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Notice of the Ministry of Culture on Implementing the Administrative Measures for the Content Self-examination of Internet Culture Business Entities [Effective]
文化部关于实施《网络文化经营单位内容自审管理办法》的通知 [现行有效]


Notice of the Ministry of culture on Implementing the Administrative Measures for the Content Self-examination of Internet culture Business Entities 


(No. 39 [2013] of the Ministry of culture) (文市发〔2013〕39号)

The culture departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the culture, Radio and Television Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; the general administrative law enforcement team of the cultural market in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing; and the general law enforcement team of the cultural market in Tibet Autonomous Region: 各省、自治区、直辖市文化厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团文化广播电视局,北京、天津、上海、重庆市文化市场行政执法总队,西藏自治区文化市场综合执法总队:
In order to implement the requirements of the State Council for further transforming government functions, simplifying administrative procedures, and decentralizing power to lower levels, culture administrative departments at all levels shall, according to actual circumstances, cancel, delegate and simplify the matters subject to administrative examination and approval, assign administrative responsibilities to enterprises or social organizations, and government departments shall provide better services and strengthen supervision. In accordance with the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Internet culture and in light of the actual circumstances of Internet culture construction and administration, as well as the requirements for the development of Internet culture, for purposes of enhancing the enterprises' independent management capacity and self-disciplinary responsibilities, and guaranteeing the healthy and rapid development of Internet culture, the Ministry of culture has formulated the Administrative Measures for the Content Self-examination of Internet culture Business Entities (hereinafter referred to as the “Measures”), which are hereby issued to you for your implementation in accordance with the following requirements: 为贯彻落实国务院关于进一步转变政府职能和简政放权的要求,各级文化行政部门将根据实际情况取消、下放、简化行政审批事项,将管理职责交由企业或社会组织承担,政府部门加强服务和监管。根据《互联网文化管理暂行规定》,结合网络文化建设与管理的现实和发展需要,文化部制定了《网络文化经营单位内容自审管理办法》(以下简称《办法》),目的是增强企业自主管理能力和自律责任,保障网络文化健康快速发展。现予印发,并请按照以下要求贯彻实施:
I. The Department of Cultural Market Administration of the Ministry of culture shall organize the compilation of training materials for the administration of Internet culture, compile and publish the Guidelines for the Content Examination of Internet Music and the Guidelines for the Content Examination of Internet Games, establish the teacher training base and question database, so as to provide services for the training work at all localities.   一、文化部文化市场司组织编写网络文化管理培训教材,编印《网络音乐内容审核工作指引》、《网络游戏内容审核工作指引》,建立培训师资库和题库,为各地培训工作服务。
II. The culture departments (bureaus) at all localities shall, before the implementation of the Measures, provide training to the content examiners of Internet culture business entities within their respective jurisdictions. The number of trainees shall be decided by enterprises to satisfy their actual work requirements.   二、各地文化厅(局)应当在《办法》施行前对辖区内实际从事网络文化经营单位的内容审核人员进行培训。受训人员数量以满足企业实际工作需求为标准由企业决定。
III. Training shall be provided both on site and through the Internet, and the network training platform shall be established by the Ministry of culture. The personnel that participate in the training for the first time shall participate in on-site training, and those who have passed the examination shall be granted the Content Examiner Certificate.   三、培训采取现场与网络相结合的方式,网络培训平台由文化部建立。首次参加培训的人员应当参加现场培训,考核合格者发给《内容审核人员证书》。
Since 2009, those content examiners who have participated in the training organized by the Ministry of culture and provincial culture administrative departments and passed the examination shall be reissued the Content Examiner Certificate by the local provincial culture administrative department before the Measures come into force. 自2009年以来,凡参加过文化部及省级文化行政部门组织的培训并考核合格的内容审核人员,由所在地省级文化行政部门在《办法》施行前补发《内容审核人员证书》。
IV. The culture departments (bureaus) at all localities may organize or authorize industrial associations and intermediary organizations to provide training. In the regions with less Internet culture business entities, training may be provided jointly with adjacent regions. The large-scale companies with a large number of examiners may also provide orientated special training.   四、各地文化厅(局)可自行组织或委托行业协会、中介机构开展培训工作。网络文化经营单位少的地区,可以与周边地区联合培训。对规模大、审核人员多的公司也可进行定点专项培训。
V. The Ministry of culture shall establish the national content examiner database of Internet culture business entities, and culture departments (bureaus) at all localities shall establish the database at the same level, and report the information on content examiners to the Ministry of culture in a timely manner.   五、文化部建立全国网络文化经营单位内容审核人员信息库,各地文化厅(局)建立本级信息库,并将内容审核人员信息及时报文化部入库。
...... 特此通知。

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