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Announcement No. 6 [2024] of the China Securities Regulatory Commission—Decision on Amending the Guidelines for the Evaluation of Science and Technology Innovation Attributes (for Trial Implementation) [Effective]
中国证券监督管理委员会公告〔2024〕6号――关于修改《科创属性评价指引(试行)》的决定 [现行有效]
Announcement of the China Securities Regulatory Commission 


(No. 6 [2024]) (〔2024〕6号)

The Decision on Amending the Guidelines for the Evaluation of Science and Technology Innovation Attributes (for Trial Implementation) is hereby issued and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 现公布《关于修改〈科创属性评价指引(试行)〉的决定》,自公布之日起施行。
China Securities Regulatory Commission 中国证监会
April 30, 2024 2024年4月30日
Annexes: 附件:
1. Decision on Amending the Guidelines for the Evaluation of Science and Technology Innovation Attributes (for Trial Implementation) 1.关于修改《科创属性评价指引(试行)》的决定
2. Explanation for the Decision on Amending the Guidelines for the Evaluation of Science and Technology Innovation Attributes (for Trial Implementation) 2.关于《关于修改〈科创属性评价指引(试行)〉的决定》的说明
Decision on Amending the Guidelines for the Evaluation of Science and Technology Innovation Attributes (for Trial Implementation) 关于修改《科创属性评价指引(试行)》的决定
I. Article 1 is amended to read: “An enterprise in the relevant industry field set forth under the positioning of the STAR Market that concurrently meets the following four indicators shall be supported and encouraged to apply for listing on the STAR Market:   一、将第一条修改为:“支持和鼓励科创板定位规定的相关行业领域中,同时符合下列4项指标的企业申报科创板上市:
(1) Its research and development investment accounts for 5% or more of business income in the most recent three years, or its total research and development investment in the most recent three years exceeds 80 million yuan. (1)最近三年研发投入占营业收入比例5%以上,或最近三年研发投入金额累计在8000万元以上;
(2) Its research and development personnel account for not less than 10% of the total number of employees in this year. (2)研发人员占当年员工总数的比例不低于10%;
(3) It has seven or more patents for invention that are applied in main business of the company and that may be industrialized. (3)应用于公司主营业务并能够产业化的发明专利7项以上;
(4) The compound growth rate of its business income in the most recent three years reaches 25%, or its business income in the most recent year reaches 0.3 billion yuan. (4)最近三年营业收入复合增长率达到25%,或最近一年营业收入金额达到3亿元。
An enterprise applying for listing on the STAR Market according to the listing standards set forth in paragraph (5) of Article 2.1.2 of the Rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks on the STAR Market or a red-chip enterprise having listed overseas and applying for listing on the STAR Market according to the Several Opinions on Launching the Pilot Program for Innovative Enterprises to Offer Stocks or Depository Receipts in China and other relevant rules is not required to be subject to the provisions on the indicator in the aforesaid item (4); and an enterprise in the software industry is not required to satisfy the requirements of the aforesaid item (3) for indicators, and its proportion of investment in research and development shall exceed 10%.” 采用《上海证券交易所科创板股票上市规则》第2.1.2条第一款第(五)项规定的上市标准申报科创板的企业,或按照《关于开展创新企业境内发行股票或存托凭证试点的若干意见》等相关规则申报科创板的已境外上市红筹企业,可不适用上述第(4)项指标的规定;软件行业不适用上述第(3)项指标的要求,但研发投入占比应在10%以上。”
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