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Regulations on the Implementation of the Non-state Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China (2021 Revision) [Effective]
中華人民共和國民辦教育促進法實施條例(2021修訂) [現行有效]
Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 741) (第741號)

The revised Regulations on the Implementation of the Non-state Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China are hereby issued and shall come into force on September 1, 2021. 現公布修訂後的《中華人民共和國民辦教育促進法實施條例》,自2021年9月1日起施行。
Premier: Li Keqiang 總 理  李克強
April 7, 2021 2021年4月7日
Regulations on the Implementation of the Non-state Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國民辦教育促進法實施條例
(Issued by Order No. 399 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on March 5, 2004 and revised by Order No. 741 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on April 7, 2021) (2004年3月5日中華人民共和國國務院令第399號公布 2021年4月7日中華人民共和國國務院令第741號修訂)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 總  則

Article 1 These Regulations are developed in accordance with the Non-state Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Non-state Education Promotion Law”).   第一條 根據《中華人民共和國民辦教育促進法》(以下簡稱民辦教育促進法),制定本條例。
Article 2 A social organization or individual, other than the state authority, may run non-state schools of different types and levels with non-state financial funds, but shall not run any non-state school providing military, police, political, and other special education.   第二條 國家機構以外的社會組織或者個人可以利用非國家財政性經費舉辦各級各類民辦學校;但是,不得舉辦實施軍事、警察、政治等特殊性質教育的民辦學校。
For the purposes of the Non-state Education Promotion Law and these Regulations, “state financial funds” means government appropriations, and fiscal funds that are obtained according to the law and that shall be turned over to the state treasury or special financial accounts. 民辦教育促進法和本條例所稱國家財政性經費,是指財政撥款、依法取得並應當上繳國庫或者財政專戶的財政性資金。
Article 3 The people's governments at all levels shall support and regulate social forces to run non-state education in accordance with the law, ensure that non-state schools are run lawfully and managed independently, encourage and guide non-state schools to improve their quality and highlight features, and meet diversified educational needs.   第三條 各級人民政府應當依法支持和規範社會力量舉辦民辦教育,保障民辦學校依法辦學、自主管理,鼓勵、引導民辦學校提高質量、辦出特色,滿足多樣化教育需求。
Social organizations or individuals that have outstanding performance in running non-state schools or have made outstanding contributions to the development of non-state education shall be commended and rewarded according to the relevant provisions issued by the state. 對于舉辦民辦學校表現突出或者為發展民辦教育事業做出突出貢獻的社會組織或者個人,按照國家有關規定給予獎勵和表彰。
Article 4 Non-state schools shall insist on the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the direction of socialist school-running, and the public welfare nature of education, strengthen the education on socialist core values for educatees, and implement the fundamental tasks of strengthening moral education and cultivating people.   第四條 民辦學校應當堅持中國共產黨的領導,堅持社會主義辦學方向,堅持教育公益性,對受教育者加強社會主義核心價值觀教育,落實立德樹人根本任務。
Grassroots organizations of the Communist Party of China in non-state schools shall implement the Party's guidelines and policies, and participate in the major decisions of schools and conduct supervision in accordance with the laws, administrative regulations and relevant provisions issued by the state. 民辦學校中的中國共產黨基層組織貫徹黨的方針政策,依照法律、行政法規和國家有關規定參與學校重大決策並實施監督。
Chapter II Formation of Non-State Schools 

第二章 民辦學校的設立

Article 5 Social organizations or individuals, other than state authorities, may separately or jointly run non-state schools. For jointly running a non-state school, an agreement on joint school-running shall be signed to specify the cooperation method, rights and obligations of all parties, and methods for dispute resolution, among others.   第五條 國家機構以外的社會組織或者個人可以單獨或者聯合舉辦民辦學校。聯合舉辦民辦學校的,應當簽訂聯合辦學協議,明確合作方式、各方權利義務和爭議解決方式等。
The state shall encourage lawful running of non-state schools by donations, formation of foundations, and other methods. Where a non-state school is founded by donations and other methods and there is no founder, the responsibilities of the founder in the school-running process shall be performed by the promoter. 國家鼓勵以捐資、設立基金會等方式依法舉辦民辦學校。以捐資等方式舉辦民辦學校,無舉辦者的,其辦學過程中的舉辦者權責由發起人履行。
A foreign-funded enterprise formed in the territory of China and a social organization whose foreign party is the actual controller shall not run, participate in running of, or actually control any non-state school providing compulsory education; and those who found other types of non-state schools shall comply with the rules of the state on foreign investment. 在中國境內設立的外商投資企業以及外方為實際控制人的社會組織不得舉辦、參與舉辦或者實際控制實施義務教育的民辦學校;舉辦其他類型民辦學校的,應當符合國家有關外商投資的規定。
Article 6 To found a non-state school, a social organization or individual shall have sound credit status. A founder of a non-state school may make capital contributions in cash, in kind, right to use the construction land, intellectual property rights, or other non-monetary property that may be assessed on the basis of currency and may be assigned according to the law, excluding the property that shall not be regarded as capital contributions under any law or administrative regulation.   第六條 舉辦民辦學校的社會組織或者個人應當有良好的信用狀況。舉辦民辦學校可以用貨幣出資,也可以用實物、建設用地使用權、知識產權等可以用貨幣估價並可以依法轉讓的非貨幣財產作價出資;但是,法律、行政法規規定不得作為出資的財產除外。
Article 7 A state school providing compulsory education shall neither found nor participate in the founding of any non-state school, nor be transformed into a non-state school. Other state schools shall not found or participate in the founding of for-profit non-state schools. However, state schools that provide vocational education may attract the capital, technology, management and other elements of enterprises, and found or participate in the founding of for-profit non-state schools providing vocational education.   第七條 實施義務教育的公辦學校不得舉辦或者參與舉辦民辦學校,也不得轉為民辦學校。其他公辦學校不得舉辦或者參與舉辦營利性民辦學校。但是,實施職業教育的公辦學校可以吸引企業的資本、技術、管理等要素,舉辦或者參與舉辦實施職業教育的營利性民辦學校。
A state school that founds or participates in the founding of a non-state school shall not use state financial funds, affect the teaching activities of any state school, or participate in school-running only in the form of brand output, and shall be subject to approval by its competent authority. A state school that founds or participates in the founding of a non-profit non-state school shall not obtain school-running benefits in the forms such as management fees directly or in a disguised manner. 公辦學校舉辦或者參與舉辦民辦學校,不得利用國家財政性經費,不得影響公辦學校教學活動,不得僅以品牌輸出方式參與辦學,並應當經其主管部門批准。公辦學校舉辦或者參與舉辦非營利性民辦學校,不得以管理費等方式取得或者變相取得辦學收益。
A non-state school founded or whose founding is participated in by a state school shall have independent legal person qualifications, have a campus separated from the state school, basic education and teaching facilities, and a team of independent full-time teachers, conduct independent accounting under the unified national accounting system, independently admit students, and independently issue academic certificates. 公辦學校舉辦或者參與舉辦的民辦學校應當具有獨立的法人資格,具有與公辦學校相分離的校園、基本教育教學設施和獨立的專任教師隊伍,按照國家統一的會計制度獨立進行會計核算,獨立招生,獨立頒發學業證書。
A state school founding or participating in the founding of a non-state school shall enjoy the rights and interests of a founder and perform the obligation of managing state-owned assets according to the law. 舉辦或者參與舉辦民辦學校的公辦學校依法享有舉辦者權益,依法履行國有資產管理義務。
Article 8 The local people's government shall not found or participate in the founding of any non-state school providing compulsory education with resources of state-owned enterprises and state educational resources.   第八條 地方人民政府不得利用國有企業、公辦教育資源舉辦或者參與舉辦實施義務教育的民辦學校。
To participate in the founding of a non-state school with state-owned assets, a founder shall, according to the relevant provisions of the state on regulation of state-owned assets, hire a qualified intermediary institution to make assessment according to the law, rationally determine the amount of capital contributions on the basis of the assessment results, and report to the institution with regulatory responsibilities for state-owned assets for recordation. 以國有資產參與舉辦民辦學校的,應當根據國家有關國有資產監督管理的規定,聘請具有評估資格的中介機構依法進行評估,根據評估結果合理確定出資額,並報對該國有資產負有監管職責的機構備案。
Article 9 The state shall encourage enterprises to found or participate in the founding of non-state schools providing vocational education by sole proprietorship, joint venture, cooperation, and other means in accordance with the law.   第九條 國家鼓勵企業以獨資、合資、合作等方式依法舉辦或者參與舉辦實施職業教育的民辦學校。
Article 10 To found a non-state school, the founder shall perform the obligation of making full capital contributions on time. During the existence of a non-state school, the founder shall not withdraw capital contributions or misappropriate school funding.   第十條 舉辦民辦學校,應當按時、足額履行出資義務。民辦學校存續期間,舉辦者不得抽逃出資,不得挪用辦學經費。
A founder may raise funds to found a for-profit non-state school in accordance with the law, and shall use the funds raised mainly for school running, and perform the obligation of information disclosure according to the provisions, shall not change the purpose without authorization. A non-state school and its founder shall not collect fees related to admission in the name of sponsorship fees and other items from any student or any parent of a student directly or in a disguised manner. 舉辦者可以依法募集資金舉辦營利性民辦學校,所募集資金應當主要用于辦學,不得擅自改變用途,並按規定履行信息披露義務。民辦學校及其舉辦者不得以贊助費等名目向學生、學生家長收取或者變相收取與入學關聯的費用。
Article 11 A founder shall, in accordance with the law, develop bylaws and be responsible for electing members of the first school council, board of directors or other decision-making bodies.   第十一條 舉辦者依法制定學校章程,負責推選民辦學校首屆理事會、董事會或者其他形式決策機構的組成人員。
A founder may, according to the procedures and requirements as prescribed in the laws and regulations, and bylaws, participate in or appoint representatives to participate in the council, board of directors or other forms of decision-making bodies, and exercise corresponding decision-making and management powers on the basis of the powers as prescribed in the bylaws. 舉辦者可以依據法律、法規和學校章程規定的程序和要求參加或者委派代表參加理事會、董事會或者其他形式決策機構,並依據學校章程規定的權限行使相應的決策權、管理權。
Article 12 Where a founder of a non-state school is changed, an agreement on change shall be signed, but it shall not involve the corporate property of the school, affect the development of the school, or damage the rights and interests of any teacher or student; and where the founder of an existing non-state school is changed, it or he can agree on change in income with the successor founder on the basis of the lawful rights and interests enjoyed by it or him according to the law.   第十二條 民辦學校舉辦者變更的,應當簽訂變更協議,但不得涉及學校的法人財產,也不得影響學校發展,不得損害師生權益;現有民辦學校的舉辦者變更的,可以根據其依法享有的合法權益與繼任舉辦者協議約定變更收益。
A founder of a non-state school that no longer meets the statutory conditions shall apply for a change with the examination and approval authority within six months; and where change is not made within the prescribed time limit, the examination and approval authority shall order the change. 民辦學校的舉辦者不再具備法定條件的,應當在6個月內向審批機關提出變更;逾期不變更的,由審批機關責令變更。
Where a founder is a legal person, its controlling shareholder and actual controller shall meet the conditions for founding non-state schools as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. Change in the controlling shareholder and actual controller, if any, shall be reported to the competent authority for recordation and announcement. 舉辦者為法人的,其控股股東和實際控制人應當符合法律、行政法規規定的舉辦民辦學校的條件,控股股東和實際控制人變更的,應當報主管部門備案並公示。
Where the change in a founder meets the statutory conditions, the examination and approval authority shall handle it within the prescribed time limit. 舉辦者變更,符合法定條件的,審批機關應當在規定的期限內予以辦理。
Article 13 Where multiple non-state schools are founded or actually controlled concurrently, the founder or actual controller shall have the funds, personnel, institutional framework, and other conditions and capabilities compatible with the school-running activities to be carried out, and assume the responsibilities for management and supervision of non-state schools founded.   第十三條 同時舉辦或者實際控制多所民辦學校的,舉辦者或者實際控制人應當具備與其所開展辦學活動相適應的資金、人員、組織機構等條件與能力,並對所舉辦民辦學校承擔管理和監督職責。
A founder or actual controller concurrently founding or actually controlling multiple non-state schools that provides textbooks, courses, technical support and other services for the non-state schools founded or actually controlled, and organizes educational and teaching activities shall comply with the relevant provisions issued by the state and establish corresponding quality standards and guarantee mechanisms. 同時舉辦或者實際控制多所民辦學校的舉辦者或者實際控制人向所舉辦或者實際控制的民辦學校提供教材、課程、技術支持等服務以及組織教育教學活動,應當符合國家有關規定並建立相應的質量標准和保障機制。
To concurrently found or actually control multiple non-state schools, the founder or actual controller shall guarantee that the non-state schools founded or actual controlled independently carry out school-running activities in accordance with the law, and all assets during the existence are lawfully managed and used by the schools; shall not change the nature of non-profit non-state schools founded or actual controlled, or directly or indirectly obtain the school-running benefits; and shall not abuse its dominant market position to exclude or restrict competition. 同時舉辦或者實際控制多所民辦學校的,應當保障所舉辦或者實際控制的民辦學校依法獨立開展辦學活動,存續期間所有資產由學校依法管理和使用;不得改變所舉辦或者實際控制的非營利性民辦學校的性質,直接或者間接取得辦學收益;也不得濫用市場支配地位,排除、限制競爭。
No social organization or individual shall control non-state schools providing compulsory education or non-profit non-state schools providing preschool education through mergers and acquisitions, control by agreement, or any other method. 任何社會組織和個人不得通過兼並收購、協議控制等方式控制實施義務教育的民辦學校、實施學前教育的非營利性民辦學校。
Article 14 Institutions that organize nationally recognized educational examinations, vocational qualification examinations, vocational skill level examinations, and other examinations shall found or participate in the founding of non-state schools related to the examinations organized thereby in compliance with the relevant provisions issued by the state.   第十四條 實施國家認可的教育考試、職業資格考試和職業技能等級考試等考試的機構,舉辦或者參與舉辦與其所實施的考試相關的民辦學校應當符合國家有關規定。
Article 15 The power to examine and approve the formation of a non-state school shall be governed by the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations.   第十五條 設立民辦學校的審批權限,依照有關法律、法規的規定執行。
The local people's government and its relevant departments shall perform the duties of implementing compulsory education according to the law. To found a non-state school providing compulsory education, the founder shall comply with the local development plan for compulsory education. 地方人民政府及其有關部門應當依法履行實施義務教育的職責。設立實施義務教育的民辦學校,應當符合當地義務教育發展規劃。
Article 16 The state shall encourage non-state schools to use Internet technology to carry out educational activities online.   第十六條 國家鼓勵民辦學校利用互聯網技術在線實施教育活動。
Online educational activities carried out with Internet technology shall comply with the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the state on Internet management. Non-state schools that carry out educational activities online with Internet technology shall obtain corresponding school-running permits. 利用互聯網技術在線實施教育活動應當符合國家互聯網管理有關法律、行政法規的規定。利用互聯網技術在線實施教育活動的民辦學校應當取得相應的辦學許可。
To carry out educational activities online with Internet technology, a non-state school shall establish and implement the Internet security management system and technical measures for safety management according to the law, and shall, upon discovery of issuance and transmission of information prohibited by the laws and administrative regulations, immediately stop the transmission, take handling measures such as elimination to prevent information diffusion, keep relevant records, and report to the relevant competent authorities. 民辦學校利用互聯網技術在線實施教育活動,應當依法建立並落實互聯網安全管理制度和安全保護技術措施,發現法律、行政法規禁止發布或者傳輸的信息的,應當立即停止傳輸,采取消除等處置措施,防止信息擴散,保存有關記錄,並向有關主管部門報告。
Foreign nationals carrying out educational activities online with Internet technology shall comply with the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations on education and management of foreign nationals working in China. 外籍人員利用互聯網技術在線實施教育活動,應當遵守教育和外國人在華工作管理等有關法律、行政法規的規定。
Article 17 A founder of a non-state school that completes the preparations for founding of a non-state school within three years from the date of obtaining the written approval for preparations for founding may file an application for formal founding.   第十七條 民辦學校的舉辦者在獲得籌設批准書之日起3年內完成籌設的,可以提出正式設立申請。
A non-state school shall not admit students during the preparation period. 民辦學校在籌設期內不得招生。
Article 18 Where an application for formal founding of a non-state school providing diploma education is filed, the examination and approval authority shall, after accepting the application, organize an expert commission to conduct deliberation. The expert commission shall provide consultation opinions.   第十八條 申請正式設立實施學曆教育的民辦學校的,審批機關受理申請後,應當組織專家委員會評議,由專家委員會提出咨詢意見。
Article 19 The bylaws of a non-state school shall include the following main items:   第十九條 民辦學校的章程應當規定下列主要事項:
(1) The school's name, domicile, school address, and attributes of legal person. (一)學校的名稱、住所、辦學地址、法人屬性;
(2) The rights and obligations of the founder, and the method for change in the founder and assignment of rights and interests. (二)舉辦者的權利義務,舉辦者變更、權益轉讓的辦法;
(3) The purpose, development positioning, level, type, scale, and form, among others, of school-running. (三)辦學宗旨、發展定位、層次、類型、規模、形式等;
(4) The school's start-up capital and registered capital, and source and nature of assets, among others. (四)學校開辦資金、注冊資本,資產的來源、性質等;
(5) The method of forming the council, board of directors, or other forms of decision-making bodies and supervisory body, personnel composition, terms of office, and rules of procedure, among others. (五)理事會、董事會或者其他形式決策機構和監督機構的產生方法、人員構成、任期、議事規則等;
(6) Procedures for the person in charge or representative of the Party's organization of the school to enter the school's decision-making body and supervisory body. (六)學校黨組織負責人或者代表進入學校決策機構和監督機構的程序;
(7) The legal representative of the school. (七)學校的法定代表人;
(8) The reasons for the school's self-termination, and the methods and procedures for disposal of remaining assets. (八)學校自行終止的事由,剩余資產處置的辦法與程序;
(9) The procedures for amending the bylaws. (九)章程修改程序。
A non-state school shall announce the bylaws to the public, and issue an announcement in advance to solicit opinions of interested parties for amendment to the bylaws. After completing amendment, it shall report to the competent authority for recordation or confirmation. 民辦學校應當將章程向社會公示,修訂章程應當事先公告,征求利益相關方意見。完成修訂後,報主管部門備案或者核准。
Article 20 A non-state school may only use one name.   第二十條 民辦學校只能使用一個名稱。
The name of a non-state school shall comply with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations, and shall not harm the public interests or contain any word that may cause ambiguity or contain any name of another legal person that may mislead the public. A for-profit non-state school may use the legal person's abbreviation approved by the examination and approval authority on its plaques, transcripts, graduation certificates, completion certificates, degree certificates and related certificates, admission advertisements and brochures. 民辦學校的名稱應當符合有關法律、行政法規的規定,不得損害社會公共利益,不得含有可能引發歧義的文字或者含有可能誤導公眾的其他法人名稱。營利性民辦學校可以在學校牌匾、成績單、畢業證書、結業證書、學位證書及相關證明、招生廣告和簡章上使用經審批機關批准的法人簡稱。
Article 21 The start-up capital and registered capital of a non-state school shall be commensurate with the type, level, and scale of the school. When a non-state school is officially founded, the start-up capital and registered capital shall be paid in full amount.   第二十一條 民辦學校開辦資金、注冊資本應當與學校類型、層次、辦學規模相適應。民辦學校正式設立時,開辦資金、注冊資本應當繳足。
Article 22 For a non-state school approved to be founded officially, the examination and approval authority shall issue a school-running permit and make an announcement to the public.   第二十二條 對批准正式設立的民辦學校,審批機關應當頒發辦學許可證,並向社會公告。
The time limit of a school-running permit shall be compatible with the school-running level and type of the non-state school. A non-state school without violations of laws or regulations within the time limit of a permit may, upon expiry of the validity period, have the validity period automatically extended and obtain a new permit. 辦學許可的期限應當與民辦學校的辦學層次和類型相適應。民辦學校在許可期限內無違法違規行為的,有效期屆滿可以自動延續、換領新證。
The measures for the administration of school-running permits of non-state schools shall be developed by the administrative department of education and the administrative department of human resources and social security of the State Council according to the division of functions. 民辦學校辦學許可證的管理辦法由國務院教育行政部門、人力資源社會保障行政部門依據職責分工分別制定。
Article 23 To add a campus, a non-state school shall apply to the examination and approval authority for change in address; and to found a branch, a non-state school shall separately apply to the examination and approval authority where the branch is located for a school-running permit and report to the original examination and approval authority for recordation.   第二十三條 民辦學校增設校區應當向審批機關申請地址變更;設立分校應當向分校所在地審批機關單獨申請辦學許可,並報原審批機關備案。
Article 24 A non-state school shall apply for legal person registration in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations, and the registration authority shall handle it in accordance with the law.   第二十四條 民辦學校依照有關法律、行政法規的規定申請法人登記,登記機關應當依法予以辦理。
Chapter III Organization and Activities of Non-State Schools 

第三章 民辦學校的組織與活動

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