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Law of the People's Republic of China on Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization [Revised]
中华人民共和国农业机械化促进法 [已被修订]


Order of the President of the People's Republic of China
The Law of the People's Republic of China on Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization, which was adopted at the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, is hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of November 1, 2004.
President of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao
June 25, 2004
Law of the People's Republic of China on Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization



中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

Chapter I General Provisions
 第一章 总则
Chapter II Scientific Research and Development
 第二章 科研开发
Chapter III Quality Safeguard
 第三章 质量保障
Chapter IV Popularization and Use
 第四章 推广使用
Chapter V Socialized Services
 第五章 社会化服务
Chapter VI Supporting Measures
 第六章 扶持措施
Chapter VII Legal Liabilities
 第七章 法律责任
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
 第八章 附则

Chapter I General Provisions
 第一章 总则

Article 1 The present Measures are hereby formulated for the purpose of encouraging and supporting farmers and agricultural production and management organizations to use the advanced and applicable agricultural machinery to promote the agricultural mechanization and build modern agriculture.
   第一条 为了鼓励、扶持农民和农业生产经营组织使用先进适用的农业机械,促进农业机械化,建设现代农业,制定本法。
Article 2 The “Agricultural Mechanization” as mentioned in this Law shall refer to the process of applying the advanced and applicable agricultural machineries to equip agriculture, improve the agricultural production and management conditions, and continuously enhance the level of production technology of agriculture and economic benefits and ecological benefits.
The “Agricultural Machinery” as mentioned in this Law shall refer to the machines and equipment applied to the farm production and the primary processing of the products thereof, and other relevant farming activities.
   第二条 本法所称农业机械化,是指运用先进适用的农业机械装备农业,改善农业生产经营条件,不断提高农业的生产技术水平和经济效益、生态效益的过程。
Article 3 The people's governments at or above the county level shall bring the agricultural mechanization into the plan of national economic and social development, and take such measures as financial backing and implementation of the preferential tax policies as prescribed by the state and financial support, etc., to increase the capital investment into the agricultural mechanization step by step, bring into full play the role of market mechanism, and promote the development of agricultural mechanization in light of the principle of adjusting measures to local conditions, ensuring economy and availability, safeguarding security, and protecting environment.
   第三条 县级以上人民政府应当把推进农业机械化纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,采取财政支持和实施国家规定的税收优惠政策以及金融扶持等措施,逐步提高对农业机械化的资金投入,充分发挥市场机制的作用,按照因地制宜、经济有效、保障安全、保护环境的原则,促进农业机械化的发展。
Article 4 The state guides and supports farmers and agricultural production and management organizations to choose advanced and applicable agricultural machinery by themselves. No entity or individual may force any farmer or agricultural production and management organization to purchase the products of agricultural machinery designated by this entity or individual.
   第四条 国家引导、支持农民和农业生产经营组织自主选择先进适用的农业机械。任何单位和个人不得强迫农民和农业生产经营组织购买其指定的农业机械产品。
Article 5 The state takes measures to carry out publicity and education on the scientific and technological knowledge of agricultural mechanization, and trains professional talents for agricultural mechanization, so as to push forward the agricultural mechanization information service, and improve the level of agricultural mechanization.
   第五条 国家采取措施,开展农业机械化科技知识的宣传和教育,培养农业机械化专业人才,推进农业机械化信息服务,提高农业机械化水平。
Article 6 The competent administrative department of agriculture of the State Council and other departments in charge of the relevant work of agricultural mechanization shall, according to their own division of responsibilities, cooperate closely with each other to do a good job of promoting agricultural mechanization.
The competent departments in charge of the work of agricultural mechanization and other relevant departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, according to their own division of responsibilities, cooperate closely with each other to do a good job of promoting agricultural mechanization within their own administrative regions.
   第六条 国务院农业行政主管部门和其他负责农业机械化有关工作的部门,按照各自的职责分工,密切配合,共同做好农业机械化促进工作。

Chapter II Scientific Research and Development
 第二章 科研开发

Article 7 The people's governments at or above the provincial level and their relevant departments shall organize the relevant entities to take such measures as tackling key problems in technology, experiment, demonstration, and etc. to accelerate the scientific research of agricultural machinery of a fundamental, key and public welfare nature and the popularization and application of the advanced and applicable agricultural machinery.
   第七条 省级以上人民政府及其有关部门应当组织有关单位采取技术攻关、试验、示范等措施,促进基础性、关键性、公益性农业机械科学研究和先进适用的农业机械的推广应用。
Article 8 The state supports the relevant scientific and research institutions and colleges and universities to strengthen scientific and technological research of agricultural mechanization, make research on and develop advanced and applicable agricultural machinery in light of different production conditions and demand of farmers; and supports the combination of the scientific research and teaching of agricultural mechanization with the production and popularization thereof, so as to enable the agricultural machinery to meet the requirements of the development of agricultural production technology.
   第八条 国家支持有关科研机构和院校加强农业机械化科学技术研究,根据不同的农业生产条件和农民需求,研究开发先进适用的农业机械;支持农业机械科研、教学与生产、推广相结合,促进农业机械与农业生产技术的发展要求相适应。
Article 9 The state supports the producers of agricultural machinery to develop advanced and applicable agricultural machinery, adopt advanced technology, advanced techniques and advanced materials to improve the quality and technical level of the products of agricultural machinery, reduce the production cost, so as to provide series, standard and multi-functional products of agricultural machinery with high quality, energy saving character and reasonable prices.
   第九条 国家支持农业机械生产者开发先进适用的农业机械,采用先进技术、先进工艺和先进材料,提高农业机械产品的质量和技术水平,降低生产成本,提供系列化、标准化、多功能和质量优良、节约能源、价格合理的农业机械产品。
Article 10 The state supports the introduction and use of advanced agricultural machinery, key components and fittings and technology, and encourages the introduction of foreign investment to undertake the research, development, production and management of agricultural machinery.
   第十条 国家支持引进、利用先进的农业机械、关键零配件和技术,鼓励引进外资从事农业机械的研究、开发、生产和经营。

Chapter III Quality Safeguard
 第三章 质量保障

Article 11 The state strengthens the establishment of agricultural mechanization standard system, formulates and improves the standards for the agricultural machinery product quality, maintenance quality and operating quality, etc.. For those products of agricultural machinery involving such technical requirements as the personal safety, farm produce quality safety and environmental protection, the state shall formulate mandatory technical specifications in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations.
   第十一条 国家加强农业机械化标准体系建设,制定和完善农业机械产品质量、维修质量和作业质量等标准。对农业机械产品涉及人身安全、农产品质量安全和环境保护的技术要求,应当按照有关法律、行政法规的规定制定强制执行的技术规范。
Article 12 The department of product quality supervision shall organize the supervision over and spot-check on the quality of agricultural machinery products according to law.
The administrative department for industry and commerce shall strengthen the work for the supervision over and administration on the market of agricultural machinery products.
The competent administrative department of agriculture of the State Council and the competent departments in charge of agricultural mechanization of the provincial people's governments may, according to the complaints of the users of agricultural machinery and the actual needs of farm production, organize the investigation into the conditions for the applicability, safety, and reliability, as well as the after-sales service of special kinds of agricultural machinery products, and announce the result of the investigation.
   第十二条 产品质量监督部门应当依法组织对农业机械产品质量的监督抽查。
Article 13 The producers and distributors of agricultural machinery shall be responsible for the quality of agricultural machinery they produce and sell, and undertake the responsibility for after-sales service of the supply of components and fittings and the training in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.
The producers of agricultural machinery shall, according to the national standards, industrial standards and the requirements of ensuring personal safety, establish necessary safeguards, alarming marks and caution specifications in Chinese in the agricultural machinery products.
   第十三条 农业机械生产者、销售者应当对其生产、销售的农业机械产品质量负责,并按照国家有关规定承担零配件供应和培训等售后服务责任。
Article 14 In case any product of agricultural machinery does not meet the quality requirements, the producers and distributors of the agricultural machinery products shall be responsible for the repair, alteration and return of such goods. If the product has resulted in the loss of any user of agricultural machinery in agricultural production or other losses, the producers and distributors shall compensate for the losses according to law. The user of any agricultural machine shall have the right to require the distributors of agricultural machinery to pay compensation in priority. After the distributors of the agricultural machinery have paid compensation, they shall have the right to demand recourse from the producers of agricultural machinery in case the loss is the responsibility of the producers.
Where any personal injury or property loss is caused due to the defects of any agricultural machine, the producers and distributors of the agricultural machine shall pay compensation for the losses according to law.
   第十四条 农业机械产品不符合质量要求的,农业机械生产者、销售者应当负责修理、更换、退货;给农业机械使用者造成农业生产损失或者其他损失的,应当依法赔偿损失。农业机械使用者有权要求农业机械销售者先予赔偿。农业机械销售者赔偿后,属于农业机械生产者的责任的,农业机械销售者有权向农业机械生产者追偿。
Article 15 Where any agricultural products are listed into the catalogue of products that should be subject to certification according to law, they are prohibited from leaving the factory, being sold and imported unless they have got the certification and been labeled with the mark of certification.
No agricultural machinery products that do not meet the mandatory state requirements for technical specifications may be produced or sold.
It is prohibited to use incomplete or low quality components and fittings and rejected machines and tools to assemble agricultural machinery products.
   第十五条 列入依法必须经过认证的产品目录的农业机械产品,未经认证并标注认证标志,禁止出厂、销售和进口。

Chapter IV Popularization and Use
 第四章 推广使用

Article 16 The state supports the popularization of advanced and applicable agricultural machinery products to the farmers and agricultural production and management organizations. The agricultural machinery products shall be popularized in light of the needs of local agricultural development and shall be proved to be advanced and applicable after being experimented in the popularization areas in accordance with the provisions of the law of popularization of agricultural technology.
The producers or distributors of agricultural machinery may entrust agricultural machinery testing and appraisal institutions to check the products of agricultural machinery they produce after finalizing the design or sell on their applicability, safety and reliability and make technical evaluations. The agricultural machinery testing and appraisal institutions shall publicize the testing results on agricultural machinery products with applicability, safety and reliability, so as to provide information to farmers and agricultural production and management organizations for their selection and purchase of advanced and applicable agricultural machinery.
   第十六条 国家支持向农民和农业生产经营组织推广先进适用的农业机械产品。推广农业机械产品,应当适应当地农业发展的需要,并依照农业技术推广法的规定,在推广地区经过试验证明具有先进性和适用性。
Article 17 The people's governments at or above the county level may, in light of the reality, establish bases of model of agricultural mechanization in different agricultural areas, and encourage the producers and operators of agricultural machinery to establish agricultural machinery model spots to guide the farmers and agricultural production and management organizations to using the advanced and applicable agricultural machinery.
   第十七条 县级以上人民政府可以根据实际情况,在不同的农业区域建立农业机械化示范基地,并鼓励农业机械生产者、经营者等建立农业机械示范点,引导农民和农业生产经营组织使用先进适用的农业机械。
Article 18 The competent administrative department of agriculture of the State Council shall, together with the finance department of the State Council and the department of comprehensive macro-control of economy, and in light of the principle of promoting the structural adjustment of agriculture, protecting natural resources and entironment, and popularizing agricultural new technology and speeding up the renewal of agricultural machines and tools, determine and publicize the catalogue of advanced and applicable agricultural machinery products, which are popularized under the support of the state, and make adjustment on them periodically. The departments in charge of the work of agricultural mechanization of the provincial people's governments shall, together with the finance department, and the department of comprehensive micro-control of economy at the corresponding level, and in accordance with the preceding principle, determine and publicize the catalogue of advanced and applicable agricultural machinery products that are popularized under the support of the provincial people's government, and make adjustments periodically.
The producers of agricultural machinery shall file an application at their own free will for the products that are to be listed into the catalogues of the preceding paragraph. The products should pass the appraisal of the agricultural machinery testing and appraisal institution on their advance, applicability, safety and reliability.
   第十八条 国务院农业行政主管部门会同国务院财政部门、经济综合宏观调控部门,根据促进农业结构调整、保护自然资源与生态环境、推广农业新技术与加快农机具更新的原则,确定、公布国家支持推广的先进适用的农业机械产品目录,并定期调整。省级人民政府主管农业机械化工作的部门会同同级财政部门、经济综合宏观调控部门根据上述原则,确定、公布省级人民政府支持推广的先进适用的农业机械产品目录,并定期调整。
Article 19 The state encourages and supports farmers to use the agricultural machinery through cooperation, so as to improve the availability of the agricultural machinery and the efficiency of operation and reduce the cost of operation.
The state supports and protects farmers to organize the regional and standard planting at their free will on the basis of sticking to the household management of production by contracting, so as to improve the level of operation of agricultural machinery. No entity or individual may infringe upon the land contractual management rights of farmers by the excuse of regional and standard planting.
   第十九条 国家鼓励和支持农民合作使用农业机械,提高农业机械利用率和作业效率,降低作业成本。
Article 20 The competent administrative department of agriculture of the State Council and the departments in charge of the work of agricultural mechanization of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the publicity, education and administration on the safety use of agricultural machinery in light of the policy of safety production and danger prevention.
Any user of agricultural machinery shall operate the agricultural machines in light of the safety operation procedures, and shall set up safeguards or alarming marks at the dangerous part and the working sites.
   第二十条 国务院农业行政主管部门和县级以上地方人民政府主管农业机械化工作的部门,应当按照安全生产、预防为主的方针,加强对农业机械安全使用的宣传、教育和管理。

Chapter V Socialized Services
 第五章 社会化服务

Article 21 Farmers and agricultural machinery operation organizations may, in light of the principle of voluntariness and equal negotiation, provide various onerous services of agricultural machinery operation to the local farmers and agricultural production and management organizations or those of other places. The onerous agricultural machinery operation service shall meet the quality standard for agricultural machinery operation as prescribed by the state or local regions.
The state encourages the provision of trans-regional agricultural machinery services. The people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments shall support the trans-regional operation of agricultural machinery, maintain the operation order, provide convenience and services and implement safety supervision and administration according to law.
   第二十一条 农民、农业机械作业组织可以按照双方自愿、平等协商的原则,为本地或者外地的农民和农业生产经营组织提供各项有偿农业机械作业服务。有偿农业机械作业应当符合国家或者地方规定的农业机械作业质量标准。
Article 22 The people's governments at all levels shall take measures to encourage and support the development of various agricultural machinery service organizations, push forward the construction of the information network of agricultural mechanization, and improve the service system of agricultural mechanization. The agricultural machinery service organizations shall, according to the demand of farmers and agricultural production and management organizations, provide such socialized services as popularization of models of agricultural machinery, training on practical technology, maintenance, information, and agency, etc..
   第二十二条 各级人民政府应当采取措施,鼓励和扶持发展多种形式的农业机械服务组织,推进农业机械化信息网络建设,完善农业机械化服务体系。农业机械服务组织应当根据农民、农业生产经营组织的需求,提供农业机械示范推广、实用技术培训、维修、信息、中介等社会化服务。
Article 23 The grass-root agricultural machinery popularization institutions established by the state shall rely on the model base of experiments to provide such services as the popularization and training on public welfare agricultural machinery technology gratis to farmers and agricultural production and management organizations.
   第二十三条 国家设立的基层农业机械技术推广机构应当以试验示范基地为依托,为农民和农业生产经营组织无偿提供公益性农业机械技术的推广、培训等服务。
Article 24 Any entity undertaking the maintenance of agricultural machinery shall have the apparatus, equipment fitting in with the maintenance business and the technicians with professional skill of agricultural machinery maintenance to ensure the quality of maintenance. If the maintenance quality is unqualified, the repairer shall repair again free of charge. If it results in any personal injury or property loss, the repairer shall undertake compensation liabilities according to law.
   第二十四条 从事农业机械维修,应当具备与维修业务相适应的仪器、设备和具有农业机械维修职业技能的技术人员,保证维修质量。维修质量不合格的,维修者应当免费重新修理;造成人身伤害或者财产损失的,维修者应当依法承担赔偿责任。
Article 25 The producers, operators and repairers of agricultural machinery may form trade associations in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, and implement industry self-discipline, and provide services to members and maintain the legal rights and interests of members.
   第二十五条 农业机械生产者、经营者、维修者可以依照法律、行政法规的规定,自愿成立行业协会,实行行业自律,为会员提供服务,维护会员的合法权益。

Chapter VI Supporting Measures
 第六章 扶持措施

Article 26 The state shall take measures to encourage and support the producers of agricultural machinery to increase the investment in the development of new products, new technology, and new techniques, and implement preferential tax policies on the scientific and research development and manufacture of agricultural machinery.
The funds for scientific and technological development allocated by finance budget of central government and local governments shall give support to the technological innovation of agricultural machinery industry.
   第二十六条 国家采取措施,鼓励和支持农业机械生产者增加新产品、新技术、新工艺的研究开发投入,并对农业机械的科研开发和制造实施税收优惠政策。
Article 27 The central finance and provincial finance shall arrange special funds respectively, and subsidize farmers and agricultural production and management organizations to purchase the advanced and applicable agricultural machinery popularized under the support of the state. The principle of fairness, justness, timeliness and validity shall be followed for the use of such subsidies. They may be issued to farmers and farm production and management organizations. The financial institutions may be supported to grant loans by ways of paying interests in the form of discount to farmers and agricultural production and management organizations for their purchase of advanced and applicable agricultural machinery. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
   第二十七条 中央财政、省级财政应当分别安排专项资金,对农民和农业生产经营组织购买国家支持推广的先进适用的农业机械给予补贴。补贴资金的使用应当遵循公开、公正、及时、有效的原则,可以向农民和农业生产经营组织发放,也可以采用贴息方式支持金融机构向农民和农业生产经营组织购买先进适用的农业机械提供贷款。具体办法由国务院规定。
Article 28 The tax preference shall be granted to the income from undertaking the service of agricultural machinery production operation according to the state provisions.
The state shall, according to the need of agriculture and rural economic development, allocate finance subsidies to the fuel used for operation by the agricultural production operation of agricultural machinery. The subsidies of fuel shall be issued directly to the farmers and agricultural production and management organizations that undertake agricultural machinery operation. The specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.
   第二十八条 从事农业机械生产作业服务的收入,按照国家规定给予税收优惠。
Article 29 The local people's governments at all levels shall take measures to strengthen the construction and maintenance of such infrastructure as the rural mechanized farming roads to create conditions for agricultural mechanization.
The departments in charge of the work of agricultural mechanization of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall establish the system of collecting, sorting out and issuing agricultural mechanization information, so as to provide information service gratis for farmers and agricultural production and management organizations.
   第二十九条 地方各级人民政府应当采取措施加强农村机耕道路等农业机械化基础设施的建设和维护,为农业机械化创造条件。

Chapter VII Legal Liabilities
 第七章 法律责任

Article 30 Those violating the provisions of Article 15 shall be punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the product quality law. In case a crime is committed, criminal liabilities shall be prosecuted for according to law.
   第三十条 违反本法第十五条规定的,依照产品质量法的有关规定予以处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 31 In case any driver or operator of agricultural machines violates the safety operational procedures as prescribed by the state, and operates in violation of regulations, he/she shall be ordered to correct and punished in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations. If a crime is committed, criminal liabilities shall be prosecuted for according to law.
   第三十一条 农业机械驾驶、操作人员违反国家规定的安全操作规程,违章作业的,责令改正,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定予以处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 32 In case any agricultural machinery testing and appraisal institution fails to make appraisal for the producers and distributors of agricultural machinery as required in the appraisal work, or forges appraisal conclusions, or issues false certificate, which causes damage to the users of agricultural machinery, it shall undertake compensation liabilities according to law.
   第三十二条 农业机械试验鉴定机构在鉴定工作中不按照规定为农业机械生产者、销售者进行鉴定,或者伪造鉴定结果、出具虚假证明,给农业机械使用者造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。
Article 33 In case the competent administrative department of agriculture of the State Council or the departments in charge of the work of agricultural mechanization of the local people's government at or above the county level violate the present Measures, force or force in disguised forms the producers and distributors of agricultural machinery to make appraisal on the agricultural machinery products they produce or sell, the superior competent department or oversight department shall order it to correct within a prescribed time limit, and impose an administrative punishment on the person in charge who is directly responsible or other persons directly liable.
   第三十三条 国务院农业行政主管部门和县级以上地方人民政府主管农业机械化工作的部门违反本法规定,强制或者变相强制农业机械生产者、销售者对其生产、销售的农业机械产品进行鉴定的,由上级主管机关或者监察机关责令限期改正,并对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予行政处分。
Article 34 In case any one violates the provisions of Articles 27 and 28 of the present Law, withholds and embezzles the relevant subsidy funds, the superior competent department shall order him/it to return the funds withheld or embezzled within a prescribed time limit, and confiscate the illegal gains. And the superior competent department or oversight department or this entity shall impose an administrative punishment on the person in charge who is directly responsible and other persons directly liable. If a crime is committed, criminal liabilities shall be prosecuted for according to law.
   第三十四条 违反本法第二十七条、第二十八条规定,截留、挪用有关补贴资金的,由上级主管机关责令限期归还被截留、挪用的资金,没收非法所得,并由上级主管机关、监察机关或者所在单位对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
 第八章 附则

Article 35 The present Measures shall come into force as of November 1, 2004.

   第三十五条 本法自2004年11月1日起施行。

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