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Provisions on the Negotiation and Mediation of Enterprise Labor Disputes [Effective]
企业劳动争议协商调解规定 [现行有效]
Order of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security
(No. 17)
The Provisions on the Negotiation and mediation of Enterprise Labor Disputes, as adopted at the 76th executive meeting of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, are hereby issued and shall come into force on January 1, 2012.
Yin Weimin, Minister
November 30, 2011
Provisions on the Negotiation and mediation of Enterprise Labor Disputes


部长 尹蔚民
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Labor Dispute mediation and Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China for purposes of regulating the negotiation and mediation of labor disputes of enterprises and promoting harmonious and stable employment relationships.
   第一条 为规范企业劳动争议协商、调解行为,促进劳动关系和谐稳定,根据《中华人民共和国劳动争议调解仲裁法》,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to negotiation and mediation of labor disputes of enterprises.
   第二条 企业劳动争议协商、调解,适用本规定。
Article 3 Enterprises shall implement democratic management systems such as assembly of employees, assembly of employee' representatives and transparency of enterprise affairs, and establish collective negotiation and collective contract systems to maintain harmonious and stable employment relationships.
   第三条 企业应当依法执行职工大会、职工代表大会、厂务公开等民主管理制度,建立集体协商、集体合同制度,维护劳动关系和谐稳定。
Article 4 An enterprise shall establish a mechanism for communication and dialogue between the employer and employees and smooth the channels for employees to express their interest demands.
Where an employee deems that the enterprise has any problems in such aspects as performance of the employment contract or collective contract, or implementation of the laws and regulations on labor and social security and its own labor rules and regulations, he or she may report the problem to the labor dispute mediation committee of the enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the “mediation committee”). The mediation committee shall verify the problem in a timely manner, and coordinate with the enterprise and require it to make rectifications or provide an explanation to the employee.
An employee may also put forward any other reasonable appeal to the enterprise through the mediation committee. The mediation committee shall forward such appeal to the enterprise in a timely manner and provide feedback to the employee.
   第四条 企业应当建立劳资双方沟通对话机制,畅通劳动者利益诉求表达渠道。
Article 5 An enterprise shall strengthen the humane care of employees, care for the demands of employees, have concern for the mental health of employees, and provide guidance to employees on how to safeguard their rights rationally to prevent the occurrence of labor disputes.
   第五条 企业应当加强对劳动者的人文关怀,关心劳动者的诉求,关注劳动者的心理健康,引导劳动者理性维权,预防劳动争议发生。
Article 6 The negotiation and mediation of labor disputes shall follow the principles of equality, free will, legality, impartiality and timeliness in accordance with the facts and relevant laws and regulations.
   第六条 协商、调解劳动争议,应当根据事实和有关法律法规的规定,遵循平等、自愿、合法、公正、及时的原则。
Article 7 The administrative departments of human resources and social security shall provide guidance to enterprises on how to carry out prevention and mediation of labor disputes, and perform the following specified duties:
   第七条 人力资源和社会保障行政部门应当指导企业开展劳动争议预防调解工作,具体履行下列职责:
(1) providing guidance to enterprises on complying with laws, regulations and policies on labor and social security;
(2) urging enterprises to establish mechanisms for prevention and warning of labor disputes;
(3) coordinating trade unions and organizations of representatives of enterprises in their establishment of emergency mediation and coordination mechanisms for major collective labor disputes, and jointly promoting the prevention and mediation of labor disputes of enterprises; and
(4) examining the organizational construction, institutional construction and team construction of mediation committees under their respective jurisdictions.
Chapter II Negotiation

第二章 协商

Article 8 Where a labor dispute arises, one party may negotiate with the other party on reaching a resolution by scheduling a meeting or interview or any other means.
   第八条 发生劳动争议,一方当事人可以通过与另一方当事人约见、面谈等方式协商解决。
Article 9 An employee may request the trade union of the enterprise where he or she works to participate in or assist him or her in the negotiation with the enterprise. The trade union may also take the initiative to participate in the negotiation and handling of labor disputes to maintain the legitimate rights and interests of employees.
An employee may authorize any other organization or individual to conduct negotiation on behalf of him or her.
   第九条 劳动者可以要求所在企业工会参与或者协助其与企业进行协商。工会也可以主动参与劳动争议的协商处理,维护劳动者合法权益。
Article 10 After one party makes a request for negotiation, the other party shall actively make an oral or written response. If the other party fails to respond within five days, it shall be considered unwillingness of the other party to negotiate.
The time limit for negotiation shall be agreed upon in writing by the parties concerned, and if no agreement is reached within the agreed time limit, it shall be considered a negotiation failure. The parties concerned may stipulate the extension of the time limit in writing.
   第十条 一方当事人提出协商要求后,另一方当事人应当积极做出口头或者书面回应。5日内不做出回应的,视为不愿协商。
Article 11 Where an agreement is reached through negotiation, a written settlement agreement shall be concluded. The settlement agreement shall be binding on both parties, and shall be performed by the parties.
Where the procedures for and content of the settlement agreement are found to be lawful and effective upon examination by the arbitral tribunal, the arbitral tribunal may use the settlement agreement as evidence. However, the recognition of disputed facts as involved in the compromise made by one party for the purpose of reaching a settlement shall not be taken as evidence against this party in the subsequent arbitration.
   第十一条 协商达成一致,应当签订书面和解协议。和解协议对双方当事人具有约束力,当事人应当履行。
Article 12 When a labor dispute arises, if a party does not desire a negotiation, the parties fail to settle the dispute through negotiation, or a party fails to perform a settlement agreement within the agreed time limit, any party may apply to a mediation committee, employment social security service station (center) of the township or sub-district or any other mediation organization established according to law for mediation or apply to a labor and personnel dispute arbitration committee (hereinafter referred to as the “arbitration committee”) for arbitration.
   第十二条 发生劳动争议,当事人不愿协商、协商不成或者达成和解协议后,一方当事人在约定的期限内不履行和解协议的,可以依法向调解委员会或者乡镇、街道劳动就业社会保障服务所(中心)等其他依法设立的调解组织申请调解,也可以依法向劳动人事争议仲裁委员会(以下简称仲裁委员会)申请仲裁。
Chapter III mediation

第三章 调解


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