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Measures for the Administration of Examination and Approval of Radio Stations and Television Stations [Revised]
广播电台电视台审批管理办法 [已被修订]
Order of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television
(No. 37)
The Measures for the Administration of Examination and Approval of Radio Stations and Television Stations, which have been adopted at the executive meeting of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television on June 15, 2004, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of September 20, 2004.
Director Xu Guangchun
August 18, 2004
Measures for the Administration of Examination and Approval of Radio Stations and Television Stations


局长 徐光春


Article 1 With a view to regulating the administration of radio stations and television stations and safeguarding the sound development of the radio and television undertaking and industry, the present Measures are formulated according to the Regulation on the Administration of Radio and Television.
   第一条 为规范广播电台、电视台管理,保障广播电视事业和产业的健康发展,根据《广播电视管理条例》,制定本办法。
Article 2 The "radio stations and television stations" as referred to in the present Measures are the radio and television broadcasting institutions (include the radio stations and television stations, the educational television stations, the enterprise groups of radio, film and television, the chief stations, the branches of the radio and the television stations with the qualifications of an independent legal entity status) which gather and edit, produce and broadcast radio and television programs to the general public through the wired, the wireless, the satellites transmission or other means.
   第二条 本办法所称广播电台、电视台是指采编、制作并通过有线、无线、卫星或其他方式向社会公众播放广播电视节目的广播电视播出机构(含广播电视台、教育电视台、广播影视集团、总台、具备独立法人资格的广播电台、电视台分台等)。
Article 3 The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (hereinafter referred to as the SARFT) shall be responsible for formulating the plans for establishing radio stations and television stations of the whole country, confirming the total amount, overall arrangement and structure of the radio and television stations, and examining and approving the establishment and supervising and administrating the radio and television stations of the whole country. The radio, film and television administrative departments of the local people's governments at the county level or above shall be responsible for the administration of the radio and television stations within their own administrative divisions.
   第三条 国家广播电影电视总局(以下简称广电总局)负责制定全国广播电台、电视台的设立规划,确定广播电台、电视台的总量、布局和结构,负责全国广播电台、电视台的设立审批和监督管理工作。县级以上地方广播电视行政部门负责本行政区域内广播电台、电视台的管理工作。
Article 4 The State prohibits the establishment of radio and television stations in the form of foreign-funded venture, Chinese-foreign equity joint venture or Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture.
   第四条 国家禁止设立外资经营、中外合资经营和中外合作经营的广播电台、电视台。
Article 5 The radio and television stations shall, in principle, be established by the radio, film and television administrative departments at the level of county or city undivided into districts or by the authorized enterprise groups of radio, film and television (the chief station), and the educational television stations may be set up by the educational administrative departments at the city divided into districts or autonomous prefecture level or above.
   第五条 广播电台、电视台原则上由县、不设区的市以上广播电视行政部门或经批准的广播影视集团(总台)设立,其中教育电视台可以由设区的市、自治州以上教育行政部门设立。
Article 6 To establish and merge a radio or television station, the following conditions shall be met:
   第六条 广播电台、电视台的设立、合并应当具备下列条件:
(1) It shall be in conformity with the development programming of the national radio and television undertaking and industry and the related national and trade standards;
(2) It shall have the professional staff of radio and television, shall have technical equipments and the necessary places prescribed by the State;
(3) It shall have the necessary basic construction funds and stable capital guarantee;
(4) It shall have the definite channel orientation and certain transmission coverage; and
(5) The means of transmission coverage and technical parameters shall conform to the layout of transmission coverage net of the national radio and television.
Article 7 The establishment, merger and alteration of the related matters of radio and television stations at the central level shall be directly reported to the SARFT for examination and approval. The establishment and alteration of the local radio and television stations shall be applied to the higher radio, film and television administrative department by the radio, film and television administrative departments of their own level, and reported to the SARFT for examination and approval after the level-by-level examination and approval.
The establishment, merger and alteration of the related matters of the educational television stations shall be applied to the higher educational administrative departments by the educational administrative departments at the city divided into districts or autonomous prefecture level or above after obtaining the approval of the radio and television administrative department of their own level, and reported to the SARFT for examination and approval after the level-by-level examination and approval and the examination and approval of the educational administrative department of the State Council.
   第七条 中央级广播电台、电视台的设立、合并和相关事项变更,直接报广电总局审批。地方级广播电台、电视台的设立和变更,由本级广播电视行政部门向上级广播电视行政部门提出申请,逐级审核后,报广电总局审批。
Article 8 To apply for the establishment and merger of the radio and television stations, one shall submit the following application materials:
   第八条 申请设立、合并广播电台、电视台的,须提交以下申请材料:
(1) a written application; and
(2) a feasibility report, which shall include the following elements:
a. human resources;
b. capital guarantee and sources;
c. place, equipments;
d. plan for the launching of channels and programs (including the orientation of the channels and the column designing);
e. transmission coverage, means and technical parameters; and
f. operational plans.
(3) the station name and logo and the call letters to be used, attached with the colored sample of the station logo, simple description of the originality and electronic manuscript;
(4) the approval documents of the people's government at its own level for granting the establishment and merger; and
(5) preparatory plans.
Article 9 To apply for adjusting the established number of programs and the range of the programs, one shall submit the following application materials:
   第九条 广播电台、电视台申请调整节目套数和节目设置范围的,须提交以下申请材料:
(1) a written application; and
(2) a feasibility report, which shall include the following elements:
a. the reasons for adjusting the number of programs and the range of the programs;
b. human resources;
c. capital guarantee and sources;
d. place, equipment;
e. plan for the launching of channels and programs (including the orientation of channels and the column designing);

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