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Provisions on the Administration of Sino-foreign Cooperation in the Production of TV Plays [Effective]
中外合作制作电视剧管理规定 [现行有效]
Order of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television
(No. 41)
The Provisions on the Administration of Sino-foreign Cooperation in the Production of TV Plays were adopted at the executive meeting of this Administration on June 15, 2004. They are hereby promulgated and shall be implemented as of October 21, 2004.
Director Xu Guangchun
September 21, 2004
Provisions on the Administration of Sino-foreign Cooperation in the Production of TV Plays




Article 1 The present Provisions are enacted for the purposes of promoting Sino-foreign cultural exchange, boosting the creation of TV plays, strengthening the administration of the production of TV plays through Sino-foreign cooperation and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the producers.
   第一条 为促进中外文化交流,繁荣电视剧创作,加强中外合作制作电视剧管理,保护制作者的合法权益,制定本规定。
Article 2 The present Provisions shall apply to the activities of producing TV plays (TV cartoons) through cooperation between domestic radio and television program production institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Chinese party) and foreign legal persons and natural persons (hereinafter referred to as foreign party).
   第二条 本规定适用于境内广播电视节目制作机构(以下称中方)与外国法人及自然人(以下称外方)合作制作电视剧(含电视动画片)的活动。
Article 3 The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (hereinafter referred to as the SARFT) shall be responsible for the administration of the production of TV plays (including TV cartoons) through Sino-foreign cooperation and shall regulate and control the foreign parties, quantities and subjects thereof.
A provincial radio and television administrative department shall be responsible for the concrete administration of the production of the TV plays (including TV cartoons) through Sino-foreign cooperation within its administrative area.
   第三条 国家广播电影电视总局(以下称广电总局)负责全国中外合作制作电视剧(含电视动画片)的管理工作,对境外合作方、数量和中外联合制作电视剧(含电视动画片)题材实施调控。
Article 4 The state shall adopt a licensing system for the production of TV plays (including TV cartoons) through Sino-foreign cooperation.
Without approval, no one may undertake the activities of producing TV plays (including TV cartoons) through Sino-foreign cooperation. Without passing the examination, no Sino-foreign cooperative TV play (or TV cartoon) after completion may be distributed or broadcasted.
   第四条 国家对中外合作制作电视剧(含电视动画片)实行许可制度。
Article 5 The following ways may be adopted in the production of TV plays through Sino-foreign cooperation:
   第五条 中外合作制作电视剧可以采取下列形式:
(1) Joint production, which means that in the production of a TV play (TV cartoon) both the Chinese party and the foreign party jointly make investments, assign key production persons, share the benefits and bear the risks;
(2) Collaborative production, which means that in the production of a TV play the foreign party make investments, offer key production persons and shoot all or part of the outdoor scenes; the Chinese party provides labor services or equipment, appliances and places;
(3) Entrusted production, which means that in the production of a TV play the foreign party makes investments and entrusts the Chinese party to produce it.
Article 6 An applicant shall meet the following requirements when it applies for initiative of the plan on the production of a TV play by way of Sino-foreign joint production:
   第六条 申请中外联合制作电视剧立项,应符合下列条件:
(1) The Chinese party shall have a TV Play Production License (Class A);
(2) The Chinese party shall simultaneously apply with the SARFT for an approval of the plan on the subject of the TV play to be produced by way of Sino-foreign joint production;
(3) Joint investments are made by both parties including direct investments in currency, and investments by converting labor services, kind or advertising time into money;
(4) The main creative elements, such as the prophase initiatives and the writing of screenplay, shall be determined by both parties;
(5) Both parties shall jointly assign production persons and technicians to participate in the whole process of production. Among the key production persons of the TV play (play-writer, producer, director, main actors and actresses, etc.), the persons assigned by the Chinese party shall not be less than 1/3; and
(6) The domestic and overseas copyright of the TV play shall be jointly owned by both the Chinese and foreign parties.
Article 7 An applicant shall submit the following written materials when it applies for initiative of the plan on the production of a TV play by way of Sino-foreign joint production:
   第七条 申请中外联合制作电视剧立项,应提交下列书面材料:
(1) An application;
(2) A photocopy of the TV Play Production License (Class A);
(3) The preliminary examination opinions of the provincial radio and television administrative department (excluding the circumstance that a Chinese production institution directly applies with the SARFT for TV Play Production License (Class A));
(4) An abstract for each episode with at least 5, 000 Chinese characters, or a complete screenplay;
(5) The name list and resumes of the key production persons (play-writer, producer, director, main actors and actresses, etc.) both home and abroad;
(6) The production plan, domestic scenes for shooting and detailed agenda of shooting;
(7) The letter of intent for cooperation; and
(8) A legal person registration certification of the foreign party (if the foreign party is a natural person, his resume shall be submitted) and certification of credit standing. The examination and approval organ may require the foreign party to submit a notarized foreign third-party guarantee letter.
Article 8 An applicant shall meet the following requirements when it applies for initiative of the production of a TV cartoon by way of Sino-foreign joint production:
   第八条 申请中外联合制作电视动画片立项,应符合下列条件:

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