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Quality Standards for the Examination of Arrest Requests by People's Procuratorates [Effective]
人民检察院审查逮捕质量标准 [现行有效]


Quality Standards for the Examination of Arrest Requests by People's Procuratorates 


(Adopted at the 41st session of the Eleventh Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on August 25, 2010) (2010年8月25日最高人民检察院第十一届检察委员会第四十一次会议通过)

To further regulate the examination of arrest requests by people's procuratorate, and improve the quality of case handling, these Standards are developed in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the Criminal Procedure Rules of People's Procuratorates and other relevant provisions, and in light of the actualities of examination of arrest requests. 为了进一步规范人民检察院审查逮捕工作,提高办案质量,根据《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》和《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》及其他有关规定,结合审查逮捕工作实际,制定本标准。
Chapter I Conditions for Arrest 

第一章 逮捕的条件

Article 1 When examining an arrest request, the people's procuratorate shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law and the conditions for arrest as prescribed in Article 60 of the Criminal Procedure Law, examine the facts and evidence of the case, and make a decision to approve or disapprove the arrest.   第一条 办理审查逮捕案件,应当依照刑法有关规定和刑事诉讼法六十条规定的逮捕条件,对案件的事实和证据进行审查,作出批准逮捕或者不批准逮捕的决定。
The people's procuratorate shall legally approve the arrest of a criminal suspect who concurrently meets all the following three conditions: 对于同时具备以下三个条件的犯罪嫌疑人,应当依法批准逮捕:
(1) There is evidence to prove the criminal facts of the criminal suspect. (一)有证据证明有犯罪事实;
(2) The criminal suspect may be sentenced to imprisonment or a heavier punishment. (二)可能判处徒刑以上刑罚;
(3) Taking such measures as granting bail to the criminal suspect or placing him under residential confinement is not sufficient to prevent the occurrence of danger to the society, thus arrest is necessary. (三)采取取保候审、监视居住等方法,尚不足以防止发生社会危险性,而有逮捕必要。
Article 2 The criterion “There is evidence to prove the criminal facts of the criminal suspect” means that the following circumstances are concurrently met:   第二条 “有证据证明有犯罪事实”,是指同时具备以下情形:
(1) There is evidence to prove that the criminal facts have occurred, such criminal facts may be the facts of a single criminal act or the facts of several criminal acts. (一)有证据证明发生了犯罪事实,该犯罪事实可以是单一犯罪行为的事实,也可以是数个犯罪行为中任何一个犯罪行为的事实;
(2) There is evidence to prove that the criminal facts are committed by the criminal suspect. (二)有证据证明犯罪事实是犯罪嫌疑人实施的;
(3) Some of the evidence proving that the criminal suspect has committed a criminal act has been verified. (三)证明犯罪嫌疑人实施犯罪行为的证明已有查证属实的。
Article 3 Under any of the following circumstances, it will not be deemed that “there is evidence to prove the criminal facts of the criminal suspect”:   第三条 具有以下情形之一的,不属于“有证据证明有犯罪事实”:
(1) The facts that the evidence proves do not constitute a crime. (一)证据所证明的事实不构成犯罪的;
(2) There is only the criminal suspect's confession of guilt, but no other evidence to corroborate. (二)仅有犯罪嫌疑人的有罪供述,而无其他证据印证的;
(3) There is significant conflict between the main evidence proving the criminal suspect's guilt and innocence, which are difficult to be cleared. (三)证明犯罪嫌疑人有罪和无罪的主要证据之间存在重大矛盾且难以排除的;
(4) In a case of joint crime, there is significant conflict in the confessions of the accomplices, and there is no other evidence to prove that the criminal suspect has committed a joint crime. (四)共同犯罪案件中,同案犯的供述存在重大矛盾,且无其他证据证明犯罪嫌疑人实施了共同犯罪行为的;
(5) There is no direct evidence, and the circumstantial evidence cannot corroborate each other. (五)没有直接证据,而间接证据不能相互印证的;
(6) In the evidence on a crime, after the confessions of the criminal suspect extorted by torture or any other illegal means and the testimonies of witnesses and the statements of the victim obtained by violence, threat or any other illegal means are excluded in accordance with law, the remaining evidence is insufficient to prove that there are criminal facts. (六)证明犯罪的证据中,对于采取刑讯逼供等非法手段取得的犯罪嫌疑人供述和采用暴力、威胁等非法手段取得的证人证言、被害人陈述依法予以排除后,其余的证据不足以证明有犯罪事实的;
(7) The existing evidence is insufficient to prove the elements of the subjective aspect of a crime. (七)现有证据不足以证明犯罪主观方面要件的;
(8) Although there is evidence proving the occurrence of criminal facts, there is no evidence to prove that the criminal facts are committed by the criminal suspect. (八)虽有证据证明发生了犯罪事实,但无证据证明犯罪事实是该犯罪嫌疑人实施的;
(9) Other circumstances under which the criminal facts cannot be proved. (九)其他不能证明有犯罪事实的情形。
Article 4 “The criminal suspect may be sentenced to imprisonment or a heavier punishment” means that the criminal suspect may be sentenced to imprisonment or a heavier punishment based on the criminal facts and circumstances that have been ascertained.   第四条 “可能判处徒刑以上刑罚”,是指根据已经查明的犯罪事实和情节,可能判处徒刑以上刑罚。
Article 5 “Taking such measures as granting bail to the criminal suspect or placing him under residential confinement is insufficient to prevent the occurrence of danger to society, thus arrest is necessary” means that a criminal suspect falls under any of the following circumstances:   第五条 “采取取保候审、监视居住等方法,尚不足以防止发生社会危险性,而有逮捕必要”,是指犯罪嫌疑人具有以下情形之一的:
(1) He may continue to commit criminal acts which are harmful to society. (一)可能继续实施犯罪行为,危害社会的;
(2) He may destroy, forge, transfer or conceal evidence, interfere with the testimony of the witnesses or make false confessions in collusion. (二)可能毁灭、伪造、转移、隐匿证据的,干扰证人作证或者串供的;
(3) He is likely to commit suicide or escape. (三)可能自杀或者逃跑的;
(4) He is likely to commit retaliation. (四)可能实施打击报复行为的;
(5) He may hinder the criminal investigation of this case or any other case. (五)可能有碍本案或者其他案件侦查党的;
(6) The criminal suspect has no fixed residence, or commits crimes from place to place or in different places, and does not possess the conditions for bail or residential confinement. (六)犯罪嫌疑人居无定所、流窜作案、异地作案,不具备取保候审、监视居住条件的;
(7) Other circumstances under which danger to society may occur if the criminal suspect is not taken into custody. (七)对犯罪嫌疑人不羁押可能发生社会危险性的其他情形。
Article 6 If a criminal suspect is suspected of any minor offense, has no suspect of any serious crime, and falls under any of the following circumstances, it may be deemed that arrest is unnecessary:   第六条 犯罪嫌疑人涉嫌的罪行较轻,且没有其他重大犯罪嫌疑,具有以下情形之一的,可以认为没有逮捕必要:
(1) The criminal suspect is preparing for a crime, or voluntarily discontinues his crime, or carries out unjustifiable self-defense, or avoids danger beyond necessity. (一)属于预备犯、中止犯、或者防卫过当、避险过当的;
(2) The criminal suspect is a first or casual offender with unimportant subjective malignancy, or an accomplice or coerced offender in a joint crime, and surrenders or renders meritorious services, or actively returns ill-gotten gains, compensates for losses, and does show repentance after committing a crime. (二)主观恶性较小的初犯、偶犯,共同犯罪中的从犯、胁从犯,犯罪后自首、有立功表现或者积极退赃、赔偿损失、确有悔罪表现的;
(3) A criminal suspect in a negligent crime has showed repentance after committing the crime, and effectively controls the losses or actively compensates for the losses. (三)过失犯罪的犯罪嫌疑人,犯罪后有悔罪表现,有效控制损失或者积极赔偿损失的;
(4) In a case about injury arising from disputes between neighbors, relatives or friends, the criminal suspect has apologized to the victim after committing the crime, compensated for the losses, and has been forgiven by the victim. (四)因邻里、亲友纠纷引发的伤害等案件,犯罪嫌疑人在犯罪后向被害人赔礼道歉、赔偿损失,取得被害人谅解的;
(5) The criminal suspect is a minor aged 14 up to 18 or a student, shows repentance, and his family or school or the local community and residents' committee have the conditions for custody or assistance and education. (五)犯罪嫌疑人系已满十四周岁未满十八周岁的未成年人或者在校学生,本人有悔罪表现,其家庭、学校或者所在社区以及居民委员会具备监护、帮教条件的;
(6) The criminal suspect is an old or disabled person and is physically unfit for custody. (六)犯罪嫌疑人系老年人或者残疾人,身体状况不适宜羁押的;
(7) Other circumstances under which arrest is unnecessary since it will not lead to harm to society or obstruction of the normal criminal proceedings if the criminal suspect is not taken into custody. (七)不予羁押不致危害社会或者妨碍刑事诉讼正常进行的其他无逮捕必要的情形。
If a criminal suspect that should be arrested is suffering from a serious illness, or is a pregnant woman or a woman who is breastfeeding her own baby, such criminal suspect may be bailed or be placed under residential confinement. 对应当逮捕的犯罪嫌疑人,如果患有严重疾病,或者是正在怀孕、哺乳自己婴儿的妇女,可以取保候审或者监视居住。
Article 7 For a criminal suspect under any of the circumstances as prescribed in Article 15 of the Criminal Procedure Law, the people's procuratorate shall decide not to approve the arrest and advise the criminal investigation authority to dismiss the case.   第七条 对属于刑事诉讼法十五条规定的情形之一的犯罪嫌疑人,应当作出不批准逮捕决定,并建议侦查机关撤销案件。
Article 8 Where a criminal suspect violates the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 56 of the Criminal Procedure Law during bail, and the criminal investigation authority files a request for approval of arrest, the people's procuratorate shall examine whether the original decision on bail conforms to the statutory conditions. If the statutory conditions are met, the people's procuratorate shall decide whether to approve the arrest based on the circumstances of the violation of the provisions, if the circumstances are not serious, it shall advise the criminal investigation authority to adopt non-arrest measures as prescribed in paragraph 2 of Article 56 of the Criminal Procedure Law. Under any of the following circumstances, the people's procuratorate shall approve the arrest:   第八条 犯罪嫌疑人在被取保候审期间违反刑事诉讼法五十六条第一款的规定,侦查机关提请批准逮捕的,人民检察院应当审查原适用取保候审是否符合法定条件。符合法定条件的,应当根据其违反规定的情节决定是否批准逮捕,情节一般的,应当建议侦查机关适用刑事诉讼法五十六条第二款规定的非逮捕措施;具有以下情形之一的,应当批准逮捕:
(1) The criminal suspect intentionally commits any new criminal act. (一)故意实施新的犯罪行为的;
(2) The criminal suspect attempts to commit suicide or escape, or evades criminal investigation or examination for prosecution. (二)企图自杀、逃跑,逃避侦查、审查起诉的;
(3) The criminal suspect destroys, forges, transfers or conceals evidence or makes false confessions in collusion, or interferes with testimony of any witness, which is sufficient to affect the normal conduct of criminal investigation or examination for prosecution. (三)实施毁灭、伪造、转移、隐匿证据或者串供、干扰证人作证行为,足以影响侦查、审查起诉工作正常进行的;
(4) The criminal suspect leaves the city or county where he resides without approval, which has caused serious consequences, or leaves the city or county where he resides twice without approval. (四)未经批准,擅自离开所居住的市、县,造成严重后果,或者两次未经批准,擅自离开所居住的市、县的;
(5) The criminal suspect fails to appear before court after being summoned, which has caused serious consequences, or fails to appear before court after being summoned twice. (五)经传讯不到案,造成严重后果,或者经两次传讯不到案的。
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