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Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China Governing the Administration of Entry and Exit of Foreigners (2010 Revision) [Expired]
中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法实施细则(2010修订) [失效]
Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China Governing the Administration of Entry and Exit of Foreigners
(Approved by the State Council on December 3, 1986, promulgated by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 27, 1986, amended with the approval of the State Council on July 13, 1994, amended according to the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China Governing the Administration of Entry and Exit of Foreigners on April 24, 2010, promulgated by the Order No.575 of the State Council)
These Rules are formulated in accordance with Article 33 of The Law of the People's Republic of China on Control of the Entry and exit of foreigners (hereinafter referred to as The Law on Control of the Entry and exit of foreigners)

(1986年12月3日国务院批准 1986年12月27日公安部、外交部发布 1994年7月13日国务院批准修订 根据2010年4月24日《国务院关于修改〈中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法实施细则〉的决定》修订)

Chapter I Entry into the Country

第一章 入境

Article 1 For entry into China, foreigners shall apply for visas from Chinese diplomatic missions, consular posts or other resident agencies abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Foreigners who hold ordinary passports issued by countries which have diplomatic relations or official trade contacts with China as well as letters or telegrams from authorized organization in China, may, under any of the following circumstances where they must necessarily rush to China but have no time for visa application to the aforesaid agencies, apply for visas to the visa-granting agency at the entry port as authorized by the Ministry of Public Security:
   第一条 外国人入境,应当向中国的外交代表机关、领事机关或者外交部授权的其他驻外机关申请办理签证。
(1) they are invited at the last moment by a Chinese host to come to China for a trade fair;
(2) they are invited to China to make a tender or to formally sign an economic or trade contract;
(3) they come to China by appointment to supervise an export shipment, inspect an import commodity or to participate in a check-and-accept operation in accordance with contracts;
(4) they are invited to participate in the installation of equipment or in the emergency repair of an engineering project;
(5) they come to China at the request of the Chinese side to solve a problem of claims;
(6) they are invited to come to provide technical advisory services;
(7) they come to China due to a last-minute change in the composition of a visiting group which took place after the visa had been granted to the group and which is approved by the Chinese side;
(8) they come to China to see patients in critical conditions, or to undertake funeral matters;
(9) owing to force majeure, persons in immediate transit cannot leave the country within 24 hours by taking the original plane, or have to change to other means of transport for leaving the country; or
(10) they are invited to China for other matters, and really have no time to apply for visa to the aforesaid Chinese resident agencies abroad but hold letters or telegrams from the designated competent authorities that give the consent for them to apply for visa from the visa-granting agency at the entry port.
Visa-granting agencies at entry ports shall not handle visa applications of foreigners who do not come under the aforesaid circumstances.
Article 2 Visa-granting agencies at entry ports, as authorized by the Ministry of Public Security, are stationed at the following ports: Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Dalian, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Xi'an, Guilin, Hangzhou, Kunming, Guangzhou(Baiyun Airport), Shenzhen(Luohu, Shekou) and Zhuhai(Gongbei).
   第二条 公安部授权的口岸签证机关设立在下列口岸:北京、上海、天津、大连、福州、厦门、西安、桂林、杭州、昆明、广州(白云机场)、深圳(罗湖、蛇口)、珠海(拱北)。
Article 3 Different categories of visa, such as diplomatic, courtesy, service and ordinary visas, shall be issued to different foreigners in accordance with the different status in which they visit China and the different categories of passport they hold.
   第三条 根据外国人来中国的身份和所持护照的种类,分别发给外交签证、礼遇签证、公务签证、普通签证。
Article 4According to the stated purpose of foreigners' visit to China, the ordinary visas shall be marked with certain Chinese phonetic letters:
   第四条 签发普通签证时,根据外国人申请来中国的事由,在签证上标明相应的汉语拼音字母:
(1) D visa to foreigners who come to China for permanent residence;
(2) Z visa to foreigners and their accompanying family members who come to China for a post or employment;
(3) X visa to foreigners who come to China to study, to engage in advanced studies, or to do fieldwork, for a period of 6 months or more;
(4) F visa to foreigners who are invited to China for a visit, investigations, giving lectures, doing business, carrying out scientific, technical or cultural exchanges, or for short-term advanced studies or fieldwork, etc. for a period of not exceeding 6 months;
(5) L visa to foreigners who come to China for sightseeing or visiting relatives or for other private purposes (group visa may be issued to a group of nine or more foreigners on a sightseeing trip to China);
(6) G visa to foreigners passing through China;
(7) C visa to train attendants, airline crews and seamen and their accompanying family members in international operations; and
(8) J-1 visa to foreigners who come to China as a resident correspondent, while J-2 visa to foreign correspondents who come to China for covering special events.
Article 5 Foreigners applying for visas shall provide such pertinent information as requested and go through the following procedures:
   第五条 外国人申请签证须回答被询问的有关情况并履行下列手续:
(1) to present a valid passport or a certificate that can be used as a passport;
(2) to fill in a visa application form and hand in recent frontal hatless half-length passport-size photos; and
(3) to present, for examination, documents of certification pertaining to the purposes of entry or transit application.
Article 6 The documents of certification as mentioned in Item (3) of Article 5 of these Rules refer to:
   第六条 本实施细则第五条(三)项所说的有关证明是指:
(1) in applying for D visa, the permanent residence confirmation form, which may be applied for by the applicant himself or through his relatives in China to the entry-exit administrative department of the public security bureau of the city or county where the applicant is to reside;
(2) in applying for Z visa, documents of certification issued by the sponsor or employer organization in China indicating the engagement or employment, or letter or telegram sent by an authorized organization;
(3) in applying for X visa, documents of certification issued by the receiving organization or by the competent department concerned;
(4) in applying for F visa, a letter or telegram sent by an authorized organization;
(5) in applying for L visa for a tourist trip in China, a certificate of reception from a Chinese tourist service, and when necessary, the flight, train or ship ticket for the country(region) of destination after leaving China;
(6) in applying for G visa, a valid visa for entering the country(region) of destination, or through tickets in case such a visa is exempt;
(7) in applying for C visa, the relevant documents of certification that should be presented according to the agreements concerned; and
(8) in applying for J-1 or J-2 visa, documents of certification issued by the competent department concerned.
Foreigners who are to come to China for permanent residence or for residence of one year or more shall in addition, in applying for entry visas, produce for examination a health certificate issued by a medical institution designated by the government of the country of their current residence or one issued by any other medical institution and certified by a notary public. The health certificate shall be valid for 6 months from the date of issue.
Article 7 Foreigners coming under the following categories shall not be permitted to enter China:
   第七条 下列外国人不准入境:
(1) those who are expelled by the Chinese Government whose term of no-entry has not yet expired;
(2) those who are considered prone to terrorist or subversive activities or violence after entering the country;
(3) those who are considered prone to smuggling, prostitution or drug trafficking after entering the country;
(4) those who suffering from serious psychosis, infectious tuberculosis or other infectious diseases which may seriously endanger the public health;
(5) those who lack the means to support themselves financially while staying in China; and
(6) those who are considered prone to other activities, after entering the country, which shall jeopardize the security and interests of the country.
Article 8Foreigners may be exempt from going through the procedures for obtaining a transit visa if they hold a through ticket and have booked seats on international airliners flying immediately through China and will stay in the transit city for not exceeding 24 hours without leaving the airport; foreigners who wish to leave the airport shall apply to the border inspection office for stopover permits.
   第八条 外国人持有联程客票并已定妥联程座位搭乘国际航班从中国直接过境,在过境城市停留不超过24小时,不出机场的,免办过境签证;要求离开机场的,须向边防检查站申请办理停留许可手续。
Article 9When a vessel in international service anchors at a Chinese port, the foreign crew members and their accompanying family members shall, when wishing to disembark without leaving the port city, apply to the border inspection office for disembarkation permits, and, for lodging permits, when wishing to stay overnight on land. Those who, with justification, wish to go to places beyond the port city or are unable to leave the country by the original vessel shall apply to the local public security bureau for appropriate visas.
   第九条 国际航行船舶在中国港口停泊期间,外国船员及其随行家属要求登陆,不出港口城市的,向边防检查站申请登陆证,要求在陆地住宿的,申请住宿证。有正当理由需要前往港口城市以外的地区,或者不能随原船出境的,须向当地公安局申请办理相应的签证。
Chapter II Inspection of the Entry and Exit Certificates

第二章 入出境证件检查

Article 10Foreigners shall, upon arrival at a Chinese port, present to the border inspection office for examination their valid passport with visa and other relevant certificates issued by the Chinese government, and fill in entry-exit cards. They may enter the country after the border inspection office has examined, approved and stamped their certificates.
   第十条 外国人抵达口岸,必须向边防检查站缴验有效护照和中国的签证、证件,填写入出境卡,经边防检查站查验核准加盖验讫章后入境。
Article 11Upon arrival of a foreign aircraft or vessel at a Chinese port, the persons in charge shall fulfill the following obligations:
   第十一条 外国航空器或者船舶抵达中国口岸时,其负责人负有下列责任:
(1) the aircraft commander, the captain or their agent shall submit to the border inspection office the lists of the crew members and the passengers;
(2) they shall report, immediately upon discovery, cases of persons aboard attempting to illegally cross China's borders to the border inspection office for disposition; and
(3) they shall see that persons not permitted to enter the country leave on the original means of transport and that the expenses during the stay in China of persons who cannot promptly leave the country owing to force majeure are covered along with their travel expenses for departure.
Article 12 The border inspection office shall have power to prevent the entry or exit of foreigners coming under the following categories:
   第十二条 对下列外国人,边防检查站有权阻止入境或者出境:
(1) those who do not hold valid passports, certificates or visas;
(2) those who hold forged, altered or other than their own passports or certificates;
(3) those who refuse to have their certificates examined; and
(4) those whose entry into or exit from the country shall not be permitted, as notified by the Ministry of Public Security or the Ministry of State Security.
Article 13 Foreigners shall, on leaving the country, present for examination their valid passports or other valid certificates as well as visas or residence permits authorizing their stay in China.
   第十三条 外国人出境,须缴验有效护照或者其他有效证件,以及准予在中国停留的签证或者居留证件。

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