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Regulation of Beijing Municipality on Collective Contract [Effective]
北京市集体合同条例 [现行有效]
Announcement of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Beijing Municipality
(No. 36)
The Regulation of Beijing Municipality on Collective Contract, as adopted at the 21st Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th People's Congress of Beijing Municipality on July 22, 2005, is hereby issued, and shall come into force as of November 1, 2005.
Standing Committee of the 12th People's Congress of Beijing Municipality
July 22, 2005
Regulation of Beijing Municipality on Collective Contract
(Adopted at the 21st Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th People's Congress of Beijing Municipality on July 22, 2005)





Table of Contents


Chapter I General Provisions
 第一章 总则
Chapter II Collective Bargaining Representatives
 第二章 集体协商代表
Chapter III Contents of Collective Bargaining
 第三章 集体协商内容
Chapter IV Conclusion of Collective Contract
 第四章 集体合同订立
Chapter V Performance of Collective Contract
 第五章 集体合同履行
Chapter VI Management and Supervision
 第六章 管理和监督
Chapter VII Legal Liabilities
 第七章 法律责任
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
 第八章 附则
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 In order to regulate collective bargainings, as well as the signing and fulfillment of collective contracts, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers and employing entities, the present Regulation is formulated in accordance with the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China and the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China and by taking into consideration the actual circumstances of this Municipality. .
   第一条 为了规范集体协商和签订、履行集体合同的行为,维护劳动者和用人单位的合法权益,建立和谐稳定的劳动关系,根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和《中华人民共和国工会法》,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。
Article 2 This Regulation shall apply to the collective bargaining between an enterprise or public institution implementing enterprise management or private non-enterprise entity (hereinafter referred to as the employing entity) and its own employees, as well as to the conclusion and fulfillment of collective contracts.
   第二条 本市行政区域内的企业、实行企业化管理的事业单位和民办非企业单位(以下统称用人单位)与本单位职工进行集体协商,签订和履行集体合同,适用本条例。
Article 3 The term "collective contract" as mentioned in the present Regulation refers to a written agreement concluded after negotiations between an employing entity and the representatives elected by the workers of this entity about matters relating to labor remunerations, working hours, rest and vacations, occupational safety and health, professional training, insurance and welfare, etc.
   第三条 本条例所称集体合同,是指职工一方与用人单位,通过选派代表进行集体协商,就劳动报酬、工作时间、休息休假、劳动安全卫生、职业培训、保险福利等事项签订的书面协议。
Article 4 When conducting a collective bargaining or signing a collective contract or special collective contract, the parties concerned shall comply with the laws, regulations and rules and the relevant provisions of the state, and shall follow the principles of respecting each other, negotiating equally, keeping good faith, conducting fair cooperation and taking into consideration the legitimate rights and interests of both parties.
   第四条 进行集体协商,签订、履行集体合同,应当遵守法律、法规、规章及国家有关规定,并遵循相互尊重、平等协商、诚实守信、公平合作、兼顾双方合法权益的原则。
Article 5 A lawfully concluded collective contract shall have binding legal force on the employing entity and all the employees of this entity.
The standards for working conditions and remuneration as stipulated in the labor contract signed by an employing entity and an employee shall not be lower than those in the collective contract.
   第五条 依法订立的集体合同,对用人单位和本单位的全体职工具有法律约束力。
Article 6 The labor and social security administrative departments of this Municipality and its districts and counties (hereinafter referred to as the labor and social security administrative departments) shall, with their respective administrative area, offer guidance to and conduct supervision over collective bargainings, and the conclusion and fulfillment of collective contracts between the employing entities and their respective employees.
   第六条 市和区、县劳动和社会保障行政部门(以下简称劳动保障行政部门)对本行政区域内的用人单位与本单位职工开展集体协商,签订、履行集体合同的情况进行指导和监督。
Chapter II Collective Bargaining Representatives

第二章 集体协商代表

Article 7 The collective bargaining representatives as mentioned in this Regulation (hereinafter referred to the bargaining representatives) refers to the persons who appear under the statutory procedures and are empowered to participate in the collective bargaining for the interests and on behalf of their own party.
The number of representatives from both parties shall be equal. Generally, each party shall have 3 up to 10 representatives and shall determine one of them as the chief representative.
   第七条 本条例所称集体协商代表(以下简称协商代表)是指按照法定程序产生并有权代表本方利益进行集体协商的人员。
Article 8 The bargaining representatives on behalf of the employees shall be appointed by the labor union of the entity according to employees' opinions. If no labor union exists in this entity, the bargaining representatives shall be elected by the employees of the entity in a democratic manner and shall be supported by more than half of the employees.
The position of the chief representative on behalf of the employees shall be assumed by the Chairman of the labor union of the entity or by one of the other bargaining representative authorized by him in writing; if the position of the Chairman of the labor union is vacant, the chief representative shall be assumed by the major person-in-charge of the labor union. If no labor union exists in this entity, the chief representative on behalf of the employees shall be democratically elected by the bargaining representatives.
   第八条 职工一方的协商代表由本单位工会征求职工意见后选派。未建立工会的,由本单位职工民主推荐,并经半数以上职工同意。
Article 9 The bargaining representatives on behalf of the employing entity shall be appointed by the legal representative of the employing entity.
The position of the chief representative of the employing entity shall be assumed by the legal representative of the entity or by one of the other bargaining representatives authorized by him in writing.
   第九条 用人单位一方的协商代表由用人单位法定代表人委派。
Article 10 Both parties, i.e. the employing entity and the employees, may entrust non-party professionals to participate in the negotiation on behalf of their respective party, but whose number shall not exceed 1/3 of the number of the bargaining representatives of their respective party.
The position of the chief representative shall not be assumed by any person not from this entity.
   第十条 用人单位和职工一方可以委托本单位以外的有关专业人员作为本方协商代表参加协商,委托人数不得超过本方协商代表的三分之一。
Article 11 After the bargaining representatives are elected, they shall be announced in this entity prior to the collective bargaining.
   第十一条 协商代表产生后,应当在集体协商前在本单位公布。
Article 12 The time period for the bargaining representatives to fulfill their duties shall be determined by the party which they represent.
   第十二条 协商代表履行职责的期限由被代表方确定。
Article 13 The bargaining representative shall perform the following duties:
   第十三条 协商代表应当履行下列职责:
(1)To participate in the collective bargaining, reflect the true will of their own party and maintain the lawful rights and interests;
(2)To accept the inquiries of their own party, timely announce negotiation information to the persons of their own party and consult the opinions of the persons of their own party;
(3)To provide the information and materials relating to the collective bargaining;
(4)To participate in settling the disputes in the collective bargaining;
(5)To timely announce the valid collective contract to all the members of their own party;
(6)To supervise the fulfillment of the collective contract; and
(7)Other duties as prescribed in any law, regulation or rule.
Article 14 Both parties to a collective bargaining shall avoid taking any extreme action. The bargaining representatives are obliged to maintain the normal production and work order of the entity.
The bargaining representatives shall keep confidential the business secrets they have access to during the course of collective bargaining.
   第十四条 集体协商双方应当避免采取过激行为。协商代表有义务维护本单位正常的生产、工作秩序。
Article 15 Both parties to a collective bargaining may change the bargaining representatives of their respective party. The change of a bargaining representative shall follow the procedures for the election of bargaining representatives.
   第十五条 集体协商双方均可以更换本方的协商代表。协商代表的更换应当按照代表产生的程序进行。
Article 16 An employing entity shall ensure the working conditions and working hours essential for the bargaining representatives to fulfill their duties. If the bargaining representatives participate in the collective bargaining during the working hours, they shall be deemed to have provided normal labor.
   第十六条 用人单位应当保障协商代表履行职责所必需的工作条件和工作时间。协商代表参加集体协商占用工作时间的,视为提供正常劳动。
Article 17 While the bargaining representatives of the party of the employees fulfill their duties, the employing entity shall not randomly change their posts. If it is really necessary to change the post of a bargaining representative due to the needs of work, it shall solicit the opinions of the labor union of this entity in advance and shall obtain the employee's own consent.
   第十七条 职工一方的协商代表履行协商代表职责期间,用人单位不得随意变更职工协商代表的工作岗位。因工作需要确需变更协商代表的工作岗位,应当事先征求本单位工会的意见,并征得职工本人同意。
Article 18 During the course when a bargaining representative representing employees is performing his duties as a bargaining representative, if the labor contract expires and if the bargaining representative himself requests to extend the labor contract, the employing entity shall extend the labor contract to the time when he has fulfilled his duties as a bargaining representative.
   第十八条 职工一方的协商代表在履行协商代表职责期间,劳动合同期限届满,协商代表本人要求顺延劳动合同期限的,用人单位应当将其劳动合同期限顺延至完成履行协商代表职责之时。

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