
Article 32 No administrative organ or organization empowered by a law or administrative regulation to administer public affairs may abuse its administrative power to force or use a disguised form to force any entities or individuals to deal, purchase, or use the commodities provided by the business operators designated by such an administrative organ or organization.
| | 第三十二條 行政機關和法律、法規授權的具有管理公共事務職能的組織不得濫用行政權力,限定或者變相限定單位或者個人經營、購買、使用其指定的經營者提供的商品。
Article 33 No administrative organ or organization empowered by a law or administrative regulation to administer public affairs may abuse its administrative power to block the inter-region free trading of commodity by taking the following measures:
| | 第三十三條 行政機關和法律、法規授權的具有管理公共事務職能的組織不得濫用行政權力,實施下列行為,妨礙商品在地區之間的自由流通:
1. Setting discriminatory charges, implementing discriminatory charge rates, or fixing discriminatory prices for non-local commodities;
| | (一)對外地商品設定歧視性收費項目、實行歧視性收費標准,或者規定歧視性價格;
2. Imposing technical requirements or inspection standards on non-local commodities that are different from those on their local counterparts, or taking discriminatory technical measures, such as repeated inspections or repeated certifications on non-local commodities, so as to restrict the entry of non-local commodities into the local market;
| | (二)對外地商品規定與本地同類商品不同的技術要求、檢驗標准,或者對外地商品采取重複檢驗、重複認證等歧視性技術措施,限制外地商品進入本地市場;
3. Adopting the administrative licensing aimed at non-local commodities, so as to restrict the entry of non-local commodities into the local market;
| | (三)采取專門針對外地商品的行政許可,限制外地商品進入本地市場;
4. Setting up barriers or adopting any other means to block either the entry of non-local commodities or the exit of local commodities; or
| | (四)設置關卡或者采取其他手段,阻礙外地商品進入或者本地商品運出;
5. Other activities that may block the inter-region free trading of commodity.
| | (五)妨礙商品在地區之間自由流通的其他行為。
Article 34 No administrative organs or organizations empowered by law or administrative regulation to administer public affairs may abuse their administrative power to reject or restrict the participation of non-local business operators in local tendering and bidding activities by imposing discriminatory qualification requirements or assessment standards or failing to publicize the binding information according to law.
| | 第三十四條 行政機關和法律、法規授權的具有管理公共事務職能的組織不得濫用行政權力,以設定歧視性資質要求、評審標准或者不依法發布信息等方式,排斥或者限制外地經營者參加本地的招標投標活動。
Article 35 No administrative organs or organizations empowered by law or administrative regulation to administer public affairs may abuse its administrative power to reject or restrict either investment in its jurisdiction or the establishment of local branches by non-local business operators by imposing unequal treatments on them that are different from those on the local business operators.
| | 第三十五條 行政機關和法律、法規授權的具有管理公共事務職能的組織不得濫用行政權力,采取與本地經營者不平等待遇等方式,排斥或者限制外地經營者在本地投資或者設立分支機構。
Article 36 No administrative organs or organizations empowered by law or administrative regulation to administer public affairs may abuse its administrative power to compel business operators to engage in monopolistic activities that are prohibited by this Law.
| | 第三十六條 行政機關和法律、法規授權的具有管理公共事務職能的組織不得濫用行政權力,強制經營者從事本法規定的壟斷行為。
Article 37 No administrative organs may abuse its administrative power to formulate any provisions on eliminating or restricting competition.
| | 第三十七條 行政機關不得濫用行政權力,制定含有排除、限制競爭內容的規定。
Chapter VI Investigation of Suspicious Monopolistic Conducts
| | 第六章 對涉嫌壟斷行為的調查
Article 38 The Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency shall investigate any suspicious monopolistic conducts according to law. Any entities or individuals may tip off any suspicious monopolistic conducts to the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency. The Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency shall keep the informer confidential. The Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency shall conduct necessary investigations where the tip-off is made in writing and supported by relevant facts and evidence.
| | 第三十八條 反壟斷執法機構依法對涉嫌壟斷行為進行調查。 對涉嫌壟斷行為,任何單位和個人有權向反壟斷執法機構舉報。反壟斷執法機構應當為舉報人保密。 舉報采用書面形式並提供相關事實和證據的,反壟斷執法機構應當進行必要的調查。
Article 39 When investigating a suspicious monopolistic conduct, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency may take the following measures:
| | 第三十九條 反壟斷執法機構調查涉嫌壟斷行為,可以采取下列措施:
1. Enter the business premises of the business operators who are under investigation or any other relevant place to investigate;
| | (一)進入被調查的經營者的營業場所或者其他有關場所進行檢查;
2. Inquire the business operators who are under investigation, interested parties, or other relevant entities or individuals, and request them to disclose relevant information;
| | (二)詢問被調查的經營者、利害關系人或者其他有關單位或者個人,要求其說明有關情況;
3. Review and duplicate the relevant business documents, agreements, accounting books, business correspondences, electronic data, files, or documentations of the business operators who are under investigation, interested parties, or other relevant entities or individuals;
| | (三)查閱、複制被調查的經營者、利害關系人或者其他有關單位或者個人的有關單證、協議、會計賬簿、業務函電、電子數據等文件、資料;
4. Seize and detain the relevant evidence; and
| | (四)查封、扣押相關證據;
5. Inquire about the bank accounts of the business operators who are under investigation. Before any of the measures prescribed in the previous paragraph is adopted, a written report shall be submitted to the principal officials of the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency for approval.
| | (五)查詢經營者的銀行賬戶。 采取前款規定的措施,應當向反壟斷執法機構主要負責人書面報告,並經批准。
Article 40 When the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency is investigating a suspicious monopolistic conduct, the agency shall send at least two officials for the investigation and they shall present their law enforcement badges. When any law enforcement official is conducting an inquiry or investigation, he shall make a written transcript for the inquiry and investigation and have the person who is under inquiry or investigation sign the transcript.
| | 第四十條 反壟斷執法機構調查涉嫌壟斷行為,執法人員不得少于二人,並應當出示執法證件。 執法人員進行詢問和調查,應當制作筆錄,並由被詢問人或者被調查人簽字。
Article 41 The Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency and its functionaries shall have the responsibility to keep the business secrets, which they obtain when enforcing the law, confidential.
| | 第四十一條 反壟斷執法機構及其工作人員對執法過程中知悉的商業秘密負有保密義務。
Article 42 The business operators, interested parties and other relevant entities or individuals who are under investigation shall assist the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency in performing its functions and shall not refuse or obstruct the investigation conducted by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency.
| | 第四十二條 被調查的經營者、利害關系人或者其他有關單位或者個人應當配合反壟斷執法機構依法履行職責,不得拒絕、阻礙反壟斷執法機構的調查。
Article 43 The business operators and interested parties who are under investigation shall be entitled to make statements on the investigation. The Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency shall verify the facts, reasons and evidence presented by the business operators and interested parties under investigation.
| | 第四十三條 被調查的經營者、利害關系人有權陳述意見。反壟斷執法機構應當對被調查的經營者、利害關系人提出的事實、理由和證據進行核實。
Article 44 When the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency deems that a suspicious monopolistic conduct is constituted a monopolistic conduct after an investigation and verification, the agency shall make a decision on how to deal with the monopolistic conduct, and may publicize its decision.
| | 第四十四條 反壟斷執法機構對涉嫌壟斷行為調查核實後,認為構成壟斷行為的,應當依法作出處理決定,並可以向社會公布。
Article 45 As for a suspicious monopolistic conduct that the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency is investigating, if the business operators under investigation promise to eliminate the effects of the conduct through the use of concrete measures within the time limit accepted by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency may decide to suspend the investigation. The decision of suspending the investigation shall state the concrete measures promised by the business operators under investigation. Where the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency decides to suspend an investigation, it shall supervise the implementation of the promise by the relevant business operators. If the business operators implement the promise, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency may decide to terminate the investigation. However, under any of the following circumstances, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency shall resume the investigation:
| | 第四十五條 對反壟斷執法機構調查的涉嫌壟斷行為,被調查的經營者承諾在反壟斷執法機構認可的期限內采取具體措施消除該行為後果的,反壟斷執法機構可以決定中止調查。中止調查的決定應當載明被調查的經營者承諾的具體內容。 反壟斷執法機構決定中止調查的,應當對經營者履行承諾的情況進行監督。經營者履行承諾的,反壟斷執法機構可以決定終止調查。 有下列情形之一的,反壟斷執法機構應當恢複調查:
1. The business operator fails to implement its promise;
| | (一)經營者未履行承諾的;
2. Significant changes have taken place to the facts, on which the decision of suspending the investigation was made; or
| | (二)作出中止調查決定所依據的事實發生重大變化的;
3. The decision on suspending the investigation was made on the basis of incomplete or inaccurate information submitted by the business operators.
| | (三)中止調查的決定是基于經營者提供的不完整或者不真實的信息作出的。
Chapter VII Legal Liability
| | 第七章 法律責任
Article 46 Where the business operators reach and fulfill a monopoly agreement in violation of this Law, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency shall order them to stop the violations, confiscate the illegal gains and impose a fine of 1% up to 10% of the sales revenue made in the previous year. Where the reached monopoly agreement has not been fulfilled, a fine of less than 500,000 yuan may be imposed. Where a business operator who is engaged in a monopoly agreement voluntarily confesses the information about the monopoly agreement and provides the important evidence to the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency, the operator may be given a mitigated punishment or be exempt from punishment at the discretion of the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency. Where a trade association organizes the business operators in its own industry to reach a monopoly agreement in violation of this Law, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency may impose a fine of less than 500,000 yuan; where the circumstances are serious, the authority in charge of social group registration may deregister the trade association.
| | 第四十六條 經營者違反本法規定,達成並實施壟斷協議的,由反壟斷執法機構責令停止違法行為,沒收違法所得,並處上一年度銷售額百分之一以上百分之十以下的罰款;尚未實施所達成的壟斷協議的,可以處五十萬元以下的罰款。 經營者主動向反壟斷執法機構報告達成壟斷協議的有關情況並提供重要證據的,反壟斷執法機構可以酌情減輕或者免除對該經營者的處罰。 行業協會違反本法規定,組織本行業的經營者達成壟斷協議的,反壟斷執法機構可以處五十萬元以下的罰款;情節嚴重的,社會團體登記管理機關可以依法撤銷登記。
Article 47 Where the business operators abuse their dominant market position in violation of this Law, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency shall order them to stop such violations, confiscate the illegal gains, and impose a fine of 1% up to 10% of the total sales volume made in the previous year.
| | 第四十七條 經營者違反本法規定,濫用市場支配地位的,由反壟斷執法機構責令停止違法行為,沒收違法所得,並處上一年度銷售額百分之一以上百分之十以下的罰款。
Article 48 Where the business operators implement the concentration in violation of this Law, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency under the State Council shall order them to stop the concentration, to dispose shares or assets, transfer the business or adopt other necessary measures to restore the market situation before the concentration within a time limit, and may impose a fine of less than 500,000 yuan.
| | 第四十八條 經營者違反本法規定實施集中的,由國務院反壟斷執法機構責令停止實施集中、限期處分股份或者資產、限期轉讓營業以及采取其他必要措施恢複到集中前的狀態,可以處五十萬元以下的罰款。
Article 49 To determine the specific amount of fines prescribed by Articles 46-48 of this Law, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency shall consider such factors as nature, extent and duration of the violations.
| | 第四十九條 對本法第四十六條、第四十七條、第四十八條規定的罰款,反壟斷執法機構確定具體罰款數額時,應當考慮違法行為的性質、程度和持續的時間等因素。
Article 50 The business operators that carry out the monopolistic conducts and cause damages to others shall bear the civil liability according to law.
| | 第五十條 經營者實施壟斷行為,給他人造成損失的,依法承擔民事責任。
Article 51 Where an administrative organ or organization empowered by law or administrative regulation to administer public affairs abuses its administrative power to eliminate or restrict competition, the superior authority thereof shall order the agency to make rectification and impose punishments on the directly responsible persons in charge and the other directly liable persons. The Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency may offer suggestions to the relevant superior authority regarding how to handle the abuse according to law. Where a law or administrative regulation provides otherwise for the handling of an administrative organ or organization empowered by law or administrative regulation to administer public affairs that abuses its administrative power to eliminate or restrict competition, such provisions shall prevail.
| | 第五十一條 行政機關和法律、法規授權的具有管理公共事務職能的組織濫用行政權力,實施排除、限制競爭行為的,由上級機關責令改正;對直接負責的主管人員和其他直接責任人員依法給予處分。反壟斷執法機構可以向有關上級機關提出依法處理的建議。 法律、行政法規對行政機關和法律、法規授權的具有管理公共事務職能的組織濫用行政權力實施排除、限制競爭行為的處理另有規定的,依照其規定。
Article 52 As for the examination and investigation implemented by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency, if business operators refuse to submit related materials and information, submit fraudulent materials or information, conceal, destroy or remove evidence, or refuse or obstruct investigation in other ways, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency shall order them to make rectification, impose a fine of less than 20,000 yuan on individuals, and a fine of less than 200,000 yuan on entities; and where the circumstances are serious, the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency may impose a fine of 20,000 yuan or up to 100,000 yuan on an individual, and a fine of 200,000 yuan or up to one million yuan on an entity; where a crime is constituted, the relevant business operators shall be investigated for the criminal liabilities.
| | 第五十二條 對反壟斷執法機構依法實施的審查和調查,拒絕提供有關材料、信息,或者提供虛假材料、信息,或者隱匿、銷毀、轉移證據,或者有其他拒絕、阻礙調查行為的,由反壟斷執法機構責令改正,對個人可以處二萬元以下的罰款,對單位可以處二十萬元以下的罰款;情節嚴重的,對個人處二萬元以上十萬元以下的罰款,對單位處二十萬元以上一百萬元以下的罰款;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
Article 53 Where any party concerned is dissatisfied with the decision made by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency pursuant to Articles 28 and 29 of this Law, the party may first apply for an administrative reconsideration; if the party is still dissatisfied with the reconsideration decision, it may lodge an administrative lawsuit according to law. Where any party concerned is dissatisfied with any decision made by the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency other than the decisions prescribed in the previous paragraph, it may apply for an administrative reconsideration or lodge an administrative lawsuit according to law.
| | 第五十三條 對反壟斷執法機構依據本法第二十八條、第二十九條作出的決定不服的,可以先依法申請行政複議;對行政複議決定不服的,可以依法提起行政訴訟。 對反壟斷執法機構作出的前款規定以外的決定不服的,可以依法申請行政複議或者提起行政訴訟。
Article 54 Where any functionary in the Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Agency abuses his authority, neglects his duty, makes falsehood for personal gains, or discloses trade secrets known when enforcing the law, and a crime is constituted, he shall be investigated for criminal liability; and if no crime is constituted, he may be given a disciplinary sanction.
| | 第五十四條 反壟斷執法機構工作人員濫用職權、玩忽職守、徇私舞弊或者泄露執法過程中知悉的商業秘密,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任;尚不構成犯罪的,依法給予處分。
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
| | 第八章 附則
Article 55 This law shall not apply to the conduct of business operators to exercise their intellectual property rights according to the laws and relevant administrative regulations on intellectual property rights; however, this Law shall apply to the conduct of business operators to eliminate or restrict market competition by abusing their intellectual property rights.
| | 第五十五條 經營者依照有關知識產權的法律、行政法規規定行使知識產權的行為,不適用本法;但是,經營者濫用知識產權,排除、限制競爭的行為,適用本法。
Article 56 This law shall not apply to the ally or concerted actions of agricultural producers and rural economic organizations in the economic activities such as production, processing, sales, transportation and storage of agricultural products.
| | 第五十六條 農業生產者及農村經濟組織在農產品生產、加工、銷售、運輸、儲存等經營活動中實施的聯合或者協同行為,不適用本法。
Article 57 This law shall come into effect as of August 1, 2008. | | 第五十七條 本法自2008年8月1日起施行。
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