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Measures for the Prevention and Punishment of Academic Misconducts in Institutions of Higher Education [Effective]
高等学校预防与处理学术不端行为办法 [现行有效]
Order of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 40) (第40号)

The Measures for the Prevention and Punishment of Academic Misconducts in Institutions of Higher Education, as deliberated and adopted at the 14th minister's executive meeting on April 5, 2016, is hereby issued and shall come into force on September 1, 2016. 《高等学校预防与处理学术不端行为办法》已于2016年4月5日经教育部2016年第14次部长办公会议审议通过,现予发布,自2016年9月1日起施行。
Minister of Education 教育部部长
June 16, 2016 2016年6月16日
Measures for the Prevention and Punishment of Academic Misconducts in Institutions of Higher Education 高等学校预防与处理学术不端行为办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purpose of effectively preventing and seriously investigating and punishing those who have academic misconducts in institutions of higher education, upholding academic integrity, and promoting academic innovation and development, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Scientific and Technological Progress, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Academic Degrees, and other laws and regulations.   第一条 为有效预防和严肃查处高等学校发生的学术不端行为,维护学术诚信,促进学术创新和发展,根据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》《中华人民共和国科学技术进步法》《中华人民共和国学位条例》等法律法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purpose of these Measures, “academic misconducts” means the acts in violation of recognized academic norms and academic integrity as committed by institutions of higher education as well as their teaching and scientific research staff members, administrators and students in scientific research and relevant activities.   第二条 本办法所称学术不端行为是指高等学校及其教学科研人员、管理人员和学生,在科学研究及相关活动中发生的违反公认的学术准则、违背学术诚信的行为。
Article 3 Institutions of higher education shall prevent and punish academic misconducts under the principles of focusing on prevention and combining education with punishment.   第三条 高等学校预防与处理学术不端行为应坚持预防为主、教育与惩戒结合的原则。
Article 4 The Ministry of Education, the relevant departments of the State Council, and the provincial education administrative departments shall be responsible for developing the macro policies on the construction of study style of the institutions of higher education, direct and supervise the construction of study style of the institutions of higher education, establish and improve a mechanism for punishing the major academic misconducts of the institutions of higher education within their jurisdictions, and develop the rules on the notification of the academic misconducts in colleges and universities and the announcement of relevant information.   第四条 教育部、国务院有关部门和省级教育部门负责制定高等学校学风建设的宏观政策,指导和监督高等学校学风建设工作,建立健全对所主管高等学校重大学术不端行为的处理机制,建立高校学术不端行为的通报与相关信息公开制度。
Article 5 Institutions of higher education are the main bodies for preventing and punishing academic misconducts. Institutions of higher education shall establish an academic integrity system integrating education, prevention, supervision, and punishment, establish a working mechanism for the construction of the study style led by the main heads, and specify the division of responsibilities; and improve the rules and procedures for the prevention and punishment of their respective academic misconducts.   第五条 高等学校是学术不端行为预防与处理的主体。高等学校应当建设集教育、预防、监督、惩治于一体的学术诚信体系,建立由主要负责人领导的学风建设工作机制,明确职责分工;依据本办法完善本校学术不端行为预防与处理的规则与程序。
Institutions of higher education shall fully maximize the role of their academic committees in the construction of study style, support and guarantee that their academic committees fulfill their responsibilities according to law, and investigate and determine the academic misconducts. 高等学校应当充分发挥学术委员会在学风建设方面的作用,支持和保障学术委员会依法履行职责,调查、认定学术不端行为。
Chapter II Education and Prevention 

第二章 教育与预防

Article 6 Institutions of higher education shall improve their academic management system, establish a scientific and fair academic evaluation and academic development system, and create an academic environment that encourages innovation, tolerates failure, is neither conceited nor rash, and features a clean and healthy environment.   第六条 高等学校应当完善学术治理体系,建立科学公正的学术评价和学术发展制度,营造鼓励创新、宽容失败、不骄不躁、风清气正的学术环境。
In scientific research activities, teaching and scientific research staff members, administrators and students of institutions of higher education shall follow the scientific spirit of seeking truth from facts and a rigorous and diligent academic attitude, abide by academic integrity, follow the academic standards, and respect and protect the intellectual property rights and other lawful rights and interests of others. 高等学校教学科研人员、管理人员、学生在科研活动中应当遵循实事求是的科学精神和严谨认真的治学态度,恪守学术诚信,遵循学术准则,尊重和保护他人知识产权等合法权益。
Article 7 Institutions of higher education shall regard the education of academic norms and academic integrity as a necessary content for teachers training and students education, and provide education and training in various forms.   第七条 高等学校应当将学术规范和学术诚信教育,作为教师培训和学生教育的必要内容,以多种形式开展教育、培训。
Teachers shall offer education and guidance on academic norms and academic integrity to their students, and examine and verify whether their students satisfy the requirements in public theses publishing, research, and dissertation writing. 教师对其指导的学生应当进行学术规范、学术诚信教育和指导,对学生公开发表论文、研究和撰写学位论文是否符合学术规范、学术诚信要求,进行必要的检查与审核。
Article 8 Institutions of higher education shall utilize information technology and other means to develop rules for searching the intellectual property rights to the contents involved in the academic achievements and the dissertations, and improve the supervision mechanism for academic norms.   第八条 高等学校应当利用信息技术等手段,建立对学术成果、学位论文所涉及内容的知识产权查询制度,健全学术规范监督机制。
Article 9 Institutions of higher education shall develop and improve the scientific research management rules, preserve the original data and materials of research within a reasonable period, and ensure the authenticity and integrity of the research files and data.   第九条 高等学校应当建立健全科研管理制度,在合理期限内保存研究的原始数据和资料,保证科研档案和数据的真实性、完整性。
Institutions of higher education shall improve the examination and evaluation of the scientific research projects and the identification of the academic achievements, and disclose the non-confidential application materials of the scientific research projects and the basic information on the academic achievements in an appropriate manner and in combination with the subject characteristics. 高等学校应当完善科研项目评审、学术成果鉴定程序,结合学科特点,对非涉密的科研项目申报材料、学术成果的基本信息以适当方式进行公开。
Article 10 Institutions of higher education shall follow the rules of academic research, develop scientific academic level evaluation standards and measures, direct teaching and scientific research staff members and students to dedicate themselves to research and form innovative and ingenious research achievements.   第十条 高等学校应当遵循学术研究规律,建立科学的学术水平考核评价标准、办法,引导教学科研人员和学生潜心研究,形成具有创新性、独创性的研究成果。
Article 11 Institutions of higher education shall create records for the academic integrity of the teaching and scientific research staff members, and strengthen the assessment of academic integrity in annual assessment, professional title appraisal, recruitment for positions, establishment of academic topics, talent plans, and decisions on champions and awards.   第十一条 高等学校应当建立教学科研人员学术诚信记录,在年度考核、职称评定、岗位聘用、课题立项、人才计划、评优奖励中强化学术诚信考核。
Chapter III Acceptance and Investigation 

第三章 受理与调查

Article 12 An institution of higher education shall designate a specific department to be responsible for accepting the tip-offs of the social organizations and individuals on the academic misconducts of its teaching and scientific research staff members, administrators and students; and a qualified institution of higher education may set up designated positions or have designated persons to be responsible for the consultation, acceptance, investigation, and other work regarding the tip-offs of academic integrity and misconducts.   第十二条 高等学校应当明确具体部门,负责受理社会组织、个人对本校教学科研人员、管理人员及学生学术不端行为的举报;有条件的,可以设立专门岗位或者指定专人,负责学术诚信和不端行为举报相关事宜的咨询、受理、调查等工作。
Article 13 A tip-off on academic misconduct shall generally be submitted in writing and in real name, and shall meet the following conditions:   第十三条 对学术不端行为的举报,一般应当以书面方式实名提出,并符合下列条件:
(1) There is a specific subject in the tip-off; (一)有明确的举报对象;
(2) There exists the fact of committing academic misconducts; and (二)有实施学术不端行为的事实;
(3) There are objective evidence materials or verification clues. (三)有客观的证据材料或者查证线索。
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