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Regulations of Henan Province on Enterprise Collective Contracts [Effective]
河南省企业集体合同条例 [现行有效]
Announcement of the Standing Committee of the 9th People's Congress of Henan Province
The Regulations of Henan Province on Enterprise collective Contracts have been adopted at the 11th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 9th People's Congress of Henan Province on September 24, 1999, and are hereby promulgated and shall be effective as of December 1, 1999.
Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Henan Province
September 24, 1999
Regulations of Henan Province on Enterprise collective Contracts
(Adopted at the 11th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 9th People's Congress of Henan Province on September 24, 1999)


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations and in light of the actual conditions of this Province for the purposes of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees and enterprises, regulating acts of the two parties to the collective contract, harmonizing labor relations and promoting the development of enterprises.
   第一条 为了保护职工和企业的合法权益,规范集体合同双方行为,协调劳动关系,促进企业发展,根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》等有关法律、法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。
Article 2 These Regulations shall apply to all kinds of enterprises within the administrative region of this Province.
   第二条 本条例适用于本省行政区域内的各类企业。
Article 3 Enterprises shall sign collective contracts with employees according to law.
The term “collective contract” means a written agreement concluded between an enterprise and all the employees of the enterprise on such matters as the working conditions and labor compensation through collective negotiations.
A collective contract signed according to law shall be binding on the enterprise and all the employees of the enterprise.
   第三条 企业应当依法签订集体合同。
Article 4 The conclusion of a collective contract shall follow the principles of equality and cooperation and reaching a consensus through consultations.
   第四条 签订集体合同应当遵循平等合作、协商一致的原则。
Article 5 The administrative department of labor under the people's government at or above the county level shall be responsible for the examination, administration and supervision in relation to collective contracts.
The local trade unions at or above the county level and the departments in charge of enterprises shall give guidance and supervision regarding the signing and performance of collective contracts.
   第五条 县级以上地方人民政府劳动行政部门负责集体合同的审查、管理和监督检查。
Chapter II Conclusion of collective Contracts

第二章 集体合同的订立

Article 6 A collective contract shall be signed between the trade union of the enterprise on behalf of the employees and the enterprise. In respect of an enterprise in which no trade union has been established, the collective contract shall be signed between the representatives elected by the employees of the enterprise and the enterprise.
A collective contract shall be valid for one to three years.
   第六条 集体合同由企业工会代表职工与企业签订。尚未建立工会的企业,由职工推举的代表与企业签订。
Article 7 A collective contract shall include the following items:
   第七条 集体合同的内容包括:
(1) labor compensation;
(2) working hours and rest and vacations;
(3) insurance and welfare benefits;
(4) training in occupational skills;
(5) labor safety and health care;
(6) special protection for female employees and minors;
(7) the procedures and conditions of workforce reduction for economic reasons;
(8) calculating and collecting, appropriating payment of trade union expenses;
(9) the term of the collective contract;
(10) the procedures and conditions relating to the modification, rescission and termination of the collective contract;
(11) agreements on the negotiated settlement of disputes which arise in performing the collective contract;
(12) the two parties' rights and obligations in performing the collective contract and liabilities for a breach of the collective contract; and
(13) other matters agreed on by the two parties through consultations.
The two parties may sign collective contracts on each of the items prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
Article 8 A collective contract must be signed through collective negotiations.
The term “collective negotiations” means the acts of negotiating, according to law, between the delegates of all the employees of the enterprise and the delegates of the enterprise on matters relating to signing a collective contract.
   第八条 签订集体合同必须经过集体协商。
Article 9 Where the employees or the enterprise put forth in writing a proposal on the need for signing a collective contract, the other party shall, within 15 days, give a written reply on the matters relating to signing a collective contract and initiate the negotiations.
   第九条 职工或企业一方书面提出签订集体合同要求的,另一方应在十五日内就签订集体合同的有关事项做出书面答复并进行协商。
Article 10 The number of delegates of the two parties that participate in collective contract negotiations shall be equal, and each party shall have 3 to 10 delegates including one chief delegate on each side. Each party shall decide on one clerk respectively.
The positions of chief delegates of the enterprise and of the employees of the enterprise shall be respectively assumed by the legal representative of the enterprise and the chairman of the trade union of the enterprise; in case either the legal representative or the chairman of the trade union can not take up the position of chief delegate to the negotiations for one reason or another, he/she shall, in writing, appoint one delegate to act as chief delegate to the negotiations. Other delegates shall be determined by the enterprise and the trade union respectively. Where an organization for female employees is established or an enterprise with a relatively large number of female employees, there shall be a corresponding proportion of female employee delegates to the collective negotiations.
Where an enterprise has not established a trade union, the delegates of the employees shall be elected democratically by the employees under the guidance of the local trade union or the industry trade union. The chief delegate shall be chosen from among the delegates to the negotiations.
Both the enterprise and the employees may invite relevant professional personages as advisors for the collective negotiations.
   第十条 参加集体协商的双方代表人数应当对等,每方三至十人,各含一名首席代表。双方应各另确定一名书记员。
Article 11 Once elected, the delegates to the collective negotiations must perform their duties. The delegates shall remain in close contact with the employees, listening to the complaints and opinions of the employees and faithfully representing the demands of the employees.
   第十一条 协商代表一经产生,必须履行职责。集体协商代表应当密切联系职工,听取职工的意见和建议,如实反映职工的要求。

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