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Veterans Support Law of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
中华人民共和国退役军人保障法 [现行有效]
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 63) (第六十三号)

The Veterans Support Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 23rd session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on November 11, 2020, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on January 1, 2021. 《中华人民共和国退役军人保障法》已由中华人民共和国第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十三次会议于2020年11月11日通过,现予公布,自2021年1月1日起施行。
President of the People's Republic of China: Xi Jinping 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
November 11, 2020 2020年11月11日
Veterans Support Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国退役军人保障法
(Adopted at the 23rd session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on November 11, 2020) (2020年11月11日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十三次会议通过)
Contents 目  录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Handover and Receipt 第二章 移交接收
Chapter III Placement of Veterans 第三章 退役安置
Chapter IV Education and Training 第四章 教育培训
Chapter V Employment and Entrepreneurship 第五章 就业创业
Chapter VI Pensions and Preferential Treatment 第六章 抚恤优待
Chapter VII Commendations and Incentives 第七章 褒扬激励
Chapter VIII Administration of Services 第八章 服务管理
Chapter IX Legal Liability 第九章 法律责任
Chapter X Supplemental Provisions 第十章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Law is developed in accordance with the Constitution for the purposes of strengthening the work of supporting veterans, safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of veterans, and causing the members of the armed forces to be revered by the whole society.   第一条 为了加强退役军人保障工作,维护退役军人合法权益,让军人成为全社会尊崇的职业,根据宪法,制定本法。
Article 2 For the purposes of this Law, the term "veteran" means an officer, a non-commissioned officer, a conscript, or any other person who was discharged from the active service in the Chinese People's Liberation Army in accordance with the law.   第二条 本法所称退役军人,是指从中国人民解放军依法退出现役的军官、军士和义务兵等人员。
Article 3 Veterans have made important contributions to the building of national defense and the armed forces and are an important force for the socialist modernization drive.   第三条 退役军人为国防和军队建设做出了重要贡献,是社会主义现代化建设的重要力量。
Respecting and caring for veterans is the common responsibility of the whole society. The state shall care about and preferentially treat veterans, strengthen the construction of the veterans support system, and guarantee that veterans enjoy corresponding rights and interests under the law. 尊重、关爱退役军人是全社会的共同责任。国家关心、优待退役军人,加强退役军人保障体系建设,保障退役军人依法享有相应的权益。
Article 4 The work of supporting veterans shall be conducted in adherence to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, in accordance with the policy of serving economic and social development and serving the building of national defense and the armed forces, and in compliance with the principles of people orientation, classification support, giving priority to services, and lawful administration.   第四条 退役军人保障工作坚持中国共产党的领导,坚持为经济社会发展服务、为国防和军队建设服务的方针,遵循以人为本、分类保障、服务优先、依法管理的原则。
Article 5 The support for veterans shall be in coordination with economic development and commensurate with social progress.   第五条 退役军人保障应当与经济发展相协调,与社会进步相适应。
The placement of veterans shall be open, fair, and impartial. 退役军人安置工作应当公开、公平、公正。
The political, living, and other benefits for a veteran shall be linked to his or her contributions made when serving in active service. 退役军人的政治、生活等待遇与其服现役期间所做贡献挂钩。
The state shall establish a special preferential treatment mechanism for veterans of any war. 国家建立参战退役军人特别优待机制。
Article 6 A veteran shall continue to carry forward the fine traditions of the people's army, act as a role model of compliance with the Constitution, laws, and regulations, keep any military secret, practice core socialist values, and actively participate in the socialist modernization drive.   第六条 退役军人应当继续发扬人民军队优良传统,模范遵守宪法和法律法规,保守军事秘密,践行社会主义核心价值观,积极参加社会主义现代化建设。
Article 7 The veterans affairs department of the State Council shall take charge of the work of supporting veterans nationwide. The veterans affairs departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall take charge of the work of supporting veterans in their respective administrative areas.   第七条 国务院退役军人工作主管部门负责全国的退役军人保障工作。县级以上地方人民政府退役军人工作主管部门负责本行政区域的退役军人保障工作。
The relevant central and state organs, the relevant departments of the Central Military Commission, and the relevant local departments at all levels shall effectively conduct the work of supporting veterans within the scope of their respective responsibilities. 中央和国家有关机关、中央军事委员会有关部门、地方各级有关机关应当在各自职责范围内做好退役军人保障工作。
The departments responsible for veterans-related work at all levels of the armed forces and the veterans affairs departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall cooperate closely in effectively conducting the work of supporting veterans. 军队各级负责退役军人有关工作的部门与县级以上人民政府退役军人工作主管部门应当密切配合,做好退役军人保障工作。
Article 8 The state shall strengthen the informatization of the work of supporting veterans, create records for veterans, and achieve information sharing between relevant departments, so as to provide support for improving the capabilities to support veterans.   第八条 国家加强退役军人保障工作信息化建设,为退役军人建档立卡,实现有关部门之间信息共享,为提高退役军人保障能力提供支持。
The veterans affairs department of the State Council shall closely cooperate with the relevant central and state organs and the relevant departments of the Central Military Commission and effectively conduct the construction, maintenance, and application of information and data systems, information security management, and other work in a coordinated manner. 国务院退役军人工作主管部门应当与中央和国家有关机关、中央军事委员会有关部门密切配合,统筹做好信息数据系统的建设、维护、应用和信息安全管理等工作。
Article 9 The funds required for the work of supporting veterans shall be jointly provided by the central and local governments. The funds for placement of veterans, education and training, and pensions and preferential treatment shall be mainly provided by the Central Government.   第九条 退役军人保障工作所需经费由中央和地方财政共同负担。退役安置、教育培训、抚恤优待资金主要由中央财政负担。
Article 10 The state shall encourage and direct enterprises, social organizations, individuals, and other private actors to provide support and assistance to veterans by donation, establishing a fund, volunteer services, and other means in accordance with the law.   第十条 国家鼓励和引导企业、社会组织、个人等社会力量依法通过捐赠、设立基金、志愿服务等方式为退役军人提供支持和帮助。
Article 11 Any entity or individual that has made outstanding contributions to the work of supporting veterans shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state.   第十一条 对在退役军人保障工作中做出突出贡献的单位和个人,按照国家有关规定给予表彰、奖励。
Chapter II Handover and Receipt 

第二章 移交接收

Article 12 The veterans affairs department of the State Council, the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, and the relevant central and state organs shall formulate an annual handover and receipt plan for veterans throughout the country.   第十二条 国务院退役军人工作主管部门、中央军事委员会政治工作部门、中央和国家有关机关应当制定全国退役军人的年度移交接收计划。
Article 13 The unit of the armed forces in which a veteran originally served shall hand over the veteran to the veterans affairs department of the people's government of the place of placement, and the veterans affairs department of the people's government of the place of placement shall be responsible for receiving the veteran.   第十三条 退役军人原所在部队应当将退役军人移交安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门,安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门负责接收退役军人。
The place of placement of the veteran shall be determined in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state. 退役军人的安置地,按照国家有关规定确定。
Article 14 A veteran shall report to the veterans affairs department of the people's government of the place of placement with a discharge certificate issued by the armed forces, within the specified time.   第十四条 退役军人应当在规定时间内,持军队出具的退役证明到安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门报到。
Article 15 The veterans affairs department of the people's government of the place of placement shall issue a certificate of veteran's preferential treatment to a veteran when receiving the veteran.   第十五条 安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门在接收退役军人时,向退役军人发放退役军人优待证。
Certificates of veteran's preferential treatment shall be uniformly made, issued, and numbered nationwide, and measures for the administration of the use shall be formulated by the veterans affairs department of the State Council in conjunction with relevant departments. 退役军人优待证全国统一制发、统一编号,管理使用办法由国务院退役军人工作主管部门会同有关部门制定。
Article 16 The unit of the armed forces in which a service member serves shall, at the time of the discharge of the service member, promptly hand over his or her personnel files to the veterans affairs department of the people's government of the place of placement.   第十六条 军人所在部队在军人退役时,应当及时将其人事档案移交安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门。
The veterans affairs department of the people's government of the place of placement shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions on the administration of personnel files issued by the state, receive, keep, and hand over the personnel files of the veteran to the relevant entity. 安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门应当按照国家人事档案管理有关规定,接收、保管并向有关单位移交退役军人人事档案。
Article 17 The public security authority of the people's government of a place of placement shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state, conduct household registration for veterans in a timely manner, and the veterans affairs department at the same level shall provide assistance.   第十七条 安置地人民政府公安机关应当按照国家有关规定,及时为退役军人办理户口登记,同级退役军人工作主管部门应当予以协助。
Article 18 The unit of the armed forces in which a veteran originally served shall, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, promptly transfer the pension, medical, and other social insurance relationships and corresponding funds of the veteran and the unemployed spouse accompanying the veteran to the social insurance agency in the place of placement.   第十八条 退役军人原所在部队应当按照有关法律法规规定,及时将退役军人及随军未就业配偶的养老、医疗等社会保险关系和相应资金,转入安置地社会保险经办机构。
The veterans affairs department of the people's government of the place of placement shall cooperate closely with the social insurance agency and the relevant departments of the armed forces in effectively transferring the relevant social insurance relationships and corresponding funds in accordance with the law. 安置地人民政府退役军人工作主管部门应当与社会保险经办机构、军队有关部门密切配合,依法做好有关社会保险关系和相应资金转移接续工作。
Article 19 In the process of the handover and receipt of a veteran, the unit of the armed forces in which the veteran originally served shall be responsible for handling any issue related to his or her active duty service; the people's government of the place of placement shall be responsible for handling any issue related to his or her placement; and the people's government of the place of placement shall be responsible for handling any other issue in respect of handover and receipt, and the unit of the armed forces in which the veteran originally served shall provide cooperation.   第十九条 退役军人移交接收过程中,发生与其服现役有关的问题,由原所在部队负责处理;发生与其安置有关的问题,由安置地人民政府负责处理;发生其他移交接收方面问题的,由安置地人民政府负责处理,原所在部队予以配合。
If the unit of the armed forces in which the veteran originally served is abolished, reassigned, or merged, the superior unit of the unit of the armed forces in which the veteran originally served or the unit derived from the reassignment or merger shall handle the relevant issues in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 退役军人原所在部队撤销或者转隶、合并的,由原所在部队的上级单位或者转隶、合并后的单位按照前款规定处理。
Chapter III Placement of Veterans 

第三章 退役安置

Article 20 Local people's governments at all levels shall, in accordance with the handover and receipt plan, effectively place veterans and complete the tasks of placement of veterans.   第二十条 地方各级人民政府应当按照移交接收计划,做好退役军人安置工作,完成退役军人安置任务。
The Party and government offices, mass groups and organizations, enterprises, public institutions, and social organizations shall receive and place veterans in accordance with the law, and veterans shall accept placement. 机关、群团组织、企业事业单位和社会组织应当依法接收安置退役军人,退役军人应当接受安置。
Article 21 The state shall properly place a discharged officer by retirement, transfer to a civilian job, monthly receipt of retirement pay, demobilization, or any other means.   第二十一条 对退役的军官,国家采取退休、转业、逐月领取退役金、复员等方式妥善安置。
In the case of handover to the people's government for placement by means of retirement, the people's government of the place of placement shall, by means of combining national support with social services, effectively manage services and guarantee the benefits for the officer. 以退休方式移交人民政府安置的,由安置地人民政府按照国家保障与社会化服务相结合的方式,做好服务管理工作,保障其待遇。
In the case of placement by transfer to a civilian job, the people's government of the place of placement shall arrange a position and determine the corresponding position level, according to the integrity, skills, and the position, rank, contributions, expertise, among others, during the period of serving in active service of the officer, as needed for work. 以转业方式安置的,由安置地人民政府根据其德才条件以及服现役期间的职务、等级、所做贡献、专长等和工作需要安排工作岗位,确定相应的职务职级。
If the officer is placed by means of monthly receipt of retirement pay after serving in active service for the specified number of years, he or she may receive retirement pay monthly in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state. 服现役满规定年限,以逐月领取退役金方式安置的,按照国家有关规定逐月领取退役金。
If the officer is placed by means of demobilization, he or she may receive demobilization pay in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state. 以复员方式安置的,按照国家有关规定领取复员费。
Article 22 The state shall properly place a discharged non-commissioned officer by monthly receipt of retirement pay, independent employment, job arrangement, retirement, government support, or any other means.   第二十二条 对退役的军士,国家采取逐月领取退役金、自主就业、安排工作、退休、供养等方式妥善安置。
If the non-commissioned officer is placed by means of monthly receipt of retirement pay after serving in active service for the specified number of years, he or she may receive retirement pay monthly in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state. 服现役满规定年限,以逐月领取退役金方式安置的,按照国家有关规定逐月领取退役金。
If the non-commissioned officer is placed by means of independent employment after serving in active service for less than the specified number of years, he or she may receive a lump-sum retirement pay. 服现役不满规定年限,以自主就业方式安置的,领取一次性退役金。
In the case of placement by means of job arrangement, the people's government of the place of placement shall arrange a position according to the contributions during the period of serving in active service and expertise of the non-commissioned officer, among others. 以安排工作方式安置的,由安置地人民政府根据其服现役期间所做贡献、专长等安排工作岗位。
In the case of placement by means of retirement, the people's government of the place of placement shall, by means of combining national support with social services, effectively manage services and guarantee the benefits for the non-commissioned officer. 以退休方式安置的,由安置地人民政府按照国家保障与社会化服务相结合的方式,做好服务管理工作,保障其待遇。
In the case of placement by means of government support, the state shall provide government support for life. 以供养方式安置的,由国家供养终身。
Article 23 The state shall properly place a discharged conscript by independent employment, job arrangement, government support, or any other means.   第二十三条 对退役的义务兵,国家采取自主就业、安排工作、供养等方式妥善安置。
In the case of placement by means of independent employment, a lump-sum retirement pay may be received. 以自主就业方式安置的,领取一次性退役金。
In the case of placement by means of job arrangement, the people's government of the place of placement shall arrange a position according to the contributions during the period of serving in active service and expertise of the discharged conscript, among others. 以安排工作方式安置的,由安置地人民政府根据其服现役期间所做贡献、专长等安排工作岗位。
In the case of placement by means of government support, the state shall provide government support for life. 以供养方式安置的,由国家供养终身。
Article 24 The conditions for the application of placement means such as retirement, transfer to a civilian job, monthly receipt of retirement pay, demobilization, independent employment, job arrangement, and government support shall be governed by relevant laws and regulations.   第二十四条 退休、转业、逐月领取退役金、复员、自主就业、安排工作、供养等安置方式的适用条件,按照相关法律法规执行。
Article 25 An officer transferred to a civilian job, or a non-commissioned officer or conscript for whom a job is arranged, shall be received and placed by a Party or government office, mass group or organization, public institution, or state-owned enterprise. Priority shall be given to placing the following veterans:   第二十五条 转业军官、安排工作的军士和义务兵,由机关、群团组织、事业单位和国有企业接收安置。对下列退役军人,优先安置:
(1) A veteran of any war. (一)参战退役军人;
(2) An officer transferred to a civilian job who served as the chief officer of a division, brigade, regiment, or battalion unit of a combat unit. (二)担任作战部队师、旅、团、营级单位主官的转业军官;
(3) A veteran who is the child of a martyr, has rendered meritorious service, or is a role model. (三)属于烈士子女、功臣模范的退役军人;
(4) A veteran who has served in active service in a poverty-stricken and remote area or a special position for a long time. (四)长期在艰苦边远地区或者特殊岗位服现役的退役军人。
Article 26 Where a Party or government office, mass group or organization, or public institution receives and places an officer transferred to a civilian job, or a non-commissioned officer or conscript for whom a job is arranged, it shall guarantee his or her inclusion in its regular staff in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state.   第二十六条 机关、群团组织、事业单位接收安置转业军官、安排工作的军士和义务兵的,应当按照国家有关规定给予编制保障。
...... 国有企业接收安置转业军官、安排工作的军士和义务兵的,应当按照国家规定与其签订劳动合同,保障相应待遇。

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