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Order of the State Council (No. 631) The Regulation on the Administration of Credit Investigation Industry, as adopted at the 228th executive meeting of the State Council on December 26, 2012, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on March 15, 2013. Premier: Wen Jiabao January 21, 2013 Regulation on the Administration of Credit Investigation Industry
| | 国务院令 (第631号) 《征信业管理条例》已经2012年12月26日国务院第228次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2013年3月15日起施行。 总理 温家宝 2013年1月21日 征信业管理条例
Chapter I General Provisions
| | 第一章 总 则
Article 1 This Regulation is made to regulate credit investigation activities, protect the legal rights and interests of the parties concerned, guide and promote the healthy development of credit investigation industry and enhance the building of the social credit system.
| | 第一条 为了规范征信活动,保护当事人合法权益,引导、促进征信业健康发展,推进社会信用体系建设,制定本条例。
Article 2 This Regulation applies to credit investigation and the relevant activities carried out inside China. For the purpose of this Regulation, the term “credit investigation” refers to activities of collecting, arranging, saving and processing the credit information of enterprises, public institutions and other organizations (hereinafter referred to as “enterprises”) as well as individuals, and providing it to information users. The collection, arrangement, saving, processing and provision of information by the Basic Financial Credit Information Database formed by the state shall be governed by Chapter V of this Regulation. This Regulation is not applicable when state organs, or organizations authorized by laws or regulations with the function of administering public affairs, collect, arrange, save, process and publish information of enterprises and individuals for the purpose of performing duties under laws, administrative regulations and the State Council provisions.
| | 第二条 在中国境内从事征信业务及相关活动,适用本条例。 本条例所称征信业务,是指对企业、事业单位等组织(以下统称企业)的信用信息和个人的信用信息进行采集、整理、保存、加工,并向信息使用者提供的活动。 国家设立的金融信用信息基础数据库进行信息的采集、整理、保存、加工和提供,适用本条例第五章规定。 国家机关以及法律、法规授权的具有管理公共事务职能的组织依照法律、行政法规和国务院的规定,为履行职责进行的企业和个人信息的采集、整理、保存、加工和公布,不适用本条例。
Article 3 Those engaged in credit investigation and the relevant activities shall abide by laws and regulations and keep good faith, and may not endanger state secrets or infringe upon trade secrets or personal privacy.
| | 第三条 从事征信业务及相关活动,应当遵守法律法规,诚实守信,不得危害国家秘密,不得侵犯商业秘密和个人隐私。
Article 4 The People's Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as “the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council”) and its local offices shall supervise and administer credit investigation industry by law. The local people's governments at or above the county level and the relevant departments under the State Council shall enhance the building of social credit systems in the local regions and the relevant industries, develop the credit investigation market and promote the development of credit investigation industry.
| | 第四条 中国人民银行(以下称国务院征信业监督管理部门)及其派出机构依法对征信业进行监督管理。 县级以上地方人民政府和国务院有关部门依法推进本地区、本行业的社会信用体系建设,培育征信市场,推动征信业发展。
Chapter II Credit Investigation Institutions
| | 第二章 征信机构
Article 5 For the purpose of this Regulation, the term “credit investigation institution” refers to legally formed institutions mainly engaged in credit investigation.
| | 第五条 本条例所称征信机构,是指依法设立,主要经营征信业务的机构。
Article 6 To form a credit investigation institution engaged in individual credit investigation, it is required to satisfy the following conditions in addition to those set forth by the Company Law of the People's Republic of China for the formation of companies, and obtain the approval of the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council:
| | 第六条 设立经营个人征信业务的征信机构,应当符合《中华人民共和国公司法》规定的公司设立条件和下列条件,并经国务院征信业监督管理部门批准:
1. Its principal shareholders have a good credit standing and have no record of gross violations of laws or regulations in the last three years;
| | (一)主要股东信誉良好,最近3年无重大违法违规记录;
2. Its registered capital is not less than 50 million yuan;
| | (二)注册资本不少于人民币5000万元;
3. It is equipped with facilities, devices, systems and measures which satisfy the requirements of the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council to ensure information security;
| | (三)有符合国务院征信业监督管理部门规定的保障信息安全的设施、设备和制度、措施;
4. Persons to be its directors, supervisors and senior managers satisfy the eligibility requirements as set forth by Article 8 of this Regulation; and
| | (四)拟任董事、监事和高级管理人员符合本条例第八条规定的任职条件;
5. Other prudential conditions as set forth by the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council.
| | (五)国务院征信业监督管理部门规定的其他审慎性条件。
Article 7 To apply for forming a credit investigation institution engaged in individual credit investigation, the applicant shall submit an application form and materials proving its satisfaction of conditions specified in Article 6 of this Regulation to the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council. The supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council shall examine the application by law, and make a decision of approval or disapproval within 60 days after accepting the application. In the case of approval, it shall issue an individual credit investigation business operation permit; in the case of disapproval, it shall give reasons in writing. A credit investigation institution formed to operate individual credit investigation business upon approval shall handle registration formalities at the company registration organ on the basis of the individual credit investigation business operation permit. No entity or individual may engage in individual credit investigation without the approval of the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council.
| | 第七条 申请设立经营个人征信业务的征信机构,应当向国务院征信业监督管理部门提交申请书和证明其符合本条例第六条规定条件的材料。 国务院征信业监督管理部门应当依法进行审查,自受理申请之日起60日内作出批准或者不予批准的决定。决定批准的,颁发个人征信业务经营许可证;不予批准的,应当书面说明理由。 经批准设立的经营个人征信业务的征信机构,凭个人征信业务经营许可证向公司登记机关办理登记。 未经国务院征信业监督管理部门批准,任何单位和个人不得经营个人征信业务。
Article 8 The directors, supervisors and senior managers of a credit investigation institution engaged in individual credit investigation shall be familiar with laws and regulations governing credit investigation, have experience and management ability required for performing duties in credit investigation industry, have no record of gross violations of laws or regulations in the last three years, and have the qualification ratified by the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council.
| | 第八条 经营个人征信业务的征信机构的董事、监事和高级管理人员,应当熟悉与征信业务相关的法律法规,具有履行职责所需的征信业从业经验和管理能力,最近3年无重大违法违规记录,并取得国务院征信业监督管理部门核准的任职资格。
Article 9 For the formation of branch offices, merger or split, change of registered capital, or change of shareholders whose investment accounts for 5% or more of the total capital or shareholders holding shares accounting for 5% or more of the total shares, a credit investigation institution engaged in individual credit investigation shall obtain the approval of the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council. For the change of name, a credit investigation institution engaged in individual credit investigation shall file it with the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council.
| | 第九条 经营个人征信业务的征信机构设立分支机构、合并或者分立、变更注册资本、变更出资额占公司资本总额5%以上或者持股占公司股份5%以上的股东的,应当经国务院征信业监督管理部门批准。 经营个人征信业务的征信机构变更名称的,应当向国务院征信业监督管理部门办理备案。
Article 10 To form a credit investigation institution engaged in enterprise credit investigation, it is required to satisfy conditions set forth by the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, and, on the basis of the following materials, handle filing formalities at the local office of the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council within 30 days after its registration is approved by the company registration organ:
| | 第十条 设立经营企业征信业务的征信机构,应当符合《中华人民共和国公司法》规定的设立条件,并自公司登记机关准予登记之日起30日内向所在地的国务院征信业监督管理部门派出机构办理备案,并提供下列材料:
1. its business license;
| | (一)营业执照;
2. an explanation on its equity structure or organizational setup;
| | (二)股权结构、组织机构说明;
3. basic information about its scope of business, business rules and business systems; and
| | (三)业务范围、业务规则、业务系统的基本情况;
4. information security and risk prevention measures. For any change in matters to be filed, it is required to handle modification formalities at the original filing organ within 30 days as of the day of change.
| | (四)信息安全和风险防范措施。 备案事项发生变更的,应当自变更之日起30日内向原备案机构办理变更备案。
Article 11 Credit investigation institutions shall report their credit investigation business operations of the last year according to the requirements of the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council. The supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council shall announce the lists of credit investigation institutions engaged in individual credit investigation and those engaged in enterprise credit investigation to the general public, and update such lists betimes.
| | 第十一条 征信机构应当按照国务院征信业监督管理部门的规定,报告上一年度开展征信业务的情况。 国务院征信业监督管理部门应当向社会公告经营个人征信业务和企业征信业务的征信机构名单,并及时更新。
Article 12 When a credit investigation institution is dissolved or lawfully declared bankrupt, it is required to report to the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council, and dispose of its information database in the following way:
| | 第十二条 征信机构解散或者被依法宣告破产的,应当向国务院征信业监督管理部门报告,并按照下列方式处理信息数据库:
1. transferring the database to another credit investigation institution if it has reached an agreement thereon with the said credit investigation institution and obtained the approval of the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council;
| | (一)与其他征信机构约定并经国务院征信业监督管理部门同意,转让给其他征信机构;
2. transferring the database to a credit investigation institution designated by the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council when it fails to transfer the database in the way described in the preceding paragraph; or
| | (二)不能依照前项规定转让的,移交给国务院征信业监督管理部门指定的征信机构;
3. destroying the database under the supervision of the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council when it fails to transfer the database in the way described in either of the preceding paragraphs. When a credit investigation institution engaged in individual credit investigation is dissolved or lawfully declared bankrupt, it shall make an announcement at a medium designated by the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council, and surrender its individual credit investigation business operation permit to the supervisory and administrative department of credit investigation under the State Council for cancellation.
| | (三)不能依照前两项规定转让、移交的,在国务院征信业监督管理部门的监督下销毁。 经营个人征信业务的征信机构解散或者被依法宣告破产的,还应当在国务院征信业监督管理部门指定的媒体上公告,并将个人征信业务经营许可证交国务院征信业监督管理部门注销。
Chapter III Credit Investigation Rules
| | 第三章 征信业务规则
Article 13 To collect personal information, it is required to obtain the consent of the subject of the information. Otherwise, it may not be collected, unless for information which should be disclosed under laws or administrative regulations. Information about the performance of duties by directors, supervisors or senior managers of enterprises is not categorized as individual information.
| | 第十三条 采集个人信息应当经信息主体本人同意,未经本人同意不得采集。但是,依照法律、行政法规规定公开的信息除外。 企业的董事、监事、高级管理人员与其履行职务相关的信息,不作为个人信息。
Article 14 Credit investigation institutions are prohibited to collect information about the religious belief, gene, fingerprints, blood type, disease or medical history of individuals, as well as other individual information the collection of which is prohibited by laws or administrative regulations. Credit investigation institutions may not collect information about the income, deposit, negotiable securities, commercial insurance, real property or taxes of individuals, unless they have expressly informed the individuals concerned of the possible adverse consequences that may be brought along with the provision of such information and have obtained their written consent.
| | 第十四条 禁止征信机构采集个人的宗教信仰、基因、指纹、血型、疾病和病史信息以及法律、行政法规规定禁止采集的其他个人信息。 征信机构不得采集个人的收入、存款、有价证券、商业保险、不动产的信息和纳税数额信息。但是,征信机构明确告知信息主体提供该信息可能产生的不利后果,并取得其书面同意的除外。
Article 15 Before providing bad information about an individual to a credit investigation institution, the provider shall inform the said individual, unless for bad information that should be disclosed under laws or administrative regulations. ...... | | 第十五条 信息提供者向征信机构提供个人不良信息,应当事先告知信息主体本人。但是,依照法律、行政法规规定公开的不良信息除外。 ...... |
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