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Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Transport, and Other Ministries and Commissions on Protecting the Labor Rights and Interests of Workers Employed in New Forms [Effective]
人力资源社会保障部、国家发展改革委、交通运输部、应急部、市场监管总局、国家医保局、最高人民法院、全国总工会关于维护新就业形态劳动者劳动保障权益的指导意见 [现行有效]
Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Emergency Management, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the National Healthcare Security Administration, the Supreme People's Court, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions on Protecting the Labor Rights and Interests of Workers Employed in New Forms 


(No. 56 [2021] of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security) (人社部发〔2021〕56号)

The people's governments, high people's courts and federations of trade unions of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; the Production and Construction Corps Branch of the High People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; and Federation of Trade Unions of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府、高级人民法院、总工会,新疆生产建设兵团,新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院生产建设兵团分院,新疆生产建设兵团总工会:
In recent years, the platform economy has developed rapidly, creating a large number of employment opportunities. The number of workers employed in new forms such as deliverymen hailed online, drivers of vehicles hailed online, truck drivers, Internet marketers who rely on Internet platforms for employment has increased significantly. Protecting the labor rights and interests of workers is facing new situations and new problems. For the purposes of thoroughly implementing the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, supporting and regulating the development of new employment forms, effectively protecting the labor rights and interests of workers employed in new forms, and promoting the sound and sustainable development of the platform economy, with consent of the State Council, the following opinions are hereby put forward: 近年来,平台经济迅速发展,创造了大量就业机会,依托互联网平台就业的网约配送员、网约车驾驶员、货车司机、互联网营销师等新就业形态劳动者数量大幅增加,维护劳动者劳动保障权益面临新情况新问题。为深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,支持和规范发展新就业形态,切实维护新就业形态劳动者劳动保障权益,促进平台经济规范健康持续发展,经国务院同意,现提出以下意见:
I. Employment shall be regulated and the responsibilities for protecting the labor rights and interests of workers shall be specified. 一、规范用工,明确劳动者权益保障责任
1. Guiding and urging enterprises to employ workers in compliance with laws and regulations, actively fulfilling their employment responsibilities, and stabilizing the workforce. Workers shall be proactively cared for, efforts shall be made for improving the working conditions, the career development space shall be expanded, and the level of protection of workers' labor rights and interests shall be gradually improved. Positive and optimistic corporate culture shall be cultivated and workers shall be urged to share the development achievements of enterprises.   (一)指导和督促企业依法合规用工,积极履行用工责任,稳定劳动者队伍。主动关心关爱劳动者,努力改善劳动条件,拓展职业发展空间,逐步提高劳动者权益保障水平。培育健康向上的企业文化,推动劳动者共享企业发展成果。
2. Falling under the circumstances for establishing labor relations, enterprises shall enter into labor contracts with workers in accordance with the law. Where an enterprise does not completely fall under the circumstances for establishing labor relations, but carries out labor management of workers (hereinafter referred to as “not completely falling under the circumstances for establishing labor relations”), the enterprise shall be guided to conclude a written agreement with the worker to reasonably determine the rights and obligations of the enterprise and the worker. Where individuals rely on platforms, among others, to independently carry out business operation activities and engage in freelance work, the rights and obligations of both parties shall be subject to applicable civil laws.   (二)符合确立劳动关系情形的,企业应当依法与劳动者订立劳动合同。不完全符合确立劳动关系情形但企业对劳动者进行劳动管理(以下简称不完全符合确立劳动关系情形)的,指导企业与劳动者订立书面协议,合理确定企业与劳动者的权利义务。个人依托平台自主开展经营活动、从事自由职业等,按照民事法律调整双方的权利义务。
3. A platform enterprise organizing workers to complete work on a platform by labor dispatching and other cooperative employment methods shall select an enterprise with legal business qualifications and supervise its protection of workers' labor rights and interests. A platform enterprise employing workers by labor dispatching shall perform the responsibilities of labor dispatching employers in accordance with the law. Where the labor rights and interests of workers are harmed by other cooperative employment methods such as outsourcing, the platform enterprise shall assume corresponding liabilities in accordance with the law.   (三)平台企业采取劳务派遣等合作用工方式组织劳动者完成平台工作的,应选择具备合法经营资质的企业,并对其保障劳动者权益情况进行监督。平台企业采用劳务派遣方式用工的,依法履行劳务派遣用工单位责任。对采取外包等其他合作用工方式,劳动者权益受到损害的,平台企业依法承担相应责任。
II. Improving the system to make up for the shortcomings in the protection of labor rights and interests 二、健全制度,补齐劳动者权益保障短板
4. A fair employment system shall be implemented to eliminate the employment discrimination. In employing workers, an enterprise shall not illegally set such discriminatory conditions as gender, ethnicity, and age, or collect any money or property from workers in the name of paying earnest money, deposits, or otherwise, or illegally restrain workers from working on multiple platforms.   (四)落实公平就业制度,消除就业歧视。企业招用劳动者不得违法设置性别、民族、年龄等歧视性条件,不得以缴纳保证金、押金或者其他名义向劳动者收取财物,不得违法限制劳动者在多平台就业。
5. Improving the minimum wage and payment guarantee system, and promoting the incorporation of workers employed in new forms not completely falling under the circumstances for establishing labor relations into the scope of system guarantee. Enterprises shall be urged to pay, in full and on time, remuneration of labor not lower than the local minimum wage standard for workers who work normally, with no deduction or delay without justification. Enterprises shall be guided to establish a reasonable growth mechanism for remuneration of labor, and gradually increase the level of remuneration of labor.   (五)健全最低工资和支付保障制度,推动将不完全符合确立劳动关系情形的新就业形态劳动者纳入制度保障范围。督促企业向提供正常劳动的劳动者支付不低于当地最低工资标准的劳动报酬,按时足额支付,不得克扣或者无故拖欠。引导企业建立劳动报酬合理增长机制,逐步提高劳动报酬水平。
6. Improving the rest system, promoting the industry to specify the manpower authorization and labor quota standards, and scientifically determining the workload and labor intensity of workers. Enterprises shall be urged to reasonably determine the rest measures according to the applicable provisions, and pay reasonable remuneration for statutory holidays higher than that for normal working hours.   (六)完善休息制度,推动行业明确劳动定员定额标准,科学确定劳动者工作量和劳动强度。督促企业按规定合理确定休息办法,在法定节假日支付高于正常工作时间劳动报酬的合理报酬。
7. The responsibility system for occupational safety and health shall be improved and implemented, and the national protection standards for occupational safety and health shall be strictly implemented. Enterprises shall firmly establish the awareness of safety “red line,” and shall not set assessment indicators that harm the safety or health of workers. The relevant laws and regulations on work safety shall be strictly complied with, the work safety responsibility system for all workers shall be implemented, the rules, regulations and operating procedures on work safety shall be established and improved. Necessary labor safety and sanitation facilities and labor protection supplies shall be equipped with. The safety and compliance status of labor tools shall be examined in a timely manner. Education and training for work safety and occupational health shall be strengthened. Importance shall be attached to the physical and mental health of workers, and psychological counseling shall be carried out in a timely manner. Labor protection under special circumstances such as severe weather shall be strengthened, to minimize the hazards resulting from work safety incidents and occupational diseases.   (七)健全并落实劳动安全卫生责任制,严格执行国家劳动安全卫生保护标准。企业要牢固树立安全“红线”意识,不得制定损害劳动者安全健康的考核指标。要严格遵守安全生产相关法律法规,落实全员安全生产责任制,建立健全安全生产规章制度和操作规程,配备必要的劳动安全卫生设施和劳动防护用品,及时对劳动工具的安全和合规状态进行检查,加强安全生产和职业卫生教育培训,重视劳动者身心健康,及时开展心理疏导。强化恶劣天气等特殊情形下的劳动保护,最大限度减少安全生产事故和职业病危害。
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