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Notice of the General Office of the Beijing Municipal People's Government on Issuing Several Policies on Further Encouraging and Guiding the Investment of Private Capital in Cultural and Creative Industries | | 北京市人民政府办公厅印发关于进一步鼓励和引导民间资本投资文化创意产业若干政策的通知 |
(No. 52 [2013] of the General Office of the Beijing Municipal People's Government) | | (京政办发[2013]52号) |
The people's governments of all districts and counties; all commissions, offices and bureaus of the Municipal People's Government; and all institutions under the Municipal People's Government: | | 各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构: |
Several Policies on Further Encouraging and Guiding the Investment of Private Capital in Cultural and Creative Industries have been approved by the Municipal People's Government, and are hereby issued to you for your diligent and effective implementation. | | 《关于进一步鼓励和引导民间资本投资文化创意产业的若干政策》已经市政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。 |
General Office of the Beijing Municipal People's Government | | 北京市人民政府办公厅 |
October 1, 2013 | | 2013年10月1日 |
Several Policies on Further Encouraging and Guiding the Investment of Private Capital in Cultural and Creative Industries | | 关于进一步鼓励和引导民间资本投资文化创意产业的若干政策 |
These Policies are hereby formulated for the purpose of effectively implementing the spirit of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Party and Several Opinions of the State Council on Encouraging and Guiding the Sound Development of Private Investment (No. 13 [2010] of the State Council), further guiding the investment of private capital in the cultural and creative industries, maximizing the important role of private capital in the vitalization of culture resources, innovation of cultural development and other aspects, consolidating and improving the central position of the capital as the national cultural centre, and promoting the great development and enrichment of the capital's culture. | | 为贯彻落实党的十八大精神和《国务院关于鼓励和引导民间投资健康发展的若干意见》(国发〔2010〕13号),进一步引导民间资本投资文化创意产业,充分发挥民间资本在盘活文化资源、创新文化发展等方面的重要作用,巩固提升首都全国文化中心地位,推动首都文化大发展大繁荣,特制定本政策。 |
I. Encouraging private capital to enter into the fields of cultural and creative industries and supporting the sound and rapid development of private enterprises. Private capital is encouraged to enter into the culture, arts, radio, film, television, press, publication, art trade and other dominant cultural industries, and develop the content creation, trading, dissemination and other major stages. Private capital are guided in realization of scale development and brand operation in the design services, advertising, convention and exhibition, cartoon, animation, online games, and other creative industries. Private cultural and creative enterprises and institutions are encouraged to play a greater role in the fields of increasing investment, guiding consumption, expanding exports and other fields. | | 一、鼓励民间资本进入文化创意产业领域,支持民营企业健康快速发展。鼓励民间资本进入文化艺术、广播影视、新闻出版、艺术品交易等文化主导行业,发展内容创作、交易传播等重要环节。引导民间资本在设计服务、广告会展、动漫网游等创意主体行业实现规模化发展、品牌化运营。促进民营文化创意企业和机构在增加投资、引导消费、扩大出口等领域发挥更大作用。 |
II. Relaxing the requirements for corporate business registration. In accordance with the relevant requirements of the state for reforming business registration rules, the requirements for corporate business registration shall be relaxed. The old factories, warehouses, etc. that have been transformed are allowed to be registered by cultural and creative enterprises as their business premises. For a cultural enterprise that accepts capital contributions in the form of copyright, trademark, patent or any other intellectual property, capital contributors may independently agree on the proportion of capital contributions. | | 二、放宽企业工商登记条件。按照国家有关改革工商登记制度的要求,放宽企业工商登记条件。允许将改造后的旧厂房、仓库等作为文化创意企业的注册经营场所。以著作权、商标、专利等知识产权出资的文化企业,出资比例可由出资各方自主约定。 |
III. Strengthening the government's service guarantee and increasing the government's financial supports. The category of planned lands for cultural and creative industries shall be studied and put in place, and the land use planning for cultural and creative industries in key areas shall be prepared. Government functions shall be further transformed and administrative approval procedures shall be simplified so as to create the conditions for private enterprises to organize large-scale cultural, sporting or exhibition events. Overall arrangements shall be made for 10 billion yuan of special cultural and creative development funds so as to support the development of private cultural and creative enterprises by such means as incentives, discount, participation in the establishment of the cultural and creative industry fund, and purchase of cultural goods and services. | | 三、加强政府服务保障,加大政府资金支持。研究落实文化创意产业规划用地类别,编制重点区域文化创意产业用地规划。进一步转变政府职能,简化行政审批程序,为民营企业举办文化、体育及会展等大型活动创造条件。统筹100亿元文化创新发展专项资金,采取奖励、贴息、参与文化创意产业基金设立、采购文化产品与服务等方式,支持民营文化创意企业发展。 |
IV. Encouraging private capital to participate in the reform of state-owned cultural enterprises and institutions. Private capital is supported to participate in the reform of state-owned cultural enterprises and institutions by various forms such as investment and purchase of shares. The cultural enterprises that have been transformed may, in accordance with the relevant tax policies, enjoy the policies including exemption from real estate tax and enterprise income tax as well as export tax refund (exemption) for their cultural products. Specialized private cultural and creative enterprises are encouraged to participate in the operation and management of state-owned cultural institutions as well as cultural and sports facilities by such means as entrusted operatione, contracting and leasing. | | 四、鼓励民间资本参与国有文化企事业单位改革。支持民间资本以投资、参股等多种形式参与国有文化企事业单位改革。转制后的文化企业可依照有关税收政策,享受免征房产税、企业所得税、文化产品出口退(免)税等政策。支持专业化的民营文化创意企业以委托经营、承包租赁等方式参与国有文化机构、文化体育设施运营管理。 |
V. Encouraging private capital to participate in the construction and operation of major cultural projects. Private enterprises are supported to participate in the development and construction of major cultural projects at the national and municipal level as well as their operations management and production services. Private cultural and creative enterprises are supported to undertake or participate in major cultural events. | | 五、鼓励民间资本参与重大文化项目的建设与运营。支持民营企业参与国家及市级重大文化项目的开发建设、运营管理和生产服务。支持民营文化创意企业承办或参与重大文化活动。 |
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