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Provisions by the Supreme People's Court on Evidence in Civil Procedures [Revised]
最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定 [已被修订]
Public Announcement of the Supreme People's Court
The Provisions by the Supreme People's Court on Evidence in Civil Procedures have been passed at the 1201st meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on December 6, 2001, and are hereby promulgated for implementation as of April 1, 2002.
December 21, 2001
Some Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Evidence in Civil Procedures
(No. 33 of [2001])
The present Provisions have been formulated on the basis of the Civil Procedure Law of the People' s Republic of China and other relevant laws by combining the civil trial experience with the actual practice for the purpose of ensuring the People's courts' finding of facts, impartial and timely trial of civil cases, and safeguarding and facilitating the parties concerned to exercise their litigation rights according to law.


I. Producing Evidences by the Parties Concerned


Article 1 The plaintiff that files a lawsuit or the defendant that files a counterclaim at the People's court shall produce eligible evidential materials.
   第一条 原告向人民法院起诉或者被告提出反诉,应当附有符合起诉条件的相应的证据材料。
Article 2 The parties concerned shall be responsible for producing evidences to prove the facts on which their own allegations are based or the facts on which the allegations of the other party are refuted.
Where any party cannot produce evidence or the evidences produced cannot support the facts on which the allegations are based, the party concerned that bears the burden of proof shall undertake unfavorable consequences.
   第二条 当事人对自己提出的诉讼请求所依据的事实或者反驳对方诉讼请求所依据的事实有责任提供证据加以证明。
Article 3 The People's court shall inform the parties concerned of the requirements for producing evidences and the of the corresponding legal liabilities so that the parties concerned may produce evidence actively, completely, correctly and honestly within the reasonable time period.
Any party who cannot independently collect evidences due to objective reasons may request the People's court to collect after investigations.
   第三条 人民法院应当向当事人说明举证的要求及法律后果,促使当事人在合理期限内积极、全面、正确、诚实地完成举证。
Article 4 The burden of proof in the tort actions shall be assumed according to the following rules:
   第四条 下列侵权诉讼,按照以下规定承担举证责任:
1. In a patent infringement action resulting from the innovation-creation of ways of producing new products, the entity or individual that produces the same product shall prove that the ways used are different from those of the patent holder;
2. In an infringement action resulting from personal damage caused by highly dangerous operations, the infringing person shall be responsible for producing evidences to prove that argument that the victim caused the injury;
3. In a compensation lawsuit for damages caused by environmental pollution, the infringing party shall be responsible for producing evidence to prove the existence of exemptions of liabilities as provided in laws or that there is no causal relationship between the his act and the harmful consequences;
4. In an infringement action of damages caused by the collapse, breaking off or falling of a building or other facilities and the thing that is laid or hung on the building, the owner of administrator of the building shall be responsible for producing evidences;
5. In an infringement action of damages caused by an animal, the person who raises or manages the animal shall be responsible for producing evidences to prove that the victim is at fault or any third party is at fault;
6. In an infringement action of damages caused by a defective product, the producer of the product shall be responsible for producing evidences to prove that there exist the exemptions of liabilities as provided in laws;
7. In an infringement action of damages caused by common danger, the persons who commit the common danger shall be responsible for producing evidences to prove that there is no causal relationship between the act thereof and the harmful consequences;
8. In an infringement action of damages caused by medical acts, the medical institution shall be responsible for producing evidences to prove that there is no causal relationship between the medical act and the harmful consequences or it is not at fault.
Where there are special provisions in relevant laws concerning the producing of evidences, such provisions shall prevail.
Article 5 In a contractual dispute, the party that claims the establishment of contractual relationship and the contract has taken effect shall be responsible for producing evidences to prove that the contract has been concluded and that it has taken effect; the party that claims that the contract has been altered, dissolved, terminated or canceled shall be responsible for producing evidences to prove the changes of the contract.
In a dispute over whether a contract is performed, the party under the obligation of performing the contract shall be responsible for producing evidences;
In a dispute over the power of agency, the party that claims the existence of such power shall be responsible for producing evidences.
   第五条 在合同纠纷案件中,主张合同关系成立并生效的一方当事人对合同订立和生效的事实承担举证责任;主张合同关系变更、解除、终止、撤销的一方当事人对引起合同关系变动的事实承担举证责任。
Article 6 In a dispute of labor, if the dispute is caused by the employing entity's decision of kickout, removal from the name roll, dismissal, dissolution of contract, reducing remuneration, calculation of working years of the laborer, the employing entity shall be responsible for producing evidences.
   第六条 在劳动争议纠纷案件中,因用人单位作出开除、除名、辞退、解除劳动合同、减少劳动报酬、计算劳动者工作年限等决定而发生劳动争议的,由用人单位负举证责任。
Article 7 Where there are no explicit statutory provisions and it is not possible to define who shall be responsible for producing evidences according to the present Provisions or other judicial interpretations, the People's court may determine the burden of proof according to the principle of fairness and the principle of honesty and credit and taking such elements as the ability to produce evidences into consideration.
   第七条 在法律没有具体规定,依本规定及其他司法解释无法确定举证责任承担时,人民法院可以根据公平原则和诚实信用原则,综合当事人举证能力等因素确定举证责任的承担。
Article 8 In the process of litigation, if a party explicitly acknowledges the facts alleged by the other party, the other party needs not to produce evidences with, however, the exception of cases that involves personal identification.
If the other party neither acknowledges nor denies the facts alleged by a party and still fails to explicitly express confirmation or denial after the judge has made adequate accounts and inquiries, it shall be deemed as confirming the said facts.
If any of the parties concerned entrusts agents to participate in the litigation, the affirmation of the agent shall be that of the parties concerned, however, with the exception of the affirmation of facts made by the agent without special authorization that leads to the affirmation of the litigation allegations of the other party. If the party concerned is present but fails to deny the affirmation made by the agent thereof, the affirmation shall be deemed as the affirmation of the party concerned.
If any of the parties concerned withdraws its affirmation and obtains the approval of the other party prior to the end of court debate, or has adequate evidences to prove that its affirmation has been made due to threat or gross misunderstanding or the affirmation is not consistent with the facts, the party concerned shall not be exempted from the burden of proof.
   第八条 诉讼过程中,一方当事人对另一方当事人陈述的案件事实明确表示承认的,另一方当事人无需举证。但涉及身分关系的案件除外。
Article 9 The facts as mentioned below need not be proved by the parties concerned by presenting evidences:
   第九条 下列事实,当事人无需举证证明:
1. The facts that are know by all people;
2. Natural laws and theorems;
3. The fact that can be induced according to legal provisions or known facts or the rule of experience of daily life;
4. The facts affirmed in the judgment of the People's court that has taken effect;
5. The facts affirmed in the award of the arbitration organ that has taken effect;
6. The facts that have been proved in the valid notary documents.
The facts as mentioned in items 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 of the preceding paragraph shall be excluded if they can be overthrown by contrary evidences of the parties concerned.
Article 10 When producing evidences to the People's court, the parties concerned shall submit the original document or original thing. If the party concerned need to preserve the original document or original thing of the evidence or if it is difficult to submit the original document or original thing, a photocopy or reproduction that has been deemed as the original by the People's court after verification may be submitted.
   第十条 当事人向人民法院提供证据,应当提供原件或者原物。如需自己保存证据原件、原物或者提供原件、原物确有困难的,可以提供经人民法院核对无异的复制件或者复制品。
Article 11 If the evidence submitted by the parties concerned is formed beyond the territory of the People's Republic of China, the evidence shall be subject to the certification of the notarization organ of the country concerned and shall be authenticated by the embassy of the People's Republic of China stationed in the said country, or shall be subject to the certification formalities as provided in the relevant treaties concluded between the People's Republic of China and the said country.
If the evidence submitted by the parties concerned is formed in Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan, relevant formalities shall also be gone through.
   第十一条 当事人向人民法院提供的证据系在中华人民共和国领域外形成的,该证据应当经所在国公证机关予以证明,并经中华人民共和国驻该国使领馆予以认证,或者履行中华人民共和国与该所在国订立的有关条约中规定的证明手续。
Article 12 The foreign-language written documents or foreign-language specification materials submitted by the parties concerned shall be accompanied by the Chinese translation thereof.
   第十二条 当事人向人民法院提供外文书证或者外文说明资料,应当附有中文译本。
Article 13 The facts to which both parties consent but which concern the interests of the state or the public interests of the society or the lawful rights and interests of other people, the People's court may order the parties concerned to produce relevant evidences.
   第十三条 对双方当事人无争议但涉及国家利益、社会公共利益或者他人合法权益的事实,人民法院可以责令当事人提供有关证据。
Article 14 The parties concerned shall categorize and number the evidential materials submitted thereby, make a brief specification of the sources of the evidential materials, the object and content of proof, put on their signatures and mark the date of submission and submit as many copies according to the number of opposite parties concerned.
The People's court shall, upon receiving the evidential materials submitted by the parties concerned, issue receipts, noting the title copies and pages of the evidences as well as the time when the evidences are received, and shall put signatures or official seals to the receipts.
   第十四条 当事人应当对其提交的证据材料逐一分类编号,对证据材料的来源、证明对象和内容作简要说明,签名盖章,注明提交日期,并依照对方当事人人数提出副本。
II. The Investigation upon and Collection of Evidences by the People's Court


Article 15 The “evidences deemed as necessary by the People's court for hearing the case” as mentioned in Article 64 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China shall refer to the following:
   第十五条 《民事诉讼法》六十四条规定的“人民法院认为审理案件需要的证据”,是指以下情形:
1. The facts that may injure the interest of the state, the public interest of the society or the lawful interest of other people;
2. The procedural matters that have nothing to do with the substantial dispute, such as adding parties concerned, suspending the litigation, ending the litigation, withdrawing, etc on the basis of authority of the courts.
Article 16 Unless provided in Article 15 of the present Provisions, the investigation upon and collection of evidences by the People's court shall be based on the application of the parties concerned.
   第十六条 除本规定第十五条规定的情形外,人民法院调查收集证据,应当依当事人的申请进行。
Article 17 In any of the following circumstances, the parties concerned and the agent ad litem thereof may plead the People's court to investigate upon and collect evidences:
   第十七条 符合下列条件之一的,当事人及其诉讼代理人可以申请人民法院调查收集证据:
1. The evidences applied for investigation and collection are the archive files kept by relevant organs of the state and must be accessed by the People's court upon authority;
2. The materials that concern state secrets, commercial secrets or personal privacy;
3. Other materials that cannot be collected by the parties concerned or the agents ad litem thereof due to objective reasons.
Article 18 To plead the People's court for investigating upon and collecting evidences, the parties concerned and the agents ad litem thereof shall submit a written application. The application shall clearly specify the basic information of the evidences, such as the name of the person investigated or the title of the entity, the dwelling place, the contents of the evidences to be investigated upon and collected, the reasons of why the evidences need to be investigated upon and collected by the People's court and the facts to be proved.
   第十八条 当事人及其诉讼代理人申请人民法院调查收集证据,应当提交书面申请。申请书应当载明被调查人的姓名或者单位名称、住所地等基本情况、所要调查收集的证据的内容、需要由人民法院调查收集证据的原因及其要证明的事实。
Article 19 The application of the parties concerned and the agents ad litem thereof to the People's court for investigating upon and collecting evidences shall be filed at no later than seven days prior to the expiration of the term for producing evidences.
If the People's court refuses to approve the application of the parties concerned or the agents ad litem thereof, it shall service a notice to them. The parties concerned and the agents ad litem thereof may file a written application to the People's court that accepts the application for reconsideration within three days after receiving the notice. The People's court shall give a reply within five days after receiving the application for reconsideration.
   第十九条 当事人及其诉讼代理人申请人民法院调查收集证据,不得迟于举证期限届满前七日。
Article 20 The written evidences to be investigated upon and collected by the investigators may be the original document or the reproduction or photocopy thereof which has been verified as correct. In the case of a reproduction or a photocopy, the sources and the collection of evidences shall be specified in the investigation notes.
   第二十条 调查人员调查收集的书证,可以是原件,也可以是经核对无误的副本或者复制件。是副本或者复制件的,应当在调查笔录中说明来源和取证情况。
Article 21 The physical evidences investigated upon and collected by the investigators shall be the original things. If it is indeed difficult for the person investigated to provide the original thing, he may provide a reproduction or a photo thereof. In the case of a reproduction or a photo, the investigation notes shall specify how the evidence is obtained.
   第二十一条 调查人员调查收集的物证应当是原物。被调查人提供原物确有困难的,可以提供复制品或者照片。提供复制品或者照片的,应当在调查笔录中说明取证情况。
Article 22 The investigators who investigate upon and collect computer data or audio-visual materials such as sound recordings and visual recordings, etc. shall request the person investigated to provide the original carrier of the relevant data. If it is difficult to provide the original carrier, a reproduction may be provided. If the case of a reproduction, the investigators shall specify the source of the evidences and the process of its making in the investigation notes.
   第二十二条 调查人员调查收集计算机数据或者录音、录像等视听资料的,应当要求被调查人提供有关资料的原始载体。提供原始载体确有困难的,可以提供复制件。提供复制件的,调查人员应当在调查笔录中说明其来源和制作经过。
Article 23 The parties concerned who apply for the preservation of evidences as pursuant to Article 74 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China shall make the application at no later than 7 days prior to the term for producing evidences.
Where any party concerned applies for the preservation of evidences, the People's court may demand the party to provide relevant guarantees.
In case there are different provisions in laws or judicial interpretations concerning the prior-litigation preservation of evidences, such provisions shall prevail.
   第二十三条 当事人依据《民事诉讼法》七十四条的规定向人民法院申请保全证据,不得迟于举证期限届满前七日。
Article 24 When preserving evidences, the People's court may, according to the specific circumstances, adopt the ways of preservation like sealing up, detaining, taking photos, make sound recordings or visual recordings, making reproductions, authenticating, taking transcripts, etc.
When preserving evidences, the People's court may demand the parties concerned or the agents ad litem thereof to be present at the scene.
   第二十四条 人民法院进行证据保全,可以根据具体情况,采取查封、扣押、拍照、录音、录像、复制、鉴定、勘验、制作笔录等方法。
Article 25 The parties concerned who applies for the preserving evidences shall make the application within the time period for producing evidences and shall be in conformity with Article 27 of the present Provisions unless the parties concerned apply for re-authentication.
   第二十五条 当事人申请鉴定,应当在举证期限内提出。符合本规定第二十七条规定的情形,当事人申请重新鉴定的除外。

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