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Notice by the General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of the Relevant Requirements for the Submission of Rate Plans in Regions Implementing the Pilot Program of the Self-determined Pricing Reform of Commercial Motor Vehicle Insurance | | 中国银行保险监督管理委员会办公厅关于商业车险自主定价改革试点地区费率方案报送有关要求的通知 |
(No. 28 [2018] of the General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission) | | (银保监办发〔2018〕28号) |
All property insurance companies: | | 各财产保险公司: |
For the purposes of regulating the submission of the product rate plans in regions implementing the pilot program of the self-determined pricing reform of commercial motor vehicle insurance (hereinafter referred to as the “rate plans”), and ensuring the orderly proceeding of the pilot program, you are hereby notified of the relevant requirements for the submission as follows: | | 为规范商业车险自主定价改革试点地区产品费率方案(以下简称费率方案)的报送工作,确保试点工作有序进行,现将报送工作有关要求通知如下: |
I. All property insurance companies shall, when developing rate plans, strictly follow the principles of rationality, fairness and sufficiency, and such plans shall be free of any factor leading to unfair competition. | | 一、各财产保险公司制定费率方案时,应严格遵循合理、公平、充足的原则,不得存在导致不正当竞争的因素。 |
II. When property insurance companies using the model clauses of the Insurance Association of China on commercial insurance for motor vehicles determine the commercial motor vehicle insurance rates in regions implementing the pilot program, the rate adjustment schemes for benchmark pure risk premium, No Claim Discount coefficient and traffic violation coefficient shall be governed, mutatis mutandis, by the premium rate benchmarks set by the Insurance Association of China. The predetermined surcharge rate shall not exceed 35%, a property insurance company whose predetermined surcharge rate is 35% is not required to give an explanation, and a property insurance company whose predetermined surcharge rate is lower than 35% shall give an explanation. | | 二、使用中国保险行业协会机动车商业保险示范条款的财产保险公司在厘定试点地区商业车险费率时,基准纯风险保费、无赔款优待系数和交通违法系数费率调整方案应参照中国保险行业协会拟订的费率基准执行。附加费用率预定不得超过35%,附加费用率预定为35%的财产保险公司不需要解释说明,附加费用率预定低于35%的财产保险公司应进行解释说明。 |
III. The senior executives in charge of actuarial affairs or chief actuaries of all property insurance companies shall be responsible for the development of the rate plans, the senior executives in charge of the motor vehicle insurance business shall be responsible for the management and control of the implementation of the rate plans, and the aforesaid senior executives shall sign the responsibility statements. Chief actuaries (or persons in charge of actuarial affairs) shall issue actuarial assessment opinions on the rate plans and affix signatures thereto. See Annex 1 for the template of the responsibility statements and actuarial assessment opinions. | | 三、各财产保险公司分管精算的高级管理人员或总精算师对费率方案的制定负责,分管车险业务的高级管理人员对费率方案执行情况的管控负责,上述高级管理人员应签署责任声明书。总精算师(或精算责任人)对费率方案出具精算评估意见并签名。责任声明书及精算评估意见的模板见附件1。 |
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