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Regulation on the Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS [Revised]
艾滋病防治条例 [已被修订]
Order of the State Council
The Regulation on the Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS, which was adopted at the 122nd executive meeting of the State Council on January 18, 2006, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of March 1st, 2006.
Premier: Wen Jiabao
January 29, 2006
Regulation on the Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS


总理 温家宝


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 The present Regulation is formulated in accordance with the Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Epidemic Diseases for the purpose of preventing and controlling the occurrence and spread of HIV/AIDS, and ensuring physical health and public health.
   第一条 为了预防、控制艾滋病的发生与流行,保障人体健康和公共卫生,根据传染病防治法,制定本条例。
Article 2 The guidelines of laying emphasis on prevention, and combining prevention with treatment shall be adhered to for the work of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and the mechanism of organization and guidance by government with each department performing its own functions respectively, and the common participation of the whole society shall be established. Publicity and education shall be strengthened. And such measures as behavioral interventions and care and support shall be adopted to implement comprehensive prevention and treatment.
   第二条 艾滋病防治工作坚持预防为主、防治结合的方针,建立政府组织领导、部门各负其责、全社会共同参与的机制,加强宣传教育,采取行为干预和关怀救助等措施,实行综合防治。
Article 3 No entity or individual may discriminate against people infected with HIV, AIDS sufferers, and their family members. The lawful rights and interests enjoyed by the people infected with HIV, AIDS sufferers, and their family members in marriage, employment, medical treatment, and education shall be protected by law.
   第三条 任何单位和个人不得歧视艾滋病病毒感染者、艾滋病病人及其家属。艾滋病病毒感染者、艾滋病病人及其家属享有的婚姻、就业、就医、入学等合法权益受法律保护。
Article 4 The people's governments at or above the county level shall give guidance to the work for prevention and treatment uniformly, establish and perfect coordinated mechanism for the work of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment and work responsibility system, and make examination and supervision on the work for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment undertaken by the relevant departments.
The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment and the supervision and administration thereof according to their divisions of functions.
   第四条 县级以上人民政府统一领导艾滋病防治工作,建立健全艾滋病防治工作协调机制和工作责任制,对有关部门承担的艾滋病防治工作进行考核、监督。
Article 5 The competent department of health of the State Council shall formulate national planning for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment together with the other relevant departments of the State Council. The local people's governments at or above the county level shall, according to the provisions of the present Regulation and the national planning for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, formulate and organize the implementation of the action plan for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment within their own administrative regions.
   第五条 国务院卫生主管部门会同国务院其他有关部门制定国家艾滋病防治规划;县级以上地方人民政府依照本条例规定和国家艾滋病防治规划,制定并组织实施本行政区域的艾滋病防治行动计划。
Article 6 The state encourages and supports trade unions, communist youth leagues, women's federations, and the Red Cross, and other organizations to assist the people's governments at all levels to carry out the work for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
The residents' committees and the villagers' committees shall assist the local people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments of the governments to carry out publicity and education on relevant laws, regulations, policies, and knowledge for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, develop the public welfare undertakings in respect of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and do a good job for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
   第六条 国家鼓励和支持工会、共产主义青年团、妇女联合会、红十字会等团体协助各级人民政府开展艾滋病防治工作。
Article 7 The people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments of the governments shall take measures to encourage and support the relevant organizations and individuals to participate in the work for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment in accordance with the provisions of the present Regulation and the requirements of the national planning for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment and the action plan for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and make donations on the work for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and conduct behavioral interventions on the group of people with risky behaviors of HIV infection, and provide care and support to the people infected with HIV, AIDS sufferers, and their family members.
   第七条 各级人民政府和政府有关部门应当采取措施,鼓励和支持有关组织和个人依照本条例规定以及国家艾滋病防治规划和艾滋病防治行动计划的要求,参与艾滋病防治工作,对艾滋病防治工作提供捐赠,对有易感染艾滋病病毒危险行为的人群进行行为干预,对艾滋病病毒感染者、艾滋病病人及其家属提供关怀和救助。
Article 8 The state encourages and supports the carrying out of scientific research relating to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of HIV/AIDS to improve the scientific and technical level for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, encourages and supports the carrying out of clinical treatment and research on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment through traditional medicines and through combining traditional medicines and modern medicines.
The state encourages and supports the carrying out of international cooperation and exchange on the work for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
   第八条 国家鼓励和支持开展与艾滋病预防、诊断、治疗等有关的科学研究,提高艾滋病防治的科学技术水平;鼓励和支持开展传统医药以及传统医药与现代医药相结合防治艾滋病的临床治疗与研究。
Article 9 The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall give commendation and awards to the entities and individuals who have made great achievements in and contributions to the work for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
Anyone who suffers from AIDS, loses labor capacity, or dies of HIV infection due to his participation in the work for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment or execution of public affairs shall be given subsidy or preferential treatment.
   第九条 县级以上人民政府和政府有关部门对在艾滋病防治工作中做出显著成绩和贡献的单位和个人,给予表彰和奖励。
Chapter II Publicity and Education

第二章 宣传教育

Article 10 The local people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments of the governments shall organize to carry out publicity and education on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and care and anti-discrimination on people infected with HIV, AIDS sufferers, and their family members, advocate health and civilized ways of living, and create a better social environment for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
   第十条 地方各级人民政府和政府有关部门应当组织开展艾滋病防治以及关怀和不歧视艾滋病病毒感染者、艾滋病病人及其家属的宣传教育,提倡健康文明的生活方式,营造良好的艾滋病防治的社会环境。
Article 11 The local people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments of the governments shall set up fixed billboards for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment or post public welfare advertisements on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, or organize to distribute publicity materials for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment at stations, wharfs, airports, parks, and other public places, and the eye-catching places of passenger trains and vessels undertaking passenger transport, and other public means of transport.
   第十一条 地方各级人民政府和政府有关部门应当在车站、码头、机场、公园等公共场所以及旅客列车和从事旅客运输的船舶等公共交通工具显著位置,设置固定的艾滋病防治广告牌或者张贴艾滋病防治公益广告,组织发放艾滋病防治宣传材料。
Article 12 The competent departments of health of the people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the work for publicity and education on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and render technical support to the relevant departments, organizations and individuals that carry out the work for the publicity and education on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
Medical institutions shall organize their staff members to study the relevant laws, regulations, policies, and knowledge on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. Medical personnel shall carry out publicity and education on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment to the patients when carrying out counseling, diagnosis, and treatment of AIDS, venereal diseases, and other relevant diseases.
   第十二条 县级以上人民政府卫生主管部门应当加强艾滋病防治的宣传教育工作,对有关部门、组织和个人开展艾滋病防治的宣传教育工作提供技术支持。
Article 13 The competent departments of education of the people's governments at or above the county level shall give guidance and urge higher education institutions, secondary vocational schools, and regular secondary schools to bring the knowledge on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment into the relevant curriculum, and carry out the relevant after-school educational activities.
Higher education institutions, secondary vocational schools, and regular secondary schools shall organize their students to study the knowledge on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
   第十三条 县级以上人民政府教育主管部门应当指导、督促高等院校、中等职业学校和普通中学将艾滋病防治知识纳入有关课程,开展有关课外教育活动。
Article 14 The competent departments of population and family planning of the people's governments at or above the county level shall organize the carrying out of publicity and education on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment by making use of the network for publicity and technical service of family planning.
The family planning technical service institutions shall carry out publicity and education on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment when providing technical services on family planning and reproductive health service to people of child-bearing age.
   第十四条 县级以上人民政府人口和计划生育主管部门应当利用计划生育宣传和技术服务网络,组织开展艾滋病防治的宣传教育。
Article 15 The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level and the institutions undertaking intermediary labor services shall strengthen publicity and education of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment on migrant workers.
   第十五条 县级以上人民政府有关部门和从事劳务中介服务的机构,应当对进城务工人员加强艾滋病防治的宣传教育。
Article 16 The entry-exit inspection and quarantine organs shall strengthen the work for publicity and education on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment at the entry ports, and provide pertinent HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment counseling and guidance to the entry-exit personnel.
   第十六条 出入境检验检疫机构应当在出入境口岸加强艾滋病防治的宣传教育工作,对出入境人员有针对性地提供艾滋病防治咨询和指导。
Article 17 The state encourages and supports the women's federations and the Red Cross to carry out publicity and education on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and bring the publicity and education on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment into the contents of work for women and children, so as to improve the consciousness and ability of women for HIV/AIDS prevention, and organize the members of the Red Cross and the volunteers thereof to carry out publicity and education on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
   第十七条 国家鼓励和支持妇女联合会、红十字会开展艾滋病防治的宣传教育,将艾滋病防治的宣传教育纳入妇女儿童工作内容,提高妇女预防艾滋病的意识和能力,组织红十字会会员和红十字会志愿者开展艾滋病防治的宣传教育。
Article 18 The local people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments of the governments shall take measures to encourage and support the relevant organizations and individuals to carry out HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment counseling, guidance, and publicity and education for the group of people with risky behaviors of HIV infection.
   第十八条 地方各级人民政府和政府有关部门应当采取措施,鼓励和支持有关组织和个人对有易感染艾滋病病毒危险行为的人群开展艾滋病防治的咨询、指导和宣传教育。
Article 19 Radios, televisions, newspapers and periodicals, and internets, and other news media shall carry out public welfare publicity on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
   第十九条 广播、电视、报刊、互联网等新闻媒体应当开展艾滋病防治的公益宣传。
Article 20 Any organ, public organization, enterprise or institution, or individual economic organization shall organize the practitioners of its own entity to study the relevant laws, regulations, policies, and knowledge on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and support the practitioners of its own entity to participate in the activities of publicity and education on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
   第二十条 机关、团体、企业事业单位、个体经济组织应当组织本单位从业人员学习有关艾滋病防治的法律、法规、政策和知识,支持本单位从业人员参与艾滋病防治的宣传教育活动。
Article 21 The local people's governments at or above the county level shall open telephone counseling service for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment at medical institutions, so as to provide the general public with counseling service and guidance for HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
   第二十一条 县级以上地方人民政府应当在医疗卫生机构开通艾滋病防治咨询服务电话,向公众提供艾滋病防治咨询服务和指导。
Chapter III Prevention and Control

第三章 预防与控制

Article 22 The state shall establish and perfect HIV/AIDS monitoring network.
The competent department of health of the State Council shall formulate national HIV/AIDS monitoring planning and scheme. The competent department of health of the people's government at a province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government shall, according to the national HIV/AIDS monitoring planning and scheme, formulate HIV/AIDS monitoring plan and work scheme for its own administrative region, and organize to carry out HIV/AIDS monitoring and special subject investigations, so as to master the change of HIV/AIDS epidemic situation and epidemic trend.
The disease prevention and control organs shall be responsible for carrying out monitoring on the occurrence and spread of HIV/AIDS and the factors affecting its occurrence and spread.
The entry-exit inspection and quarantine organs shall be responsible for making HIV/AIDS monitoring on entry-exit personnel, and report the monitoring result to the competent departments of health in a timely manner.
   第二十二条 国家建立健全艾滋病监测网络。
Article 23 The state shall implement HIV voluntary counseling and testing system.
The medical institutions designated by the competent departments of health of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the measures for HIV voluntary counseling and testing formulated by the competent department of health of the State Council together with other relevant departments of the State Council, provide free counseling and preliminary screening on those who accept HIV counseling and testing voluntarily.
   第二十三条 国家实行艾滋病自愿咨询和自愿检测制度。
Article 24 The competent department of health of the State Council may, together with other relevant departments of the State Council, prescribe the circumstances under which the HIV testing shall be conducted upon the need for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS.
   第二十四条 国务院卫生主管部门会同国务院其他有关部门根据预防、控制艾滋病的需要,可以规定应当进行艾滋病检测的情形。
Article 25 The competent department of health of the people's governments at or above the provincial level shall, according to the arrangement of medical institutions and the spread of HIV/AIDS, determine the laboratories undertaking the work for HIV testing according to the relevant state provisions.
The entry-exit inspection and quarantine organs of the state shall determine the laboratories undertaking the work for HIV testing on entry-exit personnel in accordance with the standards and criterions prescribed by the competent department of health of the State Council.
   第二十五条 省级以上人民政府卫生主管部门根据医疗卫生机构布局和艾滋病流行情况,按照国家有关规定确定承担艾滋病检测工作的实验室。
Article 26 The local people's governments at or above the county level and the relevant departments of the governments shall, in accordance with the provisions of the present Regulation, and on the basis of the spread of HIV/AIDS in their own administrative regions, formulate measures to encourage and support the residents' committees or the villagers' committees and other relevant organizations and individuals to popularize behavioral intervention measures for HIV/AIDS prevention, so as to assist the group of people with risky behaviors of HIV infection to change their behaviors.
   第二十六条 县级以上地方人民政府和政府有关部门应当依照本条例规定,根据本行政区域艾滋病的流行情况,制定措施,鼓励和支持居民委员会、村民委员会以及其他有关组织和个人推广预防艾滋病的行为干预措施,帮助有易感染艾滋病病毒危险行为的人群改变行为。

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