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Regulation on the Prevention and Treatment of Illegal Fund-raising [Effective]
防范和处置非法集资条例 [现行有效]
Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 737) (第737号)

The Regulation on the Prevention and Treatment of Illegal Fund-raising, as adopted at the 119th executive meeting of the State Council on December 21, 2020, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on May 1, 2021. 《防范和处置非法集资条例》已经2020年12月21日国务院第119次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2021年5月1日起施行。
Premier: Li Keqiang 总 理  李克强
January 26, 2021 2021年1月26日
Regulation on the Prevention and Treatment of Illegal Fund-raising 防范和处置非法集资条例
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is formulated for the purposes of preventing and treating illegal fund-raising, protecting the lawful rights and interests of the public, preventing and resolving financial risks, and maintaining an orderly economy and stable society.   第一条 为了防范和处置非法集资,保护社会公众合法权益,防范化解金融风险,维护经济秩序和社会稳定,制定本条例。
Article 2 For the purposes of this Regulation, "illegal fund-raising" means the act of absorbing funds from unspecific investors by undertaking to repay principal with interest, giving other investment returns, or any other means, under no lawful license from the financial authorities of the State Council or in violation of the provisions on financial administration issued by the state.   第二条 本条例所称非法集资,是指未经国务院金融管理部门依法许可或者违反国家金融管理规定,以许诺还本付息或者给予其他投资回报等方式,向不特定对象吸收资金的行为。
This Regulation shall apply to the prevention of illegal fund-raising and the treatment of illegal fund-raising by administrative agencies. Where any law or administrative regulation otherwise provides for illegally engaging in banking, securities, insurance, foreign exchange and other financial business activities, the law or administrative regulation shall apply. 非法集资的防范以及行政机关对非法集资的处置,适用本条例。法律、行政法规对非法从事银行、证券、保险、外汇等金融业务活动另有规定的,适用其规定。
For the purposes of this Regulation, "financial authorities of the State Council" means the People's Bank of China, the financial regulatory agencies of the State Council, and the foreign exchange authority of the State Council. 本条例所称国务院金融管理部门,是指中国人民银行、国务院金融监督管理机构和国务院外汇管理部门。
Article 3 For the purposes of this Regulation, "illegal fund-raiser" means an entity or individual that promotes, leads or organizes the implementation of illegal fund-raising; and "illegal fund-raising assistant" means an entity or individual that assists in illegal fund-raising and obtains economic benefits with knowledge of the illegal fund-raising.   第三条 本条例所称非法集资人,是指发起、主导或者组织实施非法集资的单位和个人;所称非法集资协助人,是指明知是非法集资而为其提供帮助并获取经济利益的单位和个人。
Article 4 The state shall prohibit illegal fund-raising in any form, and adhere to the principles of a focus on prevention, early combat, comprehensive management, and proper treatment with respect to illegal fund-raising.   第四条 国家禁止任何形式的非法集资,对非法集资坚持防范为主、打早打小、综合治理、稳妥处置的原则。
Article 5 The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be generally responsible for the prevention and treatment of illegal fund-raising within their respective administrative areas, and local people's governments at all levels shall establish and improve a working mechanism for the prevention and treatment of illegal fund-raising under the unified leadership of the government. Local people's governments at or above the county level shall specify the lead authority for the working mechanism for the prevention and treatment of illegal fund-raising (hereinafter referred to as the "lead authority for treatment of illegal fund-raising"), and the relevant authorities, the branches and field offices of the financial authorities of the State Council, and other entities shall participate in the working mechanism; and the people's governments of townships and towns shall specify the lead persons responsible for the prevention and treatment of illegal fund-raising. Higher local people's governments shall urge and direct lower local people's governments to effectively preventing and treating illegal fund-raising in their respective administrative areas.   第五条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对本行政区域内防范和处置非法集资工作负总责,地方各级人民政府应当建立健全政府统一领导的防范和处置非法集资工作机制。县级以上地方人民政府应当明确防范和处置非法集资工作机制的牵头部门(以下简称处置非法集资牵头部门),有关部门以及国务院金融管理部门分支机构、派出机构等单位参加工作机制;乡镇人民政府应当明确牵头负责防范和处置非法集资工作的人员。上级地方人民政府应当督促、指导下级地方人民政府做好本行政区域防范和处置非法集资工作。
Industry authorities and regulatory authorities shall, in accordance with the division of duties, be responsible for preventing and cooperating in the treatment of illegal fund-raising in their respective industries and fields. 行业主管部门、监管部门应当按照职责分工,负责本行业、领域非法集资的防范和配合处置工作。
Article 6 The State Council shall establish an inter-ministerial joint conference on treatment of illegal fund-raising (hereinafter referred to as the "joint conference"). The joint conference shall, under the leadership of the banking and insurance regulatory authority of the State Council, with the participation of relevant authorities, be responsible for urging and directing relevant authorities and regions to prevent and treat illegal fund-raising, and coordinate the resolution of major issues in the prevention and treatment of illegal fund-raising.   第六条 国务院建立处置非法集资部际联席会议(以下简称联席会议)制度。联席会议由国务院银行保险监督管理机构牵头,有关部门参加,负责督促、指导有关部门和地方开展防范和处置非法集资工作,协调解决防范和处置非法集资工作中的重大问题。
Article 7 People's governments at all levels shall reasonably guarantee and include in their respective budgets the funds related to the prevention and treatment of illegal fund-raising.   第七条 各级人民政府应当合理保障防范和处置非法集资工作相关经费,并列入本级预算。
Chapter II Prevention 

第二章 防  范

Article 8 Local people's governments at all levels shall establish a monitoring and early warning mechanism for illegal fund-raising, incorporate it into the comprehensive social security management system, maximize the role of grid-based management and basic public self-governing organizations, and use modern information technology such as big data to strengthen the monitoring and early warning of illegal fund-raising.   第八条 地方各级人民政府应当建立非法集资监测预警机制,纳入社会治安综合治理体系,发挥网格化管理和基层群众自治组织的作用,运用大数据等现代信息技术手段,加强对非法集资的监测预警。
Industry authorities and regulatory authorities shall strengthen routine supervision and administration, and be responsible for the screening for risk, monitoring, and early warning of illegal fund-raising in their respective industries and fields. 行业主管部门、监管部门应当强化日常监督管理,负责本行业、领域非法集资的风险排查和监测预警。
The joint conference shall establish and improve a national illegal fund-raising monitoring and early warning system, promote the construction of a national monitoring and early warning platform, promote local and departmental information sharing, strengthen the research and judgment of illegal fund-raising risks, and issue early warnings and alerts in a timely manner. 联席会议应当建立健全全国非法集资监测预警体系,推动建设国家监测预警平台,促进地方、部门信息共享,加强非法集资风险研判,及时预警提示。
Article 9 Market regulatory authorities shall strengthen the administration of commercial registration of the names and business scope, among others, of enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. Except as otherwise prescribed by laws, administrative regulations and the state, an enterprise or individual industrial and commercial household shall not use "finance," "exchange," "trading center," "investment management," "wealth management", "equity crowdfunding," or any other word or content in its name or business scope.   第九条 市场监督管理部门应当加强企业、个体工商户名称和经营范围等商事登记管理。除法律、行政法规和国家另有规定外,企业、个体工商户名称和经营范围中不得包含“金融”、“交易所”、“交易中心”、“理财”、“财富管理”、“股权众筹”等字样或者内容。
The lead authority for treatment of illegal fund-raising, market regulatory authority, and other relevant authorities of each local people's government at or above the county level shall establish a consultation mechanism, and promptly focus on an enterprise or individual industrial and commercial household which uses any word or content related to fund-raising other than one specified in the preceding paragraph in its name or business scope, if discovered. 县级以上地方人民政府处置非法集资牵头部门、市场监督管理部门等有关部门应当建立会商机制,发现企业、个体工商户名称或者经营范围中包含前款规定以外的其他与集资有关的字样或者内容的,及时予以重点关注。
Article 10 A lead authority for treatment of illegal fund-raising shall, in conjunction with the Internet information content authority and the telecommunications authority, strengthen the monitoring of Internet information, websites, mobile applications, and other Internet applications allegedly related to in illegal fund-raising. If the lead authority for treatment of illegal fund-raising determines a use for illegal fund-raising, the Internet information content authority and the telecommunications authority shall promptly take action in accordance with the law.   第十条 处置非法集资牵头部门会同互联网信息内容管理部门、电信主管部门加强对涉嫌非法集资的互联网信息和网站、移动应用程序等互联网应用的监测。经处置非法集资牵头部门组织认定为用于非法集资的,互联网信息内容管理部门、电信主管部门应当及时依法作出处理。
An Internet information service provider shall strengthen the management of information release by users, and shall not compile, copy, release, or disseminate information allegedly related to illegal fund-raising. An Internet information service provider that discovers information allegedly related to illegal fund-raising shall keep the relevant records and report to the lead authority for treatment of illegal fund-raising. 互联网信息服务提供者应当加强对用户发布信息的管理,不得制作、复制、发布、传播涉嫌非法集资的信息。发现涉嫌非法集资的信息,应当保存有关记录,并向处置非法集资牵头部门报告。
Article 11 Except as otherwise prescribed by the state, any entity or individual may not publish an advertisement containing fund-raising content or otherwise distribute publicity material for fund-raising to the public.   第十一条 除国家另有规定外,任何单位和个人不得发布包含集资内容的广告或者以其他方式向社会公众进行集资宣传。
A market regulatory authority shall, in conjunction with the lead authority for treatment of illegal fund-raising, strengthen the monitoring of advertisements allegedly related to illegal fund-raising. Where the lead authority for treatment of illegal fund-raising determines illegal fund-raising, the market regulatory authority shall promptly investigate and handle the advertisements related to illegal fund-raising in accordance with the law. 市场监督管理部门会同处置非法集资牵头部门加强对涉嫌非法集资广告的监测。经处置非法集资牵头部门组织认定为非法集资的,市场监督管理部门应当及时依法查处相关非法集资广告。
An advertising agent or advertisement publisher shall check relevant supporting documents and verify the contents of advertisements in accordance with laws and administrative regulations. An advertising agent shall not provide design, production, and agency services for, or an advertisement publisher shall not publish, any advertisement without relevant supporting documents which contains fund-raising content. 广告经营者、广告发布者应当依照法律、行政法规查验相关证明文件,核对广告内容。对没有相关证明文件且包含集资内容的广告,广告经营者不得提供设计、制作、代理服务,广告发布者不得发布。
Article 12 A lead authority for treatment of illegal fund-raising and the local branches and field offices of the financial authorities of the State Council shall establish a suspicious fund monitoring mechanism for illegal fund-raising. The financial authorities of the State Council and their branches and field offices shall, in accordance with the division of duties, urge and direct financial institutions and non-bank payment institutions to strengthen the monitoring of abnormal flow of funds and other suspicious funds allegedly related to illegal fund-raising.   第十二条 处置非法集资牵头部门与所在地国务院金融管理部门分支机构、派出机构应当建立非法集资可疑资金监测机制。国务院金融管理部门及其分支机构、派出机构应当按照职责分工督促、指导金融机构、非银行支付机构加强对资金异常流动情况及其他涉嫌非法集资可疑资金的监测工作。
Article 13 A financial institution or non-bank payment institution shall perform the following obligations to prevent illegal fund-raising:   第十三条 金融机构、非银行支付机构应当履行下列防范非法集资的义务:
(1) Establishing and improving an internal management system, prohibiting its branches and employees from participating in illegal fund-raising, and preventing another person from using its business premises and sales channels for illegal fund-raising. (一)建立健全内部管理制度,禁止分支机构和员工参与非法集资,防止他人利用其经营场所、销售渠道从事非法集资;
(2) Strengthening the provision of publicity material and education on prevention of illegal fund-raising to the public, and placing warning signs in conspicuous locations on business premises. (二)加强对社会公众防范非法集资的宣传教育,在经营场所醒目位置设置警示标识;
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