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Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Collective Contracts [Revised]
上海市集体合同条例 [已被修订]
Announcement of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Shanghai Municipality
(No. 78)
The Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on collective Contracts, as adopted at the 38th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on August 16, 2007, is hereby issued and shall come into effect on January 1, 2008.
Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Shanghai Municipality
August 16, 2007
Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on collective Contracts
(Adopted at the 38th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on August 16, 2007)


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 In order to normalize the behavior of collectively consulting about, signing, and fulfilling collective contracts, protect the legitimate rights and interests of laborers, build and develop the harmonious and stable labor relationship, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with relevant provisions of laws and administrative regulations such as the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Labor Contracts and the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China, and in the light of the actual circumstances of this Municipality.
   第一条 为了规范集体协商和签订、履行集体合同的行为,保护劳动者的合法权益,构建和发展和谐稳定的劳动关系,根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》和《中华人民共和国工会法》等法律、行政法规的有关规定,结合本市实际,制定本条例。
Article 2 These Regulations apply to enterprises and their employees as one party within the administrative area of this Municipality conducting collective consultations about signing and fulfilling collective contracts on the relevant matters concerning labor relationship.
   第二条 本市行政区域内的企业与职工一方就劳动关系有关事项进行集体协商和签订、履行集体合同,适用本条例。
Article 3 The “collective consultation” mentioned in these Regulations refers to the employees of an enterprise as one party and the enterprise carrying out the activities of conducting consultation about the relevant matters concerning to labor relationship on an equal footing.
The “collective contract” mentioned in these Regulations refers to the written agreement signed between the employees of an enterprise as one party and the enterprise on relevant matters concerning labor relationship through collective consultation.
   第三条 本条例所称的集体协商,是指企业职工一方与企业就劳动关系有关事项进行平等协商的活动。
Article 4 Enterprises and their employees as one party shall establish the collective consultation mechanism to conduct collective consultation about the relevant matters concerning labor relationship.
In conducting collective consultation about, signing and fulfilling a collective contract on the relevant matters concerning labor relationship, the employees of an enterprise as one party and the enterprise shall follow the principle of legality, fairness, equality, mutual respect, honesty and credibility, and also giving consideration to the legitimate interests of both parties.
   第四条 企业与职工一方应当建立集体协商机制,就劳动关系有关事项进行集体协商。
Article 5 The municipal and district/county labor and social security administrative departments (hereinafter referred to as the labor security administrative department LSAD) shall exercise supervision over enterprises' employees as one party and the enterprises within the administrative area of this Municipality in conducting collective consultation about, signing and fulfilling collective contracts on the relevant matters concerning labor relationship.
   第五条 市和区、县劳动和社会保障行政管理部门(以下简称劳动保障行政部门)对本行政区域内的企业职工一方与企业就劳动关系有关事项进行集体协商和签订、履行集体合同进行监督。
Chapter II collective Consultation

第二章 集体协商

Article 6 To conduct collective consultation about the relevant matters concerning labor relationship, the employees of an enterprise as one party and the enterprise shall, in accordance with the procedures provided in these Regulations, produce their respective consultative representatives and chief representatives. The specific number of consultative representatives shall be determined through consultation between the two parties, but the number of consultative representatives for each side shall not be less than three persons, and the number of consultative representatives for the side of enterprise shall not exceed that for the side of employees.
   第六条 企业职工一方与企业就劳动关系有关事项进行集体协商,应当按照本条例规定的程序产生各自的协商代表和首席代表。协商代表具体人数由双方协商确定,但每方协商代表人数不得少于三人,企业一方的协商代表不得多于职工一方的协商代表。
Article 7 Where an enterprise has already established the trade union, the consultative representatives for the side of employees shall be selected and appointed by the trade union of the enterprise. Where the committee of female employees is to be established, there shall be a female consultative representative(s). The main responsible person of the trade union shall act as the chief representative.
Where the enterprise has not yet established the trade union, the consultative representatives for the side of employees shall be recommended in a democratic way by the trade union of the higher level, and approved by more than half of the employees of the enterprise itself. The chief consultative representatives shall be produced through democratic recommendation.
The consultative representatives for the side of enterprise shall be designated by the legal representative of the enterprise, and the legal representative or the person entrusted by him/her in written form shall act as the chief representative.
Both parties to the collective consultation shall, according to actual needs, invite the professional personnel outside their own enterprise to act as consultative representatives for their own sides, but the number of such persons shall not exceed one third of the consultative representatives for their own sides.
Both parties to the collective consultation may change their own consultative representatives. The change of consultative representatives shall follow the procedures of producing representatives as provided by these Regulations.
   第七条 已经建立工会的企业,职工一方的协商代表由本企业工会选派,建立女职工委员会的,应当有女性协商代表。首席代表由工会主要负责人担任。
Article 8 The term for a consultative representative to perform the representative's duties shall be determined by the party he/she represents, but is to terminate not later than the expiry date of the collective contract; in case of failure to reach a consensus or to sign a collective contract, such terms shall be six months from the date he/she takes up his/her duties.
   第八条 协商代表履行代表职责的期限,由被代表方确定,但最长至集体合同期满时为止;因集体协商达不成一致或者未能签订集体合同的,协商代表履行代表职责的期限为自担任协商代表起六个月。
Article 9 The consultative representative shall perform the following duties:
   第九条 协商代表应当履行下列职责:
(1)Participating in collective consultation;
(2)Collecting information about the situation and material relevant to collective consultation;
(3)Listening to the opinions of the personnel on his/her own side, and answering their questions;
(4)Participating in the settlement of disputes arising from the collective consultation; and
(5)Other duties to be performed for collective consultation.
Article 10 The consultative representatives produced by their own enterprise that participate in collective consultation during the work time, and in the time period of performing duties, utilize less than three work days to engage in the activities of collecting the material relevant to collective consultation, shall be regarded as offering normal labor in so doing, and their salaries and other items of welfare shall not be affected.
During the period when the consultative representatives for the side of employees perform their duties, the enterprise shall not change their job posts without justified reasons.
   第十条 本企业产生的协商代表在工作时间内参加集体协商,以及在履职期限内利用不超过三个工作日的工作时间,从事搜集与集体协商有关资料等活动,视为提供了正常劳动,工资及各项福利不受影响。
Article 11 The consultative representative shall perform the following duties:
   第十一条 协商代表应当履行下列义务:
(1)Maintaining the normal order of production and work in the enterprise;
(2)Keeping the enterprise's commercial secrets learnt in the course of collective consultation; and
(3)Observing the discipline agreed on by both parties to the collective consultation and not spreading the information acquired in the course of consultation that is inappropriate for propagation among outsiders.
Article 12 The enterprise shall, when formulating and modifying or deciding on the following rules and regulations or major issues directly involving the immediate interests of employees, come to a determination after conducting collective consultation with the side of its employees:
   第十二条 企业在制定、修改或者决定下列直接涉及职工切身利益的规章制度或者重大事项时,应当与本企业职工一方进行集体协商后确定:

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