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Notice by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of Consolidating an Upturn and Redoubling Efforts to Revitalize the Industrial Economy [Effective]
工业和信息化部、国家发展改革委、国务院国资委关于巩固回升向好趋势加力振作工业经济的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of Consolidating an Upturn and Redoubling Efforts to Revitalize the Industrial Economy 


(No. 160 [2022] of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) (工信部联运行〔2022〕160号)

The departments of industry and information technology, development and reform commissions, and state-owned assets supervision and administration commissions of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate state planning, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市、新疆生产建设兵团工业和信息化主管部门、发展改革委、国资委:
The industry sector is the leading actor and engine of economic growth, and revitalizing the industrial economy is a solid support to stabilize the overall economy. For the purposes of thoroughly implementing the guidelines of the 20th CPC National Congress, conscientiously implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for the current economic work, moving faster to promote the effective implementation of a package of policies and continuation policies issued by the State Council to firmly stabilize the economy, consolidating an upturn in the industrial economy, and better playing the role of a “ballast stone” in stabilizing the economy, you are hereby notified of the relevant matters as follows: 工业是经济增长的主体和引擎,振作工业经济是稳住经济大盘的坚实支撑。为深入贯彻党的二十大精神,认真落实党中央、国务院关于当前经济工作的决策部署,加快推动国务院扎实稳住经济一揽子政策和接续政策落地见效,巩固工业经济回升向好趋势,更好发挥稳住经济大盘“压舱石”作用,现将有关事项通知如下。
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, efforts shall be made to thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, adhere to the overarching principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, apply the new development philosophy in full, in the right way, and in all fields of endeavor, move faster to create a new pattern of development, focus on promoting high-quality development, implement the requirements of “containing COVID-19 while stabilizing the economy and keeping development secure,” fulfill the political responsibility for stabilizing the economy, seize the important time window of the current economic recovery, place the stability of the industrial economy in a more prominent position, reinforce the objectives-oriented, problem-oriented, and result-oriented approaches, ensure the fulfillment of primary responsibilities, gather the strength of various parties, center on expanding demands, promoting the circular economy and providing assistance to boost enterprises with steady expectations, keep major economic indicators within an appropriate range in the fourth quarter of 2022, maintain the proportion of the manufacturing sector basically stable, and lay a solid foundation for getting off a steady start in 2023 and accelerating steps to advance the new industrialization. 坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻落实党的二十大精神,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,加快构建新发展格局,着力推动高质量发展,全面落实“疫情要防住、经济要稳住、发展要安全”的要求,扛牢稳住经济大盘的政治责任,抓住当前经济恢复的重要窗口期,把稳住工业经济摆在更加突出位置,强化目标导向、问题导向、结果导向,压实主体责任,集聚各方力量,着力扩需求、促循环、助企业、强动能、稳预期,确保2022年四季度工业经济运行在合理区间,保持制造业比重基本稳定,为2023年实现“开门稳”、加快推进新型工业化打下坚实基础。
— Adhering to focusing on priorities and increasing efforts to improve efficiency. Efforts shall be paid to the close interface between various policies and measures for stabilizing growth that have been issued, maintaining the continuity and stability of policies, increasing efforts in a targeted manner with a focus on the key fields and weak links, and creating the overlapping combination effects of policies to promote the accelerated recovery of the industrial economy. --坚持聚焦重点、加力提效。紧密衔接已出台的各项稳增长政策措施,保持政策的连续性、稳定性,聚焦重点领域和薄弱环节精准加力,形成政策叠加组合效应,推动工业经济加快恢复。
— Adhering to adopting measures suitable to the local conditions and implementing sector-specific policies. Regions with good conditions, especially the industrial provinces, key sectors, and large enterprises, shall strive to complete the expected targets of this year, and play a leading role in stabilizing the national industrial economy; other regions, sectors, and enterprises facing difficulties shall focus on tackling their difficulties and make every effort to stabilize growth. --坚持因地制宜、分业施策。支持有条件的地区特别是工业大省、重点行业和大型企业力争完成全年预期目标,为稳定全国工业经济挑大梁;其他面临困难的地区、行业和企业,要着力攻坚克难,全力以赴稳增长。
— Adhering to staying firmly rooted in the present while looking ahead to the future. Focus shall be put on resolving the outstanding difficulties and problems in the running of the current industrial economy and striving to achieve the best outcome, and a window of opportunity for industrial restructuring shall be seized to fix shortcomings, improve the advantages, and strengthen the foundation so as to promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing sector. --坚持立足当前、兼顾长远。着重解决当前工业经济运行中存在的突出困难和问题,力争取得最好结果,并用好产业结构调整有利时机,补短板、锻长板、强基础,推动制造业高质量发展。
— Adhering to remaining mindful of worst-case scenarios and secure development. Efforts shall be made to better coordinate development and security on an overall basis, effectively prepare plans to cope with various major risks and challenges, practically protect the safety of energy and raw materials and the stability of the supply chain of the key industries, improve the ability to prevent and resolve major risks, and firmly seize the initiative of economic security and development. --坚持底线思维、安全发展。更好统筹发展和安全,做好各类重大风险挑战应对预案,切实保障能源原材料安全和重点产业链供应链稳定,提高防范化解重大风险能力,牢牢把握经济安全和发展主动权。
II. Adopting multiple measures to consolidate the foundation of an upturn in the industrial economy.   二、多措并举,夯实工业经济回稳基础
The focus shall be put on the implementation of policies in the consolidation of an upturn in the industrial economy. Systematic concepts and comprehensive measures shall be adhered to, and the outstanding issues facing the industrial economy shall be effectively addressed through powerful policies and measures, so as to keep major economic indicators within an appropriate range. 巩固工业经济回升向好趋势,着力点在政策落实。要坚持系统观念、综合施策,以有力政策举措有效解决面临的突出问题,确保工业经济运行在合理区间。
(1) Moving faster to advance the construction of major projects to form a physical workload. Policy tools, such as policy-based development financial tools, re-loans and interest subsidies for upgrading and transformation of equipment, medium and long-term loans issued to the manufacturing sector, shall be effectively leveraged to accelerate the construction of major projects proposed in relevant “14th Five-Year” plans and major projects in various regions, and efforts shall be coordinated to guarantee land, energy and other elements in a bid to commence the construction of projects and achieve results as soon as possible. The Guidelines for Industrial Enterprises' Investment in Technology Retrofits and Upgrading shall be revised, and the guiding plan for the technology retrofits and upgrading of industrial enterprises shall be implemented so as to guide enterprises in a new round of investment in technology retrofits and equipment upgrading. Government investment funds shall be promoted in implementing national strategies and expanding project investments. (一)加快推动重大项目建设形成实物工作量。用好政策性开发性金融工具、设备更新改造再贷款和贴息、制造业中长期贷款等政策工具,加快“十四五”相关规划重大工程项目和各地区重大项目建设,协同做好用地、用能等要素保障,力争早开工、早见效。修订《工业企业技术改造升级投资指南》,实施工业企业技术改造升级导向计划,引导企业开展新一轮技术改造和设备更新投资。推动政府投资基金落实国家战略,扩大项目投资。
(2) Tapping the market potential to expand consumer demands. Consumption of vehicles shall be further expanded. Preferential policies, such as reducing by half the vehicle acquisition tax on passenger vehicles with an engine displacement of 2.0 liters or less and the continued exemption of new energy vehicles from vehicle acquisition tax shall be effectively implemented. A pilot program of electric vehicles in the complete urban public transport system shall be launched. Steps shall be accelerated to enhance the popular appeal of cruises and yachts, and vessels engaged on inland waterways shall be upgraded to become eco-friendlier and smarter. A series of nationwide campaigns for “enhancing the cultivation of fine varieties, improving quality and creating brands” for consumer goods shall be continuously conducted, the establishment of demonstration cities of the strategy for “enhancing the cultivation of fine varieties, improving quality and creating brands” shall be expedited, the introduction of home appliances into rural areas and the replacement of old appliances with new purchases shall be boosted, and the cultivation of “hundreds of enterprises and thousands of products” shall be organized to create a batch of Chinese consumer goods. The campaign for “enhancing the cultivation of fine varieties, improving quality and creating brands” for raw materials shall be implemented, and local authorities shall be guided in the introduction of green building materials into rural areas. A series of activities related to information consumption plus rural revitalization, the online economy shall be properly developed, e-commerce platforms and offline retailers shall be guided in carrying out promotional activities, and the release of consumption potentials shall be advanced. (二)深挖市场潜能扩大消费需求。进一步扩大汽车消费,落实好2.0升及以下排量乘用车阶段性减半征收购置税、新能源汽车免征购置税延续等优惠政策,启动公共领域车辆全面电动化城市试点。加快邮轮游艇大众化发展,推动内河船舶绿色智能升级。持续开展消费品“三品”全国行系列活动,加快创建“三品”战略示范城市创建,开展家电下乡和以旧换新活动,组织“百企千品”培优工程,打造中国消费名品方阵。实施原材料“三品”行动,指导地方开展绿色建材下乡活动。开展信息消费+乡村振兴系列活动,规范发展线上经济,引导电商平台和线下零售商开展促销活动,推动释放消费潜力。
(3) Stabilizing the export of industrial products. The stability of industry chains in foreign trade shall be ensured. Local authorities shall be guided in establishing a service guarantee system for key foreign trade enterprises, and the difficulties of foreign trade enterprises shall be resolved promptly and their production, logistics, employment, and so forth shall be guaranteed. The efficiency of collection and distribution at ports and domestic transportation shall be improved to ensure the rapid transshipment and transportation of imported and exported goods. The policies and measures for stabilizing foreign trade shall be effectively implemented, support shall be further stepped up for export credit insurance, and credit supply for foreign trade shall be effectively ensured. Steps shall be accelerated to advance the transportation of new energy vehicles and power batteries through the China-Europe Railway Express, and the development of cross-border e-commerce, overseas warehouses, and other new forms of foreign trade shall be supported. All local authorities shall be prompted to support small and medium-sized enterprises' participation in overseas exhibitions for expanding orders by actively utilizing special funds for foreign trade and economic development and other existing channels. Efforts shall be made to make a success of the online exhibition of the 132nd China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair), expand the scope of exhibitors, extend the time of online display, and further improve the effectiveness of transactions. (三)稳定工业产品出口。确保外贸产业链稳定,指导各地建立重点外贸企业服务保障制度,及时解决外贸企业的困难问题,在生产、物流、用工等方面予以保障。提升港口集疏运和境内运输效率,确保进出口货物快转快运。落实好稳外贸政策措施,进一步加大出口信用保险支持力度,抓实抓好外贸信贷投放。加快推动通过中欧班列运输新能源汽车和动力电池,支持跨境电商、海外仓等外贸新业态发展。推动各地积极利用外经贸发展专项资金等现有渠道,支持中小微企业参加境外展会扩大订单。办好第132届中国进出口商品交易会(广交会)线上展,扩大参展企业范围,延长线上展示时间,进一步提高成交实效。
(4) Enhancing the resilience and security levels of industry chains and supply chains. Local authorities shall strictly implement the requirements for “nine prohibitions” in epidemic prevention and control, guide enterprises in establishing their closed-loop production schemes and emergency response plans, and effectively conduct the work related to production material reserves, the resumption of work of employees, and the supply of life and epidemic prevention supplies, so as to guarantee the smooth flow of persons and logistics. A coordination mechanism for regularly stabilizing industry chains and supply chains in response to major emergencies shall be established, and with a focus on the key regions, key industries, and key enterprises, the interaction across regions and between upstream and downstream shall be strengthened, and leading enterprises and key nodes-related enterprises shall be helped to remove impediments and constraints on a “point-to-point” basis or on “one-to-one” basis so as to ensure the steady production of key enterprises and the stable and smooth running of the key industry chains and supply chains. Projects for rebuilding the industrial foundation shall be further conducted, the supply guarantees and collaborative reserves of key raw materials, key software, and core basic parts and components shall be strengthened, and the promotion and application of automotive chips, technological breakthroughs, and capacity enhancement, etc. shall be advanced on an overall basis so as to further expand the supply channels. The role of the inter-ministerial coordination mechanism for securing coal, electricity, oil, gas, and transportation shall be maximized, the overall coordination of resources shall be strengthened, emergency response plans for energy supply shall be prepared, and local authorities shall be guided in optimizing the measures for the orderly use of electricity to ensure the security of power and coal supply during the peak periods of winter and meet the reasonable energy demands for the industrial development. (四)提升产业链供应链韧性和安全水平。各地要严格执行疫情防控“九不准”要求,指导企业建立闭环生产方案和应急处置预案,做好生产物资储备、员工到岗、生活和防疫物资供应相关工作,保障人流、物流畅通。建立应对重大突发事件冲击常态化稳定产业链供应链协调机制,聚焦重点区域、重点行业、重点企业,加强区域间、上下游联动,“点对点”、“一对一”帮助龙头企业和关键节点企业解决堵点卡点问题,保障重点企业稳定生产、重点产业链供应链稳定畅通。深入实施产业基础再造工程,加强关键原材料、关键软件、核心基础零部件、元器件供应保障和协同储备,统筹推动汽车芯片推广应用、技术攻关、产能提升等工作,进一步拓展供应渠道。充分发挥煤电油气运保障工作部际协调机制作用,加强资源统筹协调,制定能源保供应急预案,指导地方优化有序用电措施,保障迎峰度冬电力电煤供应安全,满足工业发展合理用能需求。
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