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Interim Provisions on Anti-Unfair Competition on the Internet [Not Yet Effective]
网络反不正当竞争暂行规定 [尚未生效]
Interim Provisions on Anti-Unfair Competition on the Internet 


(Issued by Order No. 91 of the State Administration for Market Regulation on May 6, 2024 and shall come into force on September 1, 2024) (2024年5月6日国家市场监督管理总局令第91号公布 自2024年9月1日起施行)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of preventing and deterring acts of unfair competition on the Internet, maintaining the market order of fair competition, encouraging innovation, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of operators and consumers, and promoting the standardized, sustainable and sound development of the digital economy, these Provisions are developed in accordance with the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Anti-Unfair Competition Law”), the E-commerce Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “E-commerce Law”) and other laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了预防和制止网络不正当竞争行为,维护公平竞争的市场秩序,鼓励创新,保护经营者和消费者的合法权益,促进数字经济规范持续健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》(以下简称反不正当竞争法)、《中华人民共和国电子商务法》(以下简称电子商务法)等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 Operators are encouraged and supported in carrying out business activities in accordance with the law and participating in market competition fairly. Business operators carrying out production and business activities through the Internet and other information networks (hereinafter referred to as “networks”) shall follow the principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness and good faith, comply with laws, regulations, and observe business ethics.   第二条 鼓励和支持经营者依法开展经营活动,公平参与市场竞争。经营者通过互联网等信息网络(以下简称网络)从事生产经营活动,应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚信的原则,遵守法律法规规章,遵守商业道德。
Business operators shall not conduct acts of unfair competition on the Internet, disrupt the order of market competition, affect fair market transactions, or harm the legitimate rights and interests of other business operators or consumers. 经营者不得实施网络不正当竞争行为,扰乱市场竞争秩序,影响市场公平交易,损害其他经营者或者消费者的合法权益。
Article 3 The State Administration for Market Regulation is responsible for supervising and guiding the anti-unfair competition on the Internet across the country, and organizing the investigation into and handling of cases of unfair competition on the Internet with major impact across the country.   第三条 国家市场监督管理总局负责监督指导全国网络反不正当竞争工作,组织查处全国范围内有重大影响的网络不正当竞争案件。
Local market regulation departments at or above the county level shall investigate into and handle acts of unfair competition on the Internet according to the law. 县级以上地方市场监督管理部门依法对网络不正当竞争行为进行查处。
In the process of investigating into and handling illegal acts, the market regulation departments shall insist on law-based administration and ensure strict, standardized, fair and civilized law enforcement. 市场监督管理部门在查处违法行为过程中,应当坚持依法行政,保证严格、规范、公正、文明执法。
Article 4 The market regulation department shall, in conjunction with the member entities of the anti-unfair competition coordination mechanism, implement the major policies and measures for anti-unfair competition on the Internet, study the major problems of anti-unfair competition on the Internet, jointly investigate into and handle major cases, and jointly promote comprehensive governance.   第四条 市场监督管理部门应当会同反不正当竞争工作协调机制各成员单位,贯彻落实网络反不正当竞争重大政策措施,研究网络反不正当竞争工作重大问题,联合查处重大案件,协同推进综合治理。
The member entities of the anti-unfair competition coordination mechanism shall, in accordance with the division of duties, strengthen the management of the finance, media, telecommunications and other industries in accordance with the law, and take effective measures to prevent and deter acts of unfair competition in the Internet. 反不正当竞争工作协调机制各成员单位应当按照职责分工,依法加强金融、传媒、电信等行业管理,采取有效措施,预防和制止网络不正当竞争行为。
Article 5 The state encourages, supports and protects all organizations and individuals to conduct social supervision over acts of unfair competition on the Internet. For suspected acts of unfair competition on the Internet, any entity or individual has the right to submit a tip-off to the market regulation department according to the law, and the market regulation department shall handle it in a timely manner after receiving the tip-off.   第五条 国家鼓励、支持和保护一切组织和个人对网络不正当竞争行为进行社会监督。对涉嫌网络不正当竞争行为,任何单位和个人有权依法向市场监督管理部门举报,市场监督管理部门接到举报后应当及时处理。
Trade organizations shall strengthen industry self-regulation, and guide and standardize members' competition according to the law and regulations. 行业组织应当加强行业自律,引导、规范会员依法合规竞争。
Article 6 Platform operators shall strengthen the standardized management of competition behaviors on the platform, and shall take necessary handling measures and keep relevant records in a timely manner, and report to the market regulation department at or above the county level where the platform operator is located according to the provisions, if they find that operators on the platform adopt unfair competition methods, illegally sell commodities and provide services, or infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. The records shall be kept for a period of not less than three years from the date where the disposal measures are taken.   第六条 平台经营者应当加强对平台内竞争行为的规范管理,发现平台内经营者采取不正当竞争方式,违法销售商品、提供服务,或者侵害消费者合法权益的行为,应当及时采取必要的处置措施,保存有关记录,并按规定向平台经营者住所地县级以上市场监督管理部门报告。记录保存时间自作出处置措施之日起计算,不少于三年。
Chapter II Acts of Unfair Competition on the Internet 

第二章 网络不正当竞争行为

Article 7 Operators shall not use the Internet to conduct the following acts of confusion, causing people to mistakenly think that they are other people's commodities (commodities referred to in these Provisions include services) or have specific connection with others:   第七条 经营者不得利用网络实施下列混淆行为,引人误以为是他人商品(本规定所称商品包括服务)或者与他人存在特定联系:
(1) Unauthorized use of the same or similar logo of the main part of the domain name, the name of the website, the webpage, etc., on which others have a certain influence. (一)擅自使用与他人有一定影响的域名主体部分、网站名称、网页等相同或者近似的标识;
(2) Arbitrarily using the commodity name, enterprise name (including abbreviation, brand, etc.), social organization name (including abbreviation, etc.), name (including pen name, stage name, translated name, etc.) on which others have certain influence as the main part of the domain name and other network business activities. (二)擅自将他人有一定影响的商品名称、企业名称(包括简称、字号等)、社会组织名称(包括简称等)、姓名(包括笔名、艺名、译名等)作为域名主体部分等网络经营活动标识;
(3) Unauthorized use of the same or similar logo of the page design, name, icon, shape, etc. of the application software, online store, Client, mini program, official account, game interface, etc., on which others have certain influence. (三)擅自使用与他人有一定影响的应用软件、网店、客户端、小程序、公众号、游戏界面等的页面设计、名称、图标、形状等相同或者近似的标识;
(4) Unauthorized use of network nicknames, network symbols, network abbreviations and other identifications on which others have certain influence. (四)擅自使用他人有一定影响的网络代称、网络符号、网络简称等标识;
(5) Production and sale of commodities that are sufficient to cause people to mistakenly think that they are commodities of others or have specific connection with others. (五)生产销售足以引人误认为是他人商品或者与他人存在特定联系的商品;
(6) By providing convenient conditions such as network business sites, jointly conducting acts of confusion with other business operators. (六)通过提供网络经营场所等便利条件,与其他经营者共同实施混淆行为;
(7) Other acts of confusion conducted by using the network, which are sufficient to cause people to mistakenly think that they are commodities of others or have specific connection with others. (七)其他利用网络实施的足以引人误认为是他人商品或者与他人存在特定联系的混淆行为。
The act of setting a commercial logo on which others have certain influence as a search keyword without authorization, which is sufficient to cause people to mistakenly think that they are commodities of others or have specific connection with others, belongs to the act of confusion specified in the preceding paragraph. 擅自将他人有一定影响的商业标识设置为搜索关键词,足以引人误认为是他人商品或者与他人存在特定联系的,属于前款规定的混淆行为。
Article 8 A business operator shall not conduct false or misleading commercial publicity of commodity producers and business entities as well as commodity performance, function, quality, source, previous honors, qualifications, etc. to deceive or mislead consumers or the relevant public by the following methods:   第八条 经营者不得采取下列方式,对商品生产经营主体以及商品性能、功能、质量、来源、曾获荣誉、资格资质等作虚假或者引人误解的商业宣传,欺骗、误导消费者或者相关公众:
(1) Display, demonstration, explanation, interpretation, promotion or text annotation through websites, Clients, mini programs, official accounts, etc. (一)通过网站、客户端、小程序、公众号等进行展示、演示、说明、解释、推介或者文字标注;
(2) Carrying out commercial marketing activities by live streaming, platform recommendation, online copywriting, and other means. (二)通过直播、平台推荐、网络文案等方式,实施商业营销活动;
(3) Carrying out commercial marketing activities through top search, rave review, top transfer, list, etc. (三)通过热搜、热评、热转、榜单等方式,实施商业营销活动;
(4) Other false or misleading commercial publicity. (四)其他虚假或者引人误解的商业宣传。
Business operators shall not assist other business operators in conducting false or misleading commercial publicity acts mentioned in the preceding paragraph. 经营者不得帮助其他经营者实施前款虚假或者引人误解的商业宣传行为。
Article 9 A business operator shall not conduct the following acts, or conduct false or misleading commercial publicity of commodity producers and business entities, commodity sales status, transaction information, business operation data, user evaluation, etc., to deceive or mislead consumers or the relevant public:   第九条 经营者不得实施下列行为,对商品生产经营主体以及商品销售状况、交易信息、经营数据、用户评价等作虚假或者引人误解的商业宣传,欺骗、误导消费者或者相关公众:
(1) False transactions and false rankings. (一)虚假交易、虚假排名;
(2) Fictitious transaction volume, turnover, reservation volume and other data and information related to business operation. (二)虚构交易额、成交量、预约量等与经营有关的数据信息;
(3) Marketing by falsely claiming spot goods, making fictitious reservations, or false panic purchase. (三)采用谎称现货、虚构预订、虚假抢购等方式进行营销;
(4) Fabricating user evaluation, or using misleading display and other means to hide bad reviews, placing positive reviews first and bad reviews later, and not significantly distinguishing reviews of different products. (四)编造用户评价,或者采用误导性展示等方式隐匿差评、将好评前置、差评后置、不显著区分不同商品的评价等;
(5) Enticing users to make designated praise, offer “likes,” conduct directional voting and other interactive acts by using cash rebates, red envelopes, card coupons and other methods. (五)以返现、红包、卡券等方式利诱用户作出指定好评、点赞、定向投票等互动行为;
(6) Fabricating traffic data such as the number of favorites, clicks, attention, likes, reads, subscriptions, and forwards. (六)虚构收藏量、点击量、关注量、点赞量、阅读量、订阅量、转发量等流量数据;
(7) Fabricating interactive data such as votes, listening, viewing, playing, box office, and audience rating. (七)虚构投票量、收听量、观看量、播放量、票房、收视率等互动数据;
(8) Fabricating education and training effects such as enrollment rates, passing rates, and employment rates. (八)虚构升学率、考试通过率、就业率等教育培训效果;
(9) Marketing by falsifying public praise, fabricating topics, creating false hot spots of public opinions, and fabricating the income of network employees. (九)采用伪造口碑、炮制话题、制造虚假舆论热点、虚构网络就业者收入等方式进行营销;
(10) Other false or misleading commercial publicity activities. (十)其他虚假或者引人误解的商业宣传行为。
Business operators shall not assist other business operators in conducting false or misleading commercial publicity acts mentioned in the preceding paragraph by organizing false transactions, organizing false rankings, etc. 经营者不得通过组织虚假交易、组织虚假排名等方式,帮助其他经营者实施前款虚假或者引人误解的商业宣传行为。
Article 10 Business operators shall not use property or other means to bribe platform staff members, entities or individuals that have influence on transactions, to seek transaction opportunities or competitive advantages in terms of traffic, ranking, and follow-up services.   第十条 经营者不得采用财物或者其他手段,贿赂平台工作人员、对交易有影响的单位或者个人,以谋取交易机会或者在流量、排名、跟帖服务等方面的竞争优势。
The property mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes cash, articles, virtual network property and other property rights and interests such as gift coupons, funds, shares and debt cancellation. 前款所称的财物,包括现金、物品、网络虚拟财产以及礼券、基金、股份、债务免除等其他财产权益。
Article 11 An operator shall not use the Internet to fabricate or disseminate false information or misleading information, or conduct the following acts that damage or may damage the commercial reputation and commodity reputation of competitors:   第十一条 经营者不得利用网络编造、传播虚假信息或者误导性信息,实施下列损害或者可能损害竞争对手的商业信誉、商品声誉的行为:
(1) Organizing or instigating others to make malicious evaluations of competitors' commodities. (一)组织、指使他人对竞争对手的商品进行恶意评价;
(2) Utilizing, organizing or instigating others to spread false or misleading information through the Internet. (二)利用或者组织、指使他人通过网络散布虚假或者误导性信息;

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