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Vocational Education Law of the People's Republic of China (2022 Revision) [Effective]
中华人民共和国职业教育法(2022修订) [现行有效]
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 112) (第一一二号)

The Vocational Education Law of the People's Republic of China, as revised and adopted at the 34th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 20, 2022, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on May 1, 2022. 中华人民共和国职业教育法》已由中华人民共和国第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十四次会议于2022年4月20日修订通过,现予公布,自2022年5月1日起施行。
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
April 20, 2022 2022年4月20日
Vocational Education Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国职业教育法
(Adopted at the 19th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on May 15, 1996, and revised at the 34th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on April 20, 2022) (1996年5月15日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十九次会议通过 2022年4月20日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十四次会议修订)
Table of Contents 目  录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Vocational Education System 第二章 职业教育体系
Chapter III Provision of Vocational Education 第三章 职业教育的实施
Chapter IV Vocational Schools and Vocational Training Institutions 第四章 职业学校和职业培训机构
Chapter V Teachers and Educatees in Vocational Education 第五章 职业教育的教师与受教育者
Chapter VI Guarantees of Vocational Education 第六章 职业教育的保障
Chapter VII Legal Liability 第七章 法律责任
Chapter VIII Supplemental Provisions 第八章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 For the purposes of boosting the high-quality development of vocational education, improving the quality and technical skills of workers, promoting employment and entrepreneurship, building a strong country in education and human resources and a skill-oriented society, and advancing socialist modernization, this Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution.   第一条 为了推动职业教育高质量发展,提高劳动者素质和技术技能水平,促进就业创业,建设教育强国、人力资源强国和技能型社会,推进社会主义现代化建设,根据宪法,制定本法。
Article 2 For the purpose of this Law, "vocational education" means education provided in order to train high-quality technical and skilled talents and equip educatees with the professional ethics, scientific, cultural and professional knowledge, technical skills and other comprehensive professional qualities and ability to act required for practicing a certain profession or achieving career development, including vocational school education and vocational training.   第二条 本法所称职业教育,是指为了培养高素质技术技能人才,使受教育者具备从事某种职业或者实现职业发展所需要的职业道德、科学文化与专业知识、技术技能等职业综合素质和行动能力而实施的教育,包括职业学校教育和职业培训。
Specialized training provided by authorities and public institutions for their employees shall be governed by separate laws and administrative rules and regulations. 机关、事业单位对其工作人员实施的专门培训由法律、行政法规另行规定。
Article 3 Vocational education is a type of education different from and in an important position equal with regular education, an important constituent of the national education system and human resource development, and an important means to train diverse talents, pass on technical skills, and promote employment and entrepreneurship.   第三条 职业教育是与普通教育具有同等重要地位的教育类型,是国民教育体系和人力资源开发的重要组成部分,是培养多样化人才、传承技术技能、促进就业创业的重要途径。
The State vigorously undertakes the development of vocational education, and promotes its reform so as to improve its quality, enhance the adaptability of vocational education, institute and perfect the system of vocational education that meets the needs for development of the socialist market economy and society and conforms to the laws of growth of technical and skilled talents, and provide strong talent and technical support for comprehensively building a modern socialist country. 国家大力发展职业教育,推进职业教育改革,提高职业教育质量,增强职业教育适应性,建立健全适应社会主义市场经济和社会发展需要、符合技术技能人才成长规律的职业教育制度体系,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家提供有力人才和技能支撑。
Article 4 In the provision of vocational education, the leadership of the Communist Party of China ("CPC") shall be adhered to, the path of socialist education shall be adhered to, the state's educational principles shall be implemented, moral and professional education and studying both morality and skills shall be adhered to, the integration of industries and education and the cooperation between schools and enterprises shall be adhered to, an orientation towards the market and the promotion of employment shall be adhered to, an orientation towards practice and strengthening capability shall be adhered to, and an orientation towards people and individualized teaching shall be adhered to.   第四条 职业教育必须坚持中国共产党的领导,坚持社会主义办学方向,贯彻国家的教育方针,坚持立德树人、德技并修,坚持产教融合、校企合作,坚持面向市场、促进就业,坚持面向实践、强化能力,坚持面向人人、因材施教。
In the provision of vocational education, the core socialist values shall be advocated, ideological and political education and the education about professional ethics shall be provided, the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, and craftsmanship shall be cultivated, science, culture, and professional knowledge shall be imparted, technical skills shall be developed, and vocational guidance shall be provided, so as to enhance the qualities of educatees in an all-round way. 实施职业教育应当弘扬社会主义核心价值观,对受教育者进行思想政治教育和职业道德教育,培育劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神,传授科学文化与专业知识,培养技术技能,进行职业指导,全面提高受教育者的素质。
Article 5 Citizens shall have the right to receive vocational education according to the law.   第五条 公民有依法接受职业教育的权利。
Article 6 For vocational education, overall planning by the government, hierarchical management, dependence on local resources, industries' guidance, cooperation between schools and enterprises, and participation of the private sector shall be implemented.   第六条 职业教育实行政府统筹、分级管理、地方为主、行业指导、校企合作、社会参与。
Article 7 The people's governments at various levels shall incorporate the development of vocational education into their national economic and social development plans for holistic arrangement and overall implementation with the promotion of employment, entrepreneurship, and the boosting of the transformation of development mode, the adjustment of industrial structure, and technological optimization and upgrading, among others.   第七条 各级人民政府应当将发展职业教育纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,与促进就业创业和推动发展方式转变、产业结构调整、技术优化升级等整体部署、统筹实施。
Article 8 The State Council shall establish a vocational education work coordination mechanism to overall coordinate the national vocational education work.   第八条 国务院建立职业教育工作协调机制,统筹协调全国职业教育工作。
The education administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for the overall planning, comprehensive coordination and macro-management of vocational education. The education administrative department, the human resources and social security administrative department and other relevant departments of the State Council shall, within their respective functions and responsibilities defined by the State Council, be responsible for the different aspects of vocational education. 国务院教育行政部门负责职业教育工作的统筹规划、综合协调、宏观管理。国务院教育行政部门、人力资源社会保障行政部门和其他有关部门在国务院规定的职责范围内,分别负责有关的职业教育工作。
The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall strengthen leadership to vocational education in their respective administrative areas, specify the responsibilities of the people's governments of districted cities and counties for the specific work of vocational education, overall coordinate the development of vocational education, and organize supervision, guidance and assessment. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当加强对本行政区域内职业教育工作的领导,明确设区的市、县级人民政府职业教育具体工作职责,统筹协调职业教育发展,组织开展督导评估。
The relevant departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen communication and cooperation and jointly advance vocational education work. 县级以上地方人民政府有关部门应当加强沟通配合,共同推进职业教育工作。
Article 9 The state shall encourage the development of multiple levels and forms of vocational education, advance diversified education, and support sectors of society in extensive and equal participation in vocational education.   第九条 国家鼓励发展多种层次和形式的职业教育,推进多元办学,支持社会力量广泛、平等参与职业教育。
The state shall maximize the role of enterprises as important education providers, prompt enterprises to participate in vocational education in depth, and encourage enterprises to provide high-quality vocational education. 国家发挥企业的重要办学主体作用,推动企业深度参与职业教育,鼓励企业举办高质量职业教育。
Relevant industry departments, trade unions, the China Vocational Education Association, and other mass organizations, industry organizations, enterprises, and public institutions shall, in accordance with the law, fulfill their obligations to provide vocational education and participate in, support, or provide vocational education. 有关行业主管部门、工会和中华职业教育社等群团组织、行业组织、企业、事业单位等应当依法履行实施职业教育的义务,参与、支持或者开展职业教育。
Article 10 The state shall adopt measures to vigorously develop technical education and comprehensively improve the qualities of industrial workers.   第十条 国家采取措施,大力发展技工教育,全面提高产业工人素质。
The state shall adopt measures to support vocational education oriented to rural areas, organize agricultural skills training, entrepreneurship and employment training for homecomers, and vocational skills training, and train high-quality talents in rural revitalization. 国家采取措施,支持举办面向农村的职业教育,组织开展农业技能培训、返乡创业就业培训和职业技能培训,培养高素质乡村振兴人才。
The state shall adopt measures to support the development of vocational education in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, remote areas, and underdeveloped areas. 国家采取措施,扶持革命老区、民族地区、边远地区、欠发达地区职业教育的发展。
The state shall adopt measures to arrange for various types of transferred, reemployed and unemployed persons and special groups, among others, to accept various forms of vocational education, and support the development of vocational education for the disabled. 国家采取措施,组织各类转岗、再就业、失业人员以及特殊人群等接受各种形式的职业教育,扶持残疾人职业教育的发展。
The state shall guarantee women's equal right to receive vocational education. 国家保障妇女平等接受职业教育的权利。
Article 11 For the provision of vocational education, education standards or training plans shall be formulated to meet the needs of economic and social development, in light of occupational classification, occupational standards, and occupational development needs, subject to the systems of academic diploma and other academic certificates, training certificates, vocational qualification certificates and vocational skills level certificates.   第十一条 实施职业教育应当根据经济社会发展需要,结合职业分类、职业标准、职业发展需求,制定教育标准或者培训方案,实行学历证书及其他学业证书、培训证书、职业资格证书和职业技能等级证书制度。
The state practices a system whereby workers receive the necessary vocational education prior to employment or assignment. 国家实行劳动者在就业前或者上岗前接受必要的职业教育的制度。
Article 12 The state shall adopt measures to improve the social status and treatment of technical and skilled talents and promote the customs of the era honoring working, cherishing skills, and valuing creation.   第十二条 国家采取措施,提高技术技能人才的社会地位和待遇,弘扬劳动光荣、技能宝贵、创造伟大的时代风尚。
The state commends and awards units and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in vocational education work in accordance with relevant provisions. 国家对在职业教育工作中做出显著成绩的单位和个人按照有关规定给予表彰、奖励。
The second week of May every year shall be the Vocational Education Week. 每年5月的第二周为职业教育活动周。
Article 13 The state shall encourage foreign exchange and cooperation in the field of vocational education, support the introduction of high-quality overseas resources for the development of vocational education, encourage vocational education institutions with good conditions to provide education overseas, and support the various forms of mutual recognition of the results of receiving vocational education.   第十三条 国家鼓励职业教育领域的对外交流与合作,支持引进境外优质资源发展职业教育,鼓励有条件的职业教育机构赴境外办学,支持开展多种形式的职业教育学习成果互认。
Chapter II Vocational Education System 

第二章 职业教育体系

Article 14 The state shall establish and improve a modern vocational education system meeting the needs of economic and social development, deeply integrating industries with education, equally emphasizing vocational school education and vocational training, achieving convertibility between vocational education and regular education, effectively integrating different levels of vocational education, serving the lifelong learning of each person.   第十四条 国家建立健全适应经济社会发展需要,产教深度融合,职业学校教育和职业培训并重,职业教育与普通教育相互融通,不同层次职业教育有效贯通,服务全民终身学习的现代职业教育体系。
The state shall optimize educational structure, scientifically allocate educational resources, and overall advance the coordinated development of vocational education and regular education at different stages after compulsory education based on local conditions. 国家优化教育结构,科学配置教育资源,在义务教育后的不同阶段因地制宜、统筹推进职业教育与普通教育协调发展。
Article 15 Vocational school education shall be divided into secondary and tertiary vocational school education.   第十五条 职业学校教育分为中等职业学校教育、高等职业学校教育。
Secondary vocational school education shall be provided by secondary vocational schools (including technical schools) at the advanced level of secondary education. 中等职业学校教育由高级中等教育层次的中等职业学校(含技工学校)实施。
Tertiary vocational school education shall be provided by tertiary vocational school and regular higher education institutions at or above the levels of junior college education and regular course education. According to the provisions on the structure of tertiary vocational schools, eligible technician colleges shall be classified into the class of tertiary vocational schools. 高等职业学校教育由专科、本科及以上教育层次的高等职业学校和普通高等学校实施。根据高等职业学校设置制度规定,将符合条件的技师学院纳入高等职业学校序列。
Other schools, education institutions, or eligible enterprises and industry organizations may provide corresponding levels of vocational school education or courses for credit included in talent training plans in accordance with the overall planning of education administrative departments. 其他学校、教育机构或者符合条件的企业、行业组织按照教育行政部门的统筹规划,可以实施相应层次的职业学校教育或者提供纳入人才培养方案的学分课程。
Article 16 Vocational training pre-employment training, on-the-job training, re-employment training, and other vocational training, may be provided by grade and class according to actual conditions.   第十六条 职业培训包括就业前培训、在职培训、再就业培训及其他职业性培训,可以根据实际情况分级分类实施。
Vocational training may be provided by the appropriate vocational training institutions and/or vocational schools. 职业培训可以由相应的职业培训机构、职业学校实施。
Other schools or education institutions, enterprises and social organizations may provide various forms of vocational training for the society in accordance with the law according to their capability to provide education and social needs. 其他学校或者教育机构以及企业、社会组织可以根据办学能力、社会需求,依法开展面向社会的、多种形式的职业培训。
Article 17 The state shall establish and improve a mechanism for certification, accumulation and conversion of credits, qualifications and other learning outcomes in various school education and vocational training, and advance the building of a national credit bank for vocational education, so as to promote the convertibility between and mutual recognition of learning outcomes in vocational education and regular education.   第十七条 国家建立健全各级各类学校教育与职业培训学分、资历以及其他学习成果的认证、积累和转换机制,推进职业教育国家学分银行建设,促进职业教育与普通教育的学习成果融通、互认。
Military vocational skill levels shall be incorporated into the national vocational qualification certification and vocational skill level evaluation system. 军队职业技能等级纳入国家职业资格认证和职业技能等级评价体系。
Article 18 Vocational education for the disabled shall be provided by education institutions for the disabled, and in addition, various vocational schools, vocational training institutions and other institutions of education at different levels shall accept disabled students in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state, strengthen the creation of a barrier-free environment for students with disabilities, and provide necessary assistance and convenience for their study and life.   第十八条 残疾人职业教育除由残疾人教育机构实施外,各级各类职业学校和职业培训机构及其他教育机构应当按照国家有关规定接纳残疾学生,并加强无障碍环境建设,为残疾学生学习、生活提供必要的帮助和便利。
The state shall adopt measures to support education institutions for the disabled, vocational schools, vocational training institutions and other education institutions in providing vocational education for the disabled independently or jointly. 国家采取措施,支持残疾人教育机构、职业学校、职业培训机构及其他教育机构开展或者联合开展残疾人职业教育。
Special education teachers engaged in vocational education for the disabled may enjoy special education benefits in accordance with provisions. 从事残疾人职业教育的特殊教育教师按照规定享受特殊教育津贴。
Article 19 The education administrative departments of people's governments at or above the county level shall encourage regular primary and secondary schools and regular higher education institutions to add courses in relation to vocational education as actually needed and offer support, provide vocational enlightenment, vocational awareness, and vocational experience, offer career coaching and labor education, and arrange for and direct vocational schools, vocational training institutions, enterprises and industry organizations, among others, to provide conditions and support.   第十九条 县级以上人民政府教育行政部门应当鼓励和支持普通中小学、普通高等学校,根据实际需要增加职业教育相关教学内容,进行职业启蒙、职业认知、职业体验,开展职业规划指导、劳动教育,并组织、引导职业学校、职业培训机构、企业和行业组织等提供条件和支持。
Chapter III Provision of Vocational Education 

第三章 职业教育的实施

Article 20 The education administrative department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, organize the formulation and revision of a catalog of programs of study in vocational education, improve teaching and other standards for vocational education, and provide macro management of and guidance on the compilation of vocational school textbooks, in order to suit the needs of economic and social development and the characteristics of vocational education.   第二十条 国务院教育行政部门会同有关部门根据经济社会发展需要和职业教育特点,组织制定、修订职业教育专业目录,完善职业教育教学等标准,宏观管理指导职业学校教材建设。
Article 21 The local people's governments at or above the county level shall form or participate in the formation of vocational schools and vocational training institutions that play an exemplary role as the backbone, and provide guidance and support for vocational schools and vocational training institutions formed by sectors of society in accordance with the law.   第二十一条 县级以上地方人民政府应当举办或者参与举办发挥骨干和示范作用的职业学校、职业培训机构,对社会力量依法举办的职业学校和职业培训机构给予指导和扶持。
The state shall adopt measures to vigorously develop emerging programs of study required by industries such as advanced manufacturing and support the construction of high-level vocational schools and programs of study, in order to meet the needs of industry layout and industry development. 国家根据产业布局和行业发展需要,采取措施,大力发展先进制造等产业需要的新兴专业,支持高水平职业学校、专业建设。
The state shall adopt measures to accelerate the training of technical and skilled talents in childcare, nursing, health care and maintenance, housekeeping, and other aspects. 国家采取措施,加快培养托育、护理、康养、家政等方面技术技能人才。
Article 22 The people's governments at the county level may form central schools of vocational education to provide various forms of vocational education and offer practical technical training, so as to meet the needs of county-wide economic and social development.   第二十二条 县级人民政府可以根据县域经济社会发展的需要,设立职业教育中心学校,开展多种形式的职业教育,实施实用技术培训。
Education administrative departments may authorize central schools of vocational education to undertake guidance on education and teaching, education quality evaluation, teacher training and other public management and services in relation to vocational education. 教育行政部门可以委托职业教育中心学校承担教育教学指导、教育质量评价、教师培训等职业教育公共管理和服务工作。
Article 23 An industry department shall strengthen the guidance on vocational education to meet industry demand for talents, and regularly release information on demand for talents.   第二十三条 行业主管部门按照行业、产业人才需求加强对职业教育的指导,定期发布人才需求信息。
Industry departments, trade unions, the China Vocational Education Association, and other mass organizations and industry organizations may, as needed, participate in the formulation of a catalog of programs of study in vocational education and related standards for vocational education, provide forecasts for demand for talents, research on career development, and information consultation, cultivate industry and education integration service organizations matching supply to demand, form vocational schools and vocational training institutions independently or jointly, and organize, coordinate, and guide the formation of vocational schools and vocational training institutions by relevant enterprises, public institutions, and social organizations. 行业主管部门、工会和中华职业教育社等群团组织、行业组织可以根据需要,参与制定职业教育专业目录和相关职业教育标准,开展人才需求预测、职业生涯发展研究及信息咨询,培育供需匹配的产教融合服务组织,举办或者联合举办职业学校、职业培训机构,组织、协调、指导相关企业、事业单位、社会组织举办职业学校、职业培训机构。
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