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Mental Health Law of the People's Republic of China (2018 Amendment) [Effective]
中华人民共和国精神卫生法(2018修正) [现行有效]

Mental Health Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国精神卫生法
(Promulgated by Order No. 62 of the President of the People's Republic of China on October 26, 2012, and amended according to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to Amend Six Laws Including the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China, by Order No. 6 of the President of the People's Republic of China on April 27, 2018) (2012年10月26日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议通过 根据2018年4月27日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法〉等六部法律的决定》修正)


Table of Contents 目录

Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Psychological Health Promotion and Mental Disorder Prevention 第二章 心理健康促进和精神障碍预防
Chapter III Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders 第三章 精神障碍的诊断和治疗
Chapter IV Rehabilitation of Mental Disorders 第四章 精神障碍的康复
Chapter V Safeguards 第五章 保障措施
Chapter VI Legal Liability 第六章 法律责任
Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions 第七章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Law is formulated for purposes of developing the cause of mental health, regulating mental health services, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of patients with mental disorders.   第一条 为了发展精神卫生事业,规范精神卫生服务,维护精神障碍患者的合法权益,制定本法。
Article 2 This Law shall apply to the activities of maintenance and enhancement of citizens' psychological health, prevention and treatment of mental disorders and promotion of rehabilitation of patients with mental disorders that are carried out within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内开展维护和增进公民心理健康、预防和治疗精神障碍、促进精神障碍患者康复的活动,适用本法。
Article 3 The mental health work shall implement the prevention-oriented guideline, and adhere to the principle of combination of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.   第三条 精神卫生工作实行预防为主的方针,坚持预防、治疗和康复相结合的原则。
Article 4 The personality, dignity, and personal and property safety of the patients with mental disorders are inviolable.   第四条 精神障碍患者的人格尊严、人身和财产安全不受侵犯。
The lawful rights and interests of the patients with mental disorders in terms of education, employment, medical treatment, obtainment of material assistance from the state and society and other lawful rights and interests shall be protected by law. 精神障碍患者的教育、劳动、医疗以及从国家和社会获得物质帮助等方面的合法权益受法律保护。
The relevant entities and individuals shall keep confidential the name, portrait, address, employer, and medical records of the patients with mental disorders and other information from which the identities of the patients with mental disorders may be inferred; unless the disclosure of such information is necessary for the entities and individuals to perform their duties according to law. 有关单位和个人应当对精神障碍患者的姓名、肖像、住址、工作单位、病历资料以及其他可能推断出其身份的信息予以保密;但是,依法履行职责需要公开的除外。
Article 5 The whole society shall respect, understand and care for the patients with mental disorders.   第五条 全社会应当尊重、理解、关爱精神障碍患者。
No organizations or individuals may discriminate against, insult, or maltreat the patients with mental disorders, or illegally restrict their personal freedom. 任何组织或者个人不得歧视、侮辱、虐待精神障碍患者,不得非法限制精神障碍患者的人身自由。
No news reports or literary and artistic works may contain contents of discriminating against or insulting the patients with mental disorders. 新闻报道和文学艺术作品等不得含有歧视、侮辱精神障碍患者的内容。
Article 6 The comprehensive management mechanism under which the governments are responsible for organization and guidance, the departments perform their respective duties, families and entities try their best and fulfill their duties and the whole society participate shall apply to the mental health work.   第六条 精神卫生工作实行政府组织领导、部门各负其责、家庭和单位尽力尽责、全社会共同参与的综合管理机制。
Article 7 The people's governments at or above the county level shall lead the mental health work, include it into the national economic and social development plan, establish and improve the service systems for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of mental disorders, establish and improve the mental health work coordination mechanism and work responsibility system, and assess and supervise the mental health work undertaken by the relevant departments.   第七条 县级以上人民政府领导精神卫生工作,将其纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,建设和完善精神障碍的预防、治疗和康复服务体系,建立健全精神卫生工作协调机制和工作责任制,对有关部门承担的精神卫生工作进行考核、监督。
The people's governments at the township level and sub-district offices shall, in accordance with the local actual conditions, organize the activities of preventing the occurrence of mental disorders, promoting the rehabilitation of the patients with mental disorders and other activities. 乡镇人民政府和街道办事处根据本地区的实际情况,组织开展预防精神障碍发生、促进精神障碍患者康复等工作。
Article 8 The health administrative department of the State Council shall take charge of the mental health work throughout the country. The health administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall take charge of the mental health work within their respective administrative regions.   第八条 国务院卫生行政部门主管全国的精神卫生工作。县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门主管本行政区域的精神卫生工作。
The departments of justice, civil affairs, public security, education, and medical insurance of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the relevant mental health work within the scope of their respective duties. 县级以上人民政府司法行政、民政、公安、教育、医疗保障等部门在各自职责范围内负责有关的精神卫生工作。
Article 9 The guardians of patients with mental disorders shall fulfill the duties of guardianship and protect the lawful rights and interests of the patients with mental disorders.   第九条 精神障碍患者的监护人应当履行监护职责,维护精神障碍患者的合法权益。
Family violence against and abandonment of the patients with mental disorders shall be prohibited. 禁止对精神障碍患者实施家庭暴力,禁止遗弃精神障碍患者。
Article 10 The China Disabled Persons' Federation and its local organizations shall, in accordance with laws and regulations or under the entrustment by governments, mobilize social forces to carry out mental health work.   第十条 中国残疾人联合会及其地方组织依照法律、法规或者接受政府委托,动员社会力量,开展精神卫生工作。
Villagers' committees and residents' committees shall carry out mental health work in accordance with the provisions of this Law and assist the local people's governments in carrying out mental health work. 村民委员会、居民委员会依照本法的规定开展精神卫生工作,并对所在地人民政府开展的精神卫生工作予以协助。
The state shall encourage and support trade unions, communist youth leagues, women's federations, the Red Cross, science and technology associations and other groups to carry out mental health work in accordance with law. 国家鼓励和支持工会、共产主义青年团、妇女联合会、红十字会、科学技术协会等团体依法开展精神卫生工作。
Article 11 The state shall encourage and support the training of mental health professionals, protect the lawful rights and interests of mental health staff and strengthen the building of professional mental health teams.   第十一条 国家鼓励和支持开展精神卫生专门人才的培养,维护精神卫生工作人员的合法权益,加强精神卫生专业队伍建设。
The state shall encourage and support the scientific and technological research in mental health and the development of modern medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and psychology to improve the scientific and technological level in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of mental disorders. 国家鼓励和支持开展精神卫生科学技术研究,发展现代医学、我国传统医学、心理学,提高精神障碍预防、诊断、治疗、康复的科学技术水平。
The state shall encourage and support international exchange and cooperation in the field of mental health. 国家鼓励和支持开展精神卫生领域的国际交流与合作。
Article 12 The people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall take measures to encourage and provide support for organizations and individuals to provide mental health volunteer services, contribute money to the cause of mental health, and build public mental health facilities.   第十二条 各级人民政府和县级以上人民政府有关部门应当采取措施,鼓励和支持组织、个人提供精神卫生志愿服务,捐助精神卫生事业,兴建精神卫生公益设施。
The organizations and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the mental health work shall be commended or rewarded in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state. 对在精神卫生工作中作出突出贡献的组织、个人,按照国家有关规定给予表彰、奖励。
Chapter II Psychological Health Promotion and Mental Disorder Prevention 

第二章 心理健康促进和精神障碍预防

Article 13 The people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall take measures to strengthen the psychological health promotion and mental disorder prevention and improve the level of psychological health of the public.   第十三条 各级人民政府和县级以上人民政府有关部门应当采取措施,加强心理健康促进和精神障碍预防工作,提高公众心理健康水平。
Article 14 The emergency plans formulated by the people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall contain contents of psychological assistance. In case of any emergency, the people's government fulfilling the unified leadership responsibility or organizing the disposal of emergencies shall, in accordance with the specific circumstances of the emergency, organize psychological assistance under the emergency plan.   第十四条 各级人民政府和县级以上人民政府有关部门制定的突发事件应急预案,应当包括心理援助的内容。发生突发事件,履行统一领导职责或者组织处置突发事件的人民政府应当根据突发事件的具体情况,按照应急预案的规定,组织开展心理援助工作。
Article 15 Employers shall create a work environment conducive to the physical and psychological health of employees, pay attention to the psychological health of employees and, for employees in a specific period of career development or at specific positions, conduct targeted psychological health education.   第十五条 用人单位应当创造有益于职工身心健康的工作环境,关注职工的心理健康;对处于职业发展特定时期或者在特殊岗位工作的职工,应当有针对性地开展心理健康教育。
Article 16 The schools at various levels and of various types shall educate students on mental health knowledge, allocate or hire psychological health education teachers or counselors, and may set up psychological health counseling rooms to educate students on psychological health. Pre-school education institutions shall carry out mental health education on infants in line with their characteristics.   第十六条 各级各类学校应当对学生进行精神卫生知识教育;配备或者聘请心理健康教育教师、辅导人员,并可以设立心理健康辅导室,对学生进行心理健康教育。学前教育机构应当对幼儿开展符合其特点的心理健康教育。
In case of natural disasters, accidental injuries, public security events and other events that may affect the students' psychological health, the schools shall organize professionals to provide psychological assistance for students in a timely manner. 发生自然灾害、意外伤害、公共安全事件等可能影响学生心理健康的事件,学校应当及时组织专业人员对学生进行心理援助。
Teachers shall learn and understand the relevant knowledge about mental health, pay attention to the students' psychological health status, and correctly guide and inspire students. The administrative departments of education of local people's governments at all levels and schools shall pay attention to the psychological health of teachers. 教师应当学习和了解相关的精神卫生知识,关注学生心理健康状况,正确引导、激励学生。地方各级人民政府教育行政部门和学校应当重视教师心理健康。
Schools and teachers shall communicate with the students' parents or other guardians or close relatives about the students' psychological health conditions. 学校和教师应当与学生父母或者其他监护人、近亲属沟通学生心理健康情况。
Article 17 When providing disease diagnosis and treatment services, medical staff shall, in accordance with the requirements of diagnostic standards and treatment specifications, provide psychological health guidance for patients, and upon finding that a patient may suffer from mental disorders, advise him or her to go to a medical institution complying with the provisions of this Law for treatment.   第十七条 医务人员开展疾病诊疗服务,应当按照诊断标准和治疗规范的要求,对就诊者进行心理健康指导;发现就诊者可能患有精神障碍的,应当建议其到符合本法规定的医疗机构就诊。
Article 18 Prisons, detention houses, compulsory isolated drug rehabilitation centers and other places shall carry out publicity on the mental health knowledge for the persons serving sentences, legally detained, arrested or compulsorily isolated for drug rehabilitation, pay attention to their psychological health status and provide psychological counseling and guidance when necessary.   第十八条 监狱、看守所、拘留所、强制隔离戒毒所等场所,应当对服刑人员,被依法拘留、逮捕、强制隔离戒毒的人员等,开展精神卫生知识宣传,关注其心理健康状况,必要时提供心理咨询和心理辅导。
Article 19 The departments of human resources and social security, education, health, justice, and public security of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, within the scope of their respective duties, respectively supervise and guide the performance of the obligations of prevention of mental disorders by the entities as prescribed in Articles 15 to 18 of this Law.   第十九条 县级以上地方人民政府人力资源社会保障、教育、卫生、司法行政、公安等部门应当在各自职责范围内分别对本法第十五条至第十八条规定的单位履行精神障碍预防义务的情况进行督促和指导。
Article 20 Villagers' committees and residents' committees shall assist the local people's governments and the relevant departments thereof in carrying out community psychological health guidance and publicity and education on the mental health knowledge so as to create a community environment conducive to the physical and psychological health of residents.   第二十条 村民委员会、居民委员会应当协助所在地人民政府及其有关部门开展社区心理健康指导、精神卫生知识宣传教育活动,创建有益于居民身心健康的社区环境。
Township hospitals or community health service institutions shall provide technical guidance for villagers' committees and residents' committees to carry out community psychological health guidance and publicity and education on the mental health knowledge. 乡镇卫生院或者社区卫生服务机构应当为村民委员会、居民委员会开展社区心理健康指导、精神卫生知识宣传教育活动提供技术指导。
Article 21 Family members shall care for each other, create a good and harmonious family environment and improve the awareness of mental disorder prevention; if they find any of the family members may suffer from mental disorders, they shall help him or her to see a doctor in a timely manner, take care of his or her daily life, and perform well in nursing and management.   第二十一条 家庭成员之间应当相互关爱,创造良好、和睦的家庭环境,提高精神障碍预防意识;发现家庭成员可能患有精神障碍的,应当帮助其及时就诊,照顾其生活,做好看护管理。
Article 22 The state shall encourage and provide support for the news media and social organizations to carry out the public welfare publicity on mental health, popularize the mental health knowledge, and provide guidance to the public so that the public may pay attention to psychological health and prevent the occurrence of mental disorders.   第二十二条 国家鼓励和支持新闻媒体、社会组织开展精神卫生的公益性宣传,普及精神卫生知识,引导公众关注心理健康,预防精神障碍的发生。
Article 23 Psychological counselors shall improve their professional quality, and comply with the code of practice to provide professional psychological counseling services for the public.   第二十三条 心理咨询人员应当提高业务素质,遵守执业规范,为社会公众提供专业化的心理咨询服务。
Psychological counselors shall not engage in psychotherapy or the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders. 心理咨询人员不得从事心理治疗或者精神障碍的诊断、治疗。
If a psychological counselor finds that a person receiving counseling may suffer from mental disorders, he or she shall advise the person to go to a medical institution in compliance with the provisions of this Law for treatment. 心理咨询人员发现接受咨询的人员可能患有精神障碍的,应当建议其到符合本法规定的医疗机构就诊。
Psychological counselors shall respect the privacy of the persons receiving counseling, and keep secrets for them. 心理咨询人员应当尊重接受咨询人员的隐私,并为其保守秘密。
Article 24 The health administrative department of the State Council shall establish a mental health monitoring network, implement the system of reporting the incidence of severe mental disorders, and organize the monitoring and special survey of the occurrence conditions and development trends of mental disorders. The health administrative department of the State Council shall formulate administrative measures for the monitoring of mental health and reporting of incidence of severe mental disorders.   第二十四条 国务院卫生行政部门建立精神卫生监测网络,实行严重精神障碍发病报告制度,组织开展精神障碍发生状况、发展趋势等的监测和专题调查工作。精神卫生监测和严重精神障碍发病报告管理办法,由国务院卫生行政部门制定。
The health administrative department of the State Council shall, jointly with the relevant departments and organizations, establish a mental health information sharing mechanism to realize information interconnection, interflow, exchange and sharing. 国务院卫生行政部门应当会同有关部门、组织,建立精神卫生工作信息共享机制,实现信息互联互通、交流共享。
Chapter III Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders 

第三章 精神障碍的诊断和治疗

Article 25 To carry out the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders, a medical institution shall meet the following conditions, and go through the relevant formalities in accordance with the provisions on the administration of medical institutions:   第二十五条 开展精神障碍诊断、治疗活动,应当具备下列条件,并依照医疗机构的管理规定办理有关手续:
(1) having psychiatric practicing physicians and nurses commensurate with the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders it is to engage in; (一)有与从事的精神障碍诊断、治疗相适应的精神科执业医师、护士;
(2) having the facilities and equipment meeting the needs for making diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders; and (二)有满足开展精神障碍诊断、治疗需要的设施和设备;
(3) having sound management rules for the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders and quality monitoring and control rules. (三)有完善的精神障碍诊断、治疗管理制度和质量监控制度。
A specialized medical institution engaging in the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders shall also be equipped with the personnel engaging in psychotherapy. 从事精神障碍诊断、治疗的专科医疗机构还应当配备从事心理治疗的人员。
Article 26 The diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders shall follow the principles of protecting the lawful rights and interests of patients and respecting the personality of patients, and ensure that the patients can obtain good mental health services under existing conditions.   第二十六条 精神障碍的诊断、治疗,应当遵循维护患者合法权益、尊重患者人格尊严的原则,保障患者在现有条件下获得良好的精神卫生服务。
The health administrative department of the State Council shall organize the formulation of the classification of, and diagnostic standards and treatment specifications for mental disorders. 精神障碍分类、诊断标准和治疗规范,由国务院卫生行政部门组织制定。
Article 27 The diagnosis of mental disorders shall be based on the mental health conditions.   第二十七条 精神障碍的诊断应当以精神健康状况为依据。
No medical examination may be conducted on a person against his or her own will to determine whether he or she suffers from mental disorders unless it is otherwise prescribed by law. 除法律另有规定外,不得违背本人意志进行确定其是否患有精神障碍的医学检查。
Article 28 In addition to going to a medical institution for mental disorder diagnosis by oneself, the close relative of a patient with suspected mental disorders may send the patient to a medical institution for the diagnosis of mental disorders. For vagrants and beggars with suspected mental disorders whose close relatives can not be found, the local departments of civil affairs and other relevant departments shall, according to the division of duties, provide assistance and send them to medical institutions for the diagnosis of mental disorders.   第二十八条 除个人自行到医疗机构进行精神障碍诊断外,疑似精神障碍患者的近亲属可以将其送往医疗机构进行精神障碍诊断。对查找不到近亲属的流浪乞讨疑似精神障碍患者,由当地民政等有关部门按照职责分工,帮助送往医疗机构进行精神障碍诊断。
Where a patient with suspected mental disorders has committed any act of harming himself or herself or endangering the safety of others, or has the potential to commit the said act, his or her close relatives, employer or local public security organ shall immediately take measures to stop him or her and send him or her to a medical institution for the diagnosis of mental disorders. 疑似精神障碍患者发生伤害自身、危害他人安全的行为,或者有伤害自身、危害他人安全的危险的,其近亲属、所在单位、当地公安机关应当立即采取措施予以制止,并将其送往医疗机构进行精神障碍诊断。
A medical institution which has received a patient with suspected mental disorders who is sent for diagnosis shall not refuse to make the diagnosis. 医疗机构接到送诊的疑似精神障碍患者,不得拒绝为其作出诊断。
Article 29 The diagnosis of mental disorders shall be made by practicing psychiatrists.   第二十九条 精神障碍的诊断应当由精神科执业医师作出。
When a medical institution receives a patient with suspected mental disorders who is sent for diagnosis under the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 28 of this Law, it shall hospitalize the patient, immediately assign a practicing psychiatrist to make diagnosis and issue a diagnostic conclusion in a timely manner. 医疗机构接到依照本法第二十八条第二款规定送诊的疑似精神障碍患者,应当将其留院,立即指派精神科执业医师进行诊断,并及时出具诊断结论。
Article 30 The hospitalization of patients suspected of mental disorders shall observe the principle of free will.   第三十条 精神障碍的住院治疗实行自愿原则。
If the diagnostic conclusion or the assessment of the state of illness shows that the patient suffers from severe mental disorders and falls under any of the following circumstances, he or she shall be hospitalized: 诊断结论、病情评估表明,就诊者为严重精神障碍患者并有下列情形之一的,应当对其实施住院治疗:
(1) having committed any act of harming himself or herself or having the potential to harm himself or herself; or (一)已经发生伤害自身的行为,或者有伤害自身的危险的;
(2) having committed any act of endangering the safety of others or having the potential to endanger the safety of others. (二)已经发生危害他人安全的行为,或者有危害他人安全的危险的。
Article 31 Where a patient with mental disorders falls under the circumstance as prescribed in paragraph 2 (1) of Article 30 of this Law, a medical institution shall, with the consent of the guardian of the patient, hospitalize the patient; if the guardian of the patient disagrees on hospitalization, a medical institution shall not hospitalize the patient. The guardian shall take good care and management of the patient living at home.   第三十一条 精神障碍患者有本法第三十条第二款第一项情形的,经其监护人同意,医疗机构应当对患者实施住院治疗;监护人不同意的,医疗机构不得对患者实施住院治疗。监护人应当对在家居住的患者做好看护管理。
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