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Notice by the Administration of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen of Issuing the Detailed Implementation Rules for the Several Measures for Supporting the Development of Youths from Hong Kong and Macao in Qianhai [Effective]
深圳市前海深港现代服务业合作区管理局关于印发《<关于支持港澳青年在前海发展的若干措施>实施细则》的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the Administration of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen of Issuing the Detailed Implementation Rules for the Several Measures for Supporting the Development of Youths from Hong Kong and Macao in Qianhai 


(No. 7 [2019] of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen) (深前海规〔2019〕7号)

All relevant entities: 各有关单位:
For the purposes of comprehensively implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era and the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, implementing the spirit of the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping to Guangdong and his important instructions given to Shenzhen, and actively implementing the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area approved by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, according to the Several Measures for Supporting the Development of Youths from Hong Kong and Macao in Qianhai (No. 4 [2019] of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen), the Detailed Implementation Rules for the Several Measures for Supporting the Development of Youths from Hong Kong and Macao in Qianhai are hereby developed and issued for your compliance. 为全面贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻落实习近平总书记对广东重要讲话精神和对深圳、前海的重要批示指示要求,积极落实党中央、国务院批准的《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》,根据《关于支持港澳青年在前海发展的若干措施》(深前海规〔2019〕4号),特制定《〈关于支持港澳青年在前海发展的若干措施〉实施细则》,现予印发,请遵照执行。
Administration of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen 深圳市前海深港现代服务业合作区管理局
May 29, 2019 2019年5月29日
Detailed Implementation Rules for the Several Measures for Supporting the Development of Youths from Hong Kong and Macao in Qianhai 《关于支持港澳青年在前海发展的若干措施》实施细则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 For the purposes of implementing the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, taking the lead in building an innovation and business startup base for youths from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, advancing the integrated development of youths from Hong Kong and Macao in Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen (hereinafter referred to as “Qianhai”), and promoting the integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the overall development of the state, these Measures are developed according to the Interim Measures for the Administration of Industrial Development Funds in Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen (No. 43 [2015] of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen) and the Several Measures for Supporting the Development of Youths from Hong Kong and Macao in Qianhai (No. 4 [2019] of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen, hereinafter referred to as the “Several Measures”) and in light of the development reality in Qianhai.   第一条 为落实国家《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》,率先建设粤港澳青年创新创业基地,推动港澳青年在前海深港现代服务业合作区(以下简称前海)聚集发展,促进香港、澳门融入国家发展大局,根据《深圳前海深港现代服务业合作区产业发展资金管理暂行办法》(深前海〔2015〕43号)、《关于支持港澳青年在前海发展的若干措施》(深前海规〔2019〕4号,以下简称《若干措施》),结合前海实际发展情况,制定本办法。
Article 2 The arrangement for and use of various types of supportive and incentive funds for serving and guaranteeing the internship, employment, innovation, business startup, life, and development of youths from Hong Kong and Macao in Qianhai according to these Several Measures shall be governed by these Detailed Implementation Rules.   第二条 根据《若干措施》为港澳青年在前海实习就业、创新创业以及生活发展提供服务保障的各类扶持奖励资金安排使用,适用于本实施细则。
Article 3 For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, “supportive and incentive funds” are established under the Qianhai Industrial Development Funds. The funds shall be managed and used under the principles of “openness, fairness, impartiality, and effectiveness,” and according to the rules of “application by entities, approval of conditions, decision-making by departments, publicity, supervision and inspection.” Applicants recognized by the Administration of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen (hereinafter referred to as the “Qianhai Administration”) to meet the conditions shall be granted subsidies.   第三条 前款所称扶持奖励资金在前海产业发展资金下设立。资金的管理和使用遵循“公开、公平、公正、实效”的原则,实行“单位申报、条件核准、部门决策、社会公示、监督检查”的制度,对经深圳市前海深港现代服务业合作区管理局(以下简称前海管理局)认定符合规定条件的申请主体给予资助。
Chapter II Supporting the Internship and Employment of Youths from Hong Kong and Macao 

第二章 支持港澳青年实习和就业

Article 4 Enterprises and public institutions in Qianhai that establish scholarships and student grants at colleges and universities in Hong Kong and Macao (see Annex 1) and that concurrently meet the following conditions shall be granted up to 250,000 yuan of supporting subsidies each year at one time on the basis of 50% of the actual expenditures of the funds used for the scholarships and student grants for colleges and universities:   第四条 前海企事业单位在港澳高校(见附件1)设立奖助学金同时符合下列条件,按其当年用于高校奖助学金实际支出的50%一次性给予每年最高25万元配套资助:
(1) They cooperate with colleges and universities in Hong Kong and Macao in establishing scholarships and student grants titled “Scholarship (Grant) of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation Zone-XX (Entity Name).” (一)与港澳高校合作设立奖助学金,并冠名“前海深港合作区-XX(单位名称)奖(助)学金”。
(2) Their college scholarship programs are approved by the Qianhai Administration. (二)设立高校奖助学金方案获得前海管理局认可。
(3) They provide internship or employment opportunities for youths from Hong Kong and Macao that have obtained scholarships and student grants. (三)为获得奖助学金的港澳青年提供实习或就业机会。
The total amount of subsidies shall not exceed 2 million yuan per year, and subsidies for a same enterprise and institution shall not exceed 3 years. 该项资助每年总额不超过200万元,对同一企事业单位的资助不超过3年。
Article 5 Enterprises and public institutions in Qianhai that provide internship positions for youths from Hong Kong and Macao participating in the “Internship Program for Youths from Hong Kong in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” (Sponsored by the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, the People's Government of Guangdong Province and the Home Affairs Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) or the “Internship Program for Youths from Macao in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” (Sponsored by the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, the People's Government of Guangdong Province and the Talents Development Committee of Macao) may obtain subsidies of 1,000 yuan per person per month for every young college student from Hong Kong and Macao. The internship period for a young college student from Hong Kong and Macao shall be not shorter than one month but not longer than six months.   第五条 前海企事业单位为参与“粤港澳大湾区香港青年实习计划”(广东省人民政府港澳事务办公室、香港特区政府民政事务局主办)或“粤港澳大湾区澳门青年实习计划”(广东省人民政府港澳事务办公室、澳门人才发展委员会主办)的港澳青年提供实习岗位,每接收1名在校港澳青年大学生,实习单位可以按每人每月1000元标准获得资助。港澳青年大学生实习期至少1个月以上,但最长不超过6个月。
Article 6 Where a young graduate from Hong Kong or Macao meets the following conditions, a lump-sum subsidy of 10,000 yuan, 20,000 yuan, 30,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan shall be respectively granted to an entity employing a junior college graduate (including associate bachelor), bachelor, master and doctor:   第六条 港澳青年毕业生符合下列条件,分别给予大专(含副学士)1万元、本科生2万元、硕士3万元、博士5万元的一次性资助:
(1) He or she has education background of or above full-time junior college (including associate bachelor). The certificate submitted in the application for subsidies shall prevail for the education background. (一)具备全日制大专(含副学士)或以上学历,学历以申请资助时提交的凭证为准。
(2) He or she has entered into a labor contract of two or more years with an enterprise or public institution in Qianhai within five years from the date of issuance of the diploma (degree certificate), and has actually worked for this entity for one year. (二)毕业证(学位证)发放之日起,5年内与前海企事业单位签订2年期限以上的劳动合同且在该单位实际工作满1年。
An enterprise or public institution in Qianhai shall be granted 2,000 yuan of subsidies for employment of every young graduate from Hong Kong or Macao meeting the aforesaid conditions. 前海企事业单位每招用1名符合上述条件的港澳青年毕业生,给予用人单位2000元资助。
Article 7 A youth from Hong Kong or Macao who has obtained a registered qualification certificate of Hong Kong or Macao (see Annex 2), enters into a labor contract of two or more years with an enterprise or public institution in Qianhai, and has actually worked for the entity for one year may obtain a lump-sum subsidy of 50,000 yuan.   第七条 取得香港或澳门执业资格证书(见附件2)的港澳青年,与前海企事业单位签订2年期限以上劳动合同且在该单位实际工作满1年的,可以获得一次性5万元资助。
Article 8 A youth from Hong Kong or Macao who is determined as a high-level professional talent in Shenzhen or a candidate of the “Peacock Program” of high-level overseas talents during the period of business startup and employment in Qianhai shall be granted 1:1 supporting subsidies on the basis of the amount of the municipal subsidies. The subsidies shall be granted on average within 5 years.   第八条 港澳青年在前海创业就业期间,被认定为深圳市高层次专业人才或海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”人选,按市资助金额给予1∶1配套资助,资助分5年平均发放。
Chapter III Supporting Innovation and Business Startup of Youths from Hong Kong and Macao 

第三章 支持港澳青年创新创业

Article 9 An enterprise formed by a youth from Hong Kong or Macao meeting one of the following conditions may apply for corresponding subsidies:   第九条 港澳青年创办企业符合下列条件之一的,可申请相应资助:
(1) Where business startup subsidies of Shenzhen and business startup subsidies for business starters are obtained, 1:1 supporting subsidies shall be granted on the basis of the amount of municipal subsidies. (一)获得深圳市创业资助、创客创业资助,按市资助金额给予1∶1配套资助。
(2) Where subsidies for projects under the “Shenzhen/Hong Kong Innovation Circle” program of Shenzhen are obtained, 1:1 supporting subsidies shall be granted on the basis of the amount of municipal subsidies. (二)获得深圳市“深港创新圈”计划项目资助,按市资助金额给予1∶1配套资助。
(3) Where subsidies from the “Enterprise Support Program” of the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund or the “Entrepreneurship Matching Fund” of the Hong Kong Youth Development Fund are obtained, 1:1 supporting subsidies shall be granted on the basis of the amount of actual subsidies. (三)获得香港创新及科技基金“企业支援计划”或香港青年发展基金“创业配对基金”资助,按实际资助金额给予1∶1配套资助。
(4) Where subsidies from the Incu-App, the Incu-Tech and the Incu-Bio of the Hong Kong Science Park are obtained, 1:1 supporting subsidies shall be granted on the basis of the amount of actual subsidies. (四)获得香港科技园“网动科技创业培育计划”“科技创业培育计划”或“生物科技创业培育计划”资助,按实际资助金额给予1∶1配套资助。
(5) An enterprise that has been stationed in the business startup park sponsored by the Qianhai Administration for more than 6 months may be granted a lump-sum subsidy of 50,000 yuan. (五)入驻前海管理局主办的前海创业园区6个月以上,一次性给予5万元资助。
The aforesaid single subsidy shall not exceed 1 million yuan, and an enterprise meeting two or more conditions in an accumulated manner may enjoy superimposed subsidies up to 1 million yuan. 上述单项资助金额最高不超过100万元,累计符合两项以上条件的企业可享受叠加资助,总额最高不超过100万元。
Article 10 An enterprise formed by a youth from Hong Kong or Macao meeting one of the following conditions may apply for corresponding subsidies:   第十条 港澳青年创办企业符合下列条件之一的,可申请相应资助:
(1) Where an enterprise is stationed in the business startup park sponsored by the Qianhai Administration, subsidies for rent and property management fees (guiding price for the rent and property management fees issued by the park) shall be granted at the proportion of 80%, 50% and 20% respectively for the first year, the second year, and the third year. Subsidies shall not be granted to a same enterprise for over three years. (一)入驻前海管理局主办的创业园区,按第一年80%、第二年50%、第三年20%的比例资助企业租金和物管费用总额(园区官方发布租金和物管费用指导价)。对同一企业资助不超过3年。
(2) Where a Shenzhen scientific and technological innovation coupon is obtained, 1:1 supporting subsidies shall be granted on the basis of the actual amount of the scientific and technological innovation coupon used. (二)获得深圳市科技创新券,按科技创新券的实际使用额度给予1∶1配套资助。
(3) Where subsidies of a Hong Kong Technology Voucher Program are obtained, 1:1 supporting subsidies shall be granted on the basis of the actual amount of the technology voucher used. (三)获得香港科技券计划资助,按科技券的实际使用额度给予1∶1配套资助。
An enterprise that concurrently meets the aforesaid conditions in items (2) and (3) may enjoy superimposed subsidies, and the maximum amount of subsidies for the two items shall not exceed 100,000 yuan. 同时符合上述(二)(三)条件的企业,可享受叠加资助,两项总额资助最高不超过10万元。
Article 11 An enterprise formed by a youth from Hong Kong or Macao who has obtained 20 million yuan or more investment and whose business income in the previous year reaches 10 million yuan and average growth rate of business income in the most recent two years is not lower than 30% shall be granted a lump-sum subsidy of 1 million yuan.   第十一条 港澳青年创办企业累计获得人民币2000万元以上投资,上年度营业收入达到1000万元且近两年营业收入平均增长不低于30%,一次性给予100万元奖励资助。
Article 12 An enterprise or other independent incorporated institutions formed by a youth from Hong Kong or Macao meeting one of the following conditions may apply for corresponding subsidies; and an enterprise meeting two or more conditions in an accumulated manner may enjoy superimposed subsidies up to 10 million yuan:   第十二条 港澳青年创办企业或其他独立法人机构符合下列条件之一的,可申请相应资助;累计符合两项以上条件的企业,可享受叠加资助,总额最高不超过1000万元:
(1) Where it is selected as an innovation team of the Shenzhen “Peacock Program” or innovation and entrepreneurship team of the “Pearl River Talent Recruitment Program” of Guangdong Province, a lump-sum supporting subsidies of up to 8 million yuan shall be granted to the project supportive entity on the basis of 50% of the municipal subsidies. (一)入选为深圳市“孔雀计划”创新团队或广东省“珠江人才计划”创新创业团队,按市资助金额的50%一次性给予项目依托单位最高800万元配套资助。
(2) Where it is selected as a reserve high-level innovation and entrepreneurship project team of Shenzhen, a lump-sum supporting subsidies of up to 2.5 million yuan shall be granted to the project supportive entity on the basis of 50% of the municipal subsidies. (二)入选为深圳市高层次创新创业预备项目团队,按市资助金额的50%一次性给予项目依托单位最高250万元配套资助。
(3) Where it obtains HKD 6 million or more subsidies from the Enterprise Support Program of the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund, a lump-sum supporting subsidy of up to 3 million yuan shall be granted to the enterprise on the basis of 50% of the subsidies of the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Fund (converted into RMB at the real-time middle rate of the Hong Kong dollar on the date of application). (三)获得香港创新及科技基金企业支援计划资助港币600万元以上,按香港创新及科技基金的资助金额(按申报受理之日港币实时汇率的中间价折算成人民币)的50%一次性给予企业最高300万元配套资助。
Article 13 In the event of initial public offering of an enterprise formed by a youth from Hong Kong or Macao on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange or the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, a lump-sum subsidy of 2 million yuan shall be granted; and in the event of listing on the London Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq Stock Market or the Tokyo Stock Exchange, a lump-sum subsidy of 1 million yuan shall be granted.   第十三条 港澳青年创办企业实现首次公开上市,其中在上海证券交易所、深圳证券交易所或香港联交所上市,一次性给予200万元资助;在伦敦证券交易所、纽约证券交易所、纳斯达克证券市场或东京证券交易所上市,一次性给予100万元资助。
Article 14 Where an enterprise formed by a youth from Hong Kong or Macao is recognized as a new high-tech enterprise of the state for the first time, a lump-sum subsidy of 100,000 yuan shall be granted; and where an enterprise is recognized as a new high-tech enterprise in Shenzhen, a lump-sum subsidy of 50,000 yuan shall be granted.   第十四条 港澳青年创办企业首次通过国家高新技术企业认定,一次性给予10万元资助;通过深圳市高新技术企业认定,一次性给予5万元资助。
Article 15 After obtaining risk compensation paid by the municipal public finance for the bad debt arising from the first loan granted to an enterprise formed by a youth from Hong Kong or Macao, a banking financial institution in the city may apply to the Qianhai Administration for superimposed risk compensation. The compensation shall be paid to the banking financial institution in a lump-sum manner on the basis of 20% of the bad debt loss of a single enterprise, and shall not exceed 500,000 yuan.   第十五条 本市银行业金融机构向港澳青年创办企业发放首笔贷款产生的坏账获得市财政给予的风险补偿金后,可向前海管理局申请叠加风险补偿金。补偿标准按单个企业坏账损失的20%一次性给予银行业金融机构,最高不超过50万元。
Article 16 An enterprise formed by a youth from Hong Kong or Macao meeting one of the following conditions may apply for corresponding subsidies:   第十六条 港澳青年创办企业符合下列条件之一的,可申请相应资助:
(1) It wins the final of the grand industrial final of the China Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition or bonus of the comprehensive award of Maker in China of the China Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition. (一)获得中国创新创业大赛行业总决赛的决赛或中国创新创业大赛创客大赛综合奖奖金。
(2) It wins bonus in the industrial final or grand final of the China (Shenzhen) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (including international competition). (二)获得中国深圳创新创业大赛(含国际赛)行业决赛或总决赛奖金。
(3) It wins bonus in the final of the preliminary of the China (Shenzhen) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. (三)获得中国深圳创新创业大赛区赛(预选赛)决赛奖金。
1:1 supporting subsidies up to 1 million yuan shall be granted on the basis of the amount of the bonus. Where a same enterprise wins two or more competitions in a same year, subsidies shall be granted on the basis of the award of a higher level under the principle of “granting subsidies to winners of competitions at higher levels without repetition.” A same enterprise winning a competition of a higher level in a new year may re-apply for subsidies according to the aforesaid standards. 按获奖金额给予1∶1配套资助,最高不超过100万元。对同一企业在同一年度两项以上比赛获奖,按“就高从优不重复”的原则,资助奖金较高的一项。同一企业在新一年度更高级别比赛获奖,可按上述标准再次申请资助。
Article 17 An enterprise formed by a youth from Hong Kong or Macao applying to a banking financial institution in this city for loans and meeting one of the following conditions may apply for corresponding subsidies:   第十七条 港澳青年创办企业在本市银行业金融机构申请贷款且符合下列条件的,可申请相应资助:
(1) It is registered in Qianhai according to the law and has been formed for 2 or more years. (一)在前海依法注册设立时间不少于两年。
(2) Its main business income in the previous year is not more than 10 million yuan (inclusive). (二)上年度主营业务收入在1000万元(含)以下。
(3) It pays off loan principal and interest as scheduled. (三)按期还清贷款本息。
The subsidy standard shall be 50% of the actual loan interest of a single enterprise, and a lump-sum loan interest discount subsidy of up to 1 million yuan shall be granted each year at maximum. Subsidies shall be granted to a same enterprise not for over three years. 资助标准为按单个企业实际贷款利息的50%,一次性给予每年最高不超过100万元的贷款贴息资助。对同一企业资助期限不超过3年。
Chapter IV Improving the Development Platform for Youths from Hong Kong and Macao 

第四章 完善港澳青年发展平台

Article 18 Where the main business is in the field of professional service industry (see Annex 3) to be developed in priority in Qianhai and the following conditions are met, a lump-sum subsidy of 100,000 yuan shall be granted to the employer:   第十八条 主营业务属前海重点发展专业服务业(见附件3)领域且符合下列条件的,一次性给予用人单位10万元资助:
(1) 5 or more young professionals from Hong Kong and Macao that have obtained registered qualification certificates (see Annex 2) of Hong Kong and Macao are employed. (一)聘用5名以上具有香港或澳门执业资格证书(见附件2)的港澳青年专业人士。
(2) Young professionals from Hong Kong and Macao employed have entered into labor contracts of two or more years and have worked for the entity for one year. (二)与所聘用的港澳青年专业人士均签订2年期限以上劳动合同且该专业人士在该单位实际工作满1年。
Article 19 Where a scientific and technological innovation carrier of youths from Hong Kong and Macao undertakes a task for forming a project on the scientific and technological innovation platform and the project passes acceptance, an application for corresponding subsidies may be filed:   第十九条 港澳青年科技创新载体在前海承接下列科创平台项目的组建任务,且项目通过验收,可申请相应资助:
(1) For national-level scientific and technological innovation platforms (including national key laboratories, national engineering laboratories, national engineering research centers, and national engineering technical research centers), a lump-sum subsidy of up to 10 million yuan shall be granted to a scientific and technological innovation carrier of youths from Hong Kong and Macao on the basis of 50% of the municipal subsidies. (一)国家级科创平台(包括国家重点实验室,国家工程实验室,国家工程研究中心,国家工程技术研究中心),按市资助金额的50%一次性给予港澳青年科技创新载体最高1000万元资助。
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