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Announcement of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China | | 中华人民共和国最高人民法院公告 |
The Decision of the Supreme People's Court to Amend the Provisions on Evidence in Civil Procedures as adopted at the 1777th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on October 14, 2019, is hereby issued and shall come into force on May 1, 2020. | | 《最高人民法院关于修改<关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定>的决定》已于2019年10月14日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1777次会议通过,现予公布,自2020年5月1日起施行。 |
Supreme People's Court | | 最高人民法院 |
December 25, 2019 | | 2019年12月25日 |
Decision of the Supreme People's Court to Amend the Provisions on Evidence in Civil Procedures | | 最高人民法院关于修改《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》的决定 |
(Adopted at the 1777th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on October 14, 2019 No. 19 [2019] of the Supreme People's Court) | | (2019年10月14日最高人民法院审判委员会第1777次会议通过 法释〔2019〕19号) |
According to the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court decided at its 1777th meeting to make the following amendments to the Provisions on Evidence in Civil Procedures: | | 根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》,最高人民法院审判委员会第1777次会议决定,对《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》作如下修改: |
1. Article 1 is amended to read: | | 一、将第一条修改为: |
“The plaintiff that files a lawsuit with the people's court or the defendant that files a counterclaim shall provide corresponding evidence which meets the conditions for filing a lawsuit.” | | “原告向人民法院起诉或者被告提出反诉,应当提供符合起诉条件的相应的证据”。 |
2. Article 3 is renumbered as Article 2. | | 二、将第三条修改为第二条。 |
3. Articles 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are deleted. | | 三、删去第二条、第四条、第五条、第六条、第七条。 |
4. Paragraph 1 of Article 8 and Article 74 are renumbered as Article 3 and amended to read: | | 四、将第八条第一款、第七十四条改为第三条,修改为: |
“In the process of litigation, if a party states any fact adverse to itself, or explicitly expresses its admission of the fact, the other party is not required to present evidence. | | “在诉讼过程中,一方当事人陈述的于己不利的事实,或者对于己不利的事实明确表示承认的,另一方当事人无需举证证明。 |
If a party explicitly admits any fact adverse to itself in the course of evidence exchange, questioning, or investigation, or in written materials such as written complaint, answer, and attorney's statements, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply.” | | 在证据交换、询问、调查过程中,或者在起诉状、答辩状、代理词等书面材料中,当事人明确承认于己不利的事实的,适用前款规定”。 |
5. Paragraph 2 of Article 8 is renumbered as Article 4 and amended to read: | | 五、将第八条第二款改为第四条,修改为: |
“Where a party neither admits nor denies the fact adverse to it claimed by the other party, and continues doing so after the judge has given explanations to and asked the party, the party shall be treated as acknowledging the fact.” | | “一方当事人对于另一方当事人主张的于己不利的事实既不承认也不否认,经审判人员说明并询问后,其仍然不明确表示肯定或者否定的,视为对该事实的承认”。 |
6. Paragraph 3 of Article 8 is renumbered as Article 5 and amended to read: | | 六、将第八条第三款改为第五条,修改为: |
“Where a party authorizes an attorney to participate in the litigation, the admission by the attorney shall be treated as by the party, except matters explicitly excluded by the power of attorney. | | “当事人委托诉讼代理人参加诉讼的,除授权委托书明确排除的事项外,诉讼代理人的自认视为当事人的自认。 |
The attorney's admission which is explicitly denied by the party present shall not be treated as admission.” | | 当事人在场对诉讼代理人的自认明确否认的,不视为自认”。 |
7. One article is added as Article 6: | | 七、增加一条作为第六条: |
“In an ordinary joint action, the admission made by one or more co-litigants shall be binding on the party (parties) making the admission. | | “普通共同诉讼中,共同诉讼人中一人或者数人作出的自认,对作出自认的当事人发生效力。 |
In a necessary joint action, the admission made by one or more co-litigants which the other co-litigants deny shall produce no effect of admission. If the other co-litigants make neither admission nor denial and continue not to explicitly express their opinions after the judge has given explanations to and asked them, the co-litigants shall be treated as making admission as a whole.” | | 必要共同诉讼中,共同诉讼人中一人或者数人作出自认而其他共同诉讼人予以否认的,不发生自认的效力。其他共同诉讼人既不承认也不否认,经审判人员说明并询问后仍然不明确表示意见的,视为全体共同诉讼人的自认”。 |
8. One article is added as Article 7: | | 八、增加一条作为第七条: |
“Where a party admits the fact adverse to it claimed by the other party on a qualified basis, or conditionally, the people's court shall determine whether or not admission is constituted taking into account the circumstances of the case.” | | “一方当事人对于另一方当事人主张的于己不利的事实有所限制或者附加条件予以承认的,由人民法院综合案件情况决定是否构成自认”。 |
9. One article is added as Article 8: | | 九、增加一条作为第八条: |
“The provisions on admission does not apply to the facts as set forth in paragraph 1, Article 96 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China. | | “《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉的解释》第九十六条第一款规定的事实,不适用有关自认的规定。 |
If the fact admitted is inconsistent with the fact ascertained, the people's court shall deny confirmation.” | | 自认的事实与已经查明的事实不符的,人民法院不予确认”。 |
10. Paragraph 4 of Article 8 is renumbered as Article 9 and amended to read: | | 十、将第八条第四款改为第九条,修改为: |
“Where, under any of the following circumstances, a party retracts its admission before the end of court debate, the people's court shall grant the retraction: | | “有下列情形之一,当事人在法庭辩论终结前撤销自认的,人民法院应当准许: |
(1) The other party gives its consent. | | (一)经对方当事人同意的; |
(2) Admission is made under duress or as a result of major misunderstanding. | | (二)自认是在受胁迫或者重大误解情况下作出的。 |
In such a case, the people's court shall make an oral or written ruling.” | | 人民法院准许当事人撤销自认的,应当作出口头或者书面裁定”。 |
11. Article 9 is renumbered as Article 10 and amended to read: | | 十一、将第九条改为第十条,修改为: |
“A party is not required to present evidence of the following facts: | | “下列事实,当事人无须举证证明: |
(1) Natural laws and theorems. | | (一)自然规律以及定理、定律; |
(2) Facts known to all. | | (二)众所周知的事实; |
(3) Facts deduced from legal provisions. | | (三)根据法律规定推定的事实; |
(4) Facts established on the basis of known facts and daily life experience. | | (四)根据已知的事实和日常生活经验法则推定出的另一事实; |
(5) Facts confirmed by effective awards rendered by arbitration agencies. | | (五)已为仲裁机构的生效裁决所确认的事实; |
(6) Basic facts confirmed by effective rulings issued by people's courts. | | (六)已为人民法院发生法律效力的裁判所确认的基本事实; |
(7) Facts proven by effective notarial instruments. | | (七)已为有效公证文书所证明的事实。 |
The facts in sub-paragraphs (2) through (5) in the preceding paragraph shall be excluded if the party has evidence to the contrary that suffices for contradiction; and the facts in sub-paragraphs (6) and (7) in the preceding paragraph shall be excluded if the party has evidence to the contrary that suffices for rebuttal.” | | 前款第二项至第五项事实,当事人有相反证据足以反驳的除外;第六项、第七项事实,当事人有相反证据足以推翻的除外”。 |
12. Article 10 is renumbered as Article 11. | | 十二、将第十条修改为第十一条。 |
13. One article is added as Article 12: | | 十三、增加一条作为第十二条: |
“Where personal property is used as evidence, the original shall be submitted to the people's court. If the original is not suitable for removal or preservation, the party may provide its reproduction, image data, or any other substitute. | | “以动产作为证据的,应当将原物提交人民法院。原物不宜搬移或者不宜保存的,当事人可以提供复制品、影像资料或者其他替代品。 |
The people's court shall, upon receiving the personal property or its substitute submitted by the party, promptly notify both parties of performing on-site inspection at the people's court or the site for preservation.” | | 人民法院在收到当事人提交的动产或者替代品后,应当及时通知双方当事人到人民法院或者保存现场查验”。 |
14. One article is added as Article 13: | | 十四、增加一条作为第十三条: |
“Where a party uses real property as evidence, the image data of the real property shall be provided for the people's court. | | “当事人以不动产作为证据的,应当向人民法院提供该不动产的影像资料。 |
The people's court shall, as it deems necessary, notify both parties of appearing and performing inspection.” | | 人民法院认为有必要的,应当通知双方当事人到场进行查验”。 |
15. One article is added as Article 14: | | 十五、增加一条作为第十四条: |
“Electronic data includes the following information and electronic documents: | | “电子数据包括下列信息、电子文件: |
(1) Information released by web platforms such as webpages, blogs, and microblogs. | | (一)网页、博客、微博客等网络平台发布的信息; |
(2) Communication information through network application services such as short text messages, emails, instant messaging, and communication groups. | | (二)手机短信、电子邮件、即时通信、通讯群组等网络应用服务的通信信息; |
(3) User registration information, identity authentication information, electronic transaction records, communication records, login logs, and other information. | | (三)用户注册信息、身份认证信息、电子交易记录、通信记录、登录日志等信息; |
(4) Electronic documents such as documents, pictures, audio recordings, video recordings, digital certificates, and computer programs. | | (四)文档、图片、音频、视频、数字证书、计算机程序等电子文件; |
(5) Information otherwise stored, processed, and transmitted in digital form that can prove the facts of the case.” | | (五)其他以数字化形式存储、处理、传输的能够证明案件事实的信息”。 |
16. One article is added as Article 15: | | 十六、增加一条作为第十五条: |
“Where a party uses audiovisual recordings as evidence, the original medium in which the audiovisual recordings are stored shall be provided. | | “当事人以视听资料作为证据的,应当提供存储该视听资料的原始载体。 |
If a party uses electronic data as evidence, the original shall be provided. A copy made by the producer of electronic data consistent with the original, or a print copy directly derived from electronic data, or any other output that can be displayed and recognized shall be treated as the original of the electronic data.” | | 当事人以电子数据作为证据的,应当提供原件。电子数据的制作者制作的与原件一致的副本,或者直接来源于电子数据的打印件或其他可以显示、识别的输出介质,视为电子数据的原件”。 |
17. Article 11 is renumbered as Article 16 and amended to read: | | 十七、将第十一条改为第十六条,修改为: |
“Where the official documentary evidence provided by a party is created outside the territory of the People's Republic of China, the evidence shall be certified by the notary office of the country where the evidence comes, or the certification procedures as set forth in the relevant treaty concluded between the People's Republic of China and the country shall be performed. | | “当事人提供的公文书证系在中华人民共和国领域外形成的,该证据应当经所在国公证机关证明,或者履行中华人民共和国与该所在国订立的有关条约中规定的证明手续。 |
For evidence related to status relationships created outside the territory of the People's Republic of China, the evidence shall be certified by the notary office of the country where the evidence comes and authenticated by the embassy or consulate of the People's Republic of China in the country, or the certification procedures as set forth in the relevant treaty concluded between the People's Republic of China and the country shall be performed. | | 中华人民共和国领域外形成的涉及身份关系的证据,应当经所在国公证机关证明并经中华人民共和国驻该国使领馆认证,或者履行中华人民共和国与该所在国订立的有关条约中规定的证明手续。 |
If the evidence provided by a party for the people's court is created in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, the relevant certification procedures shall be performed.” | | 当事人向人民法院提供的证据是在香港、澳门、台湾地区形成的,应当履行相关的证明手续”。 |
18. Article 12 is renumbered as Article 17. | | 十八、将第十二条修改为第十七条。 |
19. Article 13 is renumbered as Article 18 and amended to read: | | 十九、将第十三条改为第十八条,修改为: |
“Where the fact that the parties do not dispute meets the circumstances set forth in paragraph 1, Article 96 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the people's court may order the parties to provide relevant evidence.” | | “双方当事人无争议的事实符合《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉的解释》第九十六条第一款规定情形的,人民法院可以责令当事人提供有关证据”。 |
20. Article 14 is renumbered as Article 19. | | 二十、将第十四条修改为第十九条。 |
21. Articles 15, 16, and 17 are deleted. | | 二十一、删去第十五条、第十六条、第十七条。 |
22. Paragraph 2 of Article 19 is deleted, Article 18 and paragraph 1 of Article 19 are renumbered as Article 20 and amended to read: | | 二十二、删去第十九条第二款,将第十八条、第十九条第一款改为第二十条,修改为: |
“A party and its attorney that move the people's court for collection of evidence by investigation shall submit a written motion before the expiration of the time limit for proof. | | “当事人及其诉讼代理人申请人民法院调查收集证据,应当在举证期限届满前提交书面申请。 |
The motion shall clearly state the name, place of domicile, and other the basic information of the person under investigation, the title or content of the evidence to be collected by investigation, the reason for the evidence to be collected by the people's court through investigation, the facts to be proven, and clear clues.” | | 申请书应当载明被调查人的姓名或者单位名称、住所地等基本情况、所要调查收集的证据名称或者内容、需要由人民法院调查收集证据的原因及其要证明的事实以及明确的线索”。 |
23. Article 20 is renumbered as Article 21 and amended to read: | | 二十三、将第二十条改为第二十一条,修改为: |
“The documentary evidence and collected by a people's court through investigation may be either the original or a verified copy or reproduction. In the latter case, the source and evidence obtainment shall be stated in the investigation transcripts.” | | “人民法院调查收集的书证,可以是原件,也可以是经核对无误的副本或者复制件。是副本或者复制件的,应当在调查笔录中说明来源和取证情况”。 |
24. Article 21 is renumbered as Article 22 and amended to read: | | 二十四、将第二十一条改为第二十二条,修改为: |
“The physical evidence collected by the people's court through investigation shall be the original. If the person under investigation has compelling difficulty providing the original, a reproduction or image data may be provided. If a reproduction or image data is provided, evidence obtainment shall be stated in the investigation transcripts.” | | “人民法院调查收集的物证应当是原物。被调查人提供原物确有困难的,可以提供复制品或者影像资料。提供复制品或者影像资料的,应当在调查笔录中说明取证情况”。 |
25. Article 22 is renumbered as Article 23 and amended to read: | | 二十五、将第二十二条改为第二十三条,修改为: |
“A people's court shall, when collecting audiovisual recordings and electronic data through investigation, require the person under investigation to provide the original medium. | | “人民法院调查收集视听资料、电子数据,应当要求被调查人提供原始载体。 |
If the original medium is compellingly difficult to provide, a reproduction may be provided. If a reproduction is provided, the people's court shall state its source and process of making in the investigation transcripts. | | 提供原始载体确有困难的,可以提供复制件。提供复制件的,人民法院应当在调查笔录中说明其来源和制作经过。 |
If the people's court adopts evidence preservation measures for audiovisual recordings and electronic data, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply.” | | 人民法院对视听资料、电子数据采取证据保全措施的,适用前款规定”。 |
26. One article is added as Article 24: | | 二十六、增加一条作为第二十四条: |
“A people's court shall, when collecting evidence through investigation that may need authenticating, abide by relevant technical standards to ensure that the evidence is not contaminated.” | | “人民法院调查收集可能需要鉴定的证据,应当遵守相关技术规范,确保证据不被污染”。 |
27. Article 23 is renumbered as Article 25 and amended to read: | | 二十七、将第二十三条改为第二十五条,修改为: |
“Where a party or interested person moves for evidence preservation in accordance with Article 81 of the Civil Procedure Law, the motion shall clearly state the basic information of the evidence that needs to be preserved, the reasons for the motion for preservation, what preservation measures are to be adopted, and other content. | | “当事人或者利害关系人根据民事诉讼法第八十一条的规定申请证据保全的,申请书应当载明需要保全的证据的基本情况、申请保全的理由以及采取何种保全措施等内容。 |
If a party moves for evidence preservation in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1, Article 81 of the Civil Procedure Law, the party shall do so before the expiration of the time limit for proof. | | 当事人根据民事诉讼法第八十一条第一款的规定申请证据保全的,应当在举证期限届满前向人民法院提出。 |
If the laws and judicial interpretations contain provisions on pre-litigation evidence preservation, such provisions shall apply.” | | 法律、司法解释对诉前证据保全有规定的,依照其规定办理”。 |
28. One article is added as Article 26: | | 二十八、增加一条作为第二十六条: |
“Where a party or interested person moves for seizure, impoundment, and other preservation measures that restrict the use, circulation, and the like of the subject matter of preservation, or the preservation may cause loss to the evidence holder, the people's court shall order the mover to provide corresponding collateral. | | “当事人或者利害关系人申请采取查封、扣押等限制保全标的物使用、流通等保全措施,或者保全可能对证据持有人造成损失的,人民法院应当责令申请人提供相应的担保。 |
The method or amount of security shall be comprehensively determined by the people's court based on factors such as the effects of the preservation measures on the evidence holder, the value of the subject matter of preservation, and the value of the subject matter of action disputed by the party or interested party.” | | 担保方式或者数额由人民法院根据保全措施对证据持有人的影响、保全标的物的价值、当事人或者利害关系人争议的诉讼标的金额等因素综合确定”。 |
29. Article 24 is renumbered as Article 27 and amended to read: | | 二十九、将第二十四条改为第二十七条,修改为: |
“A people's court effectuating evidence preservation may require any party or attorney to be present. | | “人民法院进行证据保全,可以要求当事人或者诉讼代理人到场。 |
On the request of a party, based on the specific circumstances, the people's court may effectuate evidence preservation by seizure, impoundment, audio recording, video recording, reproduction, authentication, survey, or otherwise and prepare transcripts. | | 根据当事人的申请和具体情况,人民法院可以采取查封、扣押、录音、录像、复制、鉴定、勘验等方法进行证据保全,并制作笔录。 |
Subject to the purpose of evidence preservation, the people's court shall choose the preservation measures that have the minimum effects on the interests of the evidence holder.” | | 在符合证据保全目的的情况下,人民法院应当选择对证据持有人利益影响最小的保全措施”。 |
30. One article is added as Article 28: | | 三十、增加一条作为第二十八条: |
“Where a party requests the mover to be liable for damages caused to its property by the erroneous motion for evidence preservation, the people's court shall grant support.” | | “申请证据保全错误造成财产损失,当事人请求申请人承担赔偿责任的,人民法院应予支持”。 |
31. One article is added as Article 29: | | 三十一、增加一条作为第二十九条: |
“Where, after a people's court has adopted pre-litigation evidence preservation measures, a party sues in another people's court of competent jurisdiction, the people's court that has adopted the preservation measures shall, at the request of the party, promptly transfer the preserved evidence to the people's court that accepts the case. | | “人民法院采取诉前证据保全措施后,当事人向其他有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼的,采取保全措施的人民法院应当根据当事人的申请,将保全的证据及时移交受理案件的人民法院”。 |
32. One article is added as Article 30: | | 三十二、增加一条作为第三十条: |
“A people's court that considers in the trial of a case that the fact to be proven needs to be proven by an authentication opinion shall enlighten the parties and specify the period for moving for authentication. | | “人民法院在审理案件过程中认为待证事实需要通过鉴定意见证明的,应当向当事人释明,并指定提出鉴定申请的期间。 |
If the circumstances set forth in paragraph 1, Article 96 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China are met, the people's court shall commission authentication on its own motion. | | 符合《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉的解释》第九十六条第一款规定情形的,人民法院应当依职权委托鉴定”。 |
33. Article 25 is renumbered as Article 31 and amended to read: | | 三十三、将第二十五条改为第三十一条,修改为: |
“A party shall move for authentication and pay the authentication fee in advance within the period specified by the people's court. Failure to do so shall be treated as renouncing the motion. | | “当事人申请鉴定,应当在人民法院指定期间内提出,并预交鉴定费用。逾期不提出申请或者不预交鉴定费用的,视为放弃申请。 |
If the party who bears the burden of establishing the fact to be proven that needs to be authenticated fails to move for authentication or pay the authentication fee in advance within the period specified by the people's court without justification, rendering the fact to be proven impossible to ascertain, the party shall bear the legal consequences of impossibility of proof. | | 对需要鉴定的待证事实负有举证责任的当事人,在人民法院指定期间内无正当理由不提出鉴定申请或者不预交鉴定费用,或者拒不提供相关材料,致使待证事实无法查明的,应当承担举证不能的法律后果”。 |
34. Article 26 is renumbered as Article 32 and amended to read: | | 三十四、将第二十六条改为第三十二条,修改为: |
“The people's court that grants a motion for authentication shall arrange for the parties to negotiate to determine an authenticator correspondingly qualified. If the negotiation between the parties fails, the people's court shall designate an appointment. | | “人民法院准许鉴定申请的,应当组织双方当事人协商确定具备相应资格的鉴定人。当事人协商不成的,由人民法院指定。 |
If the people's court commissions authentication on its own motion, it may, after asking the parties' opinions, designate an authenticator correspondingly qualified. | | 人民法院依职权委托鉴定的,可以在询问当事人的意见后,指定具备相应资格的鉴定人。 |
The people's court shall, upon determination of an authenticator, issue a power of attorney, specifying the matters, scope, purpose, and time limit for authentication. | | 人民法院在确定鉴定人后应当出具委托书,委托书中应当载明鉴定事项、鉴定范围、鉴定目的和鉴定期限”。 |
35. One article is added as Article 33: | | 三十五、增加一条作为第三十三条: |
“Before authentication, the people's court shall require the authenticator to sign an undertaking. The undertaking shall state that the authenticator warrants an objective, impartial, and honest authentication and his or her testifying before court, that in the case of a false authentication, he or she is subject to legal liability, and other contents. | | “鉴定开始之前,人民法院应当要求鉴定人签署承诺书。承诺书中应当载明鉴定人保证客观、公正、诚实地进行鉴定,保证出庭作证,如作虚假鉴定应当承担法律责任等内容。 |
If an authenticator intentionally makes a false authentication, the people's court shall order him or her to refund the authentication fee and impose punishment based on the circumstances in accordance with Article 111 of the Civil Procedure Law. | | 鉴定人故意作虚假鉴定的,人民法院应当责令其退还鉴定费用,并根据情节,依照民事诉讼法第一百一十一条的规定进行处罚”。 |
36. One article is added as Article 34: | | 三十六、增加一条作为第三十四条: |
“The people's court shall arrange for the parties to cross-examine materials subject to authentication. Unless cross-examined, the materials shall not be used as the basis for authentication. | | “人民法院应当组织当事人对鉴定材料进行质证。未经质证的材料,不得作为鉴定的根据。 |
With the permission of the people's court, the authenticator may obtain evidence, survey physical evidence and the scene, and ask the parties or witnesses.” | | 经人民法院准许,鉴定人可以调取证据、勘验物证和现场、询问当事人或者证人”。 |
37. One article is added as Article 35: | | 三十七、增加一条作为第三十五条: |
“An authenticator shall complete authentication and submit a written authentication within the time limit determined by the people's court. | | “鉴定人应当在人民法院确定的期限内完成鉴定,并提交鉴定书。 |
If the authenticator fails to submit a written authentication on time without justification, the parties may move the people's court for commissioning authentication from another authentication. If the people's court grants the motion, the original authenticator shall refund the authentication fee received; and if the refund is refused to be made, the people's court shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2, Article 81 of these Provisions.” | | 鉴定人无正当理由未按期提交鉴定书的,当事人可以申请人民法院另行委托鉴定人进行鉴定。人民法院准许的,原鉴定人已经收取的鉴定费用应当退还;拒不退还的,依照本规定第八十一条第二款的规定处理”。 |
38. Article 29 is renumbered as Article 36 and amended to read: | | 三十八、将第二十九条改为第三十六条,修改为: |
“A people's court shall examine whether the written authentication issued by the authenticator contains the following: | | “人民法院对鉴定人出具的鉴定书,应当审查是否具有下列内容: |
(1) The name of the commissioning court. | | (一)委托法院的名称; |
(2) The contents of and requirements for the commissioned authentication. | | (二)委托鉴定的内容、要求; |
(3) Materials subject to authentication. | | (三)鉴定材料; |
(4) The principles and methods on which the authentication is based. | | (四)鉴定所依据的原理、方法; |
(5) A description of the authentication process. | | (五)对鉴定过程的说明; |
(6) Authentication opinion. | | (六)鉴定意见; |
(7) An undertaking. | | (七)承诺书。 |
The written authentication shall be signed or sealed by the authenticator, accompanied by the corresponding qualifications of the authenticator. If authentication is commissioned from an institution, the written authentication shall be sealed by the authentication institution and signed by the person engaged in authentication.” | | 鉴定书应当由鉴定人签名或者盖章,并附鉴定人的相应资格证明。委托机构鉴定的,鉴定书应当由鉴定机构盖章,并由从事鉴定的人员签名”。 |
39. One article is added as Article 37: | | 三十九、增加一条作为第三十七条: |
“A people's court shall, after receiving a written authentication, promptly deliver a copy to the parties. | | “人民法院收到鉴定书后,应当及时将副本送交当事人。 |
If either party has any objection to the content of the written authentication, the objection shall be raised in writing within the period specified by the people's court. | | 当事人对鉴定书的内容有异议的,应当在人民法院指定期间内以书面方式提出。 |
For the objection of the party, the people's court shall require the authenticator to make explanations, statements, or supplements. The people's court may, as it deems necessary, require the authenticator to make explanations on, statements on, or supplements to the content to which no party has raised an objection.” | | 对于当事人的异议,人民法院应当要求鉴定人作出解释、说明或者补充。人民法院认为有必要的,可以要求鉴定人对当事人未提出异议的内容进行解释、说明或者补充”。 |
40. One article is added as Article 38: | | 四十、增加一条作为第三十八条: |
“Where a party still has an objection after receiving a written reply from the authenticator, the people's court shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of the Measures for the Payment of Litigation Costs, notify the party of paying the authenticator appearance fee in advance and notify the authenticator of appearing in court. The failure of the party to pay the authenticator appearance fee in advance shall be treated as having renouncing the objection. | | “当事人在收到鉴定人的书面答复后仍有异议的,人民法院应当根据《诉讼费用交纳办法》第十一条的规定,通知有异议的当事人预交鉴定人出庭费用,并通知鉴定人出庭。有异议的当事人不预交鉴定人出庭费用的,视为放弃异议。 |
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