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Provisions on the Administration of the Publications Market (2011) [Expired]
出版物市场管理规定(2011) [失效]


Order of the General Administration of Press and Publication and the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China
The Provisions on the Administration of the Publications Market, which were adopted at the first executive meeting of the General Administration of Press and Publication on March 17, 2011 and by the Ministry of Commerce, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on the date of promulgation.
Director-general of the General Administration of Press and Publication: Liu Binjie
Minister of the Ministry of Commerce: Chen Deming
March 25, 2011
Provisions on the Administration of the Publications Market

Chapter I General Provisions
 第一章 总 则
Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Regulation on the Administration of Publication and other relevant laws and administrative regulations for the purpose of regulating the publications distributing activities as well as the supervision and administration thereof, setting up a unified, open, competitive and orderly market system of publications nationwide and developing the socialist publishing industry.
   第一条 为规范出版物发行活动及其监督管理,建立全国统一、开放、竞争、有序的出版物市场体系,发展社会主义出版产业,根据《出版管理条例》和有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the publications distribution activities as well as the supervision and administration thereon.
The term “publications” as mentioned in these Provisions refer to books, newspapers, periodicals, audio and video recordings, electronic publications, etc.
The term “Distribution” as mentioned in these Provisions includes the activities of general distribution, wholesale, retail, lease, sales exhibitions, etc.
“General distribution” refers to sale of publications by the sole supplier to other publications dealers.
“Wholesale” refers to sale of publications by suppliers to other publications dealers.
“Retail” refers to sale of publications by dealers directly to consumers.
“Lease” refers to the provision of publications by dealers to readers in the form of charging a rental.
“Sales exhibitions” mean that sponsors organize publications dealers for concentrated exhibition, sale or subscription of publications at a fixed place and within a time.
   第二条 本规定适用于出版物发行活动及其监督管理。
Article 3 The State applies a licensing system to the distribution of publications according to law. Without a permit, no entity or individual may engage in the activity of distributing publications, unless it is otherwise provided for by these Provisions.
   第三条 国家对出版物发行依法实行许可制度,未经许可,任何单位和个人不得从事出版物发行活动。本规定另有规定的除外。
Article 4 The General Administration of Press and Publication shall be responsible for supervising and administering the publications distributing activities countrywide, and be responsible for making the national development planning of the publications distributing industry.
The administrative department of press and publication of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for supervising and administering the publications distributing activities within its own jurisdiction, and making the planning for its own jurisdiction on the development of the publications distributing industry. The administrative department of press and publication under each people's government at the provincial level or below shall be responsible for supervising and administering the publications distributing activities within its own jurisdiction.
The making of the planning on the development of the publications distributing industry shall be scientifically studied, and comply with the principles of being lawful, impartial and practical, and of promoting the development.
   第四条 新闻出版总署负责全国出版物发行活动的监督管理,负责制定全国出版物发行业发展规划。
省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版行政部门负责本行政区域内出版物发行活动的监督管理,制定本省、自治区、直辖市出版物发行业发展规划。省级以下各级人民  政府新闻出版行政部门负责本行政区域内出版物发行活动的监督管理。
Article 5 The social groups in the distributing industry shall, under the guidance of the administrative departments of press and publication, conduct self-disciplinary management according to their articles of association.
   第五条 发行行业的社会团体按照其章程,在新闻出版行政部门的指导下,实行自律管理。
Chapter II Establishment of Publications Distributing Entities
 第二章 出版物发行单位设立
Article 6 Anyone who intends to establish an enterprise of general distribution of publications or any other entity that intends to engage in the general publications distribution business shall meet the following conditions:
   第六条 设立出版物总发行企业或者其他单位从事出版物总发行业务,应当具备下列条件:
1. Having a definite enterprise name and a well-defined business scope;
2. Taking the distribution of publications as its/his main business;
3. Having an organizational structure and distribution professionals suitable for the general publications distribution business, with at least one person-in-charge holding the occupational qualification of a senior publication distributor or above or holding the medium-grade or higher professional technical qualification relating to the major of distribution of publications as acknowledged by the General Administration of Press and Publication;
4. Having equipment suitable for the general publications distribution business and a fixed business place of not less than 1,000 square meters;
5. Having a registered capital of no less than 20 million yuan;
6. Having sound management systems and an information management system which conforms to the industrial standards; and
7. Having no record of administrative punishment by the administrative department of press and publication in recent three years, and having no other records of serious violation of law.
Except for branch offices engaging in the general publications distribution business legally established by enterprises of general distribution of publications, the entities of general distribution shall be companies with legal person status.
Article 7 Anyone who applies for establishing an enterprise of general distribution of publications or any other entity which applies for general publications distribution shall submit the application materials to the administrative department of press and publication of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where he/it is located, and, after being verified by the aforesaid department, report to the General Administration of Press and Publication for examination and approval.
The State Administration of Press and Publication shall, within 60 working days as of receiving an application, make a decision on whether or not to grant approval, and inform the applicant in writing. If the application is approved, the General Administration of Press and Publication shall issue a Publication License, and the applicant shall, upon the strength of the Publication License, handle the relevant formalities with the administrative department for industry and commerce in accordance with the law; if the application is not approved, a written justification shall be made.
The application materials shall include the following written documents:
   第七条 申请设立出版物总发行企业或者其他单位申请从事出版物总发行业务,须向所在地省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版行政部门提交申请材料,经其审核后,报新闻出版总署审批。
新闻出版总署应当自受理申请之日起60个工作日内作出批准或者不予批准的决定,并书面告知申请人。批准的,由新闻出版总署颁发《出版物经营许可证》,  申请人持《出版物经营许可证》到工商行政管理部门依法办理相关手续;不予批准的,应当书面说明理由。
1. An application, which states the entity's basic information and the application matters;
2. The organizational structure and articles of association;
3. The proof of credit on registered capital;
4. Information on the business place and the proof on the right to use it;
5. Identification certification of the legal representative and major persons-in-charge;
6. The occupational qualification certificate as a distributor or other professional technical qualification certification of the person-in-charge;
7. The certification materials of the enterprise information management system; and
8. Other necessary certification materials.
Article 8 Anyone who intends to establish a publications wholesaling enterprise or any other entity that intends to engage in the publication wholesaling business shall meet the following conditions:
   第八条 设立出版物批发企业或者其他单位从事出版物批发业务,应当具备下列条件:
1. Having a definite enterprise name and a well-defined business scope;
2. Having the organizational structure and distribution professionals suitable for the publication wholesaling business, with at least one person-in-charge holding the occupational qualification of an intermediate publication distributor or holding the medium-grade or higher professional technical qualification relating to the major of distribution of publications as acknowledged by the General Administration of Press and Publication;
3. Having equipment suitable for the publication wholesaling business and a fixed business place, and the stores that have entered the wholesale market shall have a space of no less than 50 square meters per store, and the size of independently set-up business place shall be no less than 200 square meters;
4. Having a registered capital of no less than 5 million yuan;
5. Having sound management systems and an information management system which conforms to the industrial standards; and
6. Having no record of administrative punishment by the administrative department of press and publication in recent three years, and having no other records of serious violation of law.
Except for branch offices engaged in the wholesaling business legally established by publications distributing enterprises, the wholesaling entities shall be companies with legal person status.
Article 9 Anyone who applies for establishing a publications wholesaling enterprise, or any other entity who applies for engaging in the publications wholesaling business, shall submit the application materials to the local administrative department of press and publication at the prefecture or city level, and shall, after being verified by the aforesaid department, report to the administrative department of press and publication of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for examination and approval.
The administrative department of press and publication of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, within 20 working days as of receiving an application, make a decision on whether or not to grant the approval, and inform the applicant in writing. If the application is approved, the administrative department of press and publication of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall issue a Publication License, and report it to the General Administration of Press and Publication for archival purpose. The applicant shall, upon the strength of the Publication License, handle the relevant formalities at the administrative department for industry and commerce according to law. If the application is not approved, a written justification shall be made.
The application materials shall include the following written documents:
   第九条 申请设立出版物批发企业或者其他单位申请从事出版物批发业务,须向所在地地市级新闻出版行政部门提交申请材料,经审核后报省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版行政部门审批。
1. An application, which states the entity's basic information and the application matters;
2. The articles of association of the enterprise;
3. The proof of credit on registered capital;
4. Information on the business place and proof on the right to use it;
5. Identification certification of the legal representative and major persons-in-charge;
6. The occupational qualification certificate of a distributor or other professional technical qualification certification of the person-in-charge;
7. The certification materials of the enterprise information management system; and
8. Other necessary certification materials.
Article 10 Anyone who intends to establish a publications retailing enterprise or any other entity or individual who intends to engage in the publications retailing business shall meet the following conditions:
   第十条 设立出版物零售企业或者其他单位、个人从事出版物零售业务,应当具备下列条件:
1. Having a definite name and a well-defined business scope;
2. At least one person-in-charge shall hold the occupational qualification of a primary publication distributor or above, or a primary professional and technical title relating to distribution of publications or above as acknowledged by the General Administration of Press and Publication; and
3. Having a fixed business place.
Article 11 An entity or individual that applies for establishing a publications retailing enterprise, or any other entity or individual who applies for engaging in the publication retailing business, shall submit the application materials to the local administrative department of press and publication under the people's government at the county level.
The administrative department of press and publication at the county level shall, within 20 working days as of receiving an application, make a decision on whether or not to grant approval, and inform the applicant in writing. If the application is approved, the administrative department of press and publication under the people's government at the county level shall issue a Publication License, and simultaneously report to the superior administrative department of press and publication for archival purposes, and the issuance shall be reported to the administrative department of press and publication of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for archival purposes if the business place is above 5,000 square meters. The applicant shall, upon the strength of Publication License, handle the relevant formalities with the administrative department for industry and commerce. If the application is not approved, a written justification shall be made.
The application materials shall include the following written documents:
   第十一条 申请设立出版物零售企业或者其他单位、个人申请从事出版物零售业务,须向所在地县级人民政府新闻出版行政部门提交申请材料。
1. An application, which states the entity's basic information and the application matters;
2. The proof on the right to use the business place; and
3. Identification certification and occupational qualification certificate as a distributor or other professional technical qualification certification of the business operator.
Article 12 Anyone who intends to establish a publications leasing enterprise, or any other entity or individual who intends to engage in publications leasing business, shall, on the strength of the copy of its business license and the materials with information about its business address, legal representative or major persons-in-charge to the local administrative department of press and publication under the people's government at the county level for archival purposes within 15 days as of obtaining the business license.
   第十二条 设立出版物出租企业或者其他单位、个人从事出版物出租业务,应当于取得营业执照后15日内持营业执照复印件及经营地址、法定代表人或者主要负责人情况等材料到当地县级人民政府新闻出版行政部门备案。
Article 13 Anyone who intends to establish an enterprise engaging in chain operations of publications, or any other chain enterprise who intends to engage in chain operations of publications, shall meet the following conditions:
   第十三条 设立出版物连锁经营企业或者其他连锁经营企业从事出版物连锁经营业务,应当具备下列条件:
1. Having a definite enterprise name and a well-defined business scope;
2. Having the organizational form and operational method conforming to chain operations;
3. Having a registered capital of no less than 3 million yuan, or no less than 10 million yuan in case of nationwide chain operations;
4. Having no less than 10 direct chain stores;
5. Having the organizational structure and distribution professionals suitable for the chain operations, with at least one person-in-charge holding the medium-grade occupational qualification of publication distributor or above, or a medium-grade professional and technical title or above relating to distribution of publications as acknowledged by the General Administration of Press and Publication;
6. Having equipments and fixed business places suitable for the chain operations, among which the area of the sample store shall be no less than 500 square meters;
7. Having sound management systems and an information management system which conforms to the industrial standards; and
8. Having no record of administrative punishment by the administrative department of press and publication in recent three years, and having no other records of serious violation of law.
Article 14 An entity or individual who applies for establishing an enterprise engaging in chain operations of publications, or any other chain enterprise which applies for engaging in chain operations of publications, shall submit the application materials to the administrative department of press and publication at the prefecture or city level where the headquarters is located. The application shall be reported to the administrative department of press and publication of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for examination and approval after being verified; the administrative department of press and publication of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, within 20 working days as of receiving an application, make a decision on whether or not to grant the approval, and inform the applicant in writing. If the application is approved, the administrative department of press and publication of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall issue a Publication License, and report to the General Administration of Press and Publication for archival purposes; if the application is disapproved, a written justification shall be made.
An entity or individual who applies to establish an enterprise engaging in countrywide chain operations of publications, or any other chain enterprise that applies for engaging in countrywide chain operations of publications, shall submit the application materials to the administrative department of press and publication of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the headquarters is located, and the application shall be reported to the General Administration of Press and Publication for examination and approval after being verified. The General Administration of Press and Publication shall, within 60 working days as of receiving an application, make a decision on whether or not to grant approval, and inform the applicant in writing. If the application is approved, the General Administration of Press and Publication shall issue a Publication License, and the applicant shall handle the relevant formalities with the administrative department for industry and commerce upon the strength of Publication License. If the application is not approved, a written justification shall be made. The application materials shall include the following written documents:
   第十四条 申请设立出版物连锁经营企业或者其他连锁经营企业申请从事出版物连锁经营业务,须向总部所在地地市级新闻出版行政部门提交申请材料。经审核后报省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版行政部门审批;省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版行政部门自受理申请之日起20个工作日内作出批准或者不予批准的决定,并书面告知申请人。批准的,由省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版行政部门颁发《出版物经营许可证》,并报新闻出版总署备案;不予批准的,应当书面说明理由。
1. An application, which states the enterprise's basic information, the application matters, etc.;

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