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Order of the State Council | | 国务院令 |
(No. 664) | | (第664号) |
The Regulation on Map Management, as adopted at the 111th Executive Meeting of the State Council on November 11, 2015, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on January 1, 2016. | | 《地图管理条例》已经2015年11月11日国务院第111次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2016年1月1日起施行。 |
Premier: Li Keqiang | | 总理 李克强 |
November 26, 2015 | | 2015年11月26日 |
Regulation on Map Management | | 地图管理条例 |
Chapter I General Provisions | | 第一章 总 则 |
Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening map management, safeguarding the sovereignty, security and interests of the state, promoting the sound development of the geoinformation industry, and serving economic construction, social development and people's livelihoods, this Regulation is developed in accordance with the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People's Republic of China. | | 第一条 为了加强地图管理,维护国家主权、安全和利益,促进地理信息产业健康发展,为经济建设、社会发展和人民生活服务,根据《中华人民共和国测绘法》,制定本条例。 |
Article 2 Those engaging in the drawing, examination and publication of maps disclosed to the public, Internet map services, and the supervision and inspection thereof within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall comply with this Regulation. | | 第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事向社会公开的地图的编制、审核、出版和互联网地图服务以及监督检查活动,应当遵守本条例。 |
Article 3 The map work shall be conducted under the principles of maintaining national sovereignty, guaranteeing geoinformation security and facilitating people's livelihoods. | | 第三条 地图工作应当遵循维护国家主权、保障地理信息安全、方便群众生活的原则。 |
The drawing, examination and publication of maps and Internet map services shall comply with relevant confidentiality laws and regulations. | | 地图的编制、审核、出版和互联网地图服务应当遵守有关保密法律、法规的规定。 |
Article 4 The surveying, mapping and geoinformation administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for the uniform supervision and administration of the map work nationwide. Other relevant departments of the State Council shall be responsible for relevant map work according to their functions prescribed by the State Council. | | 第四条 国务院测绘地理信息行政主管部门负责全国地图工作的统一监督管理。国务院其他有关部门按照国务院规定的职责分工,负责有关的地图工作。 |
The administrative departments of the local people's governments at and above the county level responsible for surveying, mapping and geoinformation administration (hereinafter referred to as “surveying, mapping and geoinformation administrative departments”) shall be responsible for the uniform supervision and administration of map work within their respective administrative regions. Other relevant departments of the local people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible for relevant map work according to their functions prescribed by the people's governments at the same levels. | | 县级以上地方人民政府负责管理测绘地理信息工作的行政部门(以下称测绘地理信息行政主管部门)负责本行政区域地图工作的统一监督管理。县级以上地方人民政府其他有关部门按照本级人民政府规定的职责分工,负责有关的地图工作。 |
Article 5 People's governments at all levels and their relevant departments and news media shall enhance national territory publicity and education, so as to strengthen citizens' awareness of national territory. | | 第五条 各级人民政府及其有关部门、新闻媒体应当加强国家版图宣传教育,增强公民的国家版图意识。 |
The national territory awareness education shall be included in the teaching content of primary and middle schools. | | 国家版图意识教育应当纳入中小学教学内容。 |
Citizens, legal persons, and other organizations shall use the maps that correctly indicate the national territory. | | 公民、法人和其他组织应当使用正确表示国家版图的地图。 |
Article 6 The state shall encourage the drawing and publication of various types of map products that comply with relevant standards and provisions, support geoinformation scientific and technological innovations and industry development, accelerate the adjustment, optimization and upgrading of the geoinformation industry structure, and promote the in-depth application of geoinformation. | | 第六条 国家鼓励编制和出版符合标准和规定的各类地图产品,支持地理信息科学技术创新和产业发展,加快地理信息产业结构调整和优化升级,促进地理信息深层次应用。 |
People's governments at and above the county level shall establish and improve mechanisms for the joint construction and sharing of geoinformation among government departments. | | 县级以上人民政府应当建立健全政府部门间地理信息资源共建共享机制。 |
The surveying, mapping and geoinformation administrative departments of people's governments at and above the county level shall take effective measures to acquire, process and update basic geoinformation in a timely manner, and provide geoinformation services to the public through public geoinformation service platforms, so as to realize the opening and sharing of geoinformation. | | 县级以上人民政府测绘地理信息行政主管部门应当采取有效措施,及时获取、处理、更新基础地理信息数据,通过地理信息公共服务平台向社会提供地理信息公共服务,实现地理信息数据开放共享。 |
Chapter II Map Drawing | | 第二章 地图编制 |
Article 7 An entity engaging in map drawing activities shall obtain a corresponding surveying and mapping qualification certificate in accordance with the law and draw maps to the extent permitted by the qualification grade. | | 第七条 从事地图编制活动的单位应当依法取得相应的测绘资质证书,并在资质等级许可的范围内开展地图编制工作。 |
Article 8 The drawing of maps shall be governed by relevant map drawing standards of the state, and comply with relevant state provisions on the indication of map content. | | 第八条 编制地图,应当执行国家有关地图编制标准,遵守国家有关地图内容表示的规定。 |
A map shall not indicate any content that: | | 地图上不得表示下列内容: |
(1) compromises the unity, sovereignty or territorial integrity of the state; | | (一)危害国家统一、主权和领土完整的; |
(2) jeopardizes the security or damages the honor and interests of the state; | | (二)危害国家安全、损害国家荣誉和利益的; |
(3) falls under state secrets; | | (三)属于国家秘密的; |
(4) undermines the solidarity among ethnic groups, or disrespects ethnic customs and habits; or | | (四)影响民族团结、侵害民族风俗习惯的; |
(5) any other content prohibited by any law or administrative regulation. | | (五)法律、法规规定不得表示的其他内容。 |
Article 9 When a map is drawn, the latest map data shall be adopted and be supplemented or updated in a timely manner, the geographical position, situation and name of each key element and their relationships shall be reflected correctly, and the content shall satisfy the uses of the map. | | 第九条 编制地图,应当选用最新的地图资料并及时补充或者更新,正确反映各要素的地理位置、形态、名称及相互关系,且内容符合地图使用目的。 |
When a world map involving the national boundaries of the People's Republic of China or a national map is drawn, the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be indicated in a complete manner. | | 编制涉及中华人民共和国国界的世界地图、全国地图,应当完整表示中华人民共和国疆域。 |
Article 10 When the national boundaries of the People's Republic of China, the historical Chinese boundaries or the boundaries or historical boundaries of each country in the world are drawn on a map, the following provisions shall apply: | | 第十条 在地图上绘制中华人民共和国国界、中国历史疆界、世界各国间边界、世界各国间历史疆界,应当遵守下列规定: |
(1) The national boundaries of the People's Republic of China shall be drawn according to the standard samples for the drawing of national boundaries of China. | | (一)中华人民共和国国界,按照中国国界线画法标准样图绘制; |
(2) The historical Chinese boundaries shall be drawn based on relevant historical data and actual historical boundaries. | | (二)中国历史疆界,依据有关历史资料,按照实际历史疆界绘制; |
(3) The boundaries of each country in the world shall be drawn according to the reference samples for the drawing of national boundaries between countries in the world. | | (三)世界各国间边界,按照世界各国国界线画法参考样图绘制; |
(4) The historical boundaries of each country in the world shall be drawn based on relevant historical data and actual historical boundaries. | | (四)世界各国间历史疆界,依据有关历史资料,按照实际历史疆界绘制。 |
The standard samples for the drawing of national boundaries of China and the reference samples for the drawing of national boundaries between countries in the world shall be drawn by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the surveying, mapping and geoinformation administrative department of the State Council, and be submitted to the State Council for approval before issuance. | | 中国国界线画法标准样图、世界各国国界线画法参考样图,由外交部和国务院测绘地理信息行政主管部门拟订,报国务院批准后公布。 |
Article 11 When the boundaries or scope of administrative regions at and above the country level in China are drawn on a map, the standard samples for the drawing of boundaries of administrative regions, the maps of special administrative regions issued with the approval of the State Council, and other relevant provisions of the state shall be observed. | | 第十一条 在地图上绘制我国县级以上行政区域界线或者范围,应当符合行政区域界线标准画法图、国务院批准公布的特别行政区行政区域图和国家其他有关规定。 |
The standard samples for the drawing of boundaries of administrative regions shall be drawn by the civil affairs department and the surveying, mapping and geoinformation administrative department of the State Council, and be submitted to the State Council for approval before issuance. | | 行政区域界线标准画法图由国务院民政部门和国务院测绘地理信息行政主管部门拟订,报国务院批准后公布。 |
Article 12 The important geoinformation to be indicated on maps shall be that issued in accordance with the law. | | 第十二条 在地图上表示重要地理信息数据,应当使用依法公布的重要地理信息数据。 |
Article 13 Where a map is drawn by using surveying and mapping results involving any state secret, the results shall have been processed with confidentiality technologies by the surveying, mapping and geoinformation administrative department of the State Council or the surveying, mapping and geoinformation administrative department of the people's government of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government in accordance with the law. | | 第十三条 利用涉及国家秘密的测绘成果编制地图的,应当依法使用经国务院测绘地理信息行政主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府测绘地理信息行政主管部门进行保密技术处理的测绘成果。 |
Article 14 The surveying, mapping and geoinformation administrative departments of people's governments at and above the county level shall issue public welfare maps to the public for use free of charge. | | 第十四条 县级以上人民政府测绘地理信息行政主管部门应当向社会公布公益性地图,供无偿使用。 |
The surveying, mapping and geoinformation administrative departments of people's governments at and above the county level shall, in a timely manner, organize the collection of information on the modification of administrative divisions, place names, traffic, water systems, plantation, public facilities and residential sites, among others, as involved in maps, for the periodical updating of public welfare maps. The departments and entities concerned shall provide relevant materials for updating in a timely manner. | | 县级以上人民政府测绘地理信息行政主管部门应当及时组织收集与地图内容相关的行政区划、地名、交通、水系、植被、公共设施、居民点等的变更情况,用于定期更新公益性地图。有关部门和单位应当及时提供相关更新资料。 |
Chapter III Map Examination | | 第三章 地图审核 |
Article 15 The state shall implement the map examination system. | | 第十五条 国家实行地图审核制度。 |
A map to be disclosed to the public shall be submitted to the surveying, mapping and geoinformation administrative department with the examination authority for examination, excluding a map with simple content such as a scenic map, a district map or a subway map. | | 向社会公开的地图,应当报送有审核权的测绘地理信息行政主管部门审核。但是,景区图、街区图、地铁线路图等内容简单的地图除外。 |
No fees shall be charged for the examination of maps. | | 地图审核不得收取费用。 |
Article 16 To publish a map, the publisher shall submit the map for examination; to display or publish a map falling outside a publication, the displaying or publishing entity shall submit the map for examination; to import a map falling outside a publication or a product to which a map is attached, the importer shall submit the map for examination. The import of a map falling under a publication shall be governed by relevant provisions of the Publication Management Regulation; to export a map falling outside a publication or a product to which a map is attached, the exporter shall submit the map for examination; and to manufacture a product to which a map is attached, the producer shall submit the map for examination. | | 第十六条 出版地图的,由出版单位送审;展示或者登载不属于出版物的地图的,由展示者或者登载者送审;进口不属于出版物的地图或者附着地图图形的产品的,由进口者送审;进口属于出版物的地图,依照《出版管理条例》的有关规定执行;出口不属于出版物的地图或者附着地图图形的产品的,由出口者送审;生产附着地图图形的产品的,由生产者送审。 |
The following materials shall be submitted for map examination: | | 送审应当提交以下材料: |
(1) An application form for map examination. | | (一)地图审核申请表; |
(2) A sample map or product that shall be subject to examination. | | (二)需要审核的地图样图或者样品; |
(3) The surveying and mapping qualification certificate of the map drawing entity. | | (三)地图编制单位的测绘资质证书。 |
To import a map falling outside a publication or a product to which a map is attached, only the materials prescribed in items (1) and (2) of the preceding paragraph need to be submitted. If a map is drawn using surveying and mapping results involving any state secret, a proof that the results have been processed with confidentiality technologies shall also be submitted. | | 进口不属于出版物的地图和附着地图图形的产品的,仅需提交前款第一项、第二项规定的材料。利用涉及国家秘密的测绘成果编制地图的,还应当提交保密技术处理证明。 |
Article 17 The surveying, mapping and geoinformation administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for the examination of the following maps: | | 第十七条 国务院测绘地理信息行政主管部门负责下列地图的审核: |
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