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Administrative Provisions on Internet Audio-Visual Program Service [Revised]
互联网视听节目服务管理规定 [已被修订]
Order of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and the Ministry of Information Industry
The Administrative Provisions on Internet Audio-Visual Program Service, which have been adopted by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and the Ministry of Information Industry of the People's Republic of China, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of January 31st, 2008.
Director of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television: Wang Taihua
Minister of Information Industry of the People's Republic of China: Wang Xudong
December 20th, 2007
Administrative Provisions on Internet Audio-Visual Program Service


Article 1 For the purpose of safeguarding national interests and public interests, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the general public and internet audio-visual program service providers, regularizing internet audio-visual program service order and promoting its healthy and orderly development, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the related provisions of the state.
   第一条 为维护国家利益和公共利益,保护公众和互联网视听节目服务单位的合法权益,规范互联网视听节目服务秩序,促进健康有序发展,根据国家有关规定,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the provision of audio-visual program service via internet (including mobile internet, hereinafter referred to as internet) within the borders of the People's Republic of China.
The term “internet audio-visual program service” as mentioned in these Provisions refers to activities of making, redacting and integrating audio-visual programs, providing them to the general public via internet, and providing service for other people to upload and spread audio-visual programs.
   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内向公众提供互联网(含移动互联网,以下简称互联网)视听节目服务活动,适用本规定。
Article 3 As the competent department of internet audio-visual program service industry, the competent department of radio, film and television under the State Council shall be in charge of supervising and administering internet audio-visual program service, and making overall arrangements on the industrial development, industrial management, content construction and safety supervision. As the competent department of internet industry, the competent department of information industry under the State Council shall exercise corresponding supervision and management over internet audio-visual program service in accordance with the management duties and powers of telecommunication industry.
The competent departments of radio, film and television under the local people's governments and the local telecommunication administrative authorities shall, according to their respective duties and functions, exercise corresponding supervision and management over internet audio-visual program service entities and internet access service within their respective administrative region.
   第三条 国务院广播电影电视主管部门作为互联网视听节目服务的行业主管部门,负责对互联网视听节目服务实施监督管理,统筹互联网视听节目服务的产业发展、行业管理、内容建设和安全监管。国务院信息产业主管部门作为互联网行业主管部门,依据电信行业管理职责对互联网视听节目服务实施相应的监督管理。
Article 4 Internet audio-visual program service entities and the related network operation entities are important forces for the construction of the network culture, bear the responsibility for building a network culture with Chinese characteristics and maintaining the safety of network cultural information, and is required to abide by the constitution, laws and administrative regulations and subject to the administration of the competent departments of internet audio-visual program service industry and the competent departments of internet industry.
   第四条 互联网视听节目服务单位及其相关网络运营单位,是重要的网络文化建设力量,承担建设中国特色网络文化和维护网络文化信息安全的责任,应自觉遵守宪法、法律和行政法规,接受互联网视听节目服务行业主管部门和互联网行业主管部门的管理。
Article 5 The national social group composed of internet audio-visual program service entities shall work out the self-discipline norms of the industry, advocate surfing and operating internet in a civilized way, create a civilized and healthy network environment, spread healthy and helpful audio-visual programs, resist the spread of corrupted and backward thoughts and culture, and conduct activities under the guidance of the competent department of radio, film and television under the State Council.
   第五条 互联网视听节目服务单位组成的全国性社会团体,负责制定行业自律规范,倡导文明上网、文明办网,营造文明健康的网络环境,传播健康有益视听节目,抵制腐朽落后思想文化传播,并在国务院广播电影电视主管部门指导下开展活动。
Article 6 Developing the internet audio-visual program service industry shall follow the principles of being favorable for the spread of socialist advanced culture, enhancing the integrated advancement of the society and the integrated development of the people, and promoting social harmony. Engaging in the internet audio-visual program service industry shall follow the principles of serving the people and socialism, adhering to correct orientation, putting social benefits at the top priority, building a socialist core value system, abiding by socialist moral norms, making vigorous efforts to carry forward thoughts and culture incarnating times development and social progress as well as excellent ethical cultural traditions, providing more and better internet audio-visual programs, satisfying people's ever increasing demands, continuously enriching people's spiritual culture life, giving full play to culture's role of comforting soul, edifying sentiment and pleasing body and mind, creating a network space beneficiary to the growth of teenagers and forming a spiritual garden built and shared by all.
   第六条 发展互联网视听节目服务要有益于传播社会主义先进文化,推动社会全面进步和人的全面发展、促进社会和谐。从事互联网视听节目服务,应当坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务,坚持正确导向,把社会效益放在首位,建设社会主义核心价值体系,遵守社会主义道德规范,大力弘扬体现时代发展和社会进步的思想文化,大力弘扬民族优秀文化传统,提供更多更好的互联网视听节目服务,满足人民群众日益增长的需求,不断丰富人民群众的精神文化生活,充分发挥文化滋润心灵、陶冶情操、愉悦身心的作用,为青少年成长创造良好的网上空间,形成共建共享的精神家园。
Article 7 To engage in internet audio-visual program service, one shall, in accordance with these Provisions, obtain the Permit for Spreading Audio-Visual Programs via Information Network (hereinafter referred to as Permit) issued by the competent department of radio, film and television, or handle the archive-filing formalities.
No entity or individual may engage in internet audio-visual program service without obtaining the Permit issued by the competent department of radio, film and television or handling the archive-filing formalities.
The catalogue for guiding the internet audio-visual program service industry shall be formulated by the competent department of radio, film and television under the State Council after discussion with the competent department of information industry under the State Council.
   第七条 从事互联网视听节目服务,应当依照本规定取得广播电影电视主管部门颁发的《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》(以下简称《许可证》)或履行备案手续。
Article 8 An applicant for engaging in internet audio-visual program service shall simultaneously satisfy the following requirements:
   第八条 申请从事互联网视听节目服务的,应当同时具备以下条件:
1. it has the corporate capacity, is an exclusive state-owned entity or a state-controlled entity, and has not committed any violative act within the three years prior to the date of application;
2. it has a sound management system for the safe spread of programs and safety protection technology and measures;
3. it has legal audio-visual program resources needed by its business;
4. it has technical capability, network resource and funds needed by its business, and sources of such funds are legal;
5. it has technical personnel needed by its business, and neither its major investor nor operators have committed any violative act within the three years prior to the date of application;
6. its technical scheme satisfies the related national standards, industrial standards and technical norms;
7. it satisfies the overall planning, layout and guidance catalogue for internet audio-visual program service determined by the competent department of radio, film and television under the State Council; and
8. it satisfies the requirements of laws, administrative regulations and other related state provisions.
Article 9 To engage in radio, film and television modality service and audio-visual news service about current events and political affairs, one shall, in addition to satisfying the requirements of Article 8, obtain the permit for broadcasting radio and television programs or the permit for providing news information service via internet. In particular, if audio-visual programs are to be broadcasted on a self-founded channel, an application shall be filed by the broadcasting station, TV station or central news entity at the prefecture (municipal) level.
To engage in audio-visual service about presiding over shows, interviewing and reporting, one shall, in addition to satisfying the requirements of Article 8, obtain the radio and television program making and operating permit and the permit for providing news information service via internet; to engage in self-shot network play (film) service, one shall obtain the radio and television program making and operating permit.
Without permit, no organization or individual may operate via internet by using any proprietary names of the radio and television.
   第九条 从事广播电台、电视台形态服务和时政类视听新闻服务的,除符合本规定第八条规定外,还应当持有广播电视播出机构许可证或互联网新闻信息服务许可证。其中,以自办频道方式播放视听节目的,由地(市)级以上广播电台、电视台、中央新闻单位提出申请。
Article 10 An application for the Permit shall be filed through the competent department of radio, film and television of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government with the competent department of radio, film and television under the State Council, while an entity directly under the Central Government may directly file the application with the competent department of radio, film and television under the State Council.
The competent department of radio, film and television of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall provide convenient service, put forward the preliminary examination opinion within 20 days since the day when the application is received, and submit it to the competent department of radio, film and television under the State Council for examination and approval; the competent department of radio, film and television under the State Council shall make a decision of approval or disapproval within 40 days since the date when the application or the preliminary examination opinion is received, in particular, the time limit for expert evaluation shall be 20 days. In the case of approval, it shall issue a Permit to the applicant and make an announcement thereon; in the case of disapproval, it shall notify the applicant of the result and give reasons in written form. The Permit shall bear the internet audio-visual program broadcasting sign, name, service category and other related issues.
   第十条 申请《许可证》,应当通过省、自治区、直辖市人民政府广播电影电视主管部门向国务院广播电影电视主管部门提出申请,中央直属单位可以直接向国务院广播电影电视主管部门提出申请。

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