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International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace [Effective]
网络空间国际合作战略 [现行有效]
International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace 


(Issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Cyberspace Administration of China on March 1, 2017) (2017年03月01日 外交部、国家互联网信息办公室发布)

Contents 目录
Preamble 序言
Chapter I Opportunities and Challenges 第一章 机遇与挑战
Chapter II Basic Principles 第二章 基本原则
1. Principle of Peace 一、和平原则
2. Principle of Sovereignty 二、主权原则
3. Principle of Co-Governance 三、共治原则
4. Principle of Inclusiveness 四、普惠原则
Chapter III Strategic Objectives 第三章 战略目标
1. Maintaining Sovereignty and Security 一、维护主权与安全
2. Developing a System of International Rules 二、构建国际规则体系
3. Promoting Equitable Internet Governance 三、促进互联网公平治理
4. Protecting Citizens' Lawful Rights and Interests 四、保护公民合法权益
5. Promoting Digital Economy Cooperation 五、促进数字经济合作
6. Building Online Cultural Exchange Platforms 六、打造网上文化交流平台
Chapter IV Action Plan 第四章 行动计划
1. Advocating and Promoting Cyberspace Peace and Stability 一、倡导和促进网络空间和平与稳定
2. Prompting the Construction of a Cyberspace Order Based on Rules 二、推动构建以规则为基础的网络空间秩序
3. Constantly Expanding Cyberspace Partnership 三、不断拓展网络空间伙伴关系
4. Vigorously Promoting the Reform of the Global Internet Governance System 四、积极推进全球互联网治理体系改革
5. Deepening International Cooperation on Combating Cyber-terrorism and Cyber Crimes 五、深化打击网络恐怖主义和网络犯罪国际合作
6. Advocating the Protection of Citizens' Rights and Interests Including the Right of Privacy 六、倡导对隐私权等公民权益的保护
7. Prompting the Development of Digital Economy and the Sharing of Digital Dividends 七、推动数字经济发展和数字红利普惠共享
8. Strengthening the Construction and Protection of Global Information Infrastructure 八、加强全球信息基础设施建设和保护
9. Promoting the Exchange and Sharing of Cyberculture 九、促进网络文化交流互鉴
Conclusion 结束语
Preamble 序言
"Cyberspace is the common space of activities for mankind, and its future and destiny shall be in the hand of all countries in the world. All countries shall strengthen communication, expand consensus, deepen cooperation, and team up to build a community of common future in cyberspace. " “网络空间是人类共同的活动空间,网络空间前途命运应由世界各国共同掌握。各国应该加强沟通、扩大共识、深化合作,共同构建网络空间命运共同体。”
-- Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, December 16, 2015 --中国国家主席习近平,2015年12月16日
In the world today, information technology represented by the Internet is developing fast, bringing about new changes to social production, creating new space for people's life, expanding new field of national governance, tremendously enhancing people' capability to understand and transform the world. 当今世界,以互联网为代表的信息技术日新月异,引领了社会生产新变革,创造了人类生活新空间,拓展了国家治理新领域,极大提高了人类认识世界、改造世界的能力。
The Internet, as the common wealth of human society, has turned the Internet into a "global village." All countries are interconnected in the cyberspace, have intertwined interests, and face common advantages and challenges. It remains in line with the common interests of the international community and is its shared responsibility to maintain the peace and security of cyberspace, promote openness and cooperation, and jointly build a community with a common future in cyberspace. 作为人类社会的共同财富,互联网让世界变成了“地球村”。各国在网络空间互联互通,利益交融,休戚与共。维护网络空间和平与安全,促进开放与合作,共同构建网络空间命运共同体,符合国际社会的共同利益,也是国际社会的共同责任。
The International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace is a comprehensive explanation of China's policy and stance on international issues relating to cyberspace and a systematic illustration of the basic principles, strategic objectives and action priorities in China's foreign-related work in the cyberspace field and aims to guide China in participating in the international cooperation and exchange in cyberspace in the future, promoting the international community in working together, enhancing dialog and cooperation, jointly building a peaceful, safe, open, cooperative and orderly cyberspace, and developing a multilateral, democratic and transparent global Internet governance system. 《网络空间国际合作战略》全面宣示中国在网络空间相关国际问题上的政策立场,系统阐释中国开展网络领域对外工作的基本原则、战略目标和行动要点,旨在指导中国今后一个时期参与网络空间国际交流与合作,推动国际社会携手努力,加强对话合作,共同构建和平、安全、开放、合作、有序的网络空间,建立多边、民主、透明的全球互联网治理体系。
Chapter I Opportunities and Challenges 

第一章 机遇与挑战

Mankind has entered a new era of information revolution against the backdrop of the in-depth development of multipolarization, economic globalization and cultural diversification and the profound change in the global governance system. Information telecommunications technologies represented by the Internet are developing dramatically, which has profoundly changed the way of people's work and life and is increasingly stimulating market innovation, promoting economic prosperity and advancing social development. Cyberspace is becoming a new channel of information dissemination, a new space for work and life, a new engine for economic development, a new vehicle for cultural prosperity, a new platform for social governance, a new bond for exchange and cooperation, and a new frontier of sovereignty. 在世界多极化、经济全球化、文化多样化深入发展,全球治理体系深刻变革的背景下,人类迎来了信息革命的新时代。以互联网为代表的信息通信技术日新月异,深刻改变了人们的生产和生活方式,日益激励市场创新、促进经济繁荣、推动社会发展。网络空间越来越成为信息传播的新渠道、生产生活的新空间、经济发展的新引擎、文化繁荣的新载体、社会治理的新平台、交流合作的新纽带、国家主权的新疆域。
Cyberspace has brought tremendous opportunities to human in addition to a number of new issues and challenges, and its security and stability have become a global concern relating to the sovereignty, security and development interests of all countries. The problems in the Internet field including unbalanced development, incomplete rules and unreasonable order are becoming increasingly prominent. The "digital gap" among countries and regions is constantly widening. Key information infrastructure is accompanied with high hidden risks. It is difficult for the global basic Internet resource management system to reflect the wills and interests of most countries. Cyber-terrorism has become a common danger globally, and cybercrimes tend to spread. Occasionally, interference with the internal affairs of other countries by abusing information and communications technology and extensive cyber surveillance and other activities take place. There are no international rules effectively reining in the conduct of all parties in cyberspace, which restricts its development. 网络空间给人类带来巨大机遇,同时也带来了不少新的课题和挑战,网络空间的安全与稳定成为攸关各国主权、安全和发展利益的全球关切。互联网领域发展不平衡、规则不健全、秩序不合理等问题日益凸显。国家和地区间的“数字鸿沟”不断拉大。关键信息基础设施存在较大风险隐患。全球互联网基础资源管理体系难以反映大多数国家意愿和利益。网络恐怖主义成为全球公害,网络犯罪呈蔓延之势。滥用信息通信技术干涉别国内政、从事大规模网络监控等活动时有发生。网络空间缺乏普遍有效规范各方行为的国际规则,自身发展受到制约。
As no country can cope with the problems and challenges on its own, the international community shall hold talks and cooperate with a spirit of mutual respect and understanding to realize the global governance of cyberspace on the basis of rules. 面对问题和挑战,任何国家都难以独善其身,国际社会应本着相互尊重、互谅互让的精神,开展对话与合作,以规则为基础实现网络空间全球治理。
Chapter II Basic Principles 

第二章 基本原则

As a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a guardian of international order, China unswervingly takes a path of peaceful development, adheres to correct view of righteousness andbenefit, and prompts the establishment of a new cooperative, win-win international relationship. China's International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace, with peaceful development as its theme and cooperation and win-win as its core, advocates the basic principles of peace, sovereignty, co-governance and inclusiveness in international exchange and cooperation in cyberspace. 中国始终是世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者。中国坚定不移走和平发展道路,坚持正确义利观,推动建立合作共赢的新型国际关系。中国网络空间国际合作战略以和平发展为主题,以合作共赢为核心,倡导和平、主权、共治、普惠作为网络空间国际交流与合作的基本原则。
1. Principle of Peace   一、和平原则
Owing to the interconnection in cyberspace and constantly deepening integration of all countries' interests, a safe, stable and prosperous cyberspace is significant for all countries and even the world. 网络空间互联互通,各国利益交融不断深化,一个安全稳定繁荣的网络空间,对各国乃至世界都具有重大意义。
The international community shall practically observe the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, especially the principles of refraining from the threat or use of force and settling disputes by peaceful means, so as to ensure the peace and security of cyberspace. All countries shall jointly object to hostile and aggressive actions taken by means of information and communications technologies, prevent cyber arms races and cyberspace conflicts, and adhere to settlement of disputes in cyberspace by peaceful means, while rejecting Cold War mentality, zero-sum game and double standards, and seeking peace through cooperation and devoting themselves to realizing their own security through common security on the basis of full respect for other countries' security. 国际社会要切实遵守《联合国宪章》宗旨与原则,特别是不使用或威胁使用武力、和平解决争端的原则,确保网络空间的和平与安全。各国应共同反对利用信息通信技术实施敌对行动和侵略行径,防止网络军备竞赛,防范网络空间冲突,坚持以和平方式解决网络空间的争端。应摒弃冷战思维、零和博弈和双重标准,在充分尊重别国安全的基础上,以合作谋和平,致力于在共同安全中实现自身安全。
Cyber-terrorism poses a new threat to international peace and security. The international community shall take effective measures to prevent and cooperatively combat cyber-terrorist activities, and prevent terrorists from propagandizing terrorist and extreme thoughts through the Internet as well as planning and carrying out terrorist activities. 网络恐怖主义是影响国际和平与安全的新威胁。国际社会要采取切实措施,预防并合作打击网络恐怖主义活动。防范恐怖分子利用网络宣传恐怖极端思想,策划和实施恐怖主义活动。
2. Principle of Sovereignty   二、主权原则
The equal sovereignty principle enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, as a basic norm in contemporary international relationships, covers all aspects of state-to-state relations, and shall also apply to cyberspace. Countries shall respect each other's rights to autonomously choose the path of cyber development, model of cyber administration and public policies for the Internet and equally participate in international cyberspace governance, instead of pursuing cyber hegemony, intervening in other countries' internal affairs, or conducting, conniving at or supporting cyber activities detrimental to other countries' national security. 联合国宪章》确立的主权平等原则是当代国际关系的基本准则,覆盖国与国交往各个领域,也应该适用于网络空间。国家间应该相互尊重自主选择网络发展道路、网络管理模式、互联网公共政策和平等参与国际网络空间治理的权利,不搞网络霸权,不干涉他国内政,不从事、纵容或支持危害他国国家安全的网络活动。
Specifying sovereignty in cyberspace not only reflects governments' duty and right to administer cyberspace in accordance with the law, but also is helpful to prompt countries to build platforms for positive interactions among governments, businesses and social groups, so as to create a sound eco-environment for the development of information technology and international exchange and cooperation. 明确网络空间的主权,既能体现各国政府依法管理网络空间的责任和权利,也有助于推动各国构建政府、企业和社会团体之间良性互动的平台,为信息技术的发展以及国际交流与合作营造一个健康的生态环境。
Each government has the right to administer cyberspace under the law, has jurisdiction over local information and communications infrastructure, resources and activities within its territory, and is entitled to protect its country's information systems and resources from threat, disruption, attack and sabotage and safeguard citizens' lawful rights and interests in cyberspace. Each government has the right to develop its public policies, laws and regulations as to the Internet, free from any external interference. Each country needs to perform corresponding obligations when exercising its rights according to the equal sovereignty principle. No country may use information and communications technologies to intervene in another country's internal affairs or use its advantages to the detriment of the security of the supply chain of information and communications technology products and services in another country. 各国政府有权依法管网,对本国境内信息通信基础设施和资源、信息通信活动拥有管辖权,有权保护本国信息系统和信息资源免受威胁、干扰、攻击和破坏,保障公民在网络空间的合法权益。各国政府有权制定本国互联网公共政策和法律法规,不受任何外来干预。各国在根据主权平等原则行使自身权利的同时,也需履行相应的义务。各国不得利用信息通信技术干涉别国内政,不得利用自身优势损害别国信息通信技术产品和服务供应链安全。
3. Principle of Co-Governance   三、共治原则
Cyberspace is a common space of activities for mankind requiring the jointly building and governance of all countries in the world. In international cyberspace governance, multilateral participation shall be adhered to in the first place. Countries, small or large, weak or strong, poor or rich, are equal members to the international community and all have the right to equally participate in the building of the international order and rules of cyberspace through international cyberspace governance mechanisms and platforms, in order to ensure that the future development of cyberspace is in the hands of the people of all countries. 网络空间是人类共同的活动空间,需要世界各国共同建设,共同治理。网络空间国际治理,首先应坚持多边参与。国家不分大小、强弱、贫富,都是国际社会平等成员,都有权通过国际网络治理机制和平台,平等参与网络空间的国际秩序与规则建设,确保网络空间的未来发展由各国人民共同掌握。
Second, multi-party participation shall be insisted on. Governments, international organizations, internet enterprises, technology communities, non-governmental organizations, citizens and other parties shall be allowed to play their roles, and an all-around, multi-tier governance platform shall be set up. All countries shall strengthen communications and exchange, improve the cyberspace dialog and negotiation mechanisms, and team up to develop international cyberspace rules. The United Nations, as a major channel, shall fully play its role in making overall arrangements, coordinate the positions of each party, and build international consensus. Other international mechanisms and platforms shall also use their respective advantages to make useful supplements. The international community shall jointly administer and equitably distribute basic internet resources and develop a multilateral, democratic and transparent global internet governance system in order to realize sharing of internet resources, apportionment of responsibilities, and cooperation and joint governance. 其次,应坚持多方参与。应发挥政府、国际组织、互联网企业、技术社群、民间机构、公民个人等各主体作用,构建全方位、多层面的治理平台。各国应加强沟通交流,完善网络空间对话协商机制,共同制定网络空间国际规则。联合国作为重要渠道,应充分发挥统筹作用,协调各方立场,凝聚国际共识。其它国际机制和平台也应发挥各自优势,提供有益补充。国际社会应共同管理和公平分配互联网基础资源,建立多边、民主、透明的全球互联网治理体系,实现互联网资源共享、责任共担、合作共治。
4. Principle of Inclusiveness   四、普惠原则
The integrated development of the Internet and all industries has an overall, revolutionary impact on the economic structure, social modality and innovation system of each country and provides powerful driving forces for world economic growth and realization of sustainable development objectives. It will provide assistance in the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to promote that the Internet universally benefits all regions and countries. 互联网与各行业的融合发展,对各国经济结构、社会形态和创新体系产生着全局性、革命性影响,为世界经济增长和实现可持续发展目标提供了强劲动力。促进互联网效益普遍惠及各地区和国家,将为2030年可持续发展议程的有效落实提供助力。
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