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Notice by the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security of Issuing the Provisions (II) of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security on the Standards for Filing Criminal Cases under the Jurisdiction of the Public Security Organs for Investigation and Prosecution | | 最高人民检察院、公安部关于印发《最高人民检察院、公安部关于公安机关管辖的刑事案件立案追诉标准的规定(二)》的通知 |
The people's procuratorates and the departments (bureaus) of public security of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Procuratorate of the People's Liberation Army; and the People's Procuratorate and the Public Security Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: | | 各省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院、公安厅(局),解放军军事检察院,新疆生产建设兵团人民检察院、公安局: |
For the purposes of adapting to the needs of cracking down on economic criminal cases in the new era and serving and guaranteeing high-quality economic and social development, in accordance with the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, and other applicable laws, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security have revised upon research the Provisions (II) of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security on the Standards for Filing Criminal Cases under the Jurisdiction of the Public Security Organs for Investigation and Prosecution, and revised and improved the standards for the filing of some economic criminal cases under the jurisdiction of public security organs for investigation and prosecution, which are hereby issued to you for compliance and implementation. The public security organs at all levels shall file cases for investigation and prosecution in accordance with these Provisions, and the procuratorial organs at all levels shall review, approve arrest and prosecute in accordance with these Provisions. During their work, they shall punish various economic criminal activities in accordance with the law and strictly regulate impartial and civilized law enforcement and justice. Meanwhile, they shall earnestly carry out the criminal justice policies of fewer arrests and cautious prosecution and detention and the system of leniency for the admission of guilt and acceptance of punishment, and constantly enhance the level of law enforcement standardization and credibility. | | 为适应新时期打击经济犯罪案件工作需要,服务保障经济社会高质量发展,根据《中华人民共和国刑法》《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》等法律规定,最高人民检察院、公安部研究修订了《最高人民检察院、公安部关于公安机关管辖的刑事案件立案追诉标准的规定(二)》,对公安机关管辖的部分经济犯罪案件立案追诉标准进行修改完善,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。各级公安机关应当依照此规定立案侦查,各级检察机关应当依照此规定审查批捕、审查起诉。工作中,要依法惩治各类经济犯罪活动,严格规范公正文明执法司法,同时要认真落实少捕慎诉慎押刑事司法政策、认罪认罚从宽制度,不断提高执法规范化水平和公信力。 |
After the issuance of this Notice, if the standards for the filing of cases for investigation and prosecution are further specified in the relevant judicial interpretations, the provisions of relevant judicial interpretations shall prevail. All localities shall report the problems encountered during implementation to the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security respectively in a timely manner. | | 通知印发后,相关司法解释对立案追诉标准作出进一步明确规定的,依照相关司法解释规定执行。各地在执行中遇到的问题,请及时分别报最高人民检察院和公安部。 |
Supreme People's Procuratorate | | 最高人民检察院 |
Ministry of Public Security | | 公安部 |
April 6, 2022 | | 2022年4月6日 |
Provisions (II) of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security on the Standards for Filing Criminal Cases under the Jurisdiction of the Public Security Organs for Investigation and Prosecution | | 最高人民检察院、公安部关于公安机关管辖的刑事案件立案追诉标准的规定(二) |
Article 1 [Case on Financing Terrorist Activities (Paragraph 1 of Article 120(A) of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone provides financing for any terrorist organization or any individual who conducts terrorist activities or provides financing for training on terrorist activities, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution. | | 第一条 〔帮助恐怖活动案(刑法第一百二十条之一第一款)〕资助恐怖活动组织、实施恐怖活动的个人的,或者资助恐怖活动培训的,应予立案追诉。 |
Article 2 [Case on Smuggling Counterfeit Money (Paragraph 1 of Article 151 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone counterfeits money, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第二条 〔走私假币案(刑法第一百五十一条第一款)〕走私伪造的货币,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Counterfeiting money at a total par value of more than 2,000 yuan or in a quantity of more than 200 pieces. | | (一)总面额在二千元以上或者币量在二百张(枚)以上的; |
2. Counterfeiting money at a total par value of more than 1,000 yuan or in a quantity of more than 100 pieces, and having been given administrative punishment in the last two years for smuggling counterfeit money, and smuggling counterfeit money again. | | (二)总面额在一千元以上或者币量在一百张(枚)以上,二年内因走私假币受过行政处罚,又走私假币的; |
3. Otherwise smuggling counterfeiting money, subject to criminal liability. | | (三)其他走私假币应予追究刑事责任的情形。 |
Article 3 [Case on Falsely Reporting Registered Capital (Article 158 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone applying for company registration falsely declares the registered capital by using any false certification document or any other fraudulent means to deceive the company registration department and obtain company registration, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第三条 〔虚报注册资本案(刑法第一百五十八条)〕申请公司登记使用虚假证明文件或者采取其他欺诈手段虚报注册资本,欺骗公司登记主管部门,取得公司登记,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. The minimum amount of the statutory registered capital is less than six million yuan and the false part of the registered capital accounts for more than 60% of the applicant's due contribution. | | (一)法定注册资本最低限额在六百万元以下,虚报数额占其应缴出资数额百分之六十以上的; |
2. The minimum amount of the statutory registered capital exceeds six million yuan and the false part of the registered capital accounts for more than 30% of the applicant's due contribution. | | (二)法定注册资本最低限额超过六百万元,虚报数额占其应缴出资数额百分之三十以上的; |
3. Direct economic losses in an accumulative amount of more than 500,000 yuan have been caused to investors or other creditors. | | (三)造成投资者或者其他债权人直接经济损失累计数额在五十万元以上的; |
4. The applicant falls under any of the following circumstances, though the aforesaid amount standard has not been reached: | | (四)虽未达到上述数额标准,但具有下列情形之一的: |
(1) Having been given administrative punishment more than twice in the last two years for falsely reporting registered capital and falsely reporting registered capital again. | | 1.二年内因虚报注册资本受过二次以上行政处罚,又虚报注册资本的; |
(2) Bribing any person in charge of company registration. | | 2.向公司登记主管人员行贿的; |
(3) Applying for registration for the purpose of conducting any illegal activity. | | 3.为进行违法活动而注册的。 |
5. There is any other serious consequence or circumstance. | | (五)其他后果严重或者有其他严重情节的情形。 |
This Article shall only apply to the companies that carry out the paid-in registered capital registration system in accordance with the law. | | 本条只适用于依法实行注册资本实缴登记制的公司。 |
Article 4 [Case on False Contribution or Illegal Withdrawal of Contributed Capital (Article 159 of the Criminal Law)] Where a promoter or shareholder of a company fails to deliver currency or real objects or transfer property rights, which constitutes a false contribution, or withdraws the contributed capital upon formation of the company, in violation of the relevant provisions of the Company Law, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第四条 〔虚假出资、抽逃出资案(刑法第一百五十九条)〕公司发起人、股东违反公司法的规定未交付货币、实物或者未转移财产权,虚假出资,或者在公司成立后又抽逃其出资,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. The minimum amount of the statutory registered capital is less than six million yuan and the amount of false capital contribution made by and the amount of contributed capital which is illegally withdrawn account for more than 60% of the due contribution of the promoter or shareholder. | | (一)法定注册资本最低限额在六百万元以下,虚假出资、抽逃出资数额占其应缴出资数额百分之六十以上的; |
2. The minimum amount of the statutory registered capital exceeds six million yuan and the amount of false capital contribution made by and the amount of contributed capital which is illegally withdrawn accounts for more than 30% of the due contribution of the promoter or shareholder. | | (二)法定注册资本最低限额超过六百万元,虚假出资、抽逃出资数额占其应缴出资数额百分之三十以上的; |
3. Direct economic losses in an accumulative amount of more than 500,000 yuan have been caused to the company, shareholders and/or creditors. | | (三)造成公司、股东、债权人的直接经济损失累计数额在五十万元以上的; |
4. The offender falls under any of the following circumstances, though the aforesaid amount standard has not been reached: | | (四)虽未达到上述数额标准,但具有下列情形之一的: |
(1) The false contribution or illegal withdrawal of contributed capital has caused the company to be insolvent or unable to conduct normal business operation. | | 1.致使公司资不抵债或者无法正常经营的; |
(2) The promoters or shareholders of a company collude with each other to make any false capital contribution or illegally withdraw any contributed capital. | | 2.公司发起人、股东合谋虚假出资、抽逃出资的; |
(3) The promoter or shareholder of a company has been given administrative punishment more than twice in the last two years for false capital contribution or illegal withdrawal of contributed capital, and makes any false capital contribution or illegally withdraws any contributed capital again. | | 3.二年内因虚假出资、抽逃出资受过二次以上行政处罚,又虚假出资、抽逃出资的; |
(4) The promoter or shareholder of a company conducts any illegal activity by using the funds obtained from the false capital contribution or illegal withdrawal of contributed capital. | | 4.利用虚假出资、抽逃出资所得资金进行违法活动的。 |
5. There is any other serious consequence or circumstance. | | (五)其他后果严重或者有其他严重情节的情形。 |
This Article shall only apply to the companies that carry out the paid-in registered capital registration system in accordance with the law. | | 本条只适用于依法实行注册资本实缴登记制的公司。 |
Article 5 [Case on Fraudulent Issuance of Shares (Article 160 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone issues shares or corporate or enterprise bonds, depositary receipts, or other securities determined by the State Council in accordance with the law by concealing any material fact or making any major falsification in the share offer prospectus, share subscription form, or corporate or enterprise bond offer prospectus, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第五条 〔欺诈发行证券案(刑法第一百六十条)〕在招股说明书、认股书、公司、企业债券募集办法等发行文件中隐瞒重要事实或者编造重大虚假内容,发行股票或者公司、企业债券、存托凭证或者国务院依法认定的其他证券,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. The amount of illegally raised funds is more than ten million yuan. | | (一)非法募集资金金额在一千万元以上的; |
2. The false increase or decrease of assets reaches more than 30% of the total assets in the corresponding period. | | (二)虚增或者虚减资产达到当期资产总额百分之三十以上的; |
3. The false increase or decrease of business income reaches more than 30% of the total business income in the corresponding period. | | (三)虚增或者虚减营业收入达到当期营业收入总额百分之三十以上的; |
4. The false increase or decrease of profits reaches more than 30% of the total profits in the corresponding period. | | (四)虚增或者虚减利润达到当期利润总额百分之三十以上的; |
5. The amount involved in any major litigation, arbitration, guarantee, affiliated transaction, or other major event which is concealed or fabricated or the accumulative amount of the same for 12 consecutive months accounts for more than 50% of the disclosed net assets in the most recent period. | | (五)隐瞒或者编造的重大诉讼、仲裁、担保、关联交易或者其他重大事项所涉及的数额或者连续十二个月的累计数额达到最近一期披露的净资产百分之五十以上的; |
6. Direct economic losses of more than one million yuan have been caused to the investors. | | (六)造成投资者直接经济损失数额累计在一百万元以上的; |
7. Any official document of a state organ, valid certification document, or relevant certificate or bill is forged or altered for the fraudulent issuance of securities. | | (七)为欺诈发行证券而伪造、变造国家机关公文、有效证明文件或者相关凭证、单据的; |
8. Offering bribes to any entity or individual responsible for financial supervision and administration for the fraudulent issuance of securities. | | (八)为欺诈发行证券向负有金融监督管理职责的单位或者人员行贿的; |
9. The funds raised are all or mainly used for illegal or criminal activities. | | (九)募集的资金全部或者主要用于违法犯罪活动的; |
10. There is any other serious consequence or circumstance. | | (十)其他后果严重或者有其他严重情节的情形。 |
Article 6 [Case on Non-compliant Disclosure or Nondisclosure of Material Information (Article 161 of the Criminal Law)] Where any company or enterprise with the statutory obligation of information disclosure provides its shareholders and the general public with a financial accounting report which contains any false information or covers up any important fact, or fails to disclose any other important information which ought to be disclosed according to law, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第六条 〔违规披露、不披露重要信息案(刑法第一百六十一条)〕依法负有信息披露义务的公司、企业向股东和社会公众提供虚假的或者隐瞒重要事实的财务会计报告,或者对依法应当披露的其他重要信息不按照规定披露,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Direct economic losses in an accumulative amount of more than one million yuan have been caused to the shareholders, creditors, and/or others. | | (一)造成股东、债权人或者其他人直接经济损失数额累计在一百万元以上的; |
2. The false increase or decrease of assets reaches more than 30% of the disclosed total assets in the corresponding period. | | (二)虚增或者虚减资产达到当期披露的资产总额百分之三十以上的; |
3. The false increase or decrease of business income reaches more than 30% of the disclosed total business income in the corresponding period. | | (三)虚增或者虚减营业收入达到当期披露的营业收入总额百分之三十以上的; |
4. The false increase or decrease of profits reaches more than 30% of the disclosed total profits in the corresponding period. | | (四)虚增或者虚减利润达到当期披露的利润总额百分之三十以上的; |
5. The amount involved in any major litigation, arbitration, guarantee, affiliated transaction, or other major event which is not disclosed as required or the accumulative amount of the same for 12 consecutive months accounts for more than 50% of the disclosed net assets in the most recent period. | | (五)未按照规定披露的重大诉讼、仲裁、担保、关联交易或者其他重大事项所涉及的数额或者连续十二个月的累计数额达到最近一期披露的净资产百分之五十以上的; |
6. As a result, a company or enterprise which fails to satisfy the issue requirements fraudulently obtains an issue approval or registration and is listed for on-exchange trading. | | (六)致使不符合发行条件的公司、企业骗取发行核准或者注册并且上市交易的; |
7. Causing the on-exchange trading of the stocks, enterprise or corporate bonds, depositary receipts, or other securities legally determined by the State Council, which are issued by the company or enterprise. | | (七)致使公司、企业发行的股票或者公司、企业债券、存托凭证或者国务院依法认定的其他证券被终止上市交易的; |
8. Any loss is disclosed as profit or vice versa in a financial accounting report of the company. | | (八)在公司财务会计报告中将亏损披露为盈利,或者将盈利披露为亏损的; |
9. The company or enterprise has provided many times financial accounting reports which contain any false information or cover up any important fact, or has failed to disclose many times any other important information which ought to be disclosed according to law. | | (九)多次提供虚假的或者隐瞒重要事实的财务会计报告,或者多次对依法应当披露的其他重要信息不按照规定披露的; |
10. The interests of the shareholders, creditors, or others are otherwise seriously damaged or there is any other serious circumstance. | | (十)其他严重损害股东、债权人或者其他人利益,或者有其他严重情节的情形。 |
Article 7 [Case on Disrupting Liquidation (Article 162 of the Criminal Law)] Where, during the liquidation of a company or enterprise, anyone conceals property by making any false entry in the balance sheet or asset list, or distributes company or enterprise assets before the repayment of debts, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第七条 〔妨害清算案(刑法第一百六十二条)〕公司、企业进行清算时,隐匿财产,对资产负债表或者财产清单作虚伪记载或者在未清偿债务前分配公司、企业财产,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Concealing property at a value of more than 500,000 yuan. | | (一)隐匿财产价值在五十万元以上的; |
2. Making any false entry in the balance sheet or asset list, which involves an amount of more than 500,000 yuan. | | (二)对资产负债表或者财产清单作虚伪记载涉及金额在五十万元以上的; |
3. Distributing company or enterprise assets at a value of more than 500,000 yuan, before the repayment of debts. | | (三)在未清偿债务前分配公司、企业财产价值在五十万元以上的; |
4. Causing direct economic losses in an accumulative amount of more than 100,000 yuan to the creditors or others. | | (四)造成债权人或者其他人直接经济损失数额累计在十万元以上的; |
5. Causing any bad social impact, because the wages, social insurance premiums, and legal indemnities of employees that ought to be paid off have not been paid off in a timely manner, though the aforesaid amount standard has not been reached. | | (五)虽未达到上述数额标准,但应清偿的职工的工资、社会保险费用和法定补偿金得不到及时清偿,造成恶劣社会影响的; |
6. Otherwise seriously damaging the interests of creditors or others. | | (六)其他严重损害债权人或者其他人利益的情形。 |
Article 8 [Case on Concealing or Intentionally Destroying an Accounting Document, Accounting Book, or Financial Accounting Report (Article 162(A) of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone conceals or intentionally destroys any accounting document, accounting book, or financial accounting report which ought to be kept pursuant to law, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第八条 〔隐匿、故意销毁会计凭证、会计帐簿、财务会计报告案(刑法第一百六十二条之一)〕隐匿或者故意销毁依法应当保存的会计凭证、会计帐簿、财务会计报告,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Concealing or intentionally destroying any accounting document, accounting book, or financial accounting report which involves an amount of more than 500,000 yuan. | | (一)隐匿、故意销毁的会计凭证、会计帐簿、财务会计报告涉及金额在五十万元以上的; |
2. Concealing, intentionally destroying, or refusing to provide any accounting document, accounting book, or financial accounting report which ought to be provided to an oversight authority, judicial organ, administrative organ, or competent department, among others, in accordance with the law. | | (二)依法应当向监察机关、司法机关、行政机关、有关主管部门等提供而隐匿、故意销毁或者拒不交出会计凭证、会计帐簿、财务会计报告的; |
3. Any other serious circumstance. | | (三)其他情节严重的情形。 |
Article 9 [Case on False Bankruptcy (Article 162(B) of the Criminal Law)] Where a company or enterprise transfers or disposes of its property by concealing property, assuming fabricated debts, or any other means to falsely go bankrupt, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第九条 〔虚假破产案(刑法第一百六十二条之二)〕公司、企业通过隐匿财产、承担虚构的债务或者以其他方法转移、处分财产,实施虚假破产,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Concealing property at a value of more than 500,000 yuan. | | (一)隐匿财产价值在五十万元以上的; |
2. Assuming fabricated debts involving an amount of more than 500,000 yuan. | | (二)承担虚构的债务涉及金额在五十万元以上的; |
3. Otherwise transferring or disposing of property at a value of more than 500,000 yuan. | | (三)以其他方法转移、处分财产价值在五十万元以上的; |
4. Causing direct economic losses in an accumulative amount of more than 100,000 yuan to the creditors or others. | | (四)造成债权人或者其他人直接经济损失数额累计在十万元以上的; |
5. Causing any bad social impact, because the wages, social insurance premiums, and legal indemnities of employees that ought to be paid off have not been paid off in a timely manner, though the aforesaid amount standard has not been reached. | | (五)虽未达到上述数额标准,但应清偿的职工的工资、社会保险费用和法定补偿金得不到及时清偿,造成恶劣社会影响的; |
6. Otherwise seriously damaging the interests of creditors or others. | | (六)其他严重损害债权人或者其他人利益的情形。 |
Article 10 [Case on Accepting Bribes by a Non-state Functionary (Article 163 of the Criminal Law)] Where any employee of a company or enterprise or any other entity asks for or illegally accepts any property of another person by taking advantage of his or her position to seek any benefit for such another person, or pockets any kickback or commission in any name during an economic transaction by taking advantage of his or her position in violation of the relevant provisions of the state, if the amount involved is more than 30,000 yuan, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution. | | 第十条 〔非国家工作人员受贿案(刑法第一百六十三条)〕公司、企业或者其他单位的工作人员利用职务上的便利,索取他人财物或者非法收受他人财物,为他人谋取利益,或者在经济往来中,利用职务上的便利,违反国家规定,收受各种名义的回扣、手续费,归个人所有,数额在三万元以上的,应予立案追诉。 |
Article 11 [Case on Offering Bribes to a Non-state Functionary (Paragraph 1 of Article 164 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone offers money or property to an employee of a company or enterprise or any other entity to seek any illegal benefit, if the amount of bribes is more than 30,000 yuan in the case of a briber which is an individual or more than 200,000 yuan in the case of a briber which is an entity, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution. | | 第十一条 〔对非国家工作人员行贿案(刑法第一百六十四条第一款)〕为谋取不正当利益,给予公司、企业或者其他单位的工作人员以财物,个人行贿数额在三万元以上的,单位行贿数额在二十万元以上的,应予立案追诉。 |
Article 12 [Case on Offering Bribes to a Functionary of a Foreign Country or an Official of an International Public Organization (Paragraph 2 of Article 164 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone offers money or property to a functionary of a foreign country or an official of an international public organization to seek any illegal commercial benefit, if the amount of bribes is more than 30,000 yuan in the case of a briber which is an individual or more than 200,000 yuan in the case of a briber which is an entity, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution. | | 第十二条 〔对外国公职人员、国际公共组织官员行贿案(刑法第一百六十四条第二款)〕为谋取不正当商业利益,给予外国公职人员或者国际公共组织官员以财物,个人行贿数额在三万元以上的,单位行贿数额在二十万元以上的,应予立案追诉。 |
Article 13 [Case on Damaging the Interests of a Listed Company in Violation of the Duty of Loyalty (Article 169(A) of the Criminal Law)] Where a director, supervisor, or officer of a listed company manipulates the listed company to conduct any activity which damages the interests of the listed company by taking advantage of his or her position in violation of his or her duty of loyalty to the company, or the controlling shareholder or actual controller of a listed company instructs any director, supervisor, or officer of the listed company to conduct any activity which damages the interests of the listed company, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第十三条 〔背信损害上市公司利益案(刑法第一百第一百六十九条之一)〕上市公司的董事、监事、高级管理人员违背对公司的忠实义务,利用职务便利,操纵上市公司从事损害上市公司利益的行为,以及上市公司的控股股东或者实际控制人,指使上市公司董事、监事、高级管理人员实施损害上市公司利益的行为,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Providing funds, commodities, services, or other assets free of charge to any other entity or individual, which has caused direct economic losses of more than 1.5 million yuan to the listed company. | | (一)无偿向其他单位或者个人提供资金、商品、服务或者其他资产,致使上市公司直接经济损失数额在一百五十万元以上的; |
2. Providing or accepting funds, commodities, services, or other assets under obviously unfair terms and conditions, which has caused direct economic losses of more than 1.5 million yuan to the listed company. | | (二)以明显不公平的条件,提供或者接受资金、商品、服务或者其他资产,致使上市公司直接经济损失数额在一百五十万元以上的; |
3. Providing funds, commodities, services, or other assets to any entity or individual which obviously lacks the ability of repayment, which has caused direct economic losses of more than 1.5 million yuan to the listed company. | | (三)向明显不具有清偿能力的单位或者个人提供资金、商品、服务或者其他资产,致使上市公司直接经济损失数额在一百五十万元以上的; |
4. Providing security for any entity or individual which obviously lacks the ability of repayment, or providing security for any other entity or individual without justifiable reasons, which has caused direct economic losses of more than 1.5 million yuan to the listed company. | | (四)为明显不具有清偿能力的单位或者个人提供担保,或者无正当理由为其他单位或者个人提供担保,致使上市公司直接经济损失数额在一百五十万元以上的; |
5. Waiving any creditor's right or taking on any debt without justifiable reasons, which has caused direct economic losses of more than 1.5 million yuan to the listed company. | | (五)无正当理由放弃债权、承担债务,致使上市公司直接经济损失数额在一百五十万元以上的; |
6. Causing the on-exchange trading of the stocks, corporate or enterprise bonds, depositary receipts, or other securities legally determined by the State Council, which are issued by the company or enterprise, to be terminated. | | (六)致使公司、企业发行的股票或者公司、企业债券、存托凭证或者国务院依法认定的其他证券被终止上市交易的; |
7. Otherwise causing any serious loss to the interests of the listed company. | | (七)其他致使上市公司利益遭受重大损失的情形。 |
Article 14 [Case on Counterfeiting Money (Article 170 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone counterfeits money, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第十四条 〔伪造货币案(刑法第一百七十条)〕伪造货币,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Counterfeiting money at a total par value of more than 2,000 yuan or in a quantity of more than 200 pieces. | | (一)总面额在二千元以上或者币量在二百张(枚)以上的; |
2. Counterfeiting money at a total par value of more than 1,000 yuan or in a quantity of more than 100 pieces, and having been given administrative punishment in the last two years for counterfeiting money and counterfeiting money again. | | (二)总面额在一千元以上或者币量在一百张(枚)以上,二年内因伪造货币受过行政处罚,又伪造货币的; |
3. Producing printing plates of money or providing printing plates for any other person to counterfeit money. | | (三)制造货币版样或者为他人伪造货币提供版样的; |
4. Otherwise counterfeiting money, subject to criminal liability. | | (四)其他伪造货币应予追究刑事责任的情形。 |
Article 15 [Case on Selling, Buying, or Transporting Counterfeit Money (Paragraph 1 of Article 171 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone sells or buys counterfeit money or knowingly transports counterfeit money, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第十五条 〔出售、购买、运输假币案(刑法第一百七十一条第一款)〕出售、购买伪造的货币或者明知是伪造的货币而运输,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Selling or buying money at a total par value of more than 4,000 yuan or in a quantity of more than 400 pieces. | | (一)总面额在四千元以上或者币量在四百张(枚)以上的; |
2. Selling or buying money at a total par value of more than 2,000 yuan or in a quantity of more than 200 pieces, and having been given administrative punishment more than twice in the last two years for selling, buying, or transporting counterfeit money, and selling, buying, or transporting counterfeit money again. | | (二)总面额在二千元以上或者币量在二百张(枚)以上,二年内因出售、购买、运输假币受过行政处罚,又出售、购买、运输假币的; |
3. Otherwise selling, buying, or transporting counterfeit money, subject to criminal liability. | | (三)其他出售、购买、运输假币应予追究刑事责任的情形。 |
Where anyone is captured when selling counterfeit money, not only the counterfeit money seized on the site but also the counterfeit money seized at the domicile of the actor or any other hiding place shall be determined as the counterfeit money sold. | | 在出售假币时被抓获的,除现场查获的假币应认定为出售假币的数额外,现场之外在行为人住所或者其他藏匿地查获的假币,也应认定为出售假币的数额。 |
Article 16 [Case on Buying Counterfeit Money or Trading Counterfeit Money for Real Money by an Employee of a Financial Institution (Paragraph 2 of Article 171 of the Criminal Law)] Where any employee of a bank or any other financial institution buys counterfeit money or trades counterfeit money for real ones by taking advantage of his or her position, and the total par value thereof is more than 2,000 yuan or the quantity thereof is more than 200 pieces, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution. | | 第十六条 〔金融工作人员购买假币、以假币换取货币案(刑法第一百七十一条第二款)〕银行或者其他金融机构的工作人员购买伪造的货币或者利用职务上的便利,以伪造的货币换取货币,总面额在二千元以上或者币量在二百张(枚)以上的,应予立案追诉。 |
Article 17 [Case on Possessing or Using Counterfeit Money (Article 172 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone knowingly possesses or uses counterfeit money, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第十七条 〔持有、使用假币案(刑法第一百七十二条)〕明知是伪造的货币而持有、使用,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Possessing or using counterfeit money at a total par value of more than 4,000 yuan or in a quantity of more than 400 pieces. | | (一)总面额在四千元以上或者币量在四百张(枚)以上的; |
2. Possessing or using counterfeit money at a total par value of more than 2,000 yuan or in a quantity of more than 200 pieces, and having been given administrative punishment in the last two years for possessing or using counterfeit money, and possessing or using counterfeit money again. | | (二)总面额在二千元以上或者币量在二百张(枚)以上,二年内因持有、使用假币受过行政处罚,又持有、使用假币的; |
3. Otherwise possessing or using counterfeit money, subject to criminal liability. | | (三)其他持有、使用假币应予追究刑事责任的情形。 |
Article 18 [Case on Altering Money (Article 173 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone alters money, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第十八条 〔变造货币案(刑法第一百七十三条)〕变造货币,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Altering money at a total par value of more than 2,000 yuan or in a quantity of more than 200 pieces. | | (一)总面额在二千元以上或者币量在二百张(枚)以上的; |
2. Altering money at a total par value of more than 1,000 yuan or in a quantity of more than 100 pieces, and having been given administrative punishment in the last two years for altering money, and altering money again. | | (二)总面额在一千元以上或者币量在一百张(枚)以上,二年内因变造货币受过行政处罚,又变造货币的; |
3. Otherwise altering money, subject to criminal liability. | | (三)其他变造货币应予追究刑事责任的情形。 |
Article 19 [Case on Unapproved Formation of a Financial Institution (Paragraph 1 of Article 174 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone forms a financial institution without the approval of the competent department of the state, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第十九条 〔擅自设立金融机构案(刑法第一百七十四条第一款)〕未经国家有关主管部门批准,擅自设立金融机构,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Forming a commercial bank, a stock exchange, a futures exchange, a securities company, a futures company, an insurance company, or any other financial institution without approval. | | (一)擅自设立商业银行、证券交易所、期货交易所、证券公司、期货公司、保险公司或者其他金融机构的; |
2. Forming a preparatory organization of a financial institution without approval. | | (二)擅自设立金融机构筹备组织的。 |
Article 20 [Case on Forging, Altering, or Assigning the Business Operation Permit or Approval Document of a Financial Institution (Paragraph 2 of Article 174 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone forges, alters or assigns the business operation permit or approval document of a commercial bank, a stock exchange, a futures exchange, a securities company, a futures company, an insurance company, or any other financial institution, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution. | | 第二十条 〔伪造、变造、转让金融机构经营许可证、批准文件案(刑法第一百七十四条第二款)〕伪造、变造、转让商业银行、证券交易所、期货交易所、证券公司、期货公司、保险公司或者其他金融机构的经营许可证或者批准文件的,应予立案追诉。 |
Article 21 [Case on Relending Credit Funds at a High Interest Rate (Article 175 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone relends credit funds obtained from a financial institution to any other person at a high interest rate for the purpose of making profits through relending, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution if the amount of illegal income is more than 500,000 yuan. | | 第二十一条 〔高利转贷案(刑法第一百七十五条)〕以转贷牟利为目的,套取金融机构信贷资金高利转贷他人,违法所得数额在五十万元以上的,应予立案追诉。 |
Article 22 [Case on Fraudulently Obtaining a Loan, Acceptance or Financial Instrument (Article 175(A) of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone obtains by fraudulent means any loan, acceptance, letter of credit, or letter of guarantee, among others, from a bank or any other financial institution, which has caused direct economic losses of more than 500,000 yuan to a bank or any other financial institution, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution. | | 第二十二条 〔骗取贷款、票据承兑、金融票证案(刑法第一百七十五条之一)〕以欺骗手段取得银行或者其他金融机构贷款、票据承兑、信用证、保函等,给银行或者其他金融机构造成直接经济损失数额在五十万元以上的,应予立案追诉。 |
Article 23 [Case on Illegally Absorbing Public Savings (Article 176 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone absorbs public savings illegally or in disguise, which disrupts the financial order, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第二十三条 〔非法吸收公众存款案(刑法第一百七十六条)〕非法吸收公众存款或者变相吸收公众存款,扰乱金融秩序,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Absorbing public savings of more than one million yuan illegally or in disguise. | | (一)非法吸收或者变相吸收公众存款数额在一百万元以上的; |
2. Absorbing public savings from more than 150 depositors illegally or in disguise. | | (二)非法吸收或者变相吸收公众存款对象一百五十人以上的; |
3. Absorbing public savings illegally or in disguise, which has caused direct economic losses of more than 500,000 yuan to the fundraising participants. | | (三)非法吸收或者变相吸收公众存款,给集资参与人造成直接经济损失数额在五十万元以上的; |
If anyone absorbs public savings of more than 500,000 yuan illegally or in disguise, which has caused direct economic losses of more than 250,000 yuan to the fundraising participants, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 非法吸收或者变相吸收公众存款数额在五十万元以上或者给集资参与人造成直接经济损失数额在二十五万元以上,同时涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Having been held criminally liable for illegal fundraising. | | (一)因非法集资受过刑事追究的; |
2. Having been given administrative punishment in the last two years for illegal fundraising. | | (二)二年内因非法集资受过行政处罚的; |
3. Causing any bad social impact or any other serious consequence. | | (三)造成恶劣社会影响或者其他严重后果的。 |
Article 24 [Case on Forging or Altering a Financial Instrument (Article 177 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone forges or alters any financial instrument, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第二十四条 〔伪造、变造金融票证案(刑法第一百七十七条)〕伪造、变造金融票证,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Forging or altering a bank draft, promissory note or check, forging or altering a certificate of authorized collection, a remittance certificate, a bank deposit certificate or any other bank settlement certificate, or forging or altering a letter of credit or any accompanying document, at a total par value of more than 10,000 yuan or in a quantity of more than 10. | | (一)伪造、变造汇票、本票、支票,或者伪造、变造委托收款凭证、汇款凭证、银行存单等其他银行结算凭证,或者伪造、变造信用证或者附随的单据、文件,总面额在一万元以上或者数量在十张以上的; |
2. Forging more than one credit card or forging more than ten blank credit cards. | | (二)伪造信用卡一张以上,或者伪造空白信用卡十张以上的。 |
Article 25 [Case on Disrupting the Administration of Credit Cards (Paragraph 1 of Article 177(A) of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone disrupts the administration of credit cards, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第二十五条 〔妨害信用卡管理案(刑法第一百七十七条之一第一款)〕妨害信用卡管理,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Knowingly possessing or transporting any forged credit card. | | (一)明知是伪造的信用卡而持有、运输的; |
2. knowingly possessing or transporting more than 10 forged blank credit cards cumulatively. | | (二)明知是伪造的空白信用卡而持有、运输,数量累计在十张以上的; |
3. Illegally possessing more than five credit cards of other persons cumulatively. | | (三)非法持有他人信用卡,数量累计在五张以上的; |
4. Fraudulently obtaining a credit card by using a false identity certificate during the application for the credit card. | | (四)使用虚假的身份证明骗领信用卡的; |
5. Selling, buying, or providing any other person with a forged credit card or a credit card fraudulently obtained by using a false identity certificate during the application for the credit card. | | (五)出售、购买、为他人提供伪造的信用卡或者以虚假的身份证明骗领的信用卡的。 |
Whoever obtains a credit card by using another person's resident identity certificate, army ID card for a military officer or soldier, permit for a Hong Kong or Macao resident to travel to and from mainland China, permit for a Taiwan resident to travel to and from mainland China, passport or any other identity certificate against the will of such another person or by using a forged or altered identity certificate during his or her application for the credit card shall be deemed to have met the condition of “fraudulently obtaining a credit card by using a false identity certificate during the application for the credit card.” | | 违背他人意愿,使用其居民身份证、军官证、士兵证、港澳居民往来内地通行证、台湾居民来往大陆通行证、护照等身份证明申领信用卡的,或者使用伪造、变造的身份证明申领信用卡的,应当认定为“使用虚假的身份证明骗领信用卡”。 |
Article 26 [Case on Stealing, Buying or Illegally Providing Credit Card Information (Paragraph 2 of Article 177(A) of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone steals, buys, or illegally provides information on the credit card of another person, enough for the forgery of a credit card usable for transactions or enough for any other person to conduct transactions in the name of the credit card holder, if more than one credit card is involved, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution. | | 第二十六条 〔窃取、收买、非法提供信用卡信息案(刑法第一百七十七条之一第二款)〕窃取、收买或者非法提供他人信用卡信息资料,足以伪造可进行交易的信用卡,或者足以使他人以信用卡持卡人名义进行交易,涉及信用卡一张以上的,应予立案追诉。 |
Article 27 [Case on Forging or Altering Negotiable Securities of the State (Paragraph 1 of Article 178 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone forges or alters treasury bonds or any other negotiable securities issued by the state at a total par value of more than 2,000 yuan, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution. | | 第二十七条 〔伪造、变造国家有价证券案(刑法第一百七十八条第一款)〕伪造、变造国库券或者国家发行的其他有价证券,总面额在二千元以上的,应予立案追诉。 |
Article 28 [Case on Forging or Altering Share Certificates or Corporate or Enterprise Bonds (Paragraph 2 of Article 178 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone forges or alters share certificates or corporate or enterprise bonds at a total par value of more than 30,000 yuan, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution. | | 第二十八条 〔伪造、变造股票、公司、企业债券案(刑法第一百七十八条第二款)〕伪造、变造股票或者公司、企业债券,总面额在三万元以上的,应予立案追诉。 |
Article 29 [Case on Unapproved Issuance of Shares or Corporate or Enterprise Bonds (Article 179 of the Criminal Law)] Where anyone issues shares or corporate or enterprise bonds without the approval or registration of the competent department of the state, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第二十九条 〔擅自发行股票、公司、企业债券案(刑法第一百七十九条)〕未经国家有关主管部门批准或者注册,擅自发行股票或者公司、企业债券,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
1. Illegally raising funds of more than one million yuan. | | (一)非法募集资金金额在一百万元以上的; |
2. Causing direct economic losses of more than 500,000 yuan to the investors. | | (二)造成投资者直接经济损失数额累计在五十万元以上的; |
3. Using all or most raised funds for illegal or criminal activities. | | (三)募集的资金全部或者主要用于违法犯罪活动的; |
4. There is any other serious consequence or circumstance. | | (四)其他后果严重或者有其他严重情节的情形。 |
“Issuing shares or corporate or enterprise bonds without approval” as mentioned in this Article means issuing shares or corporate or enterprise bonds to unspecific targets in the society, or doing so in disguise by such methods as transferring equities, or issuing shares or corporate or enterprise bonds to more than 200 persons accumulatively or doing so in disguise. | | 本条规定的“擅自发行股票或者公司、企业债券”,是指向社会不特定对象发行、以转让股权等方式变相发行股票或者公司、企业债券,或者向特定对象发行、变相发行股票或者公司、企业债券累计超过二百人的行为。 |
Article 30 [Case on Insider Trading or Leakage of Insider Information (Paragraph 1 of Article 180 of the Criminal Law)] Where, before the public disclosure of any information that involves the issue of securities or trading of securities or futures or other information that has a material effect on the trading prices of securities or futures, any individual or entity which has access to or illegally obtains such insider information on the trading of securities or futures buys or sells such securities, is engaged in the trading of futures related to such insider information, leaks such information, or explicitly or implicitly advises any other person to be engaged in such trading, a case shall be filed for investigation and prosecution under any of the following circumstances: | | 第三十条 〔内幕交易、泄露内幕信息案(刑法第一百八十条第一款)〕证券、期货交易内幕信息的知情人员、单位或者非法获取证券、期货交易内幕信息的人员、单位,在涉及证券的发行,证券、期货交易或者其他对证券、期货交易价格有重大影响的信息尚未公开前,买入或者卖出该证券,或者从事与该内幕信息有关的期货交易,或者泄露该信息,或者明示、暗示他人从事上述交易活动,涉嫌下列情形之一的,应予立案追诉: |
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