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Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste [Revised]
中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法 [已被修订]


(Adopted at the 16th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on October 30, 1995, promulgated by Order No. 58 of the President of the People's Republic of China on October 30, 1995, and effective as of April 1, 1996)


中华人民共和国主席 江泽民

 第一章 总则
 第二章 固体废物污染环境防治的监督管理
 第三章 固体废物污染环境的防治
 第一节 一般规定
 第二节 工业固体废物污染环境的防治
 第三节 城市生活垃圾污染环境的防治
 第四章 危险废物污染环境防治的特别规定
 第五章 法律责任
 第六章 附则

 第一章 总则

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of preventing and controlling environmental pollution by solid waste, safeguarding human health and promoting the development of socialist modernization drive.
   第一条 为了防治固体废物污染环境,保障人体健康,促进社会主义现代化建设的发展,制定本法。
Article 2 This Law shall apply to the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
This Law shall not apply to the prevention and control of marine environmental pollution by solid waste or of environmental pollution by radioactive solid waste.
   第二条 本法适用于中华人民共和国境内固体废物污染环境的防治。
Article 3 The State shall, in preventing and controlling environmental pollution by solid waste, implement the principles of reducing the discharge of solid waste, fully and rationally utilizing solid waste, and making it hazardless through treatment.
   第三条 国家对固体废物污染环境的防治,实行减少固体废物的产生、充分合理利用固定废物和无害化处置固体废物的原则。
Article 4 The State encourages and supports clean production and reduced discharge of solid waste.
The State encourages and supports the comprehensive use of resources, full recovery and rational utilization of solid waste, and adopts economic and technical policies and measures that facilitate the comprehensive use of solid waste.
   第四条 国家鼓励、支持开展清洁生产,减少固体废物的产生量。
Article 5 The State encourages and supports adoption of measures for centralized treatment of solid waste in favor of environmental protection.
   第五条 国家鼓励、支持有利于保护环境的集中处置固体废物的措施。
Article 6 The people's governments at or above the county level shall include the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste into their environmental protection programs and adopt economic and technical policies and measures to facilitate the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste.
   第六条 县级以上人民政府应当将固体废物污染环境防治工作纳入环境保护规划,并采取有利于固体废物污染环境防治的经济、技术政策和措施。
Article 7 The State encourages and supports scientific research, technological development, and dissemination of advanced prevention and control technology as well as of scientific knowledge in the field of prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste.
   第七条 国家鼓励、支持固体废物污染环境防治的科学研究、技术开发、推广先进的防治技术和普及固体废物污染环境防治的科学知识。
Article 8 The people's governments at various levels shall give awards to units and individuals that have achieved outstanding successes in the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste and in its comprehensive use.
   第八条 各级人民政府对在固体废物污染环境防治工作以及相关的综合利用活动中作出显著成绩的单位和个人给予奖励。
Article 9 Any unit and individual shall have the obligation to protect the environment and shall have the right to report or file charges against units or individuals that cause environmental pollution by solid waste.
   第九条 任何单位和个人都有保护环境的义务,并有权对造成固体废物污染环境的单位和个人进行检举和控告。
Article 10 The competent administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council shall conduct unified supervision and management of the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste throughout the country. The relevant departments under the State Council shall be responsible for supervision and management of the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste within their respective functions and responsibilities.
The competent administrative departments of environmental protection of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall conduct unified supervision and management of the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste within their administrative areas. The relevant departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for supervision and management of the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste within their respective functions and responsibilities.
The competent administrative department of construction under the State Council and the competent administrative departments of environmental sanitation of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for supervision and management with regard to cleaning up, collection, storage, transportation and treatment of urban house refuse.
   第十条 国务院环境保护行政主管部门对全国固体废物污染环境的防治工作实施统一监督管理。国务院有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责固体废物污染环境防治的监督管理工作。

 第二章 固体废物污染环境防治的监督管理

Article 11 The competent administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council shall establish a system for monitoring environmental pollution by solid waste, formulate unified monitoring standards and, in conjunction with relevant departments, set up a monitoring network.
   第十一条 国务院环境保护行政主管部门建立固体废物污染环境监测制度,制定统一的监测规范,并会同有关部门组织监测网络。
Article 12 Construction of projects which discharge solid waste and of projects for storage and treatment of solid waste must be carried out in compliance with the relevant State regulations concerning the management of environmental protection in respect of construction projects.
In the statement of the effect to be occasioned on the environment by a construction project must include an assessment of the pollution of and effect on the environment by the solid waste to be discharged by the construction project and measures for the prevention and control of environmental pollution, and the statement must be submitted, according to the procedure prescribed by the State, to the competent administrative department of environmental protection for approval. The competent authorities for the examination and approval of construction projects may ratify the feasibility study report or the design plan descriptions of the construction project only after the statement of environmental effect has been approved.
   第十二条 建设产生工业固体废物的项目以及建设贮存、处置固体废物的项目,必须遵守国家有关建设项目环境保护管理的规定。
Article 13 The necessary supporting installations for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste specified in the statement of the effect of the construction project must be designed, built and put into operation simultaneously with the main part of the project. The construction project may be put into production or use, only after the installations for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste are examined and considered up to standards by the competent administrative department of environmental protection that examined and approved the statement of environmental effect. The installations for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste must be checked and accepted at the same time as the main part of the project is checked and accepted.
   第十三条 建设项目的环境影响报告书确定需要配套建设的固体废物污染环境防治设施,必须与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投产使用。固体废物污染环境防治设施必须经原审批环境影响报告书的环境保护行政主管部门验收合格后,该建设项目方可投入生产或者使用。对固体废物污染环境防治设施的验收应当与对主体工程的验收同时进行。
Article 14 The competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the county level and other supervisory and administrative departments for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste shall, in accordance with their respective functions and responsibilities, have the right to conduct on-the-spot inspection of units within their jurisdiction that have to do with the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste. Units under inspection shall truthfully report the situation and provide the necessary information. The inspection authorities shall keep confidential the technological know-how and business secrets of the units inspected.
Inspectors shall show their identification papers when they conduct on- the-spot inspection.
   第十四条 县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门和其他固体废物污染环境防治工作的监督管理部门,有权依据各自的职责对管辖范围内与固体废物污染环境防治有关的单位进行现场检查。被检查的单位应当如实反映情况,提供必要的资料。检查机关应当为被检查的单位保守技术秘密和业务秘密。

 第三章 固体废物污染环境的防治

 第一节 一般规定

Article 15 Units and individuals that discharge solid waste shall adopt measures to prevent or reduce environmental pollution by solid waste.
   第十五条 产生固体废物的单位和个人,应当采取措施,防止或者减少固体废物对环境的污染。
Article 16 Units and individuals that collect, store, transport, utilize or treat solid waste must take measures to prevent the scattering, running off, leaking and seeping of solid waste, as well as other measures against environmental pollution.
It is not allowed to discard or let drop solid waste on the road during its transportation.
   第十六条 收集、贮存、运输、利用、处置固体废物的单位和个人,必须采取防扬散、防流失、防渗漏或者其他防止污染环境的措施。
Article 17 Products shall be packaged with materials that are easy to be recycled or treated, or easy to dissolve or be absorbed in the environment.
Producers, sellers and users of products shall, in accordance with the relevant State regulations, recycle the packaging materials and containers of products that can be recycled.
   第十七条 产品应当采用易回收利用、易处置或者在环境中易消纳的包装物。
Article 18 The State encourages research institutions and production units to research and manufacture agricultural film that is easy to be recycled or treated, or easy to dissolve or be absorbed in the environment.
Units and individuals that use agricultural film shall take measures to recycle it or other measures to prevent or reduce environmental pollution by agricultural film.
   第十八条 国家鼓励科研、生产单位研究、生产易回收利用、易处置或者在环境中易消纳的农用薄膜。
Article 19 Management and maintenance of installations, equipment and places for collection, storage, transportation and treatment of solid waste shall be improved so as to ensure their normal operation and function.
   第十九条 对收集、贮存、运输、处置固体废物的设施、设备和场所,应当加强管理和维护,保证其正常运行和使用。
Article 20 It is forbidden to close down, leave idle or dismantle, without authorization, installations or places for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by industrial solid waste. Where it is necessary to do so, prior verification and approval shall be obtained from the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level, and measures shall be taken to prevent environmental pollution.
   第二十条 禁止擅自关闭、闲置或者拆除工业固体废物污染环境防治设施、场所;确有必要关闭、闲置或者拆除的,必须经所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门核准,并采取措施,防止污染环境。
Article 21 If an enterprise or institution causes severe environmental pollution with solid waste, it shall be required to bring it under control within a time limit. The enterprise or institution must complete the task within the specified period of time. The decision on the control of pollution within a specified period of time shall be made by the people's government at or above the county level in accordance with the limits of authority as prescribed by the State Council.
   第二十一条 对造成固体废物严重污染环境的企业事业单位,限期治理。被限期治理的企业事业单位必须按期完成治理任务。限期治理由县级以上人民政府按照国务院规定的权限决定。
Article 22 Within the nature reserves, scenic spots or historical sites, and areas of source of drinking water as designated by the State Council, the relevant competent department under the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and other zones that need special protection, it is forbidden to construct installations or use the places for centralized storage and treatment of industrial solid waste or garbage-fill ground.
   第二十二条 在国务院和国务院有关主管部门及省、自治区、直辖市人民政府划定的自然保护区、风景名胜区、生活饮用水源地和其他需要特别保护的区域内,禁止建设工业固体废物集中贮存、处置设施、场所和生活垃圾填埋场。
Article 23 Transport of solid waste out of the administrative region of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for storage or treatment shall be reported to the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at the provincial level in the region where the solid waste is to be moved out, and shall be subject to the permission of the competent departments of administrative environmental protection of the people's government at the provincial level in the region where the solid waste is to be accepted.
   第二十三条 转移固体废物出省、自治区、直辖市行政区域贮存、处置的,应当向固体废物移出地的省级人民政府环境保护行政主管部门报告,并经固体废物接受地的省级人民政府环境保护行政主管部门许可。
Article 24 It is forbidden for solid waste from abroad to be dumped, piled up or treated in the territory of China.
   第二十四条 禁止中国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置。
Article 25 The State forbids the import of solid waste that cannot be used as raw material, and restricts the import of solid waste that can be used as raw material.
The competent administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council shall, in conjunction with the competent administrative department of foreign economic relations and trade under the State Council, prepare, readjust and publish a catalog of solid waste which may be imported as raw material. The solid waste that is not included in the catalog is forbidden to be imported.
If it is really necessary to import as raw material the solid waste that is included in the catalog stipulated in the preceding paragraph, examination must be conducted by the competent administrative department of environmental protection in conjunction with the competent administrative department of foreign economic relations and trade under the State Council and permission must be obtained from them in advance. Specific measures therefor shall be formulated by the State Council.
   第二十五条 国家禁止进口不能用作原料的固体废物;限制进口可以用作原料的固体废物。

 第二节 工业固体废物污染环境的防治

Article 26 The Competent administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council shall, jointly with the competent department in charge of comprehensive administration of economic affairs under the State Council, define the environmental pollution by industrial solid waste, work out technical policies regarding the prevention and control thereof, and organize the dissemination of advanced production techniques and equipment for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by industrial solid waste.
   第二十六条 国务院环境保护行政主管部门应当会同国务院经济综合主管部门和其他有关部门对工业固体废物对环境的污染作出界定,制定防治工业固体废物污染环境的技术政策,组织推广先进的防治工业固体废物污染环境的生产工艺和设备。
Article 27 The competent department in charge of comprehensive administration of economic affairs under the State Council shall, jointly with other relevant departments under the State Council, organize the research, development and dissemination of the production techniques and equipment that will serve to reduce the discharge of industrial solid waste, and promulgate the list of backward production techniques and equipment that discharge industrial solid waste causing severe environmental pollution and that should be eliminated within a specified period of time.
Producers, sellers, importers or users must stop producing, selling, importing or using the equipment included in the list stipulated in the preceding paragraph within the period of time specified by the competent department in charge of comprehensive administration of economic affairs in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council. Users of the production techniques must stop the process techniques included in the list mentioned in the preceding paragraph within the period of time specified by the competent department in charge of comprehensive administration of economic affairs jointly with other relevant departments under the State Council.
Equipment eliminated in accordance with the preceding two paragraphs shall not be transferred to another for use.
   第二十七条 国务院经济综合主管部门应当会同国务院有关部门组织研究、开发和推广减少工业固体废物产生量的生产工艺和设备,公布限期淘汰产生严重污染环境的工业固体废物的落后生产工艺、落后设备的名录。
Article 28 The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall formulate a program for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by industrial solid waste, disseminate the advanced production techniques and equipment which can reduce the discharge of industrial solid waste, and promote the prevention and control of environmental pollution by industrial solid waste.
   第二十八条 县级以上人民政府有关部门应当制定工业固体废物污染环境防治工作规划,推广能够减少工业固体废物产生量的先进生产工艺和设备,推动工业固体废物污染环境防治工作。
Article 29 Units discharging industrial solid waste must establish and improve the responsibility system for the prevention and control of environmental pollution and adopt measures for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by industrial solid waste.
   第二十九条 产生工业固体废物的单位应当建立、健全污染环境防治责任制度,采取防治工业固体废物污染环境的措施。
Article 30 Enterprises and institutions shall rationally select and use raw materials, energy and other resources, and adopt advanced production techniques and equipment, thereby reducing the discharge of industrial solid waste.
   第三十条 企业事业单位应当合理选择和利用原材料、能源和其他资源,采用先进的生产工艺和设备,减少工业固体废物产生量。
Article 31 The State institutes a system of report and registration for industrial solid waste.
Units discharging industrial solid waste must, in accordance with the regulations of the competent administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council, provide information about the quantity, flow direction, storage treatment and other matters concerning industrial solid waste to the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level in the place where such units are located.
   第三十一条 国家实行工业固体废物申报登记制度。
Article 32 Enterprises and institutions must, in accordance with the regulations of the competent administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council, build installations and sites for storage or treatment of unrecyclable or temporarily unrecyclable industrial solid waste they discharge.
   第三十二条 企业事业单位对其产生的不能利用或者暂时不利用的工业固体废物,必须按照国务院环境保护行政主管部门的规定建设贮存或者处置的设施、场所。
Article 33 Whoever stores in open air metallurgical slag, residue of chemical industry, cinder of burned coal, ettle, ore tailings or other industrial solid waste shall build special installations and sites for the purpose.
   第三十三条 露天贮存冶炼渣、化工渣、燃煤灰渣、废矿石、尾矿和其他工业固体废物的,应当设置专用的贮存设施、场所。
Article 34 Installations and sites built for storage or treatment of industrial solid waste must conform to the standards for environmental protection prescribed by the competent administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council.
If, before implementation of this Law, units discharging industrial solid waste did not build installations and sites for storage and treatment of industrial solid waste as stipulated in Article 32 of this Law, or such installations and sites do not conform to the standards for environmental protection, such installations and sites must be built or renovated within a specified period of time; during this period pollution discharge fee for newly-discharged industrial solid waste that pollutes the environment shall be paid or other measures adopted. If a unit that chooses to pay pollution discharge fee has completed the building of installations and sites for storage and treatment of industrial solid waste ahead of the time limit or through renovation has made such installations and sites conform to the standards within the time limit, the unit shall no longer pay the pollution discharge fee from the day of completion of the building or renovation; if within the specified period of time, construction for such installations and sites has not been completed or they have not conformed to the standards of environmental protection after renovation, the unit shall continue to pay the pollution discharge fee until such installations and sites are built or conform to the standards for environmental protection after renovation. The specific measures therefor shall be prescribed by the State Council. Pollution discharge fee shall be used for the prevention and control of environmental pollution and shall not be appropriated for other purposes.
   第三十四条 建设工业固体废物贮存、处置的设施、场所,必须符合国务院环境保护行政主管部门规定的环境保护标准。

 第三节 城市生活垃圾污染环境的防治

Article 35 All units and individuals shall, in compliance with the regulations of the competent administrative department of environmental sanitation of an urban people's government, dump and pile up house refuse in designated places, and may not discard it or pile it up anywhere else at will.
   第三十五条 任何单位和个人应当遵守城市人民政府环境卫生行政主管部门的规定,在指定的地点倾倒、堆放城市生活垃圾,不得随意扔撒或者堆放。
Article 36 Urban house refuse shall be stored, transported and treated in compliance with the State regulations concerning environmental protection and environmental sanitation in urban areas, thus preventing environmental pollution.
   第三十六条 贮存、运输、处置城市生活垃圾,应当遵守国家有关环境保护和城市环境卫生的规定,防止污染环境。
Article 37 Urban house refuse shall be cleaned up and transported away without delay, and efforts shall be made to carry out rational utilization and to turn it into something harmless through treatment.
Classified collection, storage, transportation and treatment of urban house refuse shall be achieved step by step.
   第三十七条 城市生活垃圾应当及时清运,并积极开展合理利用和无害化处置。
Article 38 Urban people's governments shall, in a planned way, improve the composition of fuel, and develop coal gas, natural gas, liquefied gas and other clean energy for use in urban areas.
Relevant departments of an urban people's government shall arrange for the supply of clean vegetables to cities and towns, in order to reduce urban house refuse.
Relevant departments of an urban people's government shall make an overall plan and rational arrangement for establishing a collecting and purchasing network so as to promote the recycling of waste materials.
   第三十八条 城市人民政府应当有计划地改进燃料结构,发展城市煤气、天然气、液化气和其他清洁能源。
Article 39 Urban people's governments shall build supporting installations for the cleaning up, collection, storage, transportation and treatment of urban house refuse.
   第三十九条 城市人民政府应当配套建设城市生活垃圾清扫、收集、贮存、运输、处置设施。
Article 40 Installations and sites for treatment of urban house refuse must be built in compliance with the standards for environmental protection and urban environmental sanitation prescribed by the competent administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council and the competent administrative department of construction under the State Council.
It is forbidden to close, leave idle or dismantle installations and sites for treatment of urban house refuse without authorization. If it is really necessary to close, leave idle or dismantle such installations and sites, it shall be subject to the verification and approval by the competent administrative department of environmental sanitation and the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level, and measures must be taken to prevent environmental pollution.
   第四十条 建设城市生活垃圾处置设施、场所,必须符合国务院环境保护行政主管部门和国务院建设行政主管部门规定的环境保护和城市环境卫生标准。
Article 41 Construction units shall, in the course of construction, have their refuse promptly cleaned up, moved away and disposed of, and adopt measures to prevent environmental pollution.
   第四十一条 施工单位应当及时清运、处置建筑施工过程中产生的垃圾,并采取措施,防止污染环境。

 第四章 危险废物污染环境防治的特别规定

Article 42 The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the prevention and control of environmental pollution by hazardous waste. Where it is not covered by this Chapter, other relevant provisions of this Law shall apply.
   第四十二条 危险废物污染环境的防治,适用本章规定;本章未作规定的,适用本法其他有关规定。
Article 43 The competent administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council shall, jointly with other relevant departments under the State Council, formulate a national catalog of hazardous waste, lay down unified criteria and methods for identifying and distinguishing hazardous waste.
   第四十三条 国务院环境保护行政主管部门应当会同国务院有关部门制定国家危险废物名录,规定统一的危险废物鉴别标准、鉴别方法和识别标志。
Article 44 A distinguishing mark of hazardous waste must be put on the containers and packages of hazardous waste as well as on the installations and sites for collection, storage, transportation and treatment of hazardous waste.
   第四十四条 对危险废物的容器和包装物以及收集、贮存、运输、处置危险废物的设施、场所,必须设置危险废物识别标志。
Article 45 Units discharging hazardous waste must report and register according to the relevant regulations of the State.
   第四十五条 产生危险废物的单位,必须按照国家有关规定申报登记。
Article 46 Units discharging hazardous waste must treat the waste in accordance with relevant State regulations. Otherwise, the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level shall order them to set it right within a specified period of time. If a unit fails to treat the waste within the specified period of time, or if it has done it but not in conformity with the relevant State regulations, the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level shall assign other units to treat the waste in accordance with relevant State regulations, and, the units discharging hazardous waste shall bear the costs of treatment.
   第四十六条 产生危险废物的单位,必须按照国家有关规定处置;不处置的,由所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令限期改正;逾期不处置或者处置不符合国家有关规定的,由所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门指定单位按照国家有关规定代为处置,处置费用由产生危险废物的单位承担。
Article 47 Urban people's governments shall arrange for the construction of installations for centralized treatment of hazardous waste.
   第四十七条 城市人民政府应当组织建设对危险废物进行集中处置的设施。
Article 48 In disposing of hazardous waste by the land-fill method, the unit that failed to comply with the regulations of the competent administrative department of environmental protection under the State Council shall pay fees for discharge of hazardous waste. The specific measures for imposition of such fees shall be prescribed by the State Council.
Fees for discharge of hazardous waste shall be used for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by hazardous waste and shall not be appropriated for other purposes.
   第四十八条 以填埋方式处置危险废物不符合国务院环境保护行政主管部门的规定的,应当缴纳危险废物排污费。危险废物排污费征收的具体办法由国务院规定。
Article 49 Units engaged in collection, storage and treatment of hazardous waste must apply to the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the county level for the operation license. Specific measures for the administration thereof shall be prescribed by the State Council.
It is forbidden to collect, store or treat hazardous waste without an operation license or against the provisions of the operation license.
It is forbidden to supply or entrust hazardous waste to units that do not have the operation license for collection, storage and treatment.
   第四十九条 从事收集、贮存、处置危险废物经营活动的单位,必须向县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门申请领取经营许可证,具体管理办法由国务院规定。
Article 50 Hazardous wastes must be collected and stored separately according to their different characteristics. It is forbidden to collect, store, transport and treat mixed hazardous wastes of incompatible nature that have not undergone safety treatment.
It is forbidden to store hazardous waste mixed with nonhazardous waste.
   第五十条 收集、贮存危险废物,必须按照危险废物特性分类进行。禁止混合收集、贮存、运输、处置性质不相容而未经安全性处置的危险废物。
Article 51 Whoever transfers hazardous waste, must, according to relevant State regulations, fill in duplicate forms for transfer of hazardous waste and report to the competent administrative departments of environmental protection of the local people's governments at or above the county level in the places where the hazardous waste is to be moved out or moved in.
   第五十一条 转移危险废物的,必须按照国家有关规定填写危险废物转移联单,并向危险废物移出地和接受地的县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门报告。
Article 52 Whoever transports hazardous waste must adopt measures for the prevention and control of environmental pollution and observe State regulations on the control of transportation of hazardous goods.
It is forbidden to carry hazardous waste and passengers in the same transport vehicle.
   第五十二条 运输危险废物,必须采取防止污染环境的措施,并遵守国家有关危险货物运输管理的规定。
Article 53 When sites, installations, equipment as well as containers, packages and other articles for the collection, storage, transportation and treatment of hazardous waste are to be used for other purposes, they can be put to use only after treatment to eliminate pollution.
   第五十三条 收集、贮存、运输、处置危险废物的场所、设施、设备和容器、包装物及其他物品转作他用时,必须经过消除污染的处理,方可使用。
Article 54 Persons who are directly engaged in the collection, storage, transportation, utilization and treatment of hazardous waste shall receive professional training and shall be allowed to take up such jobs only after they pass due examinations.
   第五十四条 直接从事收集、贮存、运输、利用、处置危险废物的人员,应当接受专业培训,经考核合格,方可从事该项工作。
Article 55 Units discharging, collecting, storing, transporting, using or treating hazardous waste shall work out emergency and protection measures to be adopted in case of accident, and report such to the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level, which shall conduct inspection.
   第五十五条 产生、收集、贮存、运输、利用、处置危险废物的单位,应当制定在发生意外事故时采取的应急措施和防范措施,并向所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门报告;环境保护行政主管部门应当进行检查。
Article 56 Units that have caused severe environmental pollution by hazardous waste due to accident or other unexpected events must immediately take measures to eliminate or reduce the danger and damage of environmental pollution, promptly inform the units and residents that may be harmed by the pollution, in the meantime, report to the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level and other relevant departments, and be ready for investigation and settlement of the matter.
   第五十六条 因发生事故或者其他突发性事件,造成危险废物严重污染环境的单位,必须立即采取措施消除或者减轻对环境的污染危害,及时通报可能受到污染危害的单位和居民,并向所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门和有关部门报告,接受调查处理。
Article 57 When severe environmental pollution by hazardous waste has happened, thus threatening the safety of the lives and property of residents, the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level must immediately report to the people's government at the corresponding level. The people's government shall take effective measures to eliminate or reduce the danger and damage.
   第五十七条 在发生危险废物严重污染环境、威胁居民生命财产安全时,县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门必须立即向本级人民政府报告,由人民政府采取有效措施,解除或者减轻危害。
Article 58 It is forbidden to transfer hazardous waste via the territory of the People's Republic of China.
   第五十八条 禁止经中华人民共和国过境转移危险废物。

 第五章 法律责任

Article 59 If anyone, in violation of the provisions of this Law, commits any of the following acts, the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the county level shall order him to put it right within a specified period of time and impose a penalty on him:
   第五十九条 违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令限期改正,并处罚款:
(1) failing to report and register industrial solid waste or hazardous waste, as prescribed by the State, or resorting to deception in reporting and registering;
(2) refusing an on-the-spot inspection by the competent administrative department of environmental protection or resorting to deception while undergoing inspection;
(3) failing to pay, as prescribed by the State, the fee for discharge of pollutants;
(4) transferring, for use by another, the eliminated equipment that is included in the list of equipment to be eliminated within a specified period of time;
(5) closing, leaving idle or dismantling installations or sites for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste without authorization;
(6) constructing installations or sites for centralized storage or treatment of industrial solid waste or land-filling sites for house refuse in nature reserves, scenic spots or historical sites, areas of source of drinking water or other zones that need special protection; or
(7) transferring solid waste out of the administrative area of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for storage and treatment without authorization.
Anyone who commits the act specified in sub-paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding paragraph shall be imposed with a penalty of not more than 10,000 yuan; anyone who commits the act specified in sub-paragraph (3) of the preceding paragraph shall be imposed with a penalty of not more than 50% of the fee to be paid for discharge of pollutants; anyone who commits the act specified in sub-paragraph (4), (5), (6) or (7) of the preceding paragraph shall be imposed with a penalty of not more than 50,000 yuan.
Article 60 If anyone, in violation of the provisions of this Law, produces, sells, imports or uses eliminated equipment or employs eliminated production techniques, the competent department in charge of comprehensive administration of economic affairs of the people's government at or above the county level shall order him to put it right; if the case is serious, the competent department in charge of comprehensive administration of economic affairs of the people's government at or above the county level shall put forward suggestions and submit them to the people's government at the corresponding level, which shall in accordance with the limits of authority as prescribed by the State Council, order him to suspend business or close down.
   第六十条 违反本法规定,生产、销售、进口或者使用淘汰的设备,或者采用淘汰的生产工艺的,由县级以上人民政府经济综合主管部门责令改正;情节严重的,由县级以上人民政府经济综合主管部门提出意见,报请同级人民政府按照国务院规定的权限责令停业、关闭。
Article 61 If a construction project is put into production or operation while its supporting installations required for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste have not been completed or have not passed examination, the competent administrative department of environmental protection that examined and approved the statement of the effect on the environment to be occasioned by the the construction project shall order suspension of production or operation and may also impose a penalty of not more than 100,000 yuan.
   第六十一条 建设项目中需要配套建设的固体废物污染环境防治设施未建成或者未经验收合格即投入生产或者使用的,由审批该建设项目的环境影响报告书的环境保护行政主管部门责令停止生产或者使用,可以并处十万元以下的罚款。
Article 62 If an enterprise or institution fails to eliminate or control the pollution within a specified period of time, it may be imposed with a penalty of not more than 100,000 yuan or ordered to suspend operation or to shut down, depending on the damage it causes.
The penalty stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall be decided by the competent administrative department of environmental protection. The order for suspension of operation or shut-down shall be issued by the people's government at or above the county level according to the limits of authority prescribed by the State Council.
   第六十二条 对经限期治理逾期未完成治理任务的企业事业单位,可以根据所造成的危害后果处十万元以下的罚款,或者责令停业、关闭。
Article 63 If any person or unit stores, transports or treats urban house refuse against the provisions of this Law, he or it shall be punished in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council regarding environmental protection and urban environmental sanitation.
   第六十三条 贮存、运输、处置城市生活垃圾违反本法规定的,按照国务院关于环境保护和城市环境卫生的有关规定予以处罚。
Article 64 If any person or unit, in violation of the provisions of this Law on the prevention and control of environmental pollution by hazardous waste, commits any of the following acts, he or it shall be ordered by the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the county level to stop the illegal act, to put it right within a time limit and also imposed with a penalty of not more than 50,000 yuan:
   第六十四条 违反本法有关危险废物污染环境防治的规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令停止违法行为、限期改正,并处五万元以下的罚款:
(1) failing to install distinguishing marks of hazardous waste;
(2) supplying or entrusting hazardous waste to a unit that does not have the operation license for collection, storage and treatment;
(3) when transferring hazardous waste, failing to fill in duplicate forms for transfer of hazardous waste according to relevant State regulations, and failing to report to the competent administrative departments of environmental protection of the local people's governments at or above the county level in the places where the hazardous waste is to be moved out or moved in;
(4) mixing hazardous waste with nonhazardous waste for storage;
(5) collecting, storing, transporting and treating mixed hazardous wastes of incompatible nature without safety treatment;
(6) carrying hazardous waste and passengers in the same transport vehicle;
(7) failing to treat the hazardous waste discharged or failing to bear the waste treatment fee that should be borne according to law;
(8) using sites, installations, equipment as well as containers, packages and other articles for collecting, storing, transporting and treating hazardous waste for other purposes without giving them treatment to eliminate pollution.
Article 65 Any person or unit that is engaged in collecting, storing and treating hazardous waste without an operation license or against the provisions of the operation license shall be ordered by the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the local people's government at or above the county level to stop the illegal activity, his or its illegal gains shall be confiscated, and may also be imposed with a penalty of not more than one time the illegal gains.
If any person or unit engages, against the provision of operation license, in activities specified in the preceding paragraph, his or its operation license may also be revoked by the department that issued the license.
   第六十五条 无经营许可证或者不按照经营许可证规定从事收集、贮存、处置危险废物经营活动的,由县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得一倍以下的罚款。
Article 66 Whoever, in violation of this Law, has solid waste from abroad dumped, piled up, or treated within the territory of China, or imports solid waste as raw material without permission of the competent administrative department under the State Council, shall be ordered by the Customs to transport such solid waste back to where it is dispatched and may also be imposed with a penalty of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 1,000,000 yuan. Whoever tries to avoid the supervision and control of the Customs, if the act constitutes a crime of smuggling, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
Whoever imports, under the pretext of using it as raw material, solid waste that cannot be used as such shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
   第六十六条 违反本法规定,将中国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置,或者未经国务院有关主管部门许可擅自进口固体废物用作原料的,由海关责令退运该固体废物,可以并处十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款。逃避海关监管,构成走私罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 67 Whoever, in violation of this Law, transfers hazardous waste via the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be ordered by the Customs to transport the hazardous waste back to the original place and may also be imposed with a penalty of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan.
   第六十七条 违反本法规定,经中华人民共和国过境转移危险废物的,由海关责令退运该危险废物,可以并处五万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。
Article 68 With regard to illegally imported solid waste, the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the provincial level shall, according to law, put forward suggestions to the Customs regarding its disposition, the Customs shall make a decision on punishment in accordance with the provisions of Article 66 of this Law. If such importation has caused environmental pollution, the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the provincial level shall order the importer to eliminate the pollution.
   第六十八条 对已经非法入境的固体废物,由省级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门依法向海关提出处理意见,海关应当依照本法第六十六条的规定作出处罚决定;已经造成环境污染的,由省级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令进口者消除污染。
Article 69 Whoever, in violation of this Law, has caused an accident of environmental pollution by solid waste shall be imposed with a penalty of not more than 100,000 yuan by the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the county level; in the case of severe damage, the penalty shall be 30% of the direct loss, but not exceeding 500,000 yuan. Leading members who are directly in charge and other persons who are directly responsible for the accident shall be subject to administrative punishment by the unit to which they belong or by the competent government department.
   第六十九条 违反本法规定,造成固体废物污染环境事故的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门处十万元以下的罚款;造成重大损失的,按照直接损失的百分之三十计算罚款,但是最高不超过五十万元;对负有直接责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,由其所在单位或者政府主管机关给予行政处分。
Article 70 All penalties shall be turned over to the State Treasury, no unit or individual may retain them.
   第七十条 罚款一律上交国库,任何单位和个人不得截留。
Article 71 Units and individuals that have suffered damage caused by solid waste pollution shall have the right to claim compensation according to law.
A dispute over the liability for damage or the amount of compensation may, at the request of the parties, be mediated and settled by the competent administrative department of environmental protection or other supervisory and administrative department of prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste; if mediation proves unsuccessful, the parties may bring a suit before a People's Court. The parties may also directly bring a suit before a People's Court.
   第七十一条 受到固体废物污染损害的单位和个人,有权要求依法赔偿损失。
Article 72 Whoever collects, stores and treats hazardous waste against the provisions of this Law and has caused a serious environmental pollution accident that leads to grave consequences resulting in heavy public or private property losses or serious personal injury or death shall be investigated for criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 115 or Article 187 of the Criminal Law.
If a unit commits a crime specified in this Article, it shall be imposed with a fine and the leading members of the unit who are directly in charge and other persons who are directly responsible for such an accident shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
   第七十二条 违反本法规定,收集、贮存、处置危险废物,造成重大环境污染事故,导致公私财产重大损失或者人身伤亡的严重后果的,比照刑法第一百一十五条或者第一百八十七条的规定追究刑事责任。
Article 73 If any person engaged in supervision and administration of the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste abuses his power, neglects his duty or practises irregularities for personal gain and if the case constitutes a crime, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law, if the case does not constitute a crime, he shall be given an administrative sanction according to law.
   第七十三条 固体废物污染环境防治监督管理人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。

 第六章 附则

Article 74 For the purposes of this Law, the following terms mean:
   第七十四条 本法中下列用语的含义:
(1) Solid waste means abandoned materials in solid, semi-solid state coming from production, construction, everyday life and other activities and causing environmental pollution.
(2) Industrial solid waste means solid waste discharged from production activities of industries, transportation, etc.
(3) Urban house refuse means solid waste discharged from urban everyday life or from services provided to urban everyday life as well as the solid waste that is regarded as urban house refuse under laws and administrative rules and regulations.
(4) Hazardous waste means waste that is dangerous and is included in the national list of hazardous waste or identified as such according to the criteria and methods of identification for hazardous waste as prescribed by the State.
(5) Treatment means activities conducted to reduce the quantity or volume of the discharged solid waste, reduce or eliminate their dangerous composition through incineration or other methods that can change the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of the solid waste, or activities conducted ultimately to put solid waste in sites or installations that meet the requirements of environmental protection, from which the solid waste shall never be taken back again.
Article 75 This Law shall apply to the prevention and control of pollution by liquid waste and gaseous waste in containers. However, the prevention and control of pollution by waste water discharged into water body and by waste gas discharged into the atmosphere shall be governed by other relevant laws, not this Law.
   第七十五条 液态废物和置于容器中的气态废物的污染防治,适用本法;但是,排入水体的废水和排入大气的废气的污染防治适用有关法律,不适用本法。
Article 76 If an international treaty regarding the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China contains provisions differing from those contained in this Law, the provisions of the international treaty shall prevail, with the exception of the provisions on which the People's Republic of China has announced reservation.
   第七十六条 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的与固体废物污染环境防治有关的国际条约与本法有不同规定的,适用国际条约的规定;但是,中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。
Article 77 This Law shall enter into force as of April 1, 1996.

   第七十七条 本法自1996年4月1日起施行。
   附:           刑法有关条款
 第一百一十五条 违反爆炸性、易燃性、放射性、毒害性、腐蚀性物品的管理规定,在生产、储存、运输、使用中发生重大事故,造成严重后果的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;后果特别严重的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。
 第一百八十七条 国家工作人员由于玩忽职守,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。

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